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1、1,插式分流/集流閥,2,Flow Divider/Combiner Valve Options,Cavity,T-31A (1) FSBD-* FSBA-* FSBS-* - T-31A (2) FSCD-* FSCA-* FSCS-* FSCH-* T-32A (3) FSDD-* FSDA-* FSDS-* FSDH-* T-33A (4) FSED-* FSEA-* FSES-* FSEH-* T-34A (4) FSFD-* FSFA-* FSFS-* FSFH-*,4 口 3 口,Divider/ Combiner High Capacity,分流閥,Divider/ Combin

2、er,Divider/ Combiner Sychronizer,3,Flow Divider Cartridge Valves,FS*D flow divider splits the inlet flow to two outlet 油口 at the designed ratio. Three dividing ratios available, 50:50, 40:60, and 33.3:66.7. Pressure drop at maximum rated flow 250 psi (17 bar). Typical accuracy from + 6.5% at minimum

3、 flow to + 2.5% at maximum flow. Accuracy varies with specific models.,4,Flow Divider Cartridge Valves,FS*D-X*N,5,Flow Divider Cartridge Valves FSDD-X*N Pressure Drop,6,Flow Divider/Combiner Cartridge Valves,FS*A flow divider/combiner divides the flow in one direction and combines the flow in the ot

4、her direction. Typical accuracy from + 4.5% at minimum flow to +2.5% at maximum flow. Pressure drop at maximum flow of 350 psi (24 bar). Only available with 50:50 ratio. FS*S flow divider/combiner with a synchronizing feature divides the flow in one direction and combines in the other direction. Whe

5、n used to synchronize two cylinders it allows both of them to fully stroke. Performance is the same as the FS*A cartridge.,7,Flow Divider/Combiner Cartridge Valves,FSFA-XAN,8,Flow Divider/Combiner Cartridge Valves,FSFS-XAN,9,Flow Divider/Combiner Cartridge Valves FSB*-XAN, FSC*-XAN Pressure Drop,10,

6、High Capacity Flow Divider/Combiner,FS*H flow divider/combiner with increased flow capacity and lower accuracy. Typical accuracy from + 6.5% at minimum flow to + 4% at maximum flow. Pressure drop at maximum flow is 350 psi (24 bar). Flow capacity is approximately 20% more than the FS*A cartridge. Ty

7、pical use is on transmission circuits.,11,High Capacity Flow Divider/Combiner,FSFH-XAN,12,High Capacity Flow Divider/Combiner FS*A-XAN and FS*H-XAN Models,13,Rigid Frame Lockup,14,FS*S-XAN Synchronization,15,FS*S-XAN,16,Combining Flow with Rigid Frame,17,Grapple Tong Circuit,18,Competition “Oil Controls”,


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