初中人教版新目标英语八年级上册精品课件Unit2 Section A2.ppt

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1、Unit 2 Whats the matter?,Section A Period Two,Objectives,To learn to talk about your health and give advice To learn to understand and use have for talking about health problems and modal should/shouldnt for giving advice,Review,Words and expressions,Read the words and expressions loudly.,Words prev

2、iew,ago so illness advice,以前 如此;这样 疾病;身体不适 劝告;忠告;建议,A: Whats the matter? B: I have a _. A: You should _. You shouldnt _.,stomachache,lie down and have a rest,eat anything for two hours,Review,A: Whats the matter? B: I have a _. A: You should_. You shouldnt_.,fever,drink lots of water and go to bed,g

3、o out and exercise,Jim,A: Whats the matter? B: I have a _. A: You should_. You shouldnt _.,stomachache,lie down and have a rest,eat anything for two hours,Make an interview,A: Do you usually help your friends? B: Yes/No. A: What should you do when your friends are ill? B: ,3a,Fill in the blanks.,col

4、d,two days,get some rest,3b,Practice the conversation from 3a. Then use the picture blow to make new conversations.,A: _? B: Im not feeling well. I have a sore throat. A: _? B: About 3 days _. A: Oh, thats too bad. You _ _some hot tea _honey. B: Yes, I think so. A: I _you _soon.,Whats the matter,Whe

5、n did it start,ago,drink,with,feel better,hope,should,Miming Game,4,One student mimes an illness. The other students guess the illness and give advice.,Come and show us,Useful sentences:,Whats the matter? Im not feeling well. Do you have a ? Yes./No. I think I have a Maybe you should_. You shouldnt

6、_. Thats a good idea. I hope youll feel better soon.,两个学生一组表演。,以朋友或医生的身份对别人表示关心和提建议。,Discussion,3,How to keep healthy? 用 should / shouldnt 讨论。,Look after yourself and keep healthy.,Tips for teacher,Let the word fly 板块是帮助学生学 习一些一词多义、熟词生意的词汇。 通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见词 的用法、意思有一个透彻的了解。,1. He gets first prize in

7、the listening contest. 他得到听力比赛第一名。,Let the word fly,get,试着翻译下面的英文,注意单词get的用法。,2. I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。 3. The police got the thief. 警察捉住了贼。 4. I didnt get any answer from him. 我没有收到他的回信。 5. Ill get you something to eat. 我将给你弄点吃的。 6. Can you get the machine runnin

8、g? 你能把这机器发动起来吗?,7. Could you get me Hong Kong, please. 请给我接通香港。 8. We can get 18 channels on TV. 我们可以收看到十八个频道的电视节 目。 9. Dont get me wrong. 不要误会我的意思。 10. I got him to stay for the night. 我说服他留下过夜。,11. We must get the rock out of the path. 我们必须把石头从路上搬走。 12. He finally got the answer to the algebra pro

9、blem. 他终于算出了这道代数题的答案。 13. We must get the ten oclock plane. 我们一定要赶上十点的飞机。 14. Everyone in our room got the flu. 我们房间里的所有人都患了流感。,1) Where did you get that skirt? 2) Go and get your breakfast. 3) I got a lot from the story. 4) Get John a drink.,buy,eat,learned,bring,请试着用英语解释划线的单词。,5) Every day we get

10、a lot of homework to do. 6) Li Ming doesnt study hard, so he often gets low marks in test. 7) You should get your friends to help you. 8) Dad has gone to Hong Kong. He got there last night.,have,receives,ask,arrived,万能词get用法小结,get 得到,获得; 带来; 受到; 接收到; 买; 达到; 患上; 与(某人)通电话; 处于; 使(某事)发生,使完成(某事);开始; 抵达;

11、接(电话),应(门); 抓住,捉住,逮住; 理解,明白,Do you know?,Gives as good as one gets. 2. The car will find its way round the hill when it gets there.,Can you get the meaning of each sentence?,一报还一报。(以德报德,以怨抱怨),车到山前必有路。,3. Harm set, harm get. 4. He who makes constant complaint gets little compassion. 5. Its easier to

12、get money than to keep it.,害人害己。,挣钱容易攒钱难。,经常诉苦,没人同情。,活学活用,从上面给出的例句中我们可以看到get这个词的含义非常丰富。请根据以上例句,选择两到三个get的不同含义进行造句。,课时重点回顾,Review,Whats the matter? Im not feeling well. I have When did it start? About ago. Whats the matter? Do you have a sore throat? I hope you feel better soon.,Quiz,Translate and wr

13、ite them down.,- 你怎么了? - 我感觉不舒服,我头疼。 - 什么时候开始的? - 大约两小时以前。,Whats the matter? Im not feeling well. I have a headache. When did it start? About two hours ago.,你的嗓子疼吗? Do you have a sore throat? 你最好每天喝些牛奶。 Youd better drink some milk every day. 我妈妈说我晚饭应该少吃肉。 My mom said that I should eat less meat for dinner.,Preview,What problems do the students have? What do they should do and shouldnt do?,Homework,Jim is ill, you call him. Make the dialogue to show your care.,Thank you.,


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