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1、Welcome,William Shakespeare (15641616),All the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players,Lesson 41-43,The Merchant of Venice,Antonio,friends,enemies,couple,mistress and maid,Tell the relation between the characters:,Bassanio,the Duke,Shylock,Portia,Nerissa,debtor and lender,Questions

2、 based on the introduction:,1.Why did Bassanio ask Antonio to lend him some money? 2.Why did Antonio borrow money from Shylock? 3.On what condition did Shylock lend money to Antonio? 4.Why was Antonio in trouble? 5.How and when did Bassanio know Antonios trouble? 6.What did Portia plan to do?,Watch

3、and answer,The text mainly talks about_. A.Portias cleverness and Antonios charity(善行) B.Shylocks cruelty and Portias cleverness C.Antonios charities and Shylocks cruelty,B,Listening and questions: Parts1-2,At the _, the Duke tried hard to persuade Shylock to have _ on Antonio, but Shylock _ on havi

4、ng a pound of his flesh. Even if Bassanio would pay him _ the money Antonio had borrowed, Shylock would not _ his mind. While the Duke was _ what to do, Portia arrived, who was _ to be a lawyer. She took her seat as _ and knew how to deal with this _ case. Portia asked Shylock to be _, but Shylock d

5、emanded his flesh by _. Bassanio didnt_ his wife and asked her to _ the law a little. Portia denied his request. She declared the court and the law _ Shylock to take his pound of flesh.,court,mercy,insisted,double,change,wondering,pretending,judge,troublesome,merciful,law,recognize,change,allowed,Wa

6、tch and answer(II),1.How did Portia defeat Shylock? 2.What punishment did Shylock get? 3.How did Antonio deal with his part of Shylocks money?,Character Analysis,Shylock,Antonia,Bassanio,The Duke,Nerissa,Portia,Next,Positive: friendly, ready to help, hardworking, generous, brave, merciful, careful,

7、clever,diligent, calm, romantic, learned, wise, brave, rational(理性的) confident, wealthy, beautiful, just(公正的), lovely, devoted, successful, honest, thoughtful(考虑周到的) Negative: cruel/merciless; careless; cunning/tricky(狡猾的), narrow-minded(气量小的), revengeful(报复的), greedy, ugly, bloodthirsty; dishonest,

8、 selfish closehanded/ mean (吝啬的), jealous(妒忌的),Back,Shylock,Cruel, merciless,Eg. his single-minded pursuit of a pound of fresh,Cunning, sly,Eg. his frequent mentions of law and justice,Narrow-minded, revengeful,Eg. He hated Antonio and wanted to take his revenge, So he designed the scheme of a pound

9、 of flesh.,A greedy miser,Eg. When he realized he couldnt get his flesh, he asked Bassanio for 3 times money.,Portia,Learned, wise, witty,brave, cool, calm,humorous,Confident, wealthy, Beautiful,Antonia:,Bassanio:,The Duke:,Nerissa:,Brave, clever,Merciful, just,Friendly; clever, romantic,Friendly, r

10、eady to help,generous; Brave; Merciful; thoughtful,Back,Homework,Prepare for the acting out of the play in Lesson41-43.,Translation work 佳句赏析,慈悲带来益处。慈悲像甘露从天空中降到地面上,它不但赐福施予的人,而且赐福于受施的人。,Watch and answer(II),Which happened last in Part 2?_ A.Shylock insisted on having one pound of Antonios flesh. B.Po

11、rtia declared that the law allowed Shylock to take Antonios flesh. C.Antonio said his last words to Bassanio.,B,language points,mercy,bitter Have _ on Antonio,Shylock.Do not be so_.(Line1 of page62) One half of his money and his goods shall be given to the city of Venice and the other half shall be

12、given to the person he has tried to kill.His life shall be at he _of the Duke.Therefore, go down on you knees and beg the duke for_.,mercy,bitter,mercy,mercy,When Shylock prepared to _ _ _, Portia stopped him and _ _ Shylock _ off one pound of flesh from Antonios body,no_, no_without a drop of blood

13、.Shylock wanted to leave the _.The judge _ that _ _ the law all Shylocks wealth should be _ _ and his life should be _ _ _ _ the Duke. Shylock said that he would rather _ because his money and goods were _ _ to him _ life itself.Finally, Antonio _ _ his part of Shylocks money _ _ _ Shylock would lea

14、ve the money to his own daughter and her husband _ his death. Shylock had no choice _ _ agree. That was the end of the _.,Fill in the blanks according to the tape:,do the deed,insisted on,cutting,more less,court,declared,according to,taken away,at the mercy of,die,as dear as,gave up,on condition tha

15、t,upon,but to,trial,Listening and questions:,1.How did Portia defeat Shylock? 2.What punishment did Shylock get? 3.How did Antonio deal with his part of Shylocks money?,language points:,desire Let us be calm,gentlemen. Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none? I have done noth

16、ing wrong and I fear no judg3ment. I _ my pound of flesh.,desire,language points:句法:读句子,做练习(I),upon Mercy brings good. Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky _ the earth.It blesses those who give it,and those who receive it.We should learn to show mercy to others.Do you still ask for this pou

17、nd of flesh?,upon,读句子,做练习 (ii),1.The youngster was _ excited that he began to come out of the wheelchair, but it was useless his trying to do that. A. very B. such C. so D. quite 2.He was _ that nobody regarded him as a guide. A.so a young boy B. so young a boy C. such young a boy D. such a boy youn

18、g 3.He has _ big a head to be supported by his slender neck. A. too B. how C. so D. enough,C,B,A,language points,comfort take my life too! My money and goods are as dear to me as life itself.They are my only comfort.When you take those away from me, you also take my life.,Character:,Antonio: a _ of

19、Venice, he borrowed money from _ for his friend _, but he did not pay it back in time.,Bassanio: _ best friend, he was in love with _ and married her later.,Shylock: a _.,Portia: she married _ and pretended to be a _ in Antonios trial.,Nerissa: Portias _, she dressed herself like a _.,The Duke of Ve

20、nice: he is the _ of Venice and presided the trial,Antonios,moneylender,ruler,Listening and questions: Part1-2,1.What does the Duke ask Shylock to do? 2.What does Bassanio offer? 3.What is Shylocks reply? 4.What letter does Nerissa bring? 5.What does the letter say? 6.What does the Duke think of the case? Why? 8.What does Portia ask Shylock to do? 10.Does Bassanio recognize his wife, Portia? 12. What is Shylocks purpose? Why?,


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