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1、沉默沉默 SilenceSilence . . 无声即沉默。沉默有各种各样无声即沉默。沉默有各种各样 n n Silence is soundlessness; silence exists in Silence is soundlessness; silence exists in different formsdifferent forms n n 这一句原文说这一句原文说“ “无声即沉默无声即沉默” ”,而译文却,而译文却 成了成了“ “沉默即无声沉默即无声” ”,因为英文对叙述的,因为英文对叙述的 要求是要由一个出发点发出,不乱换视要求是要由一个出发点发出,不乱换视 角,这样显得叙述比

2、较清楚。英文的题角,这样显得叙述比较清楚。英文的题 目是目是SlienceSlience,因此下面也从,因此下面也从silencesilence说起,说起, 视角一致。有:指视角一致。有:指“ “沉默沉默” ”的存在,所以的存在,所以 说说existsexists。既然前面说了存在,那么后面。既然前面说了存在,那么后面 就要说以什么形式存在了,英文就是就要说以什么形式存在了,英文就是 in.formin.form。 n n 腹中空泛,思想一片苍白,故无言可发腹中空泛,思想一片苍白,故无言可发 ,这是沉默。,这是沉默。 n n An empty head or a blank mind whic

3、h leads An empty head or a blank mind which leads to speechlessness-that is silence.to speechlessness-that is silence. n n 中文主谓结构多,因而谓语多、动词多中文主谓结构多,因而谓语多、动词多 ,仅这句里的谓语或动词就有四个。译,仅这句里的谓语或动词就有四个。译 成英文时这样的结构不可以照搬,如果成英文时这样的结构不可以照搬,如果 译成四个英文句子,必然是句子超短,译成四个英文句子,必然是句子超短, 即使无奈加上数个关联词语,也会显得即使无奈加上数个关联词语,也会显得 话很

4、急促,不够从容。基于这个原因,话很急促,不够从容。基于这个原因, 译文用了名词短语,后面由译文用了名词短语,后面由thatthat总括起来总括起来 ,句子结构显得比较严密。这样的结构,句子结构显得比较严密。这样的结构 也在下文中多次采用,使文章重心保持也在下文中多次采用,使文章重心保持 了与原文的一致性。了与原文的一致性。 n n 热情已如柴薪尽燃,故而冷漠处世,无热情已如柴薪尽燃,故而冷漠处世,无 喜无悲,无忧无愤,对人世的一切都失喜无悲,无忧无愤,对人世的一切都失 去兴趣和欲望,这也是沉默。去兴趣和欲望,这也是沉默。 n n Enthusiasm fades like dying embe

5、rs and Enthusiasm fades like dying embers and thus leads to cynicism and indifference to thus leads to cynicism and indifference to life, which arouses neither happiness nor life, which arouses neither happiness nor sadness, neither worries nor anger, and sadness, neither worries nor anger, and whic

6、h costs people their interest in and which costs people their interest in and desire for anything-that is silence.desire for anything-that is silence. n n 这里的结构与上一句相同,原则也一样这里的结构与上一句相同,原则也一样 :不照搬中文的短句结构,而是要尽量:不照搬中文的短句结构,而是要尽量 发挥英文的特点,把意思译出来,译到发挥英文的特点,把意思译出来,译到 家。以下几句采用的都是一样的做法。家。以下几句采用的都是一样的做法。 n n e

7、mbersembers:燃尽的柴灰,做这个意义讲时:燃尽的柴灰,做这个意义讲时 要用复数形式。要用复数形式。 n n costcost:使人失去,导致损失。注意:使人失去,导致损失。注意interestinterest 和和desiredesire后分别用不同的介词搭配,不能后分别用不同的介词搭配,不能 只用其中的任何一个代替两个。只用其中的任何一个代替两个。 n n 有过爱,有过恨,有过迷茫,有过颖悟有过爱,有过恨,有过迷茫,有过颖悟 ,有过一呼百应的呐喊,有过得不到回,有过一呼百应的呐喊,有过得不到回 报的呼唤,然而却守口如瓶,只是平静报的呼唤,然而却守口如瓶,只是平静 地冷眼看世界,这是

8、沉默。地冷眼看世界,这是沉默。 n n Despite all the experiences of love and hate, Despite all the experiences of love and hate, of disorientation and reorientation, of order-of disorientation and reorientation, of order- giving that was answered by hundreds and giving that was answered by hundreds and call-issuing

9、that was not answered by a call-issuing that was not answered by a single soul, there is not a word uttered, but single soul, there is not a word uttered, but only a clam eye that watches on this world-only a clam eye that watches on this world- that is also silence.that is also silence. n n “ “有过有过

10、”不能译成不能译成there was.there was.,因为这,因为这 里说的里说的“ “爱爱” ”或或“ “恨恨” ”,主体都是人,是说人,主体都是人,是说人 的感情,人的感受。因此译文便用了的感情,人的感受。因此译文便用了 experiencesexperiences一词,指人的情感体验。六个一词,指人的情感体验。六个 “ “有过有过” ”都是指人的各种情感体验,后面都是指人的各种情感体验,后面 的转折是想说,有的人即便有着这样丰的转折是想说,有的人即便有着这样丰 富的体验,仍然能够心平气和,冷眼旁富的体验,仍然能够心平气和,冷眼旁 观。但是,话有没有说过,却是一种存观。但是,话有没有

11、说过,却是一种存 在,因此便使用了在,因此便使用了there bethere be句型。句型。 n n 迷茫:这里译为迷茫:这里译为disorientationdisorientation,意思是,意思是“ “ 迷失方向迷失方向” ”,“ “不知所之不知所之” ”。orientorient是是“ “确定确定 方位方位” ”、“ “适应、熟悉适应、熟悉” ”的意思。的意思。 n n 颖悟:与颖悟:与“ “迷茫迷茫” ”相对,是迷茫后重新明相对,是迷茫后重新明 白,所以译为白,所以译为reorientationreorientation。 n n soulsoul:人,与:人,与personper

12、son同义。同义。 n n a calm eyea calm eye:用部分代替整体,修辞上叫:用部分代替整体,修辞上叫 做提喻,这里用人体的一部分做提喻,这里用人体的一部分眼睛眼睛 来代替人。来代替人。 n n 饱经忧患,阅尽人生百态,胸有千山万饱经忧患,阅尽人生百态,胸有千山万 壑的屐痕,有江河湖海的涛声,然而却壑的屐痕,有江河湖海的涛声,然而却 深思不语,这也是沉默。深思不语,这也是沉默。 Worries and Worries and sufferings, tastes of changes and sufferings, tastes of changes and vicissit

13、udes of the world, footprints left in vicissitudes of the world, footprints left in mountains and valleys and noises of rivers mountains and valleys and noises of rivers and oceans cherished in the heart are all but and oceans cherished in the heart are all but hidden unrevealed-that is still silenc

14、e.hidden unrevealed-that is still silence. n n Worries and sufferings, tastes of changes Worries and sufferings, tastes of changes and vicissitudes of the world, footprints left and vicissitudes of the world, footprints left in mountains and valleys and noises of in mountains and valleys and noises

15、of rivers and oceans cherished in the heart are rivers and oceans cherished in the heart are all but hidden unrevealed-that is still all but hidden unrevealed-that is still silence.silence. n n 饱经忧患:这里译为饱经忧患:这里译为worries and worries and sufferingssufferings,字面上没有体现出,字面上没有体现出“ “饱经饱经” ”, 因为这两个字的意思实际上已经

16、包含在因为这两个字的意思实际上已经包含在 了了worriesworries和和sufferingssufferings的复数形式里面,的复数形式里面, 这两个词的复数形式本身指的就是各种这两个词的复数形式本身指的就是各种 各样的忧虑和苦难。各样的忧虑和苦难。 n n 阅尽:看到过,品尝过。可能指自己亲阅尽:看到过,品尝过。可能指自己亲 历的事,也可能指看到、听到的事,这历的事,也可能指看到、听到的事,这 么多的意思似乎没有一个很合适的字来么多的意思似乎没有一个很合适的字来 表达,就用了表达,就用了tastetaste,而且还用了复数,而且还用了复数, 就是说不是一次,而是多次、反复。下就是说不

17、是一次,而是多次、反复。下 文的文的“ “千山万壑千山万壑” ”译成译成mountains and mountains and valleysvalleys也是这样的意思,用复数的形式也是这样的意思,用复数的形式 来表示数量之多。来表示数量之多。 n n vicissitudevicissitude:实际上与:实际上与changechange是同义的,是同义的, 但这个词更具体,指世态的变迁,而不但这个词更具体,指世态的变迁,而不 是泛指任何变化。是泛指任何变化。changeschanges和和vicissitudesvicissitudes 连用也可以起到一种意思由弱到强、由连用也可以起到一

18、种意思由弱到强、由 泛到具体的效果。泛到具体的效果。 n n 涛声:译文用了涛声:译文用了noisesnoises。考虑到原文的。考虑到原文的“ “ 涛声涛声” ”范围比较窄,说是范围比较窄,说是“ “涛声涛声” ”,实际上,实际上 连风声、雨声、海鸟的叫声等等都应当连风声、雨声、海鸟的叫声等等都应当 包括在里面,而包括在里面,而noisesnoises意思更广一点,可意思更广一点,可 以包括大海发出的各种声响。以包括大海发出的各种声响。 n n 一把价值连城意大利小提琴,和一只被一把价值连城意大利小提琴,和一只被 随手削出的芦笛,不去触动它们,便都随手削出的芦笛,不去触动它们,便都 是沉默,

19、但沉默的内涵却并不一样,即是沉默,但沉默的内涵却并不一样,即 便永远不再有人去触动它们,你依然可便永远不再有人去触动它们,你依然可 以想象听见它们可能发出的绝然不同的以想象听见它们可能发出的绝然不同的 鸣响鸣响 n n 。 Either an invaluable Italian violin or a Either an invaluable Italian violin or a reed whistle cut out casually would remain reed whistle cut out casually would remain silent if they are n

20、ot played, although the silent if they are not played, although the connotations of their silences differ greatly. connotations of their silences differ greatly. For even though they are never touched by For even though they are never touched by anybody, you can still imagine the vastly anybody, you

21、 can still imagine the vastly different sounds they can possibly produce.different sounds they can possibly produce. n n 一把一把,一把(和一枝),一把(和一枝):这样的:这样的 结构本身就包含了结构本身就包含了“ “或者或者或者或者”的的 意思,译文里相应地也用了意思,译文里相应地也用了either.or.either.or.。 n n 价值连城:英文里没有相应的比喻,没价值连城:英文里没有相应的比喻,没 有用有用“ “城城” ”这个形象来比非常贵重的东西这个形象来比非常贵

22、重的东西 的用法,所以只能用的用法,所以只能用invaluableinvaluable。再就是。再就是 母语为英语的人基本上都知道,意大利母语为英语的人基本上都知道,意大利 小提琴是非常名贵的,用小提琴是非常名贵的,用invaluableinvaluable或或 pricelesspriceless便足以表达出原文的意思了。便足以表达出原文的意思了。 n n 芦笛:这并不是一种真正的乐器,译为芦笛:这并不是一种真正的乐器,译为 reed whistlereed whistle。 n n 内涵:即内在的含义,内涵:即内在的含义,connotationconnotation,这里,这里 用复数表示

23、这两种乐器所包含的不同内用复数表示这两种乐器所包含的不同内 容。容。 n n 凭想象听见:英文里凭想象听见:英文里“ “想象想象” ”和和“ “听见听见” ”这两这两 个词搁不到一起,用个词搁不到一起,用imagineimagine就足够了。就足够了。 n n 另外,请注意后一句中文和英文语序的另外,请注意后一句中文和英文语序的 不同:中文用前置的定语,英文则更多不同:中文用前置的定语,英文则更多 用后置定语。用后置定语。 n n 一块莹洁无暇的美玉,和一块粗糙的土一块莹洁无暇的美玉,和一块粗糙的土 砖,放在那里也都是沉默。然而谁能把砖,放在那里也都是沉默。然而谁能把 它们所代表的内容划一个等

24、号呢?它们所代表的内容划一个等号呢? n n A flawless jade ornament, or a coarse, gross A flawless jade ornament, or a coarse, gross brick will always remain silent if it is left brick will always remain silent if it is left untouched, but who can draw an equal sign untouched, but who can draw an equal sign between the

25、m?between them? n n 从这句开始原文的句型有了变化。不再从这句开始原文的句型有了变化。不再 是是“ “,这就是沉默。,这就是沉默。” ”译文也就可以不译文也就可以不 受句型的限制了。受句型的限制了。 n n 粗糙朴实:这里的粗糙朴实:这里的“ “朴实朴实” ”其实就是粗糙其实就是粗糙 ,并不是通常说的,并不是通常说的“ “朴实敦厚朴实敦厚” ”的的“ “朴实朴实” ”。 n n 土砖:并没有译成土砖:并没有译成clay brickclay brick,因为砖本,因为砖本 来就是土做的。来就是土做的。 n n 等号:就是数学上的等号:就是数学上的“ “等号等号” ”,equal

26、 signequal sign 。 n n n n 傍晚时分,孩子们在田野中央搭起了帐傍晚时分,孩子们在田野中央搭起了帐 篷。这件事刚刚做完,他们就在篝火上篷。这件事刚刚做完,他们就在篝火上 烧起了饭。他们全都饿了,饭菜散发出烧起了饭。他们全都饿了,饭菜散发出 阵阵香味。他们美美地吃了一顿饭后,阵阵香味。他们美美地吃了一顿饭后, 就围在营火旁讲起了故事,唱起了歌。就围在营火旁讲起了故事,唱起了歌。 但过了一阵子。天下起雨来,于是他们但过了一阵子。天下起雨来,于是他们 扑灭了篝火,钻进了帐篷。睡袋既暖和扑灭了篝火,钻进了帐篷。睡袋既暖和 又舒服,所以,他们都睡得很香。午夜又舒服,所以,他们都睡得

27、很香。午夜 前后,有两个孩子醒了,大声叫了起来前后,有两个孩子醒了,大声叫了起来 。原来帐篷里到处都是水!他们全都跳。原来帐篷里到处都是水!他们全都跳 出睡袋,跑到外面。雨下得很大,他们出睡袋,跑到外面。雨下得很大,他们 发现地上已经形成了一条小溪。那小溪发现地上已经形成了一条小溪。那小溪 弯弯曲曲穿过田野,然后正好从他们的弯弯曲曲穿过田野,然后正好从他们的 帐篷底下流过去。帐篷底下流过去。 A Wet NightA Wet Night n n Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their Late in the afternoon, the boy

28、s put up their tent in the middle of a field. As soon as this tent in the middle of a field. As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. They were all hungry and the food fire. They were all hungry and the food smelled good. After a wonde

29、rful meal, they smelled good. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire. told stories and sang songs by the campfire. But some time later it began to rain. The But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and boys felt tired so the

30、y put out the fire and crept into their tent. Their sleeping bags crept into their tent. Their sleeping bags were warm and comfortable, so they all were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly. In the middle of the night, slept soundly. In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began

31、shouting. The two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of water! They all leapt out of tent was full of water! They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside. It their sleeping bags and hurried outside. It was raining heavily and they found that a was raining heavily and

32、 they found that a stream had formed in the field. The stream stream had formed in the field. The stream wound its way across the field and then wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!flowed right under their tent! New words and expressions New words and expressions 生生

33、 词和短语词和短语 n n tent n. tent n. 帐篷帐篷 n n field n. field n. 田地,田野田地,田野 n n campfire n. campfire n. 营火,篝火营火,篝火 n n creep v. creep v. 爬行爬行 n n sleeping bag sleeping bag 睡袋睡袋 n n soundly adv. soundly adv. 香甜地香甜地 n n leap v. leap v. 跳跃,跳起跳跃,跳起 n n heavily adv. heavily adv. 大量地大量地 n n stream n. stream n. 小溪

34、小溪 n n form v. form v. 形成形成 n n wind v. wind v. 蜿蜒蜿蜒 n n right adv. right adv. 正好正好 n n The play may begin at any moment, I said. The play may begin at any moment, I said. It may have begun already, Susan answered. It may have begun already, Susan answered. I hurried to the ticket office. May I have

35、 I hurried to the ticket office. May I have two tickets please? I asked. two tickets please? I asked. Im sorry, weve sold out, the girl said. Im sorry, weve sold out, the girl said. What a pity! Susan exclaimed. What a pity! Susan exclaimed. Just then, a man hurried to the ticket office. Just then,

36、a man hurried to the ticket office. Can I return these two tickets? he asked. Can I return these two tickets? he asked. Certainly, the girl said. Certainly, the girl said. I went back to the ticket office at once. I went back to the ticket office at once. Could I have those two tickets please? I Cou

37、ld I have those two tickets please? I asked. asked. Certainly, the girl said, but theyre for next Certainly, the girl said, but theyre for next Wednesdays performance. Do you still want Wednesdays performance. Do you still want them? them? I might as well have them, I said sadly. I might as well hav

38、e them, I said sadly. New words and expressions New words and expressions 生词和短语生词和短语 hurry v. hurry v. 匆忙匆忙 ticket office ticket office 售票处售票处 pity n. pity n. 令人遗憾的事令人遗憾的事 exclaim v. exclaim v. 大声说大声说 return v. return v. 退回退回 sadly adv. sadly adv. 悲哀地,丧气地悲哀地,丧气地 词语的翻译词语的翻译 一、认真辨析词义一、认真辨析词义 n n 多义词多义

39、词 n n 歧异词歧异词 n n 同义词同义词 n n 反义词反义词 多义词多义词 n1. 我们找个安静点的地方好好聊聊。 n Lets find a quiet place where we can have a good talk. n Lets find somewhere quiet so we can have a good talk. n2. 箱子里已经没有地方了。 n There is no more space in the chest. n There is no room left in the chest. n3. 你希望留在部队还是到地方上去? n Do you wis

40、h to stay in the army or to transfer to a civilian unit? n Would you like to stay in the army or leave for a non-military unit? n4. 我国的一项基本国策是发展乡镇企业。 n Its part and parcel of our national policy to develop enterprises in villages and towns. n It is an integral part of our national policy to promote

41、the growth of township and village enterprises. n5. 我们要根据形势的发展来调整政策。 n We must make adjustment in our policy in response to changes in the situation. n We have to adjust our policy to the changing situation. n6. 请大家积极参与单位的体制改革。 n Everyone is called on to take an active part in the systematic reform

42、of ones work unit. n You are all encouraged to play an active role in the systematic reform of our unit. n7. 他总是以积极态度处理各种问题。 n He takes a positive attitude in dealing with all kinds of problems. n He approaches various problems with a positive frame of mind. n8. 请别客气. n Please dont stand on ceremony

43、. n Please dont be so polite. n Please make yourself at home. n Please dont bother. Please, we dont want to put you to trouble. n9. 他客气而冷淡地接待了我们. n He received us politely but coolly. n He received us with civility but no warmth. n He received us with cool politeness. n He received us with polite in

44、difference. n10. 对他这种人就是不能客气. n You cannot afford to go soft on a man like him. n You must not be too soft when dealing with someone like him. n You must be tough with people like him. n Dont give in easily when dealing with someone like him. n11.他说自己才疏学浅,这只不过是中国人的客气罢了. n He says that he is a man of

45、 little learning and talent. That is merely self-depreciation, considered as politeness by the Chinese. n When he says he has little learning or talent, he is only being modest in accordance with the Chinese rules of politeness. n By describing himself as lacking in talent and learning, eh is only b

46、eing modest like a typical Chinese. n He describes himself as incompetent and unlearned. That is merely typical Chinese modesty. 同义词的区分同义词的区分 General/SpecificGeneral/Specific Degree (Deep/Shallow) Degree (Deep/Shallow) Coverage (wide/narrow) Coverage (wide/narrow) Abstract/Concrete Abstract/Concrete

47、 同义词同义词 n农业是国民经济的基础.(广义) n这些年来,我国的农业林业畜牧业和渔 业都得到了相应的发展.(侠义) n我们要破除迷信,解放思想. n当前我们应努力克服个人主义和享乐主 义各种错误思想. n他那八十高龄的母亲已于上月去世. ( 褒义) n臭名昭著的麦卡锡终于一命呜呼哀哉! (贬义) 二、认真选词用词二、认真选词用词 1. 1.词汇的感情色彩词汇的感情色彩 n n 注意词义的广狭注意词义的广狭 n n 注意词义的轻重注意词义的轻重 n n 注意词义的褒贬注意词义的褒贬 n n 注意词义的强弱注意词义的强弱 2. 2.词汇的文体色彩词汇的文体色彩 intimate casualc

48、onsultativeformal intimate casualconsultativeformal FrozenFrozen 3. 3.词语的搭配词语的搭配 美丽美丽 n美丽、好看、漂亮、中看、受看、 入眼、顺眼、英俊、俊俏、俊美、 绝色、冰肌玉骨、面如冠玉、花容 月貌、国色天香、秀色可餐、倾国 倾城等。 死亡死亡 n亡、卒、陨、崩、亡故、过世、仙逝、 归西、牺牲、献身、永别、没了、完蛋 、毙命、送命、暴卒、阵亡、夭折、早 逝、升天、坐化、羽化、圆寂、回老家 、玩儿完、粉身碎骨、溘然长逝、寿终 正寝、呜呼哀哉、驾鹤西游、百年之后 、三长两短、以身许国、马革裹尸、玉 殒香 先交代我自己吧。我

49、是个算命先生。我 也卖过酸枣、落花生什么的,那可是先前的 事了。现在我在街上摆挂摊,好了呢,一天 也抓弄个三毛五毛的。老伴儿早死了,儿子 拉洋车。我们爷儿俩住着柳家大院的一间北 房。 First, a few words about myself. Im a fortune- teller. Once I was a vender of sour dates, ground-nuts and what not. But that was ages ago. Now I keep a fortune-tellers stall on the side-walk and can scrape up three or five dimes a day at best. My old gal had long kicked up her heels. My sons a rickshaw-boy.Thats who he is. We two, father and son, hang our hats at a south-facing room in the lius


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