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1、(2008安徽) 假定你是李华,David 是你的美国笔友。他对中国鼓励使用环保购物袋很感兴趣,来信向你询问此事。请你给他写封回信。主要内容如下: 感谢他的关注。 简要介绍相关情况。 谈谈你的感想。 注意:,1词数100左右,信的格式已为你写好。 2可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3参考词汇:环保购物袋environmentfriendly shopping bag; 关注concern。 June 8 Dear David, _ Yours, Li Hua,参考答案 June 8 Dear David, Im glad that youve noticed our efforts

2、 directed towards environmental protection. Thank you for your concern.,As too much use of plastic bags has caused serious white pollution, our government encourages us to use environmentfriendly shopping bags. These bags are made of a variety of materials that can be easily treated when they become

3、 rubbish. Besides, they can be reused. More and more people in China have realized the advantages of such bags and started using them. I believe that the wide use of these shopping bags can greatly improve our environment. This is one of the many steps we are taking to make our country an even clean

4、er place. Yours, Li Hua,.重点单词 1_(n.) 动作;情节;作用;举动 2_(n. & vi.) 评论;注释;意见 3_(adj.) 初等教育的;最早的;首要的 4_(vt.) 接受;认可 (vi.) 同意;承认 5_(vt. & vi.) 欠(债等);感激;把归 功于,6_(n.) 残忍;残酷 7_(vt. & vi.) 加快;飞跑 (n.) 速度 8_(n.) 奖;奖品 9_(n.) 场面;情景;布景,答案 1action ment 3.primary 4.accept 5.owe 6cruelty 7.speed 8.award 9.scene,.词汇拓展 1d

5、etermine_(n.)决心;坚定 2outer_(同义词)_(反义词)里面的 3director_(v.)_(adv.)直接地 4choice_(同义词)_(v.)选择 5career_(同义词)职业 6hero_(pl.)_(n.)女英雄,女主角 答案 1determination 2.outward; inner/inward 3direct;direct/directly 4.selection; choose 5occupation/profession 6.heroes; heroine,.重点短语 1think _ of 对高度评价 2_ the air 正在播出的 3brin

6、g sb. _ 送回某人 4run _ 追赶 5lock sb. _ 将某人锁于某处不得进 出,将某人监禁起来 6stay _ 不在家;外出 7_ all 总共;总之,8owe sth. _ 把归功于某人 9go _ 走错路,误入歧途;不对 头;出毛病 10take _ 成功;成名;脱掉(衣服); (飞机)起飞 答案 1highly 2.on 3.back 4.after 5.up 6.away 7in 8.to sb. 9.wrong 10.off,.重点句型 1not only.but also.不但而且 2keep宾语adj./adv./doing/done/介词短语 让处于(状态) .

7、重点语法 The Attributive Clause 2when/where/whyclauses(定语从句2when, where, why引导的定语从句,.词汇聚焦 1speed v. (sped, sped; speeded; speeded) 加速;飞跑;n. 速度 思维拓展 at full speed(at top speed)以全速 at (a) high speed以高速 at (a) low speed以低速 at (an) ordinary speed以常速 at a different speed以不同的速度 with great speed迅速地,with all sp

8、eed用全速 at a/the speed of.以速度,He often drives his car _ a speed of eighty miles an hour. A. at B. with C. using D. of 解析:at a speed of.“以的速度”,固定结构。 答案:A,2peace n. 和平;和睦 思维拓展 in peace和平地;安心地 at peace和平地;平静地(与at war相对) at peace with 与和平相处(与at war with相对) make peace with与讲和 peaceful a. 安静的;宁静的 peacefull

9、y adv. 安静地,宁静地,Wouldnt it be _ wonderful world if all nations live in _ peace with one another? A. a; / B. the; / C. a; the D. the; the 解析:a wonderful world“一个美好的世界”; in peace“和平地(相处)”。 答案:A,3owe v. 欠;感激 思维拓展 owe sb. sth. (owe sth. to sb.) 欠某人多少钱(债),应给予某人某事物 I still owe $1 000 to Mr. Smith. I still

10、owe Mr. Smith $ 1 000. owe sth. to sb.归功于 I owe thanks to Annie for this priceless gift of speech. If I have improved in English, I owe it to my teacher. owing to (because of)因为,由于 Owing to the shower, the game was interrupted. I couldnt attend the meeting owing to illness.,I _ you my best thanks fo

11、r what youve done to me. A. forgive B. owe C. charge D. share 解析:句意为“对于你为我做的一切,我应给予你衷心的感谢”。A、C、D不合句意,owe此处为“给予某人某事物”。 答案:B,4accept v. 接受,认可;承认 指点迷津 accept指主观“接受,收下” receive指客观事实“收到” accept.as.把当作,认为是,Mary finally _ Bruce as her lifelong companion. A. received B. accepted C. made D. honoured 解析:句意“接受

12、为终生伴侣”。 答案:B,5determine v. 决定,确定,下决心 思维拓展 determine to do sth. (be determined to do sth.) (decide to do sth.) (determine on/upon sth.)下决心/决定做某事 determinethat从句 决心,决定 determine sb. to do sth.使某人决定做某事 determine sb. against sth.使某人决定不做某事,The news determined him _ further delay. A. to do B. against C. f

13、or D. on 解析:句意应为“此消息使他决定不再拖延。”故应为determine sb. against sth.结构。 答案:B,6role n. 角色;作用 思维拓展 play a part/role in. 在方面起作用;在中担任角色,Email, as well as telephones, _ an important part in daily communication. A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play 解析:解题关键是弄明白主语是什么。as well as后的名词不作主语,主语是单数的Email,只有A

14、在数上与其相符。 答案:A,Professor Smith, along with his assistants, _ on the project day and night to meet the deadline. A. work B. working C. is working D. are working 解析:本题主语是Professor Smith。along with引导的结构不作主语。主语是单数,故选C。 答案:C,7choice n. 选择;供选品 思维拓展 选择;挑选 She is the peoples choice for mayor. 备选的品种/精品 There

15、was a big choice of stores in the small town. have no choice but to do.除之外别无选择 We have no choice but to tell him the truth.,8live /laIv/ adj. 活的;生动的;现场直播的; adv. 从现场;实况地;以直播方式 思维拓展 a live fish一条活鱼 a live show现场直播 a live concert现场直播的音乐会 a live audience of two thousand两千现场观众 recorded转播的,指点迷津 alive adj.

16、 在世的,健在的(用于人,作表语、后置定语或补足语,不作前置定语) living adj. 有生命的,活着的(用于人或动植物,作表语、定语或补足语,单独的living作前置定语,living短语作后置定语) the living活着的人们 n. make a living谋生计,生活,lively adj. 生动的,活泼的 make ones lessons lively and interesting 讲课生动有趣 a lively way生动的方式,There will be a _ TV broadcast of this conference this evening. A. aliv

17、e B. lively C. living D. live 解析:句子的意思是“今天将对这次大会进行电视直播。”a live TV broadcast的意思是“电视直播”。 答案:D,.短语突破 1go wrong 出错;误入歧途 思维拓展 go bad腐烂,变质 go angry发怒,生气 go crazy发疯,疯狂 go mad发疯,疯狂 go hard变硬 go hungry挨饿 go blind/deaf/lame失明/失聪/瘸腿 go wild with excitement欣喜若狂,go from bad to worse每况愈下 指点迷津 become, go, get, gro

18、w, turn作连系动词,都表达“变成”之意。 become和get表达变化过程已完成,没有感情色彩,可以由好变坏,也可以由坏变好。 become比较正式,get比较口语化。 go往往表达“由好变坏”的变化。 grow作“变成”解时,有“逐渐变成新状态”的含义。,turn指变成完全不同的事物,强调变化的结果。 注“成为一名”使用“become a/an单数可数名词”或“turn单数可数名词”。,We should have left the cakes in the fridge. They must _ bad by now. A. have gone B. go C. be going D

19、. have been gone 解析:句子的背景是“我们本应该把蛋糕放在冰箱里”,实际并没有这样做,由此可以推测“蛋糕变质”,所以使用短语go bad。又因为句中时间状语是by now,表达到目前为止情况怎样,应用musthave done。“连系动词形容词”构成的系表结构没有被动语态。 答案:A,2in all 总共 思维拓展 in all (altogether; in total)一共,总共 all in all总的说来 above all最重要的是 after all到底,毕竟,别忘了 at all确实,根本 first of all首先 all of a sudden (all a

20、t once; suddenly)突然,冷不防 all the same依然;仍然,Many people in Europe in the Middle Ages thought that Galileo was wrong, but he was right _. A. in all B. all in all C. after all D. first of all 解析:题意为:中世纪欧洲有许多人都以为伽利略是错误的,但他毕竟还是对的。四个选项中只有C项符合题意要求。 答案:C,3stay away 外出;缺席 思维拓展 stay away from不在(家中);缺席(会议) stay

21、 up住宿;过夜 stay the same as与一样 stay open一直开着 stay behind留下;留在后面 stay with与某人呆在一起,His mother told him not to _, _ would be bad for his health. A. stay up; which B. stay up; that C. keep up; what D. keep up; which 解析:第一个空指“熬夜”(将对他的身体有害)排除C、D。后半句为非限制性定语从句,that不能引导。 答案:A,4run after 追赶 be after寻找 look afte

22、r照料 take after (长相)像 go after追逐;追求 name after以命名,The police were _ the thief in the forest. A. after B. looking C. searching D. hunting 解析:be after“寻找”,B、C、D三项都须接介词for。 答案:A,5in the beginning 最初;开始 思维拓展 in the beginning最初;开始(at first) at the beginning of在的开始 in the end 最后(finally) at the end of在的尽头;

23、在(时间)末 by the end of到末为止 begin/start with以开始 end up with以告终,_ he didnt pay much attention to the simplelooking man. A. Begin B. In the beginning of C. In the end of D. In the beginning 解析:B、C项后面不接of短语;A项为动词原形,语法不符。句意“最初他没有注意那位相貌平平的人”。 答案:D,6take off成功;脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞 思维拓展 get off下车 turn off关掉(灯,水龙头等)

24、put sb. off使分心 cut off切开;切断 set off出发 send off/away遣走;派往外地 see off送行,pay off偿清(债务) keep off避开 give off发出(气体,气味等) put off推迟(日期),7think highly of对评价很高 思维拓展 think highly/well/much of.对评价很高 think badly/poorly/little of.对评价很低 think up (think out)想出,设计出 think aloud自言自语 think of a good idea想到一个好主意 think of

25、 doing sth.(consider doing sth.)打算做某事 What do you think of.?(How do you like/find.?)你认为怎么样? think of.as.(consider/regard.as.)把看作,He is a selfish and dishonest man, and is _ by others. A. well thought B. ill thought of C. highly thought D. bad thought of 解析:think.of.短语中应使用副词来修饰think,表示对某人或某事物的评价如何。故A

26、、C、D三项皆应排除。B项中ill在此为副词,等于badly。 答案:B,.句型归纳 1When asked about the secret of his success, Spielberg said that.当被问起关于他成功的秘密时,斯皮尔伯格说 when askedwhen he was asked 思维拓展 在状语从句中,若从句的主语与主句的主语一致,同时从句谓语含有系动词be时,可省去主语和be。如: He will not come unless(he is) invited. 当状语从句为it is/was.结构时,可省略it和系动词be。 Please lend me a

27、 hand if (it is) possible.,The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun 解析:该题使用了so.that.句型,同时,在that从句中又有一个once引导的状语从句,表示“一旦开始”,为once it is begun的省略形式。按照状语从句省略形式的原则,应选择D项。 答案:D,2This was a film in which Spielberg used real a

28、ctors instead of toys.在一部电影中斯皮尔伯格使用真正的演员代替了玩具。 in which在句中引导了定语从句修饰film。 思维拓展 在定语从句中,如果引导词作从句中介词的宾语,往往可把介词提前,构成介词which/whom形式,但须注意:that不能作介词的宾语;有些固定词组中的介词不能提前。,There are altogether eleven books on the shelf, _ five are mine. A. on which B. in which C. of which D. from which 解析:此题考查“介词which”引导的非限制性定语

29、从句,据题意应为“,其中的五本是我的”,应用介词of。 答案:C,3The reason why he could not go there was that his grades were too low.他不能去那儿的原因是他的学历太低了。 指点迷津 The reason why.is/was that., “的原因是” 该结构中why引导一个定语从句,that引导表语从句,不能用because。 The reason why he asked to go there is that his parents work there.,4Many people like this film n

30、ot just because the story itself is moving, but also because most of the people in the film use their real names and play themselves.很多人喜欢这部电影,不仅因为电影故事感人,而且因为电影中很多人用他们自己的名字演自己。 not only/just.but also.不但而且 思维拓展 not only/just.but also.可连接两个并列的名词、代词、形容词、介词短语、分词及句子。 He is not only tall, but also strong. 他不但高大,而且强壮。,not only/just.but also.连接主语,谓语应与but also后的名词或代词保持一致。 Not only I but also Mary likes swimming. 不仅我,玛丽也喜欢游泳。 not only引导的句子位于句首时,句子应部分倒装。 Not only can he speak English, but also he can speak Japanese.他不仅能说英语,而且会说日语。,请同学们认真完成课后强化作业,


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