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1、广东高考英语总复习 (一轮用书),广东省出版集团 广东教育出版社,Book 2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games,第一部分 模块单元配套复习,早读晚练疯狂积累,构词法七:名词3 动词/形容词+ance: 易词:appearance, importance, performance, significance,entrance, distance 难词:acceptance, assistance, acquaintance, guidance, ignorance, insurance, perseverance, reliance, resistance, tolerance

2、 动词或形容词+ence: 易词:absence , confidence , convenience, dependence , difference, diligence , independence patience , silence, violence,早读晚练疯狂积累,难词: competence, defence, existence, excellence, insistence, intelligence, obedience, offence, preference,presence, reference 动词+ing: beginning, ending, feeling

3、, reading, suffering, thinking, understanding, writing, meaning, living, misunderstanding 动词+al: 易词:approval, arrival, survival 难词: trial, refusal, denial, burial,早读晚练疯狂积累,形容词+ness: 易词:business, kindness, carefulness, correctness, rudeness, tiredness, darkness, happiness, sadness, sickness, illness,

4、 weakness, faithfulness, willingness, unwillingness,rudeness, selfishness, seriousness, tidiness, unconsciousness 形容词+th: growth, warmth, youth, depth, width, length 形容词+ity: possibility, ability, equality, reality, activity, responsibility, security similarity, unity, generosity,早读晚练疯狂积累,动词或形容词+y或+

5、ty: difficulty, honesty, accuracy , discovery, certainty, injury, safety, uncertainty, 形容词+dom: freedom, kingdom wisdom 名词+hood:身分,状态:childhood, boyhood, girlhood, manhood, womanhood, neighbourhood 名词+ship: 状态,身份: friendship, comradeship, ownership, sportsmanship, hardship, citizenship, scholarship,

6、 relationship 名词、形容词或动词+age: marriage, storage, shortage,早读晚练疯狂积累,一 词语回顾 A 单词 写出下列英语单词的中文意思或根据音标和中文意思写出下列英文单词。 1. homeland hmlnd n. _ 2. athlete li:t n. _ 3. basis beisis n. _ 4. poster pust n. _ 5. glory l:ri n. _ 6. gymnastics dimnstiks n.(pl.) _ 7. medal medl n. _ 8. gymnasium dimneizim, dimn:zim

7、 ( gym dim ) n. _,祖国;本国,运动员,运动选手,基础;根据,海报;招贴,光荣,荣誉,体操;体能训练,奖章;勋章;纪念章,体育馆;健身房,早读晚练疯狂积累,9. stadium steidim n. (pl stadiums or stadia) _ 10. Greece ri:s n. _ 11. motto mtu n. _ 12. _ dmit vt.&vi. (-tt-) 容许;承认;接纳 13. _ dvtaz vt.&vi.做广告;登广告 14. _ diz:v vi.&vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得 15. _ t:d vt.&vi.收费;控诉 n.费用;主管 1

8、6. _ hust vt.做东;主办;招待 n.主人 17. _ b:in vi.讨价还价;讲条件 n.便宜货,(露天大型)体育场,希腊,座右铭,格言;警句,admit,advertise,deserve,charge,host,bargain,早读晚练疯狂积累,18. _ vlnt(r) n.志愿者;志愿兵 adj.志愿的;义务的 vt.&vi.自愿 19. _ ri:k adj.希腊(人)的;希腊语的 n 希腊人;希腊语 20. _ fizikl adj.物理的;身体的,volunteer,Greek,physical,基础知识自主过关,二 词类转换 用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。 1.

9、 If you make a decision _ , I will take the _ of doing it. (responsible) 2. There are some _ between the two poems because their authors have a _ style. (similarly) 3. The two strong _ will be in _ with each other for a large prize. (compete),responsibly,responsibility,similarities,similar,competito

10、rs,competition,基础知识自主过关,4. Below are some _ verbs including “take” in present and past tense. _ practise saying them with a friend. (regular) 5. Many years ago, Abraham Lincoln worked hard to end _ and liberate black _. (slave),irregular,Regularly,slavery,slaves,基础知识自主过关,三 词语活用-介词填空 用适当的连词填空。 1. Onl

11、y athletes who have reached the agreed standard _ their event will be admitted _ competitors. They may come _ anywhere in the world. 2. She will compete _ Kerry, who set the record four years ago, _ championship _ the final of high jump tomorrow.,for,as,from,against,for,in,基础知识自主过关,3. I have nothing

12、 apart _ the clothes I am wearing. 4. He, together _ Bill Dunn, decided to climb out of the window. 5. They are confident _ saying that the situation is improving, appearing confident _ success.,from,with,in,of,基础知识自主过关,四 语法填空(关联单元话题)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Many kings

13、and princes wanted to marry Atlanta, but when they heard of her rules they knew it was hopeless. So many of them sadly went home, but 1 stayed to run the race. There was a man called Hippomenes who 2 (amaze) when he heard of Atlantas rules, “Why are these men so 3 (fool)?“ he thought. “Why will they

14、 let themselves 4 (kill) because they cannot run as fast as this princess?“ However, when he saw Atlanta come out of her house to run, Hippomenes changed 5 mind. “I will marry Atlanta - or die!“ he said.,others,was amazed,foolish,be killed,his,基础知识自主过关,The race started and 6 the men ran very fast, A

15、tlanta ran faster. As Hippomenes watched, he thought, “How can I run as fast as Atlanta?“ He went to ask the Greek Goddess of Love 7 help. She promised to help him and gave him three golden apples. She said, “Throw an apple in front of Atlanta when she 8 (run) past. When she stops to pick it up, you

16、 will be able to run past her and win.“ Hippomenes took 9 apples and went to the King. He said, “I want to marry Atlanta.“ The King was sad to see another man die, 10 Hippomenes said, “I will marry her - or die!“ So the race began.,although,for,is running,the,but,核心考点课内突破,一 核心单词 1. compete kmpi:t vi

17、. 比赛;竞争 运用 用适当的介词填空,并熟记搭配。 (1) 20个女生参加比赛。Twenty girls competed _ the race. (2 )我们能与最好的队竞争以获得金牌。We can compete _ the best teams _ the gold medal. (3)我的书法比不上他的。 My handwriting cannot compete _ his.,in,with/against,for,with,核心考点课内突破,2. admit dmit (-tt-) vt. 承认;容许;容纳 用法 admit之后通常接名词、代词、动词-ing形式、sb. to d

18、o或从句作宾语,但不可接动词不定式。 运用 完成句子: (1) 我向她承认当时没礼貌,真是对不起。 I admitted _ that I was rude and that I was sorry. (2) 他入团了。 He _ a member of the Communist Youth League. (3) 这张票允许两个人入场参加音乐会。 This ticket _ to the concert. (4) 他承认冤枉你了。 He admitted _to you. (5) 我认为它是真实的。 I admit _.,to her,was admitted as,admits two

19、persons,having done wrong/doing wrong,it to be true/it is true,核心考点课内突破,运用 翻译句子: (1) 他最大的愿望是明年夏天能考上重点大学。 _(2) 我们应该承认要学的东西还有很多。 _ 派生 _ dmin n. 承认;入场券 运用 用admit的适当形式填空。 (1) Miss Li will be _ to Renmin University this year. (2 ) This _ will take effect in two months.,His greatest wish is to be admitted

20、 to a key university next summer,We should admit that we still have a lot to learn.,admission,admitted,admission,核心考点课内突破,3. charge t:d vt. vi. 收费;控诉;充电n. 费用;主管 运用 根据中文提示填入适当的介词,并熟记搭配。 (1) 她被指控偷了钱。 She was charged _ stealing the money. (2) 他要我付了1.5元修表费。 He charged me ¥1.50 _ mending the watch. (3) 这

21、些书是免费的。 These books are free _ charge. (4) 入场费五美元 The charge _ admission is US$5.,with,for,of,for,核心考点课内突破,(5) 经理不在时, 刘先生负责这个公司. Mr. Liu was left _ charge _ the company while the manager was away. (6) 这间病房是由格林大夫负责的。 This ward is _ the charge _ Dr Green. (7) 这个部门在她负责以前组织工作做得很差。 The department was bad

22、ly organized until she took charge _ it.,in,of,in /under,of,of,核心考点课内突破,辨析 charge多指较严重的错误或罪行,而且往往向法庭提出正式起诉。常与介词with 搭配。 accuse 普通用词,正式或非正式场合,私人或法律上均可用。被指控的情节可轻可重。常与介词 of 搭配。如: If convicted, an accused person may appeal. 如果宣告有罪,被告可以上诉。He was accused of smuggling. 他被指控走私。He accused me of taking the mo

23、ney. 他指责我拿了钱。He accused the man of having committed a crime. 他指控那个人有罪。,核心考点课内突破,4. bargain b:in vt. vi. 讨价还价;讲条件 n. 便宜货;交易 搭配make/strike a bargain (with a person about/over sth.) (关于某事与某人) 达成买卖的协议/订立买卖契约 Its /Thats a bargain. 就这样/那样说定。 A bargains a bargain. (谚)契约终是契约 (说定了就得遵守) 运用 根据中文意思,用bargain完成句子

24、。 (1) 双方阵营订立了停火的协定。 The two camps _. (2) 两国订下互不侵犯条约。 The two countries _ they would not fight each other again.,made/stroke a bargain to stop fire,made/stroke a bargain that,核心考点课内突破,(3) 请与生产者讲商品的价格。 Please _ the producer _ the price of the article. (4) 我们将以五年为期的条件订立合约。 We will _ a five-year term. (

25、5) 当时他讨价还价欲买汽车。 He _ a car at that time. (6) 工人提出星期日不上班的条件。 The workers _ they should have no work on Sundays. (7) 按那样低的价钱出售, 这房子是便宜的。 At that low price the house is _.,bargain with,about/over,bargain on,bargained for,bargained that,a bargain,核心考点课内突破,5. deserve diz:v vt. vi. 应受(报答或惩罚);值得,应该得到 用法 其后

26、通常接动词不定式作宾语;偶尔接动词-ing形式作宾语,此时的-ing形式要用主动形式表示被动含义。 运用 根据中文提示完成句子。 (1) 吉尔干这么多工作,应享受一次假期。 Jill _ after so much work. (2) 我们的乐队称得上是国内第一流的。 Our orchestra deserves _ the best in this country. (3) 他说他们对他这样好他确实不敢当。 He said that _they should be so kind. (4) 她应该得到表扬。 She deserves _. (5) 他们对国家有罪/功。 They deserv

27、e _ their country.,deserves a holiday,ranking with/ to be ranked with,he really didnt deserve,of praise/ praising,ill/well of,/ to be praised,核心考点课内突破,联想 need, require, want等表示“需要”,其主语通常是事物,后接动词-ing形式的主动形式表示被动含义或用动词不定式的被动形式。 be worth “值得”,其后也要求接 动词-ing形式的主动形式表示被动含义。 例句Your shoes need cleaning (=need

28、 to be cleaned). 你的鞋要擦一擦了。,核心考点课内突破,二 核心词组 1. take part in 参加(某项活动、比赛、辩论等) 辨析 join in 参加(正在进行的某项活动) join (with) sb. in (doing) sth. 和某人一起参加正在进行的活动 join (the Party/army/club)加入某组织(入党/参军/加入俱乐部) attend (school/church/a wedding/the meeting)上学,去教堂做礼拜,参加婚礼,出席会议 运用 用上述词语填空。 (1) 你们先开始。我一会儿就来(一块儿干)。 You go a

29、head. Ill _ shortly (2) 你愿意和我们一起去参观博物馆吗? Will you _ the museum? (3) 我听说他已参加空军。 I have heard of _ the air force.,join you,join (with) us in visiting,his having joined,核心考点课内突破,(4) 我们应该积极参加课外活动。 We should _ extracurricular activities. (5) 在奥林匹克运动会早期, 只有男性运动员才能参加比赛。 In early days only male athletes wer

30、e allowed to _ the Olympic Games. (6) 苏珊带头唱歌,我们都跟着唱。 Susan started singing, and we all _ . (7) 上这个学校读书的几乎全是当地的孩子。 The school _ almost entirely by local children.,take an active part in,take part in,joined in,was attended,核心考点课内突破,2. stand for 代表(=represent );表示;象征;支持(=support) 运用 用stand的适当形式填空。 (1)

31、The letters PLA _ for the Peoples Liberation Army. PLA这几个字母代表中国人民解放军。 (2) The sign X _ for an unknown number 符号X表示一个未知数。 (3) My mother _ for the kind treatment of all children. 我妈妈主张/支持对待一切孩子都要慈爱。,stand,stands,stands,核心考点课内突破,3. as well as也,又,还;和一样好 运用 完成句子: (1) 他既种菜也种花。 He grows flowers _. (2) 她既会跳

32、舞也会唱歌。 She can _. (3) 你不可能叫她既照管孩子又做家务。 You cant expect her to do the housework _ the children.,as well as vegetables,sing as well as dance,as well as look after,核心考点课内突破,(4) 我们在粉刷墙壁,同时也在修理屋顶。 We are repairing the roof _ the walls. (5) 她像你一样也是英文教师。 She as well as you _ an English teacher. (6) 他说西班牙语像

33、说英语一样好。 He speaks Spanish _. (7) 除了懂得一点儿俄语之外,她的英语讲得很好。 _some Russian,she speaks English very well.,as well as painting,is,as well as (he speaks) English,As well as knowing,核心考点课内突破,归纳 (1)用作介词时,as well as意为“也,又,还(有),不但而且”。在A as well as B的结构里,语意的重点在 A,不在 B。(如句1不能译作:他既种花也种菜。)。 as well as和 not only but

34、also同义,但前者的语义重点和后者的语义重点恰好颠倒。 (2) 当A as well as B作主语时,谓语动词的单复数与A保持一致。as well as表示“像一样”。(如句5,这里的谓语动词用is,不用are,因为句中的主语是she,不是you或she和you。),核心考点课内突破,(3) 如果 as well as用作连词引导比较原级状语从句,其意为“和一样好”。 (如句6,语义的重点依旧在前半句,不在后半句。 请注意 as well as以下的用法:She did as well as anybody else. 她做得比别人毫不逊色。 She called on you as we

35、ll as I 不但我来看你,她也拜访了你。 She called on you as well as me 她不但拜访了我,也拜访了你。) (4) 如果第一个动词是不定式,as well as后面的动词也要用不定式,但要去掉to。(如句3) (5) 如果第一个动词是复合时态,或由can,may, must等加动词构成时,as well as后面可省去助动词或情态动词,此时,as well as意为“既又”。(如句2&4) (6) as well as还有“除之外”之意。(如句7),核心考点课内突破,4. one after another 陆续地;一个接一个地 例句The lights we

36、nt out one after another. 电灯一盏接一盏灭了。 拓展one + 名词 + after another陆续地;一个接一个地 写作运用 翻译句子: 他的努力得到了回报,接下来的几年里他出版了一部又一部小说。 _ 那天晚上老水手给我们讲了一个又一个故事,我感到得哭了。_,His efforts paid off. In the next few years, he published one novel after another.,I was so moved that I couldnt help crying after the old sailor reeled o

37、ff one story after another.,核心考点课内突破,三 核心考点综合练习 选择方框中的词语并用其正确形式填空:,1. The beautiful new car in front of my home _ my neighbour not me. 2. He finally admitted to the police that he _the crime as well. 3. She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing _, which made us very grateful. 4. In most Wes

38、tern countries store prices are fixed and people cannot _.,belongs to,had taken part in,in return,bargain,核心考点课内突破,5. Unless we _ our environment, human beings may not survive. 6. He has decided to go to Paris for his holiday _ London. 7. He was left _ the shop while the manager was away. 8. Hes bee

39、n training for a long time, so he _ to win the race.,clean up,rather than,in charge of,deserved,核心考点课内突破,四 经典句型提炼 1. Ive come to your time to find out about the present-day Olympic Games because I know that in 2004 they were held in my homeland. (P9) 【译文】我想耽误你一些时间弄清楚关于现代奥林匹克运动会的一些情况,因为我知道2004年他们是在我的

40、祖国举行的。 【结构分析】这是一个含有_个从句的主从复合句。主句主干(主语和谓语)是 _ ; because引导_从句;that引导_从句。 【句脉】Ive come to your time because I know that ,两,Ive come to your time,原因,宾语,核心考点课内突破,2. She was so angry that she said to her father that she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her. (P14) 【译文】她很生气以致她对其父亲说她不会嫁给一

41、个跑不过她的人。 【结构分析】这是一个含有_个从句的主从复合句。主句主干(主语和谓语)是 _ ; so that引导_从句,第二个that引导_从句,who引导_从句修饰anyone。 【句脉】so that she said that who ,三,She was so angry,结果状语,宾语,定语,核心考点课内突破,3. This is important because the more you speak English, the better your English will become. (P16) 这很重要,因为你开口讲得越多,你的英语就会越好。 【句型】the +比较级

42、 , the more +比较级 越,越 【仿写】(1) 他占有得越多,胃口越大。 _ (2)离地面越高, 空气就越稀薄。 _,The more he has, the more he wants,The higher off the ground is, the thinner air becomes;,核心考点课内突破,4. Thats why theyre called the Winter Olympics. (P10) 那就是他们为什么被称为冬季奥运会的原因。 【句型】句型:Thats why 那就是的原因 【提醒】Thats/This is/Its why ;why引导表语从句时强

43、调结果。 【仿写】 (1) 那就是我为什么要来这里的原因。 _ (2) 那就是我强调珍惜时间的重要性的原因。 _,Thats why I came here.,Thats why I emphasize on the importance of valuing/treasuring your time.,剖析题型提升能力,七、功能词一:冠词、介词、连词 词包括冠词、代词、介词、连词、功能性副词。语法填空题中不给任何提示时要求填入功能词。需填入哪类功能词,一方面要关注句子的意义及上下文;另一方面要注意语法结构的要求。注意以下几种常见的语法结构: 1. 冠词属限定词(determiner),和形容

44、词性物主代词、不定代词、指示代词一样用来限定名词。若空格后的名词或“形容词+名词”前没有形容词性物主代词、不定代词、指示代词等限定词时,空格处考虑填冠词。,剖析题型提升能力,2. 介词不能单独充当句子成分,其后接宾语构成介词短语才具有了句法功能,通常可用来作定语、表语、补语、状语;介词也可用于不及物动词后构成短语动词。因此,纯空格与其后的名词、代词、动名词等一起构成短语在句子中充当定语、表语、状语、补语、等成分时,空格处应考虑填入介词;不及物动词后接宾语时,中间也需要填入介词。 3. 纯空格前后是两个并列关系(即功能对等)的词或短语时,纯空格处考虑填并列连词。,剖析题型提升能力,4. 若纯空格

45、前后的两个句子之间是逗号,也没有连接词,则该空格处必须填连接词。再根据两个句子的意义、逻辑关系、句式结构等确定是并列句还是复合句。最后根据并列和复合句的特点,结合连接词的意义和空格后的句子所缺的成分,确定填哪个具体的连接词。,剖析题型提升能力,技巧演练 A、在空格处填入适当的冠词。 1. I sat next to the man and introduced myself. We had 24 amazing conversation. (2011年广东卷) 2. A young man, while traveling through a desert,came across a spring of clear water. 31 water was sweet.(2010年广东卷) 3. Besides, shopping at this time of the year was not 33 pleasant experience:people stepped on you


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