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1、翻译硕士(MTI)汉译英冲刺,围脖鬼谷一喵,汉译英翻译的六个基本步骤,1合并原则(关系衔接句子内部细节) 我们要抓住新的机遇,迎接(并列)新的挑战,采取(总分1)更有力的措施,以(总分2-现在分词)更积极的姿态扩大对外开放,力争(目的)在对外贸易和吸收外资上有新的增长。 We should seizeand meet. By taking and beingwe will strive to expandand to absorb,2主干原则(具体到句子的话) 3转序原则(汉语前英语后置) 中美之间,建立在平等互利基础上的劳动分工是最为合理和实用的国际关系。 The division of l

2、abour based on equality and mutually beneficialness between America and China is the most retional and practical international relations.,4词性转译原则(主宾形容词副词连词) divede labourThe division of labour 5时态原则(谓语) Time is, time was and time is past.现在有时间,过去有时间,而所有的时间都一去不返。 中国,过去不曾,现在没有,将来也不会对世界能源造成威胁。China did

3、nt, doesnt, and will not-英时态=汉状语 post any threat to world enegy.,6省略原则(汉语重复太多) 中国人民以其勤劳的双手,增进了美国的福祉,促进其产业升级换代。 with their diligent hands.错! The diligent /industrious /hard working Chinese people have increase the welfare of the American people and promoted the upgrading of its industries.,主干结构 A 两个基

4、本点,1、名词性 坚持一个中国的原则,是实现和平统一的基础和前提。 adhere to Adherence to the One-China policy is the basis and prerequisite of the achievement of peaceful reunification.,2、完整性 被动语态 Export should be expanded. 增加主语We should expand export. He who climbs high falls heavily. 动词短语lay emphasis on、give prority to、give prom

5、inence to、attach importance to、Emphasis should be layed on quality eucation.,主干结构 B 四项基本原则,要,必要=it is形容词 necessary essential imperative a) 主谓搭配合理原则 每一次转折都会看到不同的景色。 Every turning will offer a different view. At every turning, you will enjoy a different view.,b)主题突出原则 第二十届中国低碳交易会的规模为历届之最。 The 20th Chi

6、na Carpet Fair is the biggest of its kind in scale. 世博会的目的是促进各国经济和文化的交流。 World Expo aims to promote the cultural and economic exchangees between countries.,希区柯克电影的主要特点是悬念多。 Hitchcocks films feature suspense. c)尾重原则(避免头重脚轻) 来自中国各地的108家专属外贸公司、有地毯出口经营权的外贸公司以及地毯厂踊跃参展。 1被动The fair was attended by,2词性转译Pa

7、rticipants in the fair included Chinas 108 specialized foreign trade corporations and other foreign trade companies and carpet factories authorized to export carpet. 3采用存在句型There are Chinas in the fair. 4倒桩 Present in the fair were Chinas,能以自己的兴趣爱好来谋生的话,这样的人是幸福的。萧伯纳 Happy is he man who is living by

8、his hobby. 5形式主语 一个有钱的单身男子总要娶一个妻子的,这是一条举世公认的真理。 It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a fortune must be in want of a wife.,d)连贯原则(汉语小分句-英语从句) 中美两国经贸领域的互补性很强,双方可以彼此分享巨大的市场。 Enjoying strong complementary in their economy and trade sectors, China and America are able

9、 to share each others huge markets.,转换译法,1名词做主语 中国能否遵守国际知识产权协议,被视为检验中国有无诚意遵守世界贸易组织规则的试金石。 Chinas compliance with an intellectural-property accord is seen as a keen test of its sinceriy in abiding by WTO rules.,美国延长中国的最惠国待遇,有助于促进两国持续稳定的贸易关系。 The extension of Chinas MFN(most favored nation) status by

10、the U.S. is conducive to the advancement of sustained and stable trade relations between the two countries. Americas extension of Chinas MFN status is conducive to the advancement of sustained and stable trade relations between the two countries.,我们不承诺放弃使用武力,绝不是针对台湾同胞,而是针对国外势力干涉中国统一和搞“台湾独立”的图谋的。 Our

11、 non-commitment to renouncing the use of force is by no means directed against our compatriots in Taiwan, but against the scheme of foreign forces to inteerfere with Chinas reunification and against the scheme to create an “independent Taiwan.“,2名词作宾语 对于台湾同外国发展民间性经济文化关系,我们不持异议。 We do not challenge t

12、he development of economic and cultural ties between Taiwan and other countries on a non-governmental basis.,中国政府对于国际社会普遍奉行一个中国政策表示赞赏。 The Chinese government has expressed its appreciation to the international community for its general pursuit of the One-China policy.,3加强语气 我们坚信,在包括台湾同胞爱内的全体中华儿女的不懈努

13、力下,祖国其安全统一的共同愿望,一定能够早日实现。 It is our conviction / firm belief that with the unremitting efforts of all the Chinese people, including our Taiwan compatriots, we will realize our common aspiration of the complete reunification of the motherland as soon as possible.,4减少动词(大量动词叠加-唯一动词) 美国在追求世界霸权时,经常侵犯他国人

14、权。介词短语 + 汉语后重心动词 In pursuit of world hegemony, the US has frequently violated the human rights of other countries.,两党长期共存1,互相监督2,共图振兴中华之大业。 Thus, the two parties will be albe to make concerted efforts to achieve Chinas rejuvenation through long-term co-existence and mutual supervision.,经济全球化深入发展,科学技

15、术突飞猛进,给亚洲的发展带来新的机遇,也带来新的挑战。 The furher economic globalization and the rapid advance of science and technology have presented both new opportunities and challenges to the development of Asia.,面向1二十一世纪的发展,要加大发展两岸经济交往与合作,以利于*两岸经济共同繁荣,造福2整个中华民族。 In face of the development of the world economy in the 21st century, great efforts should be made to expand the economic exchanges and cooperation between the two sides so as to help promote prosperity on both sides to the benefit of the Chinese nation as a whole.,


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