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1、福建省罗源第三中学 章孔琳,Unit 1 The changing world,Topic 3 The world has changed for the better .,复习课,【学习目标】 1掌握本单元单词的拼读及用法。 2区分现在完成时短暂性动词变为延续性动词的用法。 3掌握构词法合成法、派生法 4掌握本单元的语言知识点。 5用现在完成时讨论到目前为止所遇到的一些问题。 6能将知识点学以致用。 【学习重难点】 1理解并熟练运用现在完成时及构词法,能把其运用到实际中。 2熟练运用现在完成时短暂性动词变为延续性动词的用法。 【情感目标】 培养互助、合作、探究的学习精神及为社会献爱心的精神,

2、增强 社会责任感。 【学法指导】 在小组内进行合作探究学习,梳理本单元的学习内容,请小组内的成员讨论后作出总结。,探究学习,Learn by oneself. (课前预习),1. Review the words and the phrases in this topic. 2. Review the important sentences in each section. 3. Review the present perfect tense with “for” and “since ”. 4. Review expressing compounds and derivations. 5.

3、 Read the texts loudly.,Words,提供 发现 受伤 秘书 国外 技巧 发明 楼梯,外孙女 医疗的 工程师 死的 军队 偷 复述 目的,provide,discover,wound,secretary,abroad,skill,invent,stairs,granddaughter,medical,engineer,dead,army,steal,retell,aim,Phrases,习惯于 事实上 在困难时 就某事做决定 向某人提供某物 医疗 把送到 远离,因闻名 目的是 同时 属于 吸毒 国内外 在过去的几年 付款,get used to,as a matter o

4、f fact,in need,decide on,provide sb with sth,medical treatment,send to,keep away from,aim to do sth,at the same time,belong to,take drugs,in the past few years,pay for,be famous for,at home and abroad,Key sentences,1、Youll get used to it very soon if you come.,2、As a matter of fact, its a wonderful

5、place to live.,3、Once they find people in need, they decide on suitable ways to help them.,4、You must come for a visit.,Key sentences,5、I think it is important for these people to feel good about themselves.,6、The program also provides them with nice homes.,7、With the money, it has built thousands o

6、f schools and libraries.,8、It aims to bring schools into poor areas of China.,课堂互动学习-拾遗,点击语法,1、get used to与used to 区别? 2、for与since用法区别? 3、so that与in order to区别? 4、once在本课中的意思与用法? 5、decide on 与decide to区别? 6、provide 的用法? 7、in the past 与in the past few years区别? 8、表示花费pay;spend;cost;take的区别? 9、success;

7、succeed;successful;successfully的用法? 10、构词法:加前后缀;合成词;常见的有_。 11、在与表段时间连用的现在完成时态中,短暂性动词要转换成 延续性动词。表段时间的词有_/_/_。,Language points,1、get used to doing/ sth.(习惯于做某事) used to do(过去常常做某事) 即时演练 (1)、He got used to _ (get) up early. (2)、They used to _ (play) soccer with us.,2、for+段时间;since+过去的时间/过去时从句 即时演练 (1)、

8、He has been away from the army _ seven years. (2)、He has been in Beijing _ 2003. (3)、He has kept the car _ he came to the city one year ago. (4)、I have had the watch _ two days ago.,getting,play,for,since,since,since,3、so that+从句; in order to do sth. 为了 即时演练 (1)、He got up early _ he could catch up w

9、ith the early bus. (2)、They started early _ go there on time.,4、once一就 即时演练 翻译:他一旦来这儿,请立刻打电话给我。_,5、decide on sth.选定; decide to do决定做某事 即时演练 (1)、At the meeting, they _ the best way to solve the problem. (2)、They _ go there by bus.,so that,in order to,Once he comes here, please ring me up at once.,dec

10、ided on,decided to,6、provide sb. with sth.= provide sth. for sb. 给某人提供某物 即时演练 The school is _ the food _ students. = The school is _ students _ the food.,7、in the past在过去(用于过去时); in the past few years在过去的几年(用于现在完成时) 即时演练 (1)、People went to work by bike _. (2)、They have helped many poor children_.,pr

11、oviding,for,providing,with,in the past,in the past few years,即时演练 1. They _ 25 dollars for the book last week. 2. It _ me 2,000 yuan to buy this camera. 3. It _ them two hours to finish the work. 4. My brother _ too much time on the computer. 5. The shoes _ me 50 yuan.,8. 花费 1. 人+ pay +钱+for+sth. 2.

12、 人+spend+钱/时间+on sth/(in)doing 3. 物+ cost+(人)+钱 4. It takes+人+时间+to do sth.,paid,cost,took,spent,cost,9、success成功(名词) succeed成功(动词) successful成功的(形容词) successfully成功地(副词) 即时演练 (1)、He is proud of his _. (2)、She has _ in working out the problem. (3)、He gave us a _ speech about pollution. (4)、They solv

13、ed the problems _ at last.,success,succeeded,successful,successfully,Word formation,friend,friendly,prefix,suffix,Compound,friendship,unfriendly,film-maker, football im-, dis-, un-, re-, -ful, -less, -ing, -y, -ly,prefix,Compounds,suffix,Fill in the blanks with the suitable forms.(适当形式填空) (1). There

14、 are many _ (home) people in China. (2). AIDS(艾滋病) is a serious _(ill). (3). With the _ (develop) of China, children can get a better education. (4). She was angry with her son because he _ (obey) her and went to the party. (5). There are so many mistakes in your homework. I think you should _ (writ

15、e) it. (6). Its _ (polite) and cruel to laugh at the disabled children.,homeless,illness,development,disobeyed,rewrite,impolite,短暂性动词 leave - die - buy - begin - borrow - catch a cold - close - join -,延续性动词 be away (from) be dead have be on keep have a cold be closed be a member of / be in,11、在与表段时间

16、连用的现在完成时态中,短暂性动词要转换 成延续性动词。表段时间的词有 _/_ /_。常见的有:,for,since,How long,即时演练 1. His father died in 1992. His father _ for many years. 2. He bought a house in 2005. He _ a house since 2005. 3. -How long _ he _ the army ? -Since two years ago. (leave),has been dead,has been away from,has had,Listening(能力提升

17、),Q1、What does Project Hope aim to do? It aims to _ into poor areas of China, and to help _ afford an education for their children.,Q2、How much money has Project Hope raised? Where is the money from? Project Hope has raised about _ yuan from people _ in the past sixteen years.,Q3、What is the money u

18、sed for? It has _ the education of 2.5 million poor students and sent _ students to high schools.,bring schools,poor families,3 billion,at home and abroad,paid for,2.3 million,Written work,(课堂延伸 ),敏敏来自一个贫困的家庭。她过去过着艰苦的生活。自从她接受了希望工程的帮助,她的生活发生了很大的改变。多亏了希望工程,她能顺利完成她的学业。她已经成为一名志愿者两年了。在过去的两年中,她给那些无家可归的人们提供许多帮助。她已经决定要帮助成百上千万像她一样处于困境中的人们,以便他们能过上幸福的生活。 根据提示,翻译上面一段话。 提示词: poor, used to, hard life, since, receive, Project Hope, successfully, finish, be a volunteer, providewith, decide, millions of, so that,Homework (1)完成单元测评卷 Unit 1 Topic 3 (2)巩固本课知识点 (3)预习Unit 2 Topic 1,Goodbye!,


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