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1、,Unit 8,1. The necklace isnt_you paid for it. A. worth B. worth what C. costing D. costing what 2. As an NBA star, Yao Ming is working very hard to_his dream. A. make B. take C. live D. keep,B,C,3. Many of the Chinese medals were won in table-tennis and gymastics and also in_such as diving and weigh

2、tlifting. A. events B. business C. matters D. affairs 4. Do you need a ride? -No,thanks. I _walking. A. want B. take C. used to D. prefer,A,D,5. I can offer you$50, but I cant go any_than that. A. far B. farther C. further D. farthest 6. The World Cup will_in Tokyo next month. Do you know how many c

3、ountries will be_? A. happen; taking part B. hold; taking part in C. play; taking part in D. take place; joining in,C,A,7. Wang lives the same way as he did 50 years ago. He doesnt want to change with the_. A. seasons B. times C. days D. life 8. Ive visited a lot of different places and stayed in lo

4、ts of different hotels, but none of them can_this one. A. beat B. suit C. compare D. match,B,C,9. _read newspapers, the old man prefers to go hiking. A. Instead of B. As a result of C. Rather than D. More than,C,10. He is _our techer; he is also our good friend. A. more of B. more than C. no more th

5、an D. not more than 11_the sudden flash of light, there came a loud thunder. AFollowing BFollowed CTo follow DFollow,B,A,12. Dont light your cigarette please. We dont allow_here. A. to smoke B. smoke C. you smoke D. smoking 13I promise the matter will_. Abe taken care Bbe taken care of Ctake care Dt

6、ake care of,D,B,14. Athletes from all over the world_the Olympic Games_medals every four years. A. compete with;for B. compete; with C. compete in; for D. compete; to win,C,15. _his work, he decided to stay here for another day. A. Not having finished B. Not finishing C. Having not finished D. Finis

7、hing not,A,1. Make sure that the windows_ _ (关上)before you leave the room. 2. Ask John to wait for me when the lecture_ _.( 结束) 3. _these flowers_ _(浇水)in two hours? 4. This machine is to_(修复) _tomorrow.,are,closed,is,finished,翻译下列各句,Will,be,watered,be,repaired,5. After years of hard work, parts of

8、statues_ _ _(被放)back together and missing pieces have been replaced. 6. The Olympic Games_ _(举行)every four years. 7. Those old houses_ _ _(拆除)last week to make room for a new hotel.,have,are,were,been,put,held,pulled,down,单词拼写 1. At the height of her career she_(排名)second in the world. 2. The secret

9、ary worked late into the night,_(准备)a long history for the president.,ranked,preparing,单词拼写 3. Over 100 people_(选手)will take part in the sports meet. 4. The big stone_(重)six tons. 5. People often make movements with their hands while talking. These_(手势)help express their feelings.,competitors,weighs

10、,gestures,1. I am sure the place of interest is well worth visiting it. 2. How soon will the project be completed? -For about two years. 3. They will make all the flags by the hand. 4. He would rather go skiing to go boating.,In,than,5. Since you know nothing about Yao Ming, you seem not interest in

11、 basketball. 6. Congratulation on your success. -Thanks for your kindness. 7.The environment will improved in the city. 8. We will plant ten of thousands of trees in Beijing.,interested,Congratulations,be,tens,9. Three years later, he turned a successful doctor. 10. Hosting the party is great honour

12、 to him,a,Unit 9,1We should all bring an umbrella with us it rains Ain this case Bin case of Cin case Din any case 2The headmaster has equipped our classroom with the computer Thats great! Alate Blatest Clater Dlately,C,B,3I wont allow you to swim across the river, even if you do it Adare Bdared Cda

13、rest to Ddaring 4The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather their difficulties at sea Aadded to Badded up to Cadding to Dadded up,A,A,5Books of this kind well Asells Bare sold Cis sold Dsell 6The poor man is ready to accept _help he can get Aas matter what BHowever Cwhatever Dwhenev

14、er,D,C,7What he said just now me of the American professor Amentioned Bremembered Cdepended Dreminded 8He spends two hours his exercises every day Adoing Bto do Cdone Ddoes,D,A,9How did you first your new penfriends? By writing lettersNow we _by Internet Aget in touch with; keep in touch Bkeep in to

15、uch with; get in touch Cget in touch with; get in touch Dkeep in touch with; stay in touch,A,10We elected Tom to Marys duty as a monitor Atake back Btake over Ctake down Dtake in 11Mary me and the 800-metre race Awon; won Bwon; defeated Cdefeated; won Ddefeated; beat,B,C,12He was forced his hometown

16、 for some reasons Aleave Bleaving Cleft Dto leave 13May I borrow your car? Sorry, it Ais repaired Bis being repairing Cis repairing Dis being repaired,D,D,14The words if you dont go over them for several days Awill forget Bforgotten Cwill be forgotten Dwere forgotten 15The foreigner expressed his sa

17、tisfaction, that he had enjoyed himself here Aadding to Badding Cadding up Dadded,C,B,1The house _ _ _ (paint) now 2Students _ (teach) computer at school 3Water (feel) cold 4The babies_ _ _ _ _ (take care of) by the nurses 5The Olympic Games_ _ (hold) every four years,is,are,feels,are,being,painted,

18、being,taught,are,being,taken,care,of,held,6Ask John to wait for me when the lecture _ (finish) 7What _ (happen) now? 8These old buildings_ _ (pull) down last week to make room for a new school,is,were,pulled,finished,is,happening,1Im sorry to have_ (打扰) you 2Her_(行为) was becoming more and more stran

19、ge 3There are several reasons why _(青少年) like cellphones 4He took out his blue cellphone and _(按) the talk key 5News that we had won the game spread_ (遍及) the school.,disturbed,behaviour,teenagers,pressed,throughout,1If he dare to come again, Ill punish him 2The dress spent her a lot of money 3Pleas

20、e remind me of it in case of I forget 4The children always on the go 5How fun it is to play computer games,dares,cost,are,What,6Some parents worry about that their children will spend too much time on phone calls 7Have a cellphone also makes us feel safer 8Not only students but also our head teacher

21、 are going to visit the museum 9He made this clear that he disagreed 10Success calls of hard work,Having,is,it,for,Unit 10,1. If we want to have a bright future, we must learn to act in ways _ do not harm other living things. in which B. that C. x D. how,B,2. Will you give this message to Mr White,

22、please? Sorry, I cant. He _. A. doesnt any more work here B. doesnt any longer here work C. doesnt work any more here D. doesnt work here any longer,D,3. The patient was_ because he couldnt get out of bed without help. A. dangerous B. danger C. in danger D. in the danger 4. The lake was _ polluted b

23、y the wastes so that no one dared to drink the water here. A. easily B. carefully C. seriously D. slowly,C,C,5. Whats your thoughts of his teaching? Oh, no one else teaches _. A. the best B. best C. better D. the better 6. Dont _ the old newspapers. It may be used again. A. throw away B. end up C. d

24、eal with D. take measures,C,A,7. Youd better examine the numbers carefully to _ that they are all right. A. find out B. care about C. think out D. make sure 8. Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _ I could answer the phone. A. as B. since C. until D. before,D,D,9. When

25、I was a child, I was told that the moon no light of its own. I simply didnt believe it. A. has B. have C. had D. has had 10. Robinson was taken to a deserted island. With no one to talk to, he had to _. A. get used to be lonely B. be used to be lonely C. get used to loneliness D. used to loneliness,

26、A,C,11. Some animals, in order to keep themselves _ by the enemies, go out for food at night. A. not to be attacked B. against attacking C. from being attacked D. not being attacked,C,12. The police officer wants to know what measures _ to find the murderer as soon as possible. A. to take B. to be t

27、aken C. taken D. being take,A,15It is well-known _ Taiwan is part of China. Awhere BThat Cwhere Dwhen,A,1.She told me not to buy a cell phone. She said, “ _ _ a cell phone.” 2. The doctor told me that I had caught a cold. The doctor said, “ _ _ _ a cold.”,Dont,buy,You,have,caught,3. I asked her if s

28、he enjoyed the movie she had seen the day before. I asked her, “ _ you _ the movie you _ _. 4. “How often do you visit your home village?” I asked him. I asked him how often _ _ _ home village.,Did,enjoy,saw,yesterday,he,visited,his,1There are many small things we can do to r_ the pollution of the e

29、nvironment. 2At p_ , she is a professor of English from Beijing university. 3I wrote an e-mail to my key pal in Rome, asking for his real name. He didnt r_.,reduce,respond,present,4More and more Chinese people choose to go on a t_ to a foreign country for their vacation. 5Even small things can make

30、a big d_.,tour,difference,1.As the result of water pollution, we cant drink and use the water in our rivers or lakes. 2.I want to say something to all human. 3.Without air, water and sunlight there will be no living things. 4.Steve says we can help with creating more space for animals and plants.,a,

31、by,humans,would,5.It will be easier to keep the environment cleanly if we dont throw away so much waste. 6.Other animals use too many of a plant or kill too many animals 7.They have spent a large number of money protecting wild animals. 8.He had no idea of how to do with it at the moment.,clean,much,amount,what,deal,


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