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1、,对外经贸英语合同写作,第十章 支付条款,Payment clause,合同中的支付条款一般包括: 1.支付货币(currency) 2.支付金额 (amount) 3.支付方式(modes of payment),一、支付货币 (currency) 在大多数情况下,支付货币就是计价货币,但也有计价货币与支付货币不相一致的情况。对支付货币要妥善选择,并在合同中明确规定两者的比价,必要时还应规定外汇保值条款。,geography,二、支付金额,通常支付金额就是合同规定的总金额。 但是在履行合同过程中,支付金额和合同规定的总金额有时不一致。例如分批交货、分批支付的合同,每批支付的金额只是合同总金额

2、的一部分; 当合同规定有品质增减价条款、数量溢短装条款时,支付金额就应按实际交货的品质和数量确定;,再如价格条款中规定采用非固定作价方法或订有保值条款时,就须按最后确定的价格支付一定金额。 由于实际业务中经常发生这类支付金额与合同总金额不一致的情况,因此有必要在支付条款中明确规定支付金额。 具体规定方法主要有两种:,1、按全部发票金额支付(as per 100% of the invoice value /full invoice value)。这适用于一般无附加费用或在交货前能够确定附加费用的交易。收款时要将应收的附加费在发票上具体列出,必要时另附费用证明或单据,由买方按发票金额付款。 2、

3、货款按发票金额,附加费用另行结算。这适用于交货前无法确定附加费用金额的交易。例如货款按全部发票金额,港口拥挤附加费由卖方支付,凭支付费用的正本收据向买方收取。,三、支付方式,(一)汇付(Remittance): 通过进出口商双方所在地银行的汇兑业务进行结算,即由汇款人将货款交所在地银行,由该银行委托收款人所在地银行转交给收款人. 1. 信汇: M/T (Mail Transfer ) 由进口人将货款交给所在地银行,由该行用信件委托出口人所在地银行把货款付给出口人.,2. 电汇: T/T (Telegraphic Transfer ) 由进口地银行发电通知出口地银行付款给出口人. 3.票汇: D

4、/D (Demand Draft ) 进口人向当地银行购买即期汇票,然后寄给出口人,出口人持票向汇票上指定的付款行取货款. 银行汇票(Bankers Draft) 商业汇票(Commercial Draft),跟单汇票(documentary draft/bill) 光票 (clean draft/bill) 即期汇票 (sight draft/bill) 远期汇票 (time draft/bill, usance bill/draft) 本票 (promissory Note) 支票(check/cheque),汇付的方式常用于以下几种业务中: 1.预付货款 (payment in adva

5、nce ) 2.随订单付现 (cash with order ) 3.交货付现 (cash on delivery ) 4.支付定金(earness money) 5.分期付款(installment) 6.代付货款的尾数(the balance of payment) 7.佣金(commission),Wales,买方应于2009年1月1日前将全部货款用电汇(信汇/票汇)方式预付卖方。 The Buyers shall pay the total value to the Selers in advance by T/T(M/Tor D/D) not later than 1st, 1, 2

6、009,(二)托收(Collection),出口方根据外贸合同规定将货物装运出口后,开立以进口人为付款人的商业汇票并附上有关单据,委托当地银行通过进口方所在地银行向进口方代收货款后汇回出口方的一种结算方式. (1)光票托收 (Clean Bill for collecting/Clean Collection):不附带任何货运单据的汇票) (2)跟单托收(Documentary Bill for collecting/ Documentary Collection,It is a Norman castle perched high above the banks of the river W

7、ye in southeast Wales.,a.付款交单:D/P (Documents against Payment ) 代收行在收到进口方货款后,将汇票及所附的货运单据交付给进口方.按时间不同又分为: 即期付款交单: D/P at sight, sight D/P 远期付款交单: D/P after sight b. 承兑交单:D/A (Documents against Acceptance) 出口方在货物付运后,开具进口方为付款人的远期汇票,连同各种货运单据一并交委托行寄往进口方代收行;代收行在进口方承兑汇票后,将跟单汇票交给付款人,进口方于汇票到期日付清货款.,买方应凭卖方开具的即

8、期跟单汇票,于第一次见票时立即付款、付款交单。 Upon first presentation, the Buyers shall pay agaist documentary draft drawn by the Sellers at sight. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only.,货物装运后,卖方应将以买方为付款人的汇票连同本合同的各种装运单据,通过卖方银行寄给买方银行转交买方,并托收货款。 Any delivery, the seller shall send through the Sell

9、ers Bank a draft on the Buyer together with the shipping documents to the Buyer through the Buyers Bank for collection.,(三) 信用证(letter of credit),即期信用证, Sight L/C 远期信用证 ,Usance L/C 可撤销信用证,Revocable L/C 不可撤销信用证, Irrevocable L/C 跟单信用证, Documentary L/C 光票信用证, Clean L/C 可转让信用证,Transferable L/C 不可转让信用证,

10、Untransferable L/C,保兑信用证(confirmed L/C) 不保兑信用证 (unconfirmed L/C) 循环信用证( revolving L/C) 对开信用证 ( reciprocal L/C) 背对背信用证(back to back L/C),信用证条款,1. 信用证的种类 通过不可撤消的,可转让的信用证支付 By irrevocable and transferable L/C 2. 汇票的付款日期 (1)表达即期信用证 Sight L/C L/C at sight,L/C payable by draft at sight L/C to be available

11、 by draft at sight L/C available by draft at sight (1)表达远期信用证 见票后30天议付的信用证 30 days L/C L/C at 30 days L/C at 30 days after sight L/C available by draft at 30 days after sight,3. 信用证的到达时间(arriving time of L/C) To reach the Seller 30 days before the time /date/month of shipment 于装运期/月份前30天送达卖方 4. 信用证的

12、有效期及议付地点(validity of L/C and places for negotiation),To remain valid for negotiation in xxx till /until /for xxx after the final date of shipment / the date of shipment/ shipment/ the date of last shipment/ the month of shipment 如:议付有效期至上述装运期后15天在中国有效 To remain valid for negotiation in China till th

13、e 15th day after the final date of shipment,5.金额(Amount) By 100% L/C By L/C for 100% of the total invoice value of the goods to be shipped 如:凭全额发票的,保兑的,不可撤消的即期信用证。 By 100% confirmed, irrevocable sight L/C By confirmed, irrevocable sight L/C for 100% of the total invoice value of the goods to be ship

14、ped,6.开证行(opening/issuing bank) Throught /with /in /on /at 7. 受益人(beneficiary) In favor of To reach the seller,For Fun,举例:凭全额发票金额的、保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的即期信用证。信用证应于装运期前30天送达卖方,其议付有效期至上述装运期后15点在中国有效。 By 100% confirmed, irrevocable, transferable sight L/C to reach the Sellers 30 days before the date of shipme

15、nt and to remain valid for negotiation in China till the 15th day after the final date of shipment.,练习: 以不可撤销的信用证,凭卖方开具的见票后90天的跟单汇票议付,有效期为装运期后15天在中国到期。该信用证须于合同规定的装运月份前30天到达卖方。 By irrevocable L/C available by sellers ducumentary draft at 90 days after sight, to be valid for negotiation in China until

16、 15 days after the date of shipment. The L/C must reach the sellers 30 days before the contracted month of shipment.,四、综合复杂支付条款(comprehensive payment Clause),(一)分期付款(installment payment or progressive payment) 60% of the value of goods by irrevocable L/C at sight and remaining 40% on collections bas

17、is , D/P at 30 days after sight. The full set of shipping ducuments are to be delivered to the Buyers until full payment of invoice value is made.,货款60%以不可撤消即期信用证支付。其余40%托收,见票后30天付款交单,按发票金额全部付款后,全套货运单据到达买方。,(二)延期付款(deferred Payment) Buyer shall produce in favour of seller an irrevocable and uncondit

18、ional L/G to be issued by a prime bank in Hongkong, guaranteeing the payment of each installment and deferred payment amout and interest thereon as set forth in the above clause (1), (2) and (3), within five months from the date hereof. 买方通过香港一流银行开立以卖方为受益人,不可撤消,无条件的保证函,保证按上述 (1), (2) ,(3)项规定,每期延期付款的

19、金额及其利息自规定日期5个月内支付。,(三)附单据的信用证 (L/C accompanied by documents) Payment by an irrevocable L/C available by sight draft drawn on the people bank of China, when accompanied by the following documents (1) clean on board bills of lading (2) commercial invoices (3) consular invoices (4) Detailed weight note of the shipper of official weigher,凭不可撤销信用证向中国人民银行开即期汇票,随附下列单据: (1)清洁装船提单 (2)商业发票 (3)领事发票 (4)托运人或法定过磅人的重量明细单,


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