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1、Unit1,Words and Expressions,survey: n . (C) (民意)调查 民意测验;概论 概述 make/do/carry out/conduct a survey of sth 调查(检查)某事;对某事进行调查(检查) E:A recent survey showed 75%of those questioned were in favour of the plan. 最近的民意调查显示,有75%的被调查对象支持这项计划。 Vt. 审视 查看 ; 对做民意调查 E:He surveyed himself in the mirror before going out

2、. 出门前他对着镜子把自己审视了一番。 We surveyed 500 smokers and found that over three quarters would like to give up smoking. 我们对500名吸烟者进行了调查,发现超过四分之三的人 愿意戒烟。,2. add up:合计 E: If we add up these marks, well get a total of 90. 如果我们把这些分数加起来,总数就有九十分了。 add up中up为副词宾语若为代词 应置于中间 例You havent added them up right.你没有把它们加对。 a

3、dd up to: 总和是,总共有,后常跟表示数字的词 The money he spent added up to more than $1,000. 他花的钱加起来总共有一千多美元。 “表示”“意为着”的意思。 All the facts add up to thishe is a selfish man. 所有这些事实说明一点他是一个自私自利的人。 add to:增加 增强 扩建 This house has been added to from time to time. 这所房子曾经一再的扩建 addto把加到上,addto: You can add what I said just

4、 now to your report. 你可以把我刚才说的那些话加到你的报告中。 If you add 5 to 5, you will get 10. 5加5等于10. She added some sugar to the tea.他加了一些糖到茶里。,注意:3加4等于7的表达: 1:Three add four makes seven. F 2:Add three to four and you get seven. T 3:Three added to four makes seven. T 4:Three and four makes seven. T,upset : 心灰意乱的

5、不安的 不适的;使不安,扰乱,推翻 adj be upset about/over sth 为某事烦心 be upset that 心烦 He was horribly upset over her illness. 他为她的病而忧心忡忡。 It upset sb that让某人心烦的是 Vt It upset sb to do sth做某事使某人不快 It upset him that nobody had bothered to tell him about it. 让他不高兴的是谁也没有把这件事告诉他。 It upset me to think of her all alone in t

6、hat big house. 想到她孤身一人守着那套大房子,我就心中不快。,4. calm V&adj (使)平静 (使)镇静 ;镇静的 搭配:calm down (vi) 平静下来 镇静下来 calm sb/sth down (vt) 使某人(物)平静下来 He took a deep breath to calm himself down. 他深吸一口气使自己平静下来 Ill go and calm your angry brother down. 我要去让你那生气的弟弟平静下来。 The excited girl quickly calmed down. 那个激动的女孩很快就平静了下来。

7、,have got to: 不得不 必须 We have got to wait until the rain stops. 我们不得不等雨停了 Have we got to get up early tomorrow? 我们明天必须早起么?,辨析:have got to, have to, must (1)都是“必须”的意思,have to和have got to 表示客观上的 需要,must表示说话人主观上的看法,即主观上的必要。 My brother was badly ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night

8、. 我弟弟病的很重所以我不得不半夜把医生请来。(客观上需要做这件事) He says that they must work hard。 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上的看法),(2)have to和have got to 有人称 数和时态的变化, 而must没有。 He had to look after his sister yesterday. 他昨天不得不照顾她妹妹。 (3)在否定结构中,dont have to 表示不必, mustnt表示禁止。 You dont have to drive so quickly. we have plenty of time. =You needn

9、t drive so quickly. We have plenty of time. 你不必开那么快。我们有好多时间。 You mustnt stay at home.你不可以呆在家里。,6.concern: vt (使)担忧 涉及 关系到 be concerned about/for 关心挂念 We are all concerned about her safety. be concerned with 与有关 This chapter is concerned with the mental health of old people. 这一章与老年人的精神健康有关。 be of con

10、cern to sb 令某人担心的是,是某人所关心的 The rise in prices is of great concern to the government. 物价上涨是政府关心的一件大事。 be concerned in参与 (n)担心 关注 (利害)关系 with concern 关切地 feel/show concern about/for sb/sth 担心/关心/挂念某人/事 have no concern for sb/sth 毫不关心某人/事 have no concern with sb/sth与某人/某事无关,7.go through: (1)experience

11、经历 经受 He would go through fair and water for his country. 他愿为国家赴汤蹈火。 (2)Look at sth. carefully仔细检查 审查 They went through our luggage. (3)Look through=read through/dip into 浏览 翻阅 We spend several days going through all books. (4)pass through通过 穿过 The rope is too thick to go through the hole. 绳子太粗穿不过这个

12、孔。 (5)Finish or complete sth 完成 做完 How long will it take you to go through the book? 看完这本书你得用多长时间?,(6)Cost sth wholly or use up花完 用掉 Ive gone through all the envelopes I bought last week. 我已经用完了上周买的所有信封。 (7)Discuss 讨论 Lets go through the suggestion again. 让我们再讨论一下这个建议。,go through,1.经历 经受2.仔细检查 审查3.浏

13、览翻阅4通过 穿过 5完成做完6花完用掉7讨论,We spend several days going through all books.,The rope is too thick to go through the hole.,Lets go through the suggestion again.,Ive gone through all the envelopes I bought last week,He would go through fair and water for his country.,They went through our luggage.,How long

14、 will it take you to go through the book?,3,4,7,6,1,2,5,8. set down (1)to write about sth. so that you have a record of it. 写下 记下 He was asked to set down the facts. (2)制定 规定 This club rules are set down in its constitution. 俱乐部的规定都写在章程里 (3)to stop a car, bus and allow someone to get out 将停下来让乘客下车 T

15、he driver set her down at the station. 司机在车站停下车让他下去。,set aside不顾 把置于一旁 set about着手做某事 set back使推迟 延误 set forward提出 拨快 促进 set off 动身 出发 引爆 set out出发 着手做 set up 竖起 创设 开办,9. a series of 一连串的 一系列的 一套 My father has recently bought a series of monkey stamps.我爸爸最近买了一套猴子的邮票。 注意:series 单复数同型作主语时谓语动词根据series单

16、 复数概念决定,不根据of后面的名词决定。 例:A series of lectures is scheduled. 一系列的讲座已经安排好了日程。 Two series of new stamps have come out. 已出了两套新邮票。,10. on purpose 故意 有意地 特地 I think she lost the key on purpose. He went to town on purpose to sell one of paintings. 他为了卖自己的画特地进了城。 by design故意地 by accident 偶然地 by chance 偶然地 意外

17、地,11. In order to 为了 目的是 He flew to Beijing in order to visit his teacher last week. 为了拜访他的老师,他上周乘飞机去了北京。 In order for sb to do sth为了某人而做 I work hard in order for my son to go to college. 为了让我儿子上大学我努力工作。 否定形式:in order not to do sth He started early in order not to be late. 为了不迟到他早早就动身了。 They did any

18、thing in order to make money. In order to make money they did anything.,注意: to do, so as to do和in order to do都可以充当目的状语, 其中to do和in order to do放在句首和句中均可, 而so as to do只能放在句中,不能放在句首。 例:In order to see it clearly, I put on my glasses. I put on my glasses in order to see it clearly. I put on my glasses s

19、o as to see it clearly. I put on my glasses to see it clearly. To see it clearly I put on my glasses.,12. at dusk 在黄昏时刻 He usually goes out for a walk at dusk. 他通常在黄昏时出去散步。 The lights go on at dusk. 一到黄昏灯就亮了。 at dusk在黄昏 -in the evening 在傍晚 at noon在正午-in the afternoon在下午 at dawn在黎明-in the morning在上午

20、at midnight在午夜-at night 在夜里,13.face to face 面对面的,在句中做状语 常与with搭配 例:He came from face to face with death.他面临死亡。 拓展: in a persons face 当着某人的面 in(the)face of 面对 在面前 make face扮鬼脸 pull a long face 拉长脸 They laughed at me in my face.他们当面嘲笑我。 She was calm in the face of great danger. 大难临头他依旧保持冷静。, heart to

21、heart shoulder to shoulder back to back hand in hand arm in arm side in side step by step one by one,肩并肩地 背对背地 坦诚地 臂挽臂地 逐步地 手拉手地 一个接一个地 并排地 并肩地, heart to heart shoulder to shoulder back to back hand in hand arm in arm side in side step by step one by one,坦诚地 肩并肩地 背对背地 手拉手地 臂挽臂地 并排地 并肩地 逐步地 一个接一个地,14

22、. no longer= not any longer 不再 He no longer lives here=He doesnt live any longer. 他不再住这儿了。 I can not wait any longer=I can no longer wait. 我不能再等了。,注意: Im no longer a child and Ill no more make such mistakes 我不再是个孩子 也不会再犯这样的错误了。 no more/not any more表示“不再” 强调频率上不再重复 而no longer/notany longer 表示时间上不再延续。

23、 Time lost will come no more 失去的时间不会复返。,15.settle: vi/vt 使 定居 安排 解决 Settle down:坐下来 定居下来 安顿下来 She settled down to read her book.她坐下来看书。 Settle in 安顿下来 I settled myself in the armchair我在扶手椅上坐了下来 Settle up (with sb)付清欠款,结算 结账,16.Suffer vt&vi (使)遭受 忍受 经历 These plant can not suffer a cold winter. 这些植物经不

24、住寒冷的冬天. The enemy suffered heavy losses. 敌人遭受了巨大的损失。,vi,Suffer,Suffer from患病, 遭受 ,因而受损失 He is suffering from a bad cold. Suffer for 为而痛苦 If you do it, youll suffer for it later. 如果你做那件事的话你以后会因此而受苦的。,注意:suffer 后面往往接表示痛苦 寒冷 饥饿 损失等的 名词。Suffer from 后面常接表示疾病或造成不幸或痛苦的 事物的名词。suffer from一般不用于被动语态。,练习:_from

25、such heavy pollution already, it may be now too late to clean up the river. A Having suffered B suffering C to suffer D suffered,A,17. recover:,Vt&vi 复原 恢复常态 Vt 找回 寻回 找到,recover sth找回某物 recover sth from sb/sp 从某人/某处找回某物,18.get/be tired of 对厌烦(精神上的厌烦) I am/get tired of all the arguments 我对所有的这些争论烦透了。

26、 get/be tired of doing sth 厌烦做某事 She got/was tired of hearing about their trip to India. 她听腻了他们的印度之行。,be tired out 精疲力竭的 be tired with/from 由于而疲倦的(指体力上的疲劳) 一言辨析: You may be tired with reading, but you should not be tired of it. 看书可能使你疲劳,但你不应该对看书感到厌烦。 经典回放: _and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were th

27、e first to reach the top Mount Tai. A To be tired B Tired C Tiring D Being tired,B Tired,19. Pack (sth) up 将(东西)装箱 打包,整理行装 其中up是副词,其后如果接名词作宾语,则既可位于up 前也可位于up后,但如果接代词作宾语,则必须位于up前. (机器等)停止工作,坏了 The fax machine has packed up again.传真机又坏了。 停止 放弃 辞掉 What made you pack up a good job like that? 什么原因使你辞去了那么

28、好的工作?,拓展: pack away (用后)收拾起来放好 把装起来 pack in 把挤在里面 pack up 停下来 pack into sth 把某物挤入 塞入 Pack sth out 吸引(足够的观众),使满座,20.get along with & get on with 与相处 进展 The twins get alone very nicely with their classmates. 这对双胞胎与同学们相处很融洽。 Im getting on well with my classmates. 我和同学们相处得很好。,拓展:get away get back get on

29、 get down get up get in get into get out get over,离开 逃离 回来 归来 上(车马飞机) 相处 进展 下来 取下 写下 起床 站起来 打扮 装饰 进入 收集 收割庄稼 进入陷入 出去(秘密等)泄露 被知道 爬过 越过克服超越,21. fall in love (with sb)=begin to be in love (with sb) What will he do if his daughter falls in love with a poor man? 要是他的女儿爱上了一个穷人,他该怎么办?,fall in love with sb

30、爱上某人,强调动作,属于终止性动 词短语。在肯定的现在完成时句子中,终止性动词或短语 不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。 be in love with sb 与某人相爱 表示状态,属于延续性动词,他们已经相爱好多年了: They have fallen in love with each other for years. They have been in love with each other for years. They fell in love with each other years ago. It s years since they fell in love with each

31、 other.,F,T,T,T,一言辨义: We fell in love with each other at the first sight eight years ago, so we have been in love with each other for eight years. 8年前我们一见钟情,所以我们相爱了8年。,22.disagree:vi 不同意 不符 不一致 disagree with sb/sth 不同意某人(意见)/某事 disagree with sb on/about/over sth 就某事与某人意见不合 disagree with (doing) sth

32、不赞成(做某事) Even friends disagree sometimes. 即使是朋友有时也有分歧。 He disagreed with his parents on most things. 他在多数事情上都与他的父母意见不一致。,Sth disagree with sth 与不符,不一致 Sth disagree with sb (食物 气候等) 不适合某人 Her conduct disagree with her words. 她言行不一。 The climate here disagrees with me. 这儿的气候不适合我,23.dislike:不喜欢-like 喜欢

33、unlike:不像-like 像,24. Join in 参加 加入 Join in (doing) sth 加入某事 一起做某事 Join sb in (doing) sth 加入某人某事 跟某人一起做事 Join sb (承接上文的缩略) 跟某人一起做某事 He never joined in the sports that the boys liked. 他从来不参加男孩子喜爱的运动。 My wife joins me in sending our best regards to you. 我和我妻子一同向您表示问候。 I invite him to join us in the arg

34、ument. 我邀请他参加我们的辩论。,辨析: join, join in take part in, attend join 表示加入“党派,组织,社团,俱乐部”等 join the Party/Youth League/army/club/organization 入党/入团/参军/加入俱乐部/加入组织 join in表示“参加正在进行的活动 ” Join in a game/discussion/conversation 参加游戏/讨论/谈话 take part in 表示“参加会议或活动”侧重说明主语参加 发挥一定的作用,part前若有修饰语,要用不定冠词。 take (an active) part in a party/school activities/ physical labour (积极)参加聚会/学校活动/体力劳动 attend 表示“出席会议,仪式,婚礼,葬礼,上课上学, 听报告等。 attend a meeting 出席会议 attend school 上学 attend a lecture听演讲,


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