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1、Unit 21 Human biology,基础知识提要,核心单词 根据提示写出英语单词或汉语意思。 1. _ 5tClEreit v. 容忍;宽恕 2. _ si:kv.寻找;探索 3. _ kCntrE5dikt v. 与抵触;否认 4. _ prE5hibit v. 禁止 5._ E5pEuz v. 反对 6._ 5privilidVdadj. 荣幸的;有特权的 7. _ 5keitE v. 满足;迎合 8. _ pEust5pEun v. 推迟 9. _ feiW n. 信念 10. _ di5klain v.下降 11. _ 5intEvEl n. 间隔;间歇 12._ i5kwip

2、 vt. 使有准备,tolerate,seek,contradict,prohibit,oppose,privileged,cater,postpone,faith,decline,interval,equip,13._ 5sE:kEmstEns n.情形;情况 14._ 7fQndE5mentladj. 根本的;基本的 15._ pEust5pEun vt. 推迟;延期 16._ pres n. 新闻界;报界 17._ di5klain vi. 下降 18._ 5skeptikEl adj. 怀疑的 19._ 5AnjuEl adj. 一年一次的;年度的 20. storage5stCrid

3、V _ 21. acute E5kju:t_ 22. hearing5hiEriN _ 23. opposeE5pEuz _ 24. prohibitprE5hibit _,circumstance,fundamental,postpone,press,decline,sceptical,annual,储存,剧烈的;严重的,听觉,反对,禁止,25. foreseefC:5si: _ 26. urban5E:bEn _ 27. statisticsstE5tistiks _ 28. abuseE5bju:z _ 29. treat tri:t _ 30. unite ju(:)5nait _ 3

4、1. faithfeiW _ 32. concernkEn5sE:n _ 33. digestdi5dVest _ 34. compulsory kEm5pQlsEri_ 35. trial5traiEl _,预见,城市的,统计资料;统计数字,滥用,对待;款待,联合;团结,信心,担心;担忧,消化,强制性的;义务的,实验,词类转换 按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。 1.controversial (adj.) _ (n.) 争议;争论 类似:industrial _(n.)工业 2. violate (vt.)_ (n.) 违反 类似:dictate_ (n.)听写 3. treat (vt).

5、_ (n.) )款待 类似: equip_ (n.) 设备 4. adaptation (n.) _ (v.) 使适应;改编 类似:education _ (v.)教育 5. temporary (adj.) _ (adv.) 暂时地 类似:easy_ (adv.)容易地,controversy,industry,violation,dictation,treatment,equipment,adapt,educate,temporarily,easily,6. conditional (adj.)_ (adj.) 无条件的 类似:believe_ (adj.)难以置信的 7. vote (v

6、.)_ (n.) 投票人 类似:explore_ (n.)探索者 8. prepare (v.) _ (n.)准备 类似:invite _ (n.) 邀请 9. survive (vi .到达 10.contest (n.) _ (n.)选手 类似:consult _ (n.) 顾问,unconditional,unbelievable,voter,explorer,preparation,invitation,survival,arrival,contestant,consultant,重要词组 1._碰到 2._毁灭 3._徒劳地;无用地 4._无论如何 5._随便地 6._不惜代价地 7

7、._陷入昏迷 8._由于 9._死于 10._治愈某人的(病),come across,wipe out,in vain,at any rate,at random,at all costs,fall into coma,due to,die offrom,cure sb. of,11. _at random 12. _be sceptical ofabout 13. _be known as 14. _on condition that 15._straight away 16._in silence 17._consist of 18._lead to 19._ wipe out 20.

8、_in particular,随便地;随意地,怀疑,被公认为,如果;只要,立刻:马上,沉默地;无声地,由组成,导致;通往,彻底毁灭,特别地,重要考点突破,核心单词 1. tolerate vt. 容忍,宽恕;忍受(put up with) I cant tolerate his rude behavior.我不能忍受他粗鲁的行为。 How can you tolerate that awful woman? 你怎麽能忍得了那可恶的女人? 辨析: (1)tolerate通常用于否定句和疑问句,常与can, wont连用,表示容忍人或行为,但不能用于表示痛苦。 (2)stand, bear, en

9、dure在疑问句和表示极不喜欢(to express great dislike)的否定句中均与can连用,但endure只用于表示非常严肃的事情。 (3)stand, bear, endure还可表示忍受肉体上的痛苦,但endure则指忍受长时间的痛苦。,运用:用tolerate, stand, bear, endure填空。 (1)I cant _black tea. (2)I cant _ talking to people who are racists(种族主义分子). (3)He _the pain as long as he could. (4)She _great pain f

10、or a number of years. (5) We cannot _ your impolite behavior.,bare /stand,endure,bore /stood,endured,tolerate,2. seek vt. & vi. 寻求,探索(try to get or find),试图(try) Ill seek the happiness that I want.我要寻找我想要的幸福。 He sought to speak to her.他寻找机会与她说话。 Nothing seek, nothing find. 谚无所求则无所获。 拓展: (1) seek adv

11、ice from sb. =seek sbs advice向某人征求意见 (2) seek out找出,挑出 (3)seek for the answers to the problem寻找问题的答案 (4)seek after fame and gains追名逐利 (5)seek truth from facts 实事求是 (6) seek ones fortune(离家去别处)寻找财富寻,运用:用seek及相关短语翻译下列句子。 (1)我想找一份更好的工作。 I want to_. (2)他去加拿大想赚大钱。 He is going to Canada_. (3)他在人群中找到了他的朋友。

12、 He _ in the crowd.,seek a better job,to seek his fortune,sought out his friend,3. contradict vt. 与抵触v. 否认,驳斥 The facts contradict his theory.那些事实与他的理论相悖。 搭配: contradict oneself自相矛盾 contradict sb.顶撞某人 运用:用contradict翻译下列句子。 (1)别和你父亲顶嘴。 Dont_ (2)两种说法相互抵触。 The two statements_. (3)他说的话经常自相矛盾。 What he sa

13、id often _,contradict your father,contradict each other,contradicted himself.,4. prohibit vt. (法令等)禁止;阻止,使不可能 Smoking is prohibited here.这里禁止吸烟。 Prohibit him from coming别让他进来。 搭配: prohibit sb. from doing sth.使某人不能做某事 运用:用prohibit翻译下列句子。 (1)他的身高使他不能成为一名警察。 His height _ being a policeman. (2)哈里波特被禁止进入

14、那间房子。 Harry Potter _that house. (3)雨天和大雾妨碍了飞行。 Rainy weather and fog_.,prohibited him from,was prohibited from entering,prohibited flying,5. oppose vt. 反对 (be against) 用法:后接名词、代词,或动名词作宾语。 搭配:be opposed to (介词) =oppose反对 They opposed reform. =They are opposed to reform. 他们反对改革。 I am opposed to going

15、shopping with others.我反对与他人一起外出购物。 联想:opposed adj. 强烈反对的 opposing adj. 对立的;对抗的 opponent对手,敌手,反对者 运用:用oppose翻译下列句子。 (1)她反对你出国。_ _ (2)他强烈反对这一计划。_ _,She opposes (=is opposed to) your,going abroad.,(=is strongly opposed to) the plan.,He strongly opposes,6. privileged adj. 荣幸的,有特权的 I am privileged to enj

16、oy tonights show with you.我很荣幸与你共同欣赏今晚的表演。 She came from a privileged background.她出身特权家庭背景。 联想:privilege n. 特权 运用:用privileged翻译下列句子。 (1)能和她经常性地合作,我感到幸运。 _have worked with her so often. (2)他享有许多特权。He enjoys _.,I am privileged to,many privileges,7. cater v. 满足;迎合 He has to cater for his boss.他得迎合他的老板。

17、 We should cater to popular demand.我们应满足大众的需要。 拓展:cater for sth./sb. 迎合 cater to sth. 满足某种需要 运用:用cater翻译下列句子 (1)电视需要迎合各种不同的口味。 TV must _ many different tastes. (2)我们必须满足客户的需求。 _ the needs of customers.,cater for,We must cater to,8. postpone vt. 推迟;延迟(=delay, put off) He decided to postpone deliverin

18、g a lecture.他决定推迟讲座。 The party was postponed until 8 oclock.晚会推迟到8点举行。 提醒:后接动词时要用-ing形式,常与until, to等连用。 拓展:postponement n. 推迟 运用:用postpone翻译下列句子 (1)让我们推迟做这个决定吧! Lets postpone _ (2)由于天气很糟糕,比赛推迟到了下周日。 The match _the following Sunday because of bad weather (3)我们将不得不把会议推迟到下周举行。 Well have to _next week.,

19、making a decision,was postponed to,postpone the meeting until/to,9. faith n. 信念,信仰 Faith can remove mountains. 谚信仰/心诚可移山。 He who loses faith, lose all.失去信念的人,失去一切。 拓展: have faith in sb./sth对有信心 lose faith in sb./sth.对失去信心 运用:用faith翻译下列句子 (1)我对这种新药有足够的信心。 _ this new medicine. (2)我对那个家伙已经失望了。 _ that f

20、ellow.,I have enough faith in,Ive lost faith in,10. decline v. & n.下降,衰落 v. 婉言谢绝(refuse politely) 用法:decline作名词时,通常只用单数,常与a连用。 I wish prices would decline.但愿物价下降。 I cannot but decline his offer.我不得不婉拒他的提议。 Our profits have shown a sharp decline.我们的利润呈现急剧下降趋势。 拓展: (1)be on the decline在衰退,在下降 (2)There

21、 is a decline in 有所减少 运用:用decline翻译下列句子。 (1)出生率在下降。 The birthrate _(=getting lower).,is on the decline,(2)她婉言谢绝了他们的邀请。 _ (3)人的记忆力随着年龄增长而衰退。 As one grows older_ (4)在最近几年里,爱看电影的人数明显下降。 In the past few years, there has _ the number of film-goers. 辨析:decline, refuse, reject & turn down (1)decline 表示客气地拒

22、绝,尤指对提议或邀请。 (2)refuse 与turn down类似,表示的拒绝没那么客气,较为坚决。 (3)reject 表示对提议或建议根本不考虑或不接受某人。,She declined their invitation.,ones memory declines,been a sharp decline in,重要词组 1. come across 遇到,碰到(meet, find, or discover, esp. by chance) I came across an old friend yesterday.我昨天碰到了一个老朋友。 She came across some ol

23、d photographs in a drawer.她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。 理解:请猜猜come across还有哪些意思。 (1) He spoke for a long time but his meaning didnt really come across. (2)It came across my mind that he might be waiting for me there (3)His speech came across very well.,被人明白 (be understood),出现于,想到,达到预期效果(be effective or received),

24、运用:完成下列句子。 (1)碰到一个生词,我就把它写到笔记本上。 _, I put it down in my notebook. (2)他收拾写字台的时候,发现了这封信。 _ when he was cleaning out his writing table.,When I come across a new word,He came across this letter,2. wipe out彻底摧毁(destroy or remove completely),清除 Many villages were wiped out in the earthquake. 许多村庄都在地震中摧毁了。

25、 用法:该短语常用于被动语态。 运用:用wipe out翻译下列句子。 (1)政府正在努力清除违法活动。 The government is trying _ (2)我要彻底改掉我的坏习惯。 I want_ (3)你应抹掉那不快的回忆。 You should_,to wipe out the illegal activities,to wipe out my bad habit,wipe out the unpleasant memory,3. in vain 自负地;徒劳无用地 I tried in vain to sleep我怎么也睡不着。 拓展:vain promises/pleasur

26、e 空头许诺/空欢喜 运用:用含in vain的短语翻译下列句子 (1)他跟他女儿说什么也没用。 Whatever he said _ for his daughter. (2)不要设法打开那个盒子,根本没用。 Dont try to open the box, _,is in vain,its in vain.,4. at any rate 无论如何(no matter what may happen) He doesnt like studying at any rate.无论如何他都不喜欢学习。 拓展:at this rate 照这样下去 运用:用at any rate翻译下列句子。 (

27、1)无论如何,我们必须在星期二去那里。 _on Tuesday (2)不管怎样,目前我决定留在这儿。 _here at present. (3)照这样下去我们迟早会破产。 _, we shall be bankrupt.,At any rate we must go there,At any rate, Im determined to stay,At this rate,5. at random 随便地(randomly, aimless) She draws the winning numbers at random.她随便写了几个中奖号码。 运用:用at random翻译下列句子。 (1

28、)老师一走进来他就随便翻开一本书。 _ as soon as the teacher came in. (2)那些碟子胡乱地堆着。 Those dishes_. (3)图书管理员从书架上随便拿了一本书。 The librarian _from the shelf,He opened a book at random,were piled at random,took a book at random,6. due to 因为,由于 The teams success was largely due to her efforts.该队的成功很大程度上取决于她的努力。 说明:due to多用于be

29、后,即构成be due to sth.(是因为),而owing to则不用于be后;在其他动词后用due to, owing to, because of都可以。 He arrived late due to /owing to /because of the storm.由于暴风雨,他来迟了。 比较:be due (to do) 预期(做),约定(做),应该(做) We are due to leave tomorrow. 我们定于明天动身。,运用:用due to翻译下列句子。 (1)这本书预期十月出版。_ (2)该车祸是由于司机的大意引起的。 This accident _ (3)我们幸福

30、的童年应归功于父亲的辛勤工作。 Our happy childhood _.,His book is due to be published in October.,was due to the drivers carelessness,is due to our fathers hard work,7. at all costs 不惜代价地 We will save his life at all costs. 我们将不惜任何代价挽救他生命。 拓展: at cost按成本价 at the cost of sth.以牺牲某事为代价 运用:用含cost的短语翻译下列句子。 (1)杨丽娟不惜一切代

31、价要见到刘德华。 Yang Lijuan want to _ (2)她愿意不惜任何代价来完成自己的计划。 She would like to_. (3)她为了从大火中救他而付出了生命。 She saved him from the fire, but_.,meet Andy Liu at all costs,finish her plan at all costs,at the cost of her own life,8. fall into coma 陷入昏迷 The girl has fallen into coma after the traffic accident.车祸后那个女孩子

32、陷入了昏迷状态。 拓展: be in a coma处于昏迷 go into a coma进入昏迷状态 提醒:与时间段连用,要用be in a coma,而不用fall/go into coma。 运用:用含coma的短语翻译下列句子。 (1)他昏迷了很多年。_ (2)李先生从马上摔下来,昏了过去。 Mr. Li fell from the horse and _,he was in a coma for years.,went into a coma,高级句型,1. The Olympic spirit-the spirit of competition which emphasizes ta

33、king part rather than winning has been violated by the desire to succeed at all costs.奥运精神,这种重在参与而不是成败得失的竞技精神,已经被不择手段追求胜利的欲望亵渎了。 结构分析: 句中the spirit of competition 是主语The Olympic spirit 的同位语,which emphasizes是定语从句。rather than 是介词短语,意思是“而不是”,相当于instead of。 学以致用:用whichrather than翻译下列句子。 校运上,这种重在参与而不是成败得

34、失的竞技精神受到高度赞扬。 _,The spirit of competition which emphasizes taking part in the sports meet rather than winning has been thought highly of.,2. Many people fear it could be the next global epidemic, especially as scientists who studied tissue from the bodies of people who died of the 1918 Spanish Flu p

35、roved that Bird Flu is a modern adaptation of the same virus. 许多人担心它会成为又一个全球性的流行病,尤其是当研究死于年西班牙大流感的病人的组织的科学家证明禽流感是同一病毒的一个现代变体时。,结构分析: 本句中从句套从句,较为复杂的句子。Many people fear是主句,it could be是宾语从句,especially as scientists prove that是时间状语从句;在这个时间状语从句中,从句主语scientists后有一个who引导的定语从句,在who studied这个定语从句中,又包含一个由who引

36、导的定语从句,修饰people;在时间状语从句的谓语动词proved后有一个由that引导的宾语从句。 学以致用:翻译下列句子,要求含有fear引导的宾语从句,who引导定语从句和especially。 许多人担心些学生会紧张,尤其是那些没有作好充分准备的同学。 _,Many students fear some students might be nervous , especially the ones who havent been well prepared.,3. There is no doubt that 某事是毫无疑问地 学以致用:翻译下列句子。 (1)毫无疑问地,我们班是最好

37、。 _ (2)毫无疑问地杨利伟是我们中国的英雄。 _,There is no doubt that our class is the best.,There is no doubt that Yang Liwei is a hero in china.,单元基础过关,一、单词拼写 根据句子意思,用本单元单词的适当形式填空。 1.The _ (生产)of bicycles in China has decreased in the last few years . 2. Bread _(消化)easily ;in others words ,it is easy of_ (消化). 3. She

38、 is so fat that she eats little food in order to lose _.(减肥) 4. The top _ (优先处理的事)of the school is to make the students behave properly. 5. I wish to live in a house with many flowers _ (围绕)it .,production,digests,digestion,lose weight,priority,surrounding,6.The _ (每年一度的)rainy season is coming .We s

39、hould be well prepared for it . 7. The fish should be kept in cold _ (储存) 8. The_ (统计数字)show that the industrial production has increased by 15%this year . 9. It is known to all that _ (癌症)is one of the most deadly in the world . 10. If you want to buy any medicine in the shop ,youll have to present

40、 a doctors _ (处方).,annual,storage,statistics,cancer,prescription,二、词形辨别 选择适当的词填空并翻译成汉语。 1. She gave John a present ,but John gave her nothing _. A. in return B in turn 2. “To kick the bucket” is an _that means to die . A. idiot B. idiom 3. Please give the room a _cleaning. A. through B. thorough 4. He seized the thief by the _ A. collar B. cellar 5.


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