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1、海口市小学英语毕业考试备课会,海口市小学英语毕业考试备课会,考试是一项需要进行准备的活动,因为考试往往是决定性的,所以,开展备考复习教学是必需的。 科学合理的备考复习教学有助于培养学生的综合素质和语言运用能力,但不科学的备考复习教学则会把整个教学导入一个死胡同。现在小学英语教学在很大程度上就是受到不科学的复习备考教学而误导,以至于小学英语教学无法培养学生的运用能力。所以,小学英语教师必须掌握科学的备考复习教学方法。 一般而言,考试的不同题型有着不同的能力指向,能力要求,在此基础上提出复习备考教学的方法。,1海口市小学英语毕业考试模拟试题,时间:40分钟 满分:60分 得分: 、选出不同类的单词

2、,请将序号填入题前的括号内。(每小题1分,共5分) ( )1.A. cake B. blackboard C. ruler ( )2. A. Chinese B.America C. England ( )3. A. summer B. hot C. winter ( )4. A.Tuesday B. June C. April ( )5. A.hand B. head C. food 选出不同类的单词,请将序号填入题前的括号内题型的能力指向分析与教学建议,This part is to check the pupils master their vocabulary. Mostly are

3、nouns of daily uses, animals , weekdays, month seasons, parts of the human body, toys food, 交通工具、地方与建筑、家具及室内设施、水果、服装、国家、drinks ,etc. Sometimes we also check their adjective, verb. 基于以上分析,选出不同类的单词复习教学应该做到:based on the vocabulary we given. 考查的就是学生运用基本词汇的基本词义的能力,不是考查“难、繁、偏、旧”词汇义,、根据句子的意思,选择正确的图片。请将正确答案

4、的标号填入题前括号内。(每小题1分,共5分),( )1.There is a girl standing under the tree. ( )2. There is a ship under the bridge. ( )3. The dog is helping the blind man. ( )4. You shouldnt play in the middle of the road. ( )5. We are doing morning exercises. 题型的能力指向分析与教学建议,复习教学应该做到: There is /are structure , be going to

5、 , the use of preposition, continuous action of someone 、单项选择。请将正确答案的标号写在题前的括号内。(每小题1分,共15分) ( )1.Sanya is in _ south of China. A. a B. an C. the ( )2. Pass _this book, please. A. I B. me C. my ( )3.It is _ in autumn in Hainan. A. hot B. cold C. cool ( )4. -Is Daming going to London next week? -_. A

6、. No, he doesnt. B. No, he isnt C. No,he cant. ( )5. I have a dog. _ name is Bobo. A. Its B. It C. Its,( )6. There is _ water in the bottle. A. some B. any C. a ( )7 You _walk in the the road. It is dangerous. A. shouldnt B. should C. can ( )8.Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday, _hegot a s

7、tomachache. A. and B. because C. so ( )9. Did he _ to go school yesterday? Yes, he did. A. went B. go C. goes ( )10. - _it be windy in Beijing? -Yes, it will. A. Can B.Is C.Will ( )11. It is dark in the room. Youd better _the light. A.turn on B.turn off C. put on. ( )12. I _ a letter to my father no

8、w A. write B. wrote C. am writing,( )13. Have you got a pen? Yes, I _ . A. am B. do C. have ( )14 -Excuse me. Where is the park, please? - Go straight _. A.in B. on C. at ( )Lets go to the supermarket, Lingling. We _ food _ our picnic. A. have. for B. need.to C.needfor.,题型的能力指向分析与教学建议 第三大题单项选择题的出题理念

9、和要求侧重考查学生的基本语法。这基本语法应该是适合小学生的年龄特点,与新课标的要求是相符的。 建议培养学生运用基本语句结构,我们在英语教学中,不应该、也不必要去教授难的语法项目、难词、结构和词语的很少运用的用法等.主要用于考察语句结构的准确性表达能力.应该重点培养学生运用常用词汇、常用结构进行准确、全面表达的能力,这是考试的要求。,、选择方框内的单词或词组完成下列句子。每个只限用一次。(每小题1分,共5分) teacher weekends blind playground bigger He cant see. He is _ . My mother is a _. She teaches

10、in a school. Elephant is _ than tiger. Ill play with my friends at the _. Tom often plays football on the_. 题型的能力指向分析与教学建议,Everday English. and common words which we use in our life. Attention should be paid to the example. Example: John reads English every day. His English is good. My mother works

11、in a hospital. She is a doctor.,、从右栏中选出左栏的答语,并将其标号填入题前括号内。(每小题2分,共10分)At six oclock. Green. I went to the park. You can take the No.5 bus to get there. Its my brothers. ( )1. What is your favourite colour? ( )2. What time do you get up? ( )3. How can I get to the park? ( )4. Whose bike is it? ( )5.

12、Where did you go yesterday?,A. At six oclock. B. Green. C. I went to the park. D. You can take the No.5 bus to get there. E. Its my brothers.,题型的能力指向分析与教学建议 出题理念和要求侧重考查学生的特殊问句。What, who, where , whose ,what time, whose, how ,etc 的用法。 、情景交际。根据对话的内容,选择方框内句子完成下列对话。每个句子只能使用一次。(每小题2分,共10分) Sam, what are

13、you doing there? B: Be quiet. _1_. Do you need my help? B: _2_. A: No problem. B: _3_ After a while(过了一会儿) B: Mum, happy birthday. _4_ . Mum: Oh, _5_! I like it very much, Sam,A. Ill give my mum a big surprise. B. It is great C. Yes, please. Can you help me clean the bowl? D. I am making a birthday

14、cake for my mum. E. I hope you like this cake.,情景交际题型的能力指向分析与教学建议 Topic like shopping, asking way, go for a picnic, birthday party, like and dislike,etc. 、阅读下列小短文,并根据其内容,判断句子的正和误。正确的在题前括号内填“T”,错误的填“F”。(每小题2分,共10分) Mike is a twelve years old boy. He is from London. His father, Mr. Brown works in a ho

15、spital in Beijing. Mike has a sister . Her name is Amy. She is two years older than Mike,It is Sunday today. Mikes family is at home. Mr,. Brown is reading newspaper. Mrs. Brown is making the breakfast. Mike is cleaning his bike. Where is Amy? She is helping her mother to buy some bread. What a happ

16、y family! ( ) Browns family is in London now. ( ) Mike is younger than Amy. ( ) Yesterday was Sunday. ( ) Mikes mother is reading newspaper now. ( ) Mrs. Brown is making the bread.,阅读理解题型的能力指向分析与备考复习教学建议 阅读是中国人运用英语考试的最主要形态,所以也是目前各种英语试题中分值最大的题型。阅读之后一般做True or false题,但需要理解,会思考一些问题。 阅读试题要求考生能读一般性话题的简短文

17、章,作出简单判断的基本阅读理解能力。 基于这些能力要求,阅读备考复习教学应该按照以下要求进行: (1)培养学生的基本阅读能力,不要只是读教材上的内容,还要求阅读不少于20篇阅读材料。,Module 4 There will be a school trip next Friday. Janet is going to the zoo with her classmates. She is going to see the biggest animals on land. Its nose is the longest of all the animals. Its ears are bigge

18、st than other animals. She wants to ride on it one day. But her good friend Sally wants to see the tallest animals in the zoo. Its four legs are the longest than other animals. It also has the longest neck. It can eat the leaves on a tall tree. She wants to give some nice grass to her favorite anima

19、l. But teacher tells them not to feed animals or take photos in the zoo. ( ) 1. When will Janet and her classmates have a school trip? A. They will have the trip on Friday. B. They will have the trip next Friday. ( ) 2. Where are Janet and her classmate going? A. They are going to the zoo. B. They a

20、re going to the park. ( ) 3. Whats Janets favorite animal? A. Janet likes the elephants best. B. Janet likes the panda best.,( ) 4. Whats the tallest animal in the zoo? A. The elephant is the tallest animal in the zoo. B. The giraffe is the tallest animal in the zoo. ( ) 5. What does Sally want to d

21、o with her favorite animal? A. She wants to take photos with it. B. She wants to feed it with nice grass. Do you like pandas? Pandas are black and white. They are very beautiful. They are members of cat family. Usually an adult (成年的) panda weighs more than 100 kilos. Its about 1.5 to 1.8 meters tall

22、. Pandas like eating the leaves of bamboo. Every a panda can eat 10 to 18 kilos of bamboo. They often eat for about twelve hours a day to get enough food. When they are very hungry they will eat small animals. Pandas can walk, run and climb tree. 1. How heavy is an adult panda? An adult panda _ over

23、 100_. 2. What do pandas like eating? Pandas like eating the _ of _. 3. How much does an adult panda eat every day? An adult panda eats near _ _ food.,4. How tall is an adult panda? An adult panda often taller than _ _. 5. What can pandas do? Panda can _ _ like a cat. 作文 My favourite animal (从动物的外貌特

24、长等方面进行描述) Module 5 Breakfast or lunch It is Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. This Sunday , I get up very late . I look out of the window . It is dark outside . I think its going to rain again. Then the telephone rings . It is my aunt Lucy . “ I am co

25、ming to see you .” “But I still have breakfast.” “What are you doing ?” “I am having breakfast. “ “Dear me , Do you always get up so late ?Its one oclock.” 1. Does he always get up early on Sunday ? 2. Does he get up late this Sunday ? 3. Who telephones then ? 4. Is his aunt very surprised ?,Module

26、6 Funny Holiday Ben : Hello, David. Tomorrow I am going to sunny Australia! Its so warm there. I can swim all day. David: But its winter time. Ben : When its winter in China, its summer in Australia. Where are you going on holiday? David : I am going to Russia. Its winter there. I can skate. Ben : D

27、o you have warm clothes ? David : Of course! I have winter coat and some new nice skates too. Ben : I have a bathing suit(泳衣) and sunglasses. How do I look ? David: Cool! Time to go . See you ! Ben : See you ! ( After they get to the place, they find something wrong.) Ben : Oh, my god. Where are my bathing suit and sunglasses? David: Oh, no. This is not my suitcase(旅行箱).How can I skate with a bathing suit?,一、根据对话内容判断下列句子是否与其一致,如一致请在括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。 ( ) 1. Ben is going to Australia on holiday. ( ) 2. Ben likes swimming very much. ( ) 3. David would like to skate in Canada.,


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