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1、介 词 熟读深思 熟读下列句子,注意画线介词的意义、用法和语境。 1.I stayed in France for two weeks during the summer. 夏天我去了法国两个星期。 2.We dont have classes on Sunday. 星期天我们不上课。 3.We have known each other since ten years ago. 我们十年前就认识了。,4.You must wait for him till tomorrow. 你必须一直等他等到明天。 5.There are all kinds of beautiful flowers al

2、ong the street. 沿街有各种美丽的花。 6.Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东面。 7.There are many trees around the village. 村子周围有很多树围绕。 8.Are you for my idea or against it? 你赞同还是反对我的想法?,9.He was surprised at the news. 听到这消息他大吃一惊。 10.Thanks to John,we won the game. 多亏约翰,我们才赢了这场比赛。 11.I went there by bus. 我是坐

3、公共汽车去的那儿。 12.He broke the window with a stone. 他用石头把窗玻璃砸坏了。 13.They talk in English. 他们用英语交谈。 14.They talked on the telephone. 他们通过电话进行交谈。,15.Except George,you can all go. 除乔治外,你们都可以去。 16.Thirty students went to the cinema besides him. 除他以外,还有30个学生去看了电影。 17.He lay there with his eyes looking at the

4、sky. 他躺在那儿,眼睛望着天空。 18.Its a textbook on the history of China. 它是一本有关中国历史的教科书。,归纳总结 1.英语中的介词很多,常见的有: (1)表示时间的有at,in,on,by,after,before, since,for,during,within,throughout,over, until/till,between 等。 (2)表示方位的有into,out of,along,round, down,up,from,off,at,for,to,towards,at, in,on,above,below,among,betwe

5、en,around, inside,outside,before,behind,over,under, beside/by,near,beyond,across,against,by / past,over,through等。,(3)表示原因的有because of,owing to,due to,for,with,at(在表示情感变化后的词后)等。 (4)表示方式、方法或手段的有by;in用(某种 语言或材料,如墨水等);with用(具体的工 具);through通过(实践或书本)等。 (5)表示“除外”的有except,besides,but, except for等。 (6)表示“数量”

6、的有about,around(大约), over(超过)等。 (7)表示“关于”的有on,about等。 (8)表示“所属”“部分与整体关系”的有of。,(9)表示(增加,减少;相差;高出等的)程 度的有by。 (10)as(当作,作为),like(像一样)等。 (11)能接复合宾语的介词有with和without。 (12)短语中的介词。如look after, congratulations on,get on with,do well in, have an effect on等。 2.介词后一定要接宾语,作宾语的通常是名词、 代词或动名词。,试题精选 1.Modern equipmen

7、t and no smoking are two of the things I like working here. A.with B.over C.at D.about 解析 句意为:关于在这里工作,我喜欢的两件 事情是现代化设备和禁止吸烟。about有关,关 于,符合题意。,D,2.If you really have to leave during the meeting,youd better leave the back door. A.for B.by C.across D.out 解析 句意为:如果你确实要在会议期间离开, 那么你最好从后门出去。“从后门”用by the bac

8、k door。for表示原因;across表示“穿过, 横穿”;out表示“在外面”,三者均不符合句意。,B,3.When did you last hear Jay? He phoned me this morning,and we agreed a time and place to meet. A.of;to B.about;with C.from;with D.from;on 解析 句意为:你最后一次得知Jay的消息 是什么时候?今天早上他给我打电话,我们 约定了见面的时间和地点。hear about/of听到 有关,听说;hear from收到的来信;得 知某人的消息;agree o

9、n sth.在方面取得 一致意见;agree to do sth.同意做某事;agree to sth.同意(计划、安排、方案等);agree with sth./sb.同意某人(的意见)。,D,4.Elizabeth has already achieved success her wildest dreams. A.at B.beyond C.within D.upon 解析 beyond ones wildest dreams表示 “大大超出某人的预料”,是固定搭配。,B,5.Scientists are convinced the positive effect of laughter

10、 physical and mental health. A.of;at B.by;in C.of;on D.on;at 解析 be convinced of sth.坚信;the effect on sth.对于的影响;由此搭配形式 可知C项正确。,C,6.Children need friends their own age to play with. A.of B.for C.in D.at 解析 考查名词双重所有格。friends of their own age意思是“他们自己相同年龄的朋 友”,选A项符合,其他选项不能构成所有关系。,A,7.How amazing it is th

11、at astronauts are exploring outer space! Its a challenge,I guess, man against nature. A.of B.for C.by D.about 解析 应答句中的I guess是插入语,因此所填 介词与challenge连用,表所属关系应用of,选A 项。,A,8.Most Americans would prefer to keep their problems themselves,and solve their problems themselves. A.to;by B.by;to C.for;to D.in;o

12、n 解析 句意为:大多数美国人宁愿让他们自己面 对自己的问题,并自己解决他们的问题。by oneself表示“单独地,独自地”。,A,9.A great person is always putting others interests his own. A.below B.above C.in D.on 解析 考查介词的用法,put others interests above ones own意思是“把别人 的利益放在自己的利益之上”。,B,10.The manager suggested an earlier date the meeting. A.on B.for C.about D.

13、with 解析 此题考查介词的辨析。句意为:经理提议 提前开会日期。for在此表示“对于,至于,关于 (某事物)”,另外常见的类似用法有:set/fix a date for sth.确定做某事的日期。,B,11.Fred,who had expected how it would go with his daughter,had a great worry his mind. A.on B.in C.with D.at 解析 本题考查介词的用法。on ones mind 意为“某人有心事,担心”;in ones mind在 某人心里;with与at不与mind搭配。根据句意A 项正确。,A,

14、12.Susans head ached staring at the screen for over ten hours. Over ten hours! Thats really what I can imagine! A.of;above B.in;over C.through;among D.from;beyond 解析 from表示原因;beyond超出。,D,13.The goal providing education for all children 2015 was decided the World Economic Forum in 2000. A.to;in;at B.of;at;by C.of;by;at D.to;by;for,C,


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