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1、高中英语,面临的两个问题 一、如何增加词汇量 读懂的问题 二、如何来解题 做对做快的的问题,一、如何增加词汇量,我们知道词汇与阅读是学好英语的关键,词汇的积累需要不断的重复记忆与大量的阅读文章相结合,这样才能牢固的记忆单词。对于有效的记忆单词有以下三方法一配套: 一、强背: 1、自备一本符合自己的单词本。可以在书店里买一本,但最好自己来制作。我们高考题中常考的单词在我们课本后面的单词表里都能找到,所以你可以把这些单词全部都摘抄到你的单词本上,打乱次序按照你的喜好每多少个单词安排成一个单元,每次进行一个单元。 2、记忆过程要求:要大声朗读,反复朗读直至背诵。背完单词之后8小时再复习一遍,第二天再

2、看一遍,第四天再复习一遍,你可以前后衔接地类似滚雪球那样去复习。,一、如何增加词汇量,二、速记 常看须背单词。 这时候是集中看单词,而不是背单词。这个方法和强背结合起来。尽量在最短的时间内,把所有的要记的单词粗粗看一遍。不要刻意去记忆,但是要认真,用心感觉每一个生词。 一般来说,一天用半小时或一小时看一遍。由于人都有本能集中注意陌生词汇,浏览速度将越来越快。以这种方法突击,是最容易见效的。但一定要用心。若心猿意马,仅仅机械地翻看这些书页,那一点意义都没有。这儿特别提醒是看单词而不要念单词,是为了突破阅读障碍。在阅读的过程中,默读速度常常影响阅读速度。所以必须把视觉刺激整合起来,对应思维要求,达

3、到飞速阅读的境界。而这对考试是非常重要的。,一、如何增加词汇量,三、翻译短文三、翻译短文 我们知道我们记忆单词的目的就是要能读会写。这种方法其实是最有效的记忆方法,能达到长久记忆,而且长期训练可以达到读懂一篇文章的效果。只是过程慢一点。 具体来说:买一本历年真题集(why:真题的作用),一篇文章进行三遍。第一遍只译不写。英汉对照着进行翻译,划出或者另写不认识的单词和不懂的或者精彩的句子,对照汉译查字典搞懂并记下来。第二遍边译边写。不看对照直接翻译,并把翻译成的汉语句子写下来,不会翻译的地方画出来或另写,如果和第一遍的重复则加标注即可。第三遍消化不会。只把不会的那些东西进行记忆、消化,这一遍还有

4、一个任务就是尝试着找出中心思想并概括的写出来。这一整个过程要求48小时之内全部完成。然后把记下来的那些常翻即可。,举例,The marvelous telephone and television network that has now enmeshed the whole world, making all men neighbours, cannot be extended into space. It will never be possible to converse with anyone on another planet. Even with todays radio equi

5、pment, the messages will take minutessometimes hourson their journey, because radio and light waves travel at the same limited speed of 186, 000 miles a second. 注:先光看单词是不是基本都认识,但是要读懂却不容易 神奇的电话和电视网络将整个世界连结在一起,使所有的人都成了邻居,但是却不能延伸到宇宙中。你永远不可能和另一个星球上的人进行对话。即使有今天的无线电设备,信息传播也需要好几分钟,有时候甚至好几个小时,因为无线电和光波都是以每秒1

6、86, 000英里的有限速度传播。,常想英语单词,3、所谓三法一配的配(配套三种方法进行记忆)就是:常想英语单词。 从看单词的第三天开始,就需要想单词。这是调用记忆,让单词不断地从脑子里过。想单词是脱离书本的最好方法。可以在任何空闲的时候进行。要尽量在脑子里多过几遍,这样,留下的印象要深得多,可以经年不忘。 想单词的速度比看单词要快。对于记忆来说,看单词是“记”的过程,想单词是“忆”的过程。“记” 和 “忆”的最有效结合就是“看” 和 “想” 的结合。 在刚开始的时候,可以按照词汇表来回忆单词。也就是让词汇表在脑海重现。一般而言,十天之后,想单词可以尝试自己分类归纳总结。这时候应该让单词概念和

7、实际事物对应,形成image(形象)。 归纳总结的依据是单词的区别和联系。找到单词的特点,形成概念群并捆绑,是深化记忆的最佳办法。建立单词之间的逻辑关系是很重要的。这样可能对一些几年没用过一次的单词都牢牢记得。单词的特点有很多。发音,词根变化,外形差异,内容,使用范围等等,都是思考的重点。 在想不起的时候,要及时地看书,补上。 “学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”,这是学习的真谛。,二、如何来解题,根据今年高考题型来看,基本包括单项选择(每题1分,共15题),完形填空(每题1.5分共20题),阅读理解(分为两节。第一节每题2分,为4篇文章共15题;第二节每题2分共5题),短文改错(每题一分,共10题

8、),作文(1题共25分) 下面主要对对单项选择、短文改错,完形填空,阅读理解,作文详细谈谈对策。,单项选择举例(13高考题),真题是用来研究的。今年的高考题,我们看一下都考了什么 1-Im sorry I made a mistake! - .Nobody is perfect. A. Take your time B. Youre right C.Whatever you say D. Take it easy 3. I was glad to meet Jenny again, I didnt want to spend all day with her. A. but B. and C.

9、so D.or 4. When I arrived, Bryan took me to see the house I would be staying. A. what B. when C. where D. which,单项选择举例(13高考题),5.I got to the office earlier that day, the 7:30 train from Paddington A.caughl B. to have caught C. to catch D. having caught 6. Since nobody gave him any help, he have done

10、 the research on his own. A. can B. must C. would D. need 13.Four and half hours of discussion took us up to midnight,and break for cheese,chocolate and tea with sugar. A.a;a B. the; the C.不填;the D.a;不填,短文改错举例(12高考题),Dear Editor, Im writing to tell youopinion about water saving. 76. my Water is impo

11、rtant. We, as well as animal, cannot live 77. animals without water and neither agriculture or industry can go 78. nor without it. Yet it seemed water is becoming less and less. 79. seems Many countries in the world find we dont have enough water. 80. they To deal with a problem, I think, we should

12、first go all 81. the/this/that out to plant trees though trees will help save water. Next, no 82. because/since/as drinking water should be left running. Third, we should find 83. ways to reuse the water using in washing, especially bath 84. used water for which is quite a lot, and that will save mu

13、ch water. 85. for Sincerely, Li Hua,单项选择、短文改错,总结:单项选择不外乎考查词汇和语法。此题 考查方向:基础语法知识、语法知识情景交际(即语法知识的运用能力)、词语辨析(词义理解)、固定搭配和习惯用法、情景交际等5类内容。 复习策略:词汇可通过做题摸索出一些考点热点和重点,只要错了若干次并最终搞懂,在碰到这些知识点时就会很敏感。诀窍还是在于认真对待每一次考试,认真对待每一道错题。具体说来就是把错题记在一个本子上,如果是词汇题就牢牢记下它,如果是语法题认真研读语法书,一道一道反复做,直到弄懂为止。(我们常犯的一个错误就是因为语法而语法,而忘记了弄懂语法的目

14、的),单项选择、短文改错,具体要求:1.务必把动词作为复习重点。对动词时态,常见基本概念要搞清楚;弄清情态动词的基本用法,要在对话中体会和形成语感;非谓语动词用法十分重要,要保证一定数量的练习。高考对各种从句的考查必不可少,可通过对阅读材料中长难句的理解和做一定量的练习来解决。2.加强解题技巧和解题思路的训练。3.要摈弃孤立语句知识的学习、单纯语言知识的灌输和语法为纲的教学思路。应按实际交际的需求(语境设置)进行语法知识的分类与教学,按社会话题的需求进行句型和用语的分类和教学。 短文改错和单项选择的考查目的一样都是词汇和语法,可以用同样的策略和要求来做。可以相互穿插的练习。,完形填空举例(13

15、高考题),Michael Greenberg is a very popular New Yorker. He is not famous in sports or the arts, But people in the streets 16 him, especially those who are 17 .For those people, he is “Gloves“ Greenberg. How did he get that 18 ? He looks like any otner businessman, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcas

16、e (公文箱). But hes 19 . His briefcase always has some gloves。 In winter,Mr.Greenberg does not 20 like other New Yorkers,who look at the sidewalk and 21 the street.He looks around at 22 .He stops when he 23 someone with no gloves.He gives them a pair and then he 24 ,looking for more people with cold 25

17、 . On winter days,Mr.Greenberg 26 gloves.During the rest of the year,he 27 gloves.People who have heard about him 28 him gloves,and he has many in his apartment. Mr. Greenberg 29 doing this 21 years ago. Now, many poor New Yorkers know him and 30 his behavior. But people who dont know him are someti

18、mes 31 him. They dont realize that he just wants to make them 32 . It runs in the 33 .Michaels father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier. Michael Greenberg feels the 34 .A pair of gloves may be a 35 thing,but it can make a big difference in winter.,完形填空举例(13高考题),16.Aknow

19、about B. learn from C. cheer for D. look after 17. A. old B. busy C. kind D.poor 18. A. iob B. name C. chance D. message 19.A.calm B.different C.crazy D.curious 20.A.act B.sound C.feel D.dress 21.A.cross over B. drive along C. hurry down D. keep off 22. A. cars B. people C. street numbers D. traffic

20、 lights 23.A.helps B .chooses C.greets D.sees 24.A.holds up B.hangs out C.moves on D.turns around 25.A.hands B. ears C.faces D. eyes 26. A. searches for B. stores up C.gives away D. puts on 27. A. borrows B. sells C.returns D. buys 28. A. call B. send C. lend D. show 29. A. delayed B. remembered C.

21、began D. enjoyed 30.A.understand B.dislike C.study D.excuse 31.A.sorry for B.satisfied with C.proud of D.surprised by 32.A.smart B.rich C.special D.happy 33.A.city B.family C.neighborhood D.company 34.A.honor B.pain C.same D.cold 35.A.small B.useful C.delightful Dcomforting,完形填空,二、完形填空该题旨在检测考生在阅读理解的

22、基础上对英语语言知识的综合运用能力。要求学生在短文所设计的语言情景中,综合运用所学语法知识和词汇辨析。 完形填空专题的知识覆盖面:词汇知识词义、用法、搭配;语法知识;篇章知识;生活常识和文化背景知识。 完形填空短文的选材常体现如下原则:题材贴近学生生活实际,符合时代要求;短文难易程度一般略低于阅读理解的短文;体裁可以是叙述文体,陈述事实,也可以是夹叙夹议,引出多个人物语言,增加题目难度。,完形填空,答题思路一般建议分四步走: 1.做题前,先略读全文或文章的前半部,尤其是文章的开头部分,旨在迅速领会全文的主题、大意,从整体上把握全文;不可采取看一句做一题的单项解题法; 2.逐题微观选择时,要分析


24、时,要充分利用推导和逻辑联想来判断; 4.选项完成后,通读全文,检查试填的选项在搭配、内容和逻辑上是否一致。如果造成文章理解上的障碍或意思上的矛盾,就需要重新审视选项,做出新的选择。,完型填空,答题方法: 1、选项均为介词,则主要考虑介词本身的含义,或者和其他词语的固定搭配; 2、若选项为近义词,则要考虑搭配、语体色彩等,这是完型填空考查的重点; 3、若选项中为词性相近的词,则分析词义即可。 4、若选项中有反义词,则分析上下文的逻辑; 5、若为语法选项,则从时态、语态、语气、非谓语动词、倒装、从句等角度加以分析。 6、要学会在在短文的其他地方找出答案,要注意反复出现的词以及那些没有空缺的完整句

25、子,因为有时作者会热衷于某些词语的重复使用。所以,这些地方往往能提供很重要的已知信息,对把握全篇内容有提示作用。,阅读题第一节,阅读理解阅读能力的提高必须以提高学生的基本词汇量为前提。那么,学生到底应该掌握多少词汇,掌握哪些词汇,在阅读时才会得心应手呢?这样的问题恐怕谁也不好回答。根据考试大纲的要求,掌握3000个词汇应该够了。但是,实际情况是,即使学生认识教材中的每个单词,在阅读时还是会出现困难。更何况,大部分中等水平的学生不具备考试大纲要求的词汇量。怎么解决这个问题呢?我认为应该从最常用词入手,尤其掌握好文章中的常用结构词;养成快速阅读、获取文章大意的习惯;培养猜词能力。 这一方面可以和前

26、面的翻译短文记忆法结合起来,阅读题举例(13高考题),Doctor are known to be terrible pilots. They dont listen because they already know it all. I was lucky: I became a pilot in 1970, almost ten years before I graduated from medical school. I didnt realize then, but becoming a pilot makes me a better surgeon. I loved flying.

27、As I flew bigger, faster planes, and in worse weather. I learned about crew resource management (机组资源管理), or CRM, a new idea to make flying safer. It means that crew members should listen and speak up for a good result, regardless of positions. I first read about CRM in 1980. Not long after that, an

28、 attending doctor and I were flying in bad weather. The controller had us turn too late to get our landing ready. The attending doctor was flying; I was safety pilot He was so busy because of the bad turn, he had forgotten to put the landing gear (起落架) down. He was a better pilot - and my boss - so

29、it felt unusual to speak up. But I had to: Our lives were in danger. I put aside my uneasiness and said, “We need to put the landing gear down now!“ That was my first real lesson in the power of CRM, and Ive used it in the operating room ever since. CRM requires that the pilot/surgeon encourage othe

30、rs to speak up. It further requires that when opinions are from the opposite, the doctor doesnt overreact, which might prevent fellow doctors from voicing opinions again. So when Im in the operating room, I ask for ideas and help from others. Sometimes theyre not willing to speak up. But I hope that

31、 if I continue to encourage them , someday someone will keep me from ”landing gear up”.,36.What dose the author say about doctors in general? A. They like flying by themselves. B. They are unwilling to take advice. C. They pretend to be good pilots. D. They are quick learners of CRM. 37.The author d

32、eepened his understanding of the power of CRM when_. A. he saved the plane by speaking up B. he was in charge of a flying task C. his boss landed the plane too late D. his boss operated on a patient 38.In the last paragraph”landing gear up” probably means _. A.following flying requirements. B.overre

33、acting to different opinions. C.listening to what fellow doctors say D.making a mistake that may cost lives 39.Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A.CRM:A New Way to Make Flying Safe B.Flying Makes Me a Better Doctor C.The Making of a Good Pilot D.A Pilot-Tumed Doctor,考查题型,一、局

34、部情感态度题(方法与步骤) 第一步:看题干判断局部情感态度题的主体与对象(也即所谓关键词) 第二步:依据局部情感态度的主体和对象从文章中寻找“出题句”、“得分句” 第三步:从得分句中寻找表示情感态度的词语,选择与该词语的意思最为接近的选项作为最佳答案。 第四步:如果得分句子中没有答案就求助于辅助句。 辅助句是和得分句是相关联的(答案必然在得分句和辅助句之中) 得分句 出题句,辅助句 不出题句(帮助我们做对题目而又没有出题目的句子就叫辅助句),总的方法,阅读中最忌讳的是一个字一个字地去读,那样又慢又差。正确的方法用眼去抓句子的大致结构(叫意群阅读法),这种提纲挈领的读法,不仅可以使速度加快,更可

35、以使准确率提高提高。 查找阅读法:读完第一段就做第一题。然后看第二个问题问的是什么,带着这个问题去看第二段,然后是第三段、第四段,以此类推。(注:主旨性问题不适用此法),此法得分往往很高。,得分句与辅助句的关系,得分句与辅助句的关系 (1)当得分句是某段的第一句话那么辅助句是该段后面所有的句子(不管是那一段) (2)当得分句是某段的最后一句话那么辅助句是该段的倒数第2句。 (3)当得分句是某段的中间一句话那么辅助句是该句的前后句 局部情感态度题的得分句最有可能在某段的第一句,只有找不到的时候才去看其他的句子。 参看36T,细节题,细节题的答案必须与作者在文章中的明确说明的事实、直接表达的观点相

36、符 。对于这种题型,考生应有的放矢地找到原文的具体事实或特定信息的位置,要求快速、准确 。这种方法我们称之为定位的方法。具体步骤如下: 1、看题干、确定中心词; 2、根据中心词寻找得分句(根据题目顺序返回原文,结合前面的查找阅读法,一般0.8个段落出一个题目) 3、对照题干、解读得分句,寻找最佳答案。如果得分句不能得出答案则求辅助句 。,猜词题,做错的根本原因不是英语水平的问题,关键在于其认识的意思不是要考查的意思,猜词题中考查的单词你背过它的意思并不重要,它的意思不是由单词本身决定的,而是由句子所处的单词环境决定的。 猜词题不是猜出来的,而是解出来的。答案是根据得分句中已知单词的意思,尤其是

37、与被猜单词相对应的已知单词的意思得出来的。(猜词题本质) 此类题有三种表现形式:猜字题、猜短语题、猜句题(猜句题最好做,答案一定在辅助句中,而得分句的辅助句的三种模型前面已讲过),猜词题的方法与步骤,1、看题干确定得分句的位置 2、对得分句进行分析,寻找与X相对应的已知单词 3、选择与该已知单词意思最接近的选项 4、如果不能找到与X相对应的已知单词,则求助于得分句的辅助句,中心思想题,注重首段和末段、段首和段尾。一篇文章的主题句或者说中心思想一般出现在文章的首段或者尾段。一般在文章第一段中就提出了要说明的对象或者要论证的观点,这些中心思想句 文章第一句话或第一段的最后一两句话。文章的最后一段一

38、般都会对全文的说明和论证进行总结,这些句子往往在第一句话或最后一句话。通过一些标志性词汇或者短语,可以更快地找到这些句子。如all in all,in short to ,therefore,accordingly,in a world, as a result.段首和段尾 段落的首句和尾句也经常是段落的中心思想句,因此也是出题的重点区域,涉及的问题包括了中心思想题、推理判断题和细节题等。在进行快速阅读的时候,考生只需浏览文章每章每一段的第一句话就大致能够判断这篇文章的中心思想和主旨。,中心思想题常考题型,一、main idea 题型主旨大意题 着重理解首段和末段,同样段落主旨题也要重视首末句

39、,它是这些的概括。(我们在前面翻译短文的词汇记忆的练习中要注重这一方面的训练) 二、标题题(解题方法) 同上 运用排除法 这种题的干扰项要么太具体,是文章的部分信息;要么太笼统,适合于任何段落,或超出文章范围;要么是正确信息和错误信息的组合;要么根据常识可断定是正确的,但不属于文章的内容;要么根本就与文章无关。,推理判断题,推理判断题和细节题的最高原则和宗旨是一样的:选择一个与原文表达方式不同,但意思上最为接近的选项、本质上等同于细节题 考查形式: 1、明确告知中心词的推理判断题? 例what can you infer from the avaliable statistics? 2、明确告

40、知得分句的推理判断题 如what can you infer from the first sentence of ph 2 这种题答案只可能在辅助句 3、明确告知得分段落的推理判断题,只在某一段,超出该段的则都不为答案,推理判断题的技巧,1、若要求对某段内容进行推论,那么只看题干要求作答的那一段 2、选项中采用试探性、不十分绝对语气,比如tend to ,offen等一般是答案 3、符合常识逻辑的一般是答案,阅读举例(12高考题),Cold weather can hard on pets, just like it can be hard on people. Sometimes owne

41、rs forget that their cats are just as used to the warm shelter (住所) as they are. Some owners will leave their animals outside for a long period of time, thinking that all animals are used to living outdoors. This can put their pets in danger of serious illness. There are things you can do to keep yo

42、ur animal warm and safe. Keep your pets inside as much as you can when the weather is bad. If you have to take them out, stay outside with them. When youre cold enough to go inside, they probably are too. I you must leave them outside for a long time, make sure they have a warm, solid shelter agains

43、t the wind, thick bedding, and plenty of non-frozen water. If left alone outside, dogs and cats can be very smart in their search for warm shelter. They can dig into snow banks or hide somewhere. Watch them closely when they are left outdoors, and provide them with shelter of good quality. Keep an e

44、ye on your pets water. Sometimes owners dont realize that a water bowl has frozen and their pet cant get anything to drink. Animals that dont have clean and unfrozen water may drink dirty water outside, which may contain something unhealthy for them.,阅读举例(12高考题),41. What do we learn about pets from

45、Paragraph 1? A. They are often forgotten by their owners. B. They are used to living outdoors. C. They build their won shelter. D. They like to stay in warm places. 42. Why are pet owners asked to stay with their pets when they are out in cold weather? A. To know when to bring them inside. B. To kee

46、p them from eating bad food. C. To help them find shelters. D. To keep them company. 43. If pets are left on their own outdoors in cold weather, they may _. A. run short of clean water B. dig deep holes for fun C. dirty the snow nearby D. get lost in the wild 44. What is the purpose of this text? A.

47、 To solve a problem. B. To give practical advice. C. To tell an interesting story. D. To present a research result.,阅读举例(13高考题),Given that many peoples moods (情绪)are regulated by the chemical action of chocolate, it was probably only a matter of time before somebody made the chocolate shop similar t

48、o a drugstore of Chinese medicine. Looking like a setting from the film Charlie&the Chocolate Factory, Singapores Chocolate Research Facility (CRF) has over 100 varieties of chocolates.its founder is Chris Lee who grew up at his parents comer store with one handalmost always in the jar of sweets. If

49、 the CRF seems to be a smart idea, thats because Lee is not merely a seasoned salesperson but also head of a marketing department that has business relations with big names such as Levis and Sony. That idea surely results in the imagination at work when it comes to making different flavored(味道)chocolates. The CRFs produce is “green“. made within the country and divided into 10 lines, with the Alcohol Series being the most popular. The Exotic Series一


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