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1、九年级期末复习课:名词,实验中学 陈楚南,可数名词(countable nouns),不可数名词( uncountable nouns),名词的数,名词的所有格,可数名词的变化,( nouns of the possessive case),(changes of countable nouns),flower,flowers,Watch- watches,factory-factories,leaf - leaves,Box-boxes,可数名词Rugular,tomatoes,potatoes,heroes,radios,photos,zoos,pianos,child-children,

2、woman-women,Deer-deer,Sheep-sheep,man-men,goose-geese,可数名词Irrugular,Some plural nouns,scissors,chopsticks,shoes,trousers,glasses,dollars,yuan,写出下列单词的复数形式,season church factory thief piano tomato tooth banana tree Man driver people Child knife,seasons,churches,factories,thieves,pianos,tomatoes,teeth,

3、banana trees,men drivers,peope,children,knives,总结规律,1. 一般的名词词尾直接加-s 。 2. 以s, ss, ch, sh, x 结尾的名词,在词尾加-es 。 3. 以“辅音字母+y“结尾的名词,要先将y改为i再加-es。 4. 以f 或fe 结尾的名词,要将f或fe改为v再加-es。 5. 特例 child children man men woman women policeman policemen German Germans (规律:man men) tomato tomatoes potato potatoes zoo zoos

4、 foot feet tooth teeth sheep, Chinese, Japanese单、复数同形 people单数形式表示复数意义,要求谓语动词用复数; people的复数形式peoples通常指“多个民族”。 另外,由man和woman构成的合成名词,变复数时将名词及man或woman都变成复数。而其他合成名词,只需要把合成名词中的中心词变为复数形式。,a bottle of juice some juice,a glass of orange some orange,two boxes of milk a kilo of milk Half a kilo of milk,不可数名

5、词,1. Beijing is the capital of China. Beijing is Chinas capital. 2. This is Mary and her sisters bedroom. Bob and Lucys sister is a nurse. 3. These are Toms and Lilys bags.,的,看例题识所有格,(nouns of the possessive case),4. She is the two boys mother. 5. the door of the room the leaves of the tree 6. the g

6、irls name=the name of the girl 7. He is a friend of my brothers.,名词所有格的形式,有生命的名词单数+s;复数+s再+所有物;特殊情况的复数名词看成单数 名词+of+名词无生命的或有生命的名词 所有格+of +s结构或所有物+of+名词性物主代词=双重所有格,注意:由数词+名词+形容词构成的复合形容词,中间的名词须用单数形式。,An eight-year-old boy一个八岁的男孩 A 70-metrehigh building一幢70米高的建筑,1.三双鞋 _ 2.Tom和Kate的房间_ 3.两瓶橘汁_ 4.Tom父亲的一个

7、朋友 _ 5.少年宫 _ 6.Jim的和Tony的妈妈们_ 7.一个二十岁的女孩_,将下列词组译成英语,three pairs of shoes,two bottles of orange juice,a friend ofTomsfathers,the Childrens Palace,Tom and Kates room,Jims and Tonys mums,A twenty-year-old girl,物质名词的同形异义现象,1.Several _ are talking under the treeAnd they are_. A. woman;children B. woman;c

8、hild C. women;children 2.How far is your school from here? Not very farIts about twenty _ walk.(2000杭州) A. minutes B. minutes C. minutes,C,C,典型例题解析,3. There are three _ in my family. (2004长春) A.people B. person C. child 4. Most students can go to college for further _ in our city. A. education B. in

9、formation C.science,A,A,根据所给单词的正确形式填空: 1. Different people may have different _. (idea) 2. I often go to work on _. (foot) 3. I know one of the_. (boy) 4. Mr. Brown is wearing a pair of_. (glass) 5. Please give them their _. (photo),ideas,foot,boys,glasses,photos,5. This is _ bedroom. The twin siste

10、r like it very much. A. Ann and Jane B. Ann and Janes C. Anns and Janes,B,6. Are there any _ in the box? (watch) 7. There are twelve _ in a year. (month) 8. Would you like some _? (tomato) 9. Look at those _ in the boats! (people) 10. Look! The _are singing. (woman),watches,months,tomatoes,people,wo

11、men,11. September 10th is _Day. (teacher) 12. Jim has some _ . (knife) 13. How much are these _ ? (vegetable) 14. My school is twenty_ walk from here. (minute) 15. The girl under the tree is a friend of_. (Lucy),Teachers,knives,vegetables,minutes,Lucys,( ) 1. Please give me _ paper. A. one B. a piec

12、e C. a D. a piece of ( ) 2. This table is made of_. A. many glass B. some glasses C. glasses D. glass,D,D,选择填空:,( ) 3.Bill runs fast. He won the _ 800 metre race yesterday. Aboys Bboys Cboy Dboys . ( ) 4. Some _ came to our school for a visit that day. A. Germans B. Germen C. Germany D. Germanies,B,

13、A,( ) 5. In the picture there are many_ and two_. A. sheeps; foxes B. sheeps; foxes C. sheep; foxes D. sheep;foxs ( ) 6. This is not my cap, but my _. A. brothers B. brothers C. brothers D. brother,C,B,( )7. They write most of their_ in English. A. business letter B. business letters C. businesses D

14、. businesses letters ( ) 8. _are_for cutting things. A. Knife, used B. Knives, using C. Knife, using D. Knives, used,B,D,( ) 9. John bought_for himself yesterday. A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoe C. two pair of shoes D. two pairs shoes ( ) 10.Excuse me, where is the_? A. mens room B. mens r

15、oom C. mens rooms D. men rooms,A,A,The Browns is going to visit China. ( ) The Browns are going to visit China. ( ) The young is dancing there. ( ) The young are dancing there. ( ) Physics are very difficult to learn. ( ) Physics is very difficult to learn. ( ),典型例题解析,We have five Germen in this mee

16、ting. ( ) We have five Germans in this meeting. ( ) This is one of the English-Chinese dictionary. ( ) This is one of the English-Chinese dictionaries. ( ),Ten years _ (is ,are) short time for me. A pair of shoes _ (is, are) under the bed. The number of the students in our school _ (is ,are) 2,000.

17、The woman with two children _ ( is, are) coming here. Neither he nor I _ (are, am ) an American.,is,is,is,is,am,指点迷津,6. Maths _ (are, is ) hard to learn for the boy. 7. They are all _ ( woman teachers; women teachers). The population of China _ (are, is ) over 1,300,000,000.,is,is,women teachers,9. There are many _ (peoples, people )in the street in summer. 10. One of the students _ (have, has) gone to Shanghai.,people,has,


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