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1、新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语,必修1-必修2总复习,Mainly Revision of Senior 1 English,Book1 Unit 1 Friendship,Words and expressions,addto往加add to增加 add up to总共 upset adj.& vt.(使)不安 ignore vt.不理睬 be ignorant of concern vt.涉及,关心 be concerned about Reason 理由 Share分享 go through经历,8.set down记下,放下 9.nature 10.in order to, so as

2、 to, so that, in order that为了. 11.advice忠告 12.join, join in, take part in, attend参加,1)He _the army at 18. 2)Will you_ us in a walk? 3)He didnt want to_the class meeting. 4)Did you_the sports meet?,joined,join,attend,take part in,13.calm down平静下来 14.be crazy about对狂热 like crazy=very hard努力地 15. get a

3、long (with)与相处, 进展 16. on purpose 故意 17. trust信任 18. suffer 遭受 19communicate 交流 20. It is/was +被强调部分+that/who+其它部分,Book1 Unit1,Words 使心烦_ 2. 不理睬_ 3. 理由_ 4. 感觉_ 5. 连续_ 6. 目的_ 7. 力量_ 8. 依照_ 9. 信任_ 10. 遭受_ 11. 忠告_ 12. ;情形_ 13.交际_ 14. 习惯_,upset,ignore,reason,feeling,series,purpose,power,according,trust,

4、suffer,advice,situation,communicate,habit,1. Let Harry play with your toys too, Clare-you must learn to s_. 2. As teenagers, you shouldnt get into the h_ of smoking. 3. The hotline helps many t_ who are growing up. 4. We had to keep i_ all week by bad weather. 5. The villagers s_ huge losses in the

5、big fire. 6. Dont be so u_; your mother will be all right soon. 7. He c_ in the exam so he was punished.,share,habit,teenagers,indoors,suffered,upset,cheated,Unit I,8.The children went _(疯狂)when they met the famous player Liu Xiang. 9. Give me your _(理由)for not walking the dog today. 10. You cant _(

6、相信)what the papers say. Not everything is true in the papers. 11. The villagers _(遭受)a lot after the flood, for example they had no homes to live in. 12. Could you please give me some _(建议)on how to learn Yoga? 13. There is a lot of air in the _(松的)snow. It can keep you warm. 14. The Jews had to hid

7、e away in such a difficult _(形势).,crazy,reasons,trust,suffered,advice,loose,situation,Unit1 1.把加起来 2.总计共达 3.增加把加到里 4. 不得不,必须 5. 经历 / 经受;穿过;浏览_ 6. 躲 / 藏起来 7. 一连串 / 一系列的 8. 写下 / 记下 9. 遭受(痛苦疾病损失灾难) 10. 和某人(很好地)相处,add up,add up to,addto,have got to,go through,hide away,a series of,set / write / put down

8、,suffer from,get along with,11. 爱上某人 / 某物 12. 对着迷 13. 彼此信任 14. 按照,根据 15. 参加 16. 与某人交流 17. 面对面 18. 有目的地/ 特意(做某事) 19.平静 / 镇静下来 20.关心 / 挂念(某人 / 某事),fall in love with,be crazy about,trust each other,according to,join / join in / take part in / attend,communicate with,face to face,on purpose,calm down,be

9、 concerned about,21.本应该做某事(但实际没做) 22.改变情形,状况 23.给某人一些建议 24. 忽视某人的情感 25.在考试中作弊,should have done,change the situation,give sb some advice,neglect / ignore ones feelings,cheat in the exam,Sentences: 1.我跟班里的同学相处得很好.(get along with) _ 2.他经历过两次世界大战.(go through) _ 3.他故意使你生气.(on purpose) _ 4.依据法律, 他必须被判处死刑.

10、(according to) _ 5.每个人都必须关心他人,而不是只顾自己.(be concerned about) _,I get along well with my classmates in my class.,He went through two World Wars.,He made you angry on purpose.,According to the law he should be sentenced to death.,One should be concerned about others, not only about himself.,下列情况直接引语变间接引

11、语时态不变: 1.如果陈述的是客观事实或真理时; 2.直接引语中有明确表示过去时间的状语时; 3.主句的谓语是一般现在时时.,“I was born in 1966 in Wuhan,”said Mr.Li. Mr. Li said that he was born in 1966 in Wuhan.,“Mike is from America,”says Tom. Tom says that Mike is from America.,直接引语变间接引语,“Open the window,”the teacher said to the students .,(command),The te

12、acher told the students to open the window.,“Dont open the window,” the teacher said to the students.,The teacher told the students not to open the window.,Change a command into an Indirect Speech.,told sb (not) to do sth,“Open the window, please,” the teacher said to the students.,(requests),The te

13、acher asked the students to open the window.,“Dont open the window ,please,” the teacher said to the students.,The teacher asked the students not to open the window.,Change a request into an Indirect Speech.,ask(ed) sb (not) to do sth,English around the world,Unit2,Words and expressions,even if 尽管=

14、even though communicate with与.交流 actually be based on以为基础 make use of利用 believe it or not 信不信由你 play a part/role in对某事有贡献、起作用,Include包含的部分内容 contain because of +名词/-ing形式 come up被提出 such as例如 request 要求 recognize 认出 A number of许多&the number of.的数量 如果句中使用了all, both, every, everyone, everybody, everyt

15、hing再使用否定词not, 无论not出现在河处, 该句都为部分否定句. Every student didnt pass the exam.= Not every student passed the exam.,Book1 Unit2,I. Words 1.包括 _ 2.国际的_ 3.本地人_4.公寓住宅_ 5.现代的_6.文化,文明_ 7.实际上_8.现在的,出席的_ 9.使用,用法_10.政府_ 11.迅速地_12.命令,指令_ 13.有礼貌的_14.东南方的_ 15.辨认出_16.口音,重音_ 17.方向,指导_ 18.地铁_,include,international,nativ

16、e,flat/apartment,modern,culture,actually,present,usage,government,rapidly,command,polite,southeastern,recognize,accent,direction,subway,Unit 2 1. In American English, an e_ is a device(装置) that carries people up and down. 2. He failed in the English exam because of his poor English v_. 3. The g_ is/

17、 are planning new tax increase. 4. If you c_ someone to do sth, you order them to do it. 5. M_ technology such as IT has greatly changed our way of life. 6. Most people, myself i_, arent happy about it. 7. An i_ card is a card with a persons name, photograph, date of birth, and other information abo

18、ut them on it.,elevator,vocabulary,government,command,Modern,included,identify,8. He comes not from the s_ part of this city, but form the northern part. 9. Follow the d_ for the use of the medicine. 10.When she saw me, she _(认得)me at once. 11. The villagers were all _(出席)at the meeting that night.

19、12. They made a request for _(国际的)aid. 13. She says its a good film, though she hasnt _(实际)seen it. 14. The text is asked to be _(复述) in your own words. 15. He speaks English with a strong German _(口音).,southern,directions,recognized,present,international,actually,retold,accent,UNIT2 1.起着重要的作用 2.因为,

20、由于 3.一个国际性的组织 4.在现代 5.中国的文化 6.目前的形势 7.身份证 8.想要做某事 9.意味着 10.母语,play an important part / role in,because of,an international organization,in modern times,Chinas culture,at the present situation,identification ID,want / intend / mean to do,mean (doing) sth,ones mother / native language,11.即使 ,尽管 12.标准英

21、语 13.在莎士比亚时代 14.问路,问方向 15.辨别出某人的声音 16.基于,以为基础 17.出席 18.走近,上来 19.正要接近于 20.好好利用,even though / if,standard English,in the time of Shakespeare,ask directions,recognize ones voice,baseon / upon,be present,come up,be about to approach,make full / good use of,21.大量的,许多 22.的数目 23. 例如 24. 信不信由你 25. 玩得开心 26.

22、作出一个请求 27. 命令某人做某事 28. 单词与短语 29. 比较A与B 30. 一个讲英语的国家,a large number of,the number of,for example / such as,Believe it or not,have a good time,make a request,give commands to do sth,words and expressions / phrases,compare A with / to B,an English-speaking country,III. Sentences: 1.教育在人们的生活中起着重要的作用.( p

23、lays a role/part in) _ 2. 这本书是以一个发生在1930年的真实故事为背景的.( be based on) _ 3. 学习英语的人数在很快地增加,这是因为英语很有用.(the number of) _ 4. 当他们面临困境时, 他们可以请求国际援助.( make a request for) _ 5. 信不信由你,我们学校离车站很近.( believe it or not) _,Education plays an important role/part in peoples life,The book is based on a true story that hap

24、pened in 1930.,The number of people learning English is increasing rapidly. This is because English is very useful.,When they are in trouble, they can make a request for international help.,Believe it or not, our school is close to the bus station.,Unit 3 Travel Journal,Words and expressions,1.final

25、ly, in the end, at last最后 2.persuade说服 3. insist坚持insist on/upon sth. /doing sth. 坚决做,坚持做 insist that 坚持一种说法,看法或事实(所跟的宾语从句用虚拟语气)I insisted that he should come with us (insisted on his coming with us.) 我坚持要他与我们同去。,The lady insisted that she had done nothing wrong and that she should be treated proper

26、ly.这位女士坚持说她没有做错事并认为应该得到恰当的待遇。,4.determine v. determined adj. determination n.决定 5.care about忧虑;关心; 6.so far(表距离)这/那么远;(表时间)迄今为止(常与完成式连用) We traveled so far last year; they didnt go so/as far as we did.我们去年走了那么远,他们没有走那么远。It has rained every day so far this month.到目前为止,这个月几乎每天都下雨。,7.as far as和一样远(否定句中

27、也用so far as);as /so far as I know/see据我所知/看来 8.record记录,记载,录音 make a record录制唱片;set a record创记录;break a record 打破记录;keep a record保持记录 ;keep a record of 把记录下来 9.be familiar to sb.为某人所熟悉 be familiar with sth.对某事熟悉 I m familiar with the streets of the city.我对这座城市的街道很熟悉。 The city is familiar to me.这座城市对

28、我来说很熟悉。,Book1 Unit3,I. Words: 1.日记,杂志_2.运送,运输_ 3.最后,终于_ 4.说服,劝说_ 5.顽固的 坚持 7.适当地_ 8.下定决心_ 9.山谷,流域_ 10.态度,看法_ 11.短裤_ 12.营地,扎营_ 13.记录,录音_ 14.话题,主题_ 15.熟悉的 _16.勇敢的 _,journal,transport,finally,persuade,stubborn,insist,properly,determine,valley,attitude,shorts,camp,record,topic,familiar,brave,Unit 3 1. Ex

29、cuse me, what is the f_ to London? Is 5 enough? 2. The music sounds so good that I want to r_ it from the radio. 3. In the past, the villagers t_ their goods by goat not by truck. 4. The little boy said nothing because he was not b_ enough to be against his father. 5. I know little about geography,

30、so I am not very f_ with the capital names.,fare,record,transported,brave,familiar,6. The Australians like to _(露营)in the countryside at the weekends. 7. We all know that he is too _(顽固)to apologize. 8. Dont take that _(态度)with me, young man. 9. Most students keep a _(日记)of their everyday life. 10.

31、She always _(坚持)that they should find the source in a proper way.,camp,stubborn,attitude,journal / diary,insists,UNIT3 1.梦想做某事 2.毕业于(某大学) 3.说服某人做某事 4.使某人对某事感兴趣做 5.坚决要求做某事 6.坚持要求某人做某事 7.改变主意 8.在的高度 9.下定决心做某事 10.向某人屈服,dream of doing sth,graduate from,persuade sb to do / into doing sth,get sb intereste

32、d in sth,insist on / upon doing sth,insist that sb (should) do sth,change ones mind,at an altitude of,be determined to do sth,give in to sb,11.穿过深谷 12.像往常一样 13.鼓励某人做某事 14.扎营 15.搭帐篷 16.迫不及待做某事 17.首先,其次 18.对熟悉 19.为某人所熟悉 20.一种对的态度,through deep valleys,as usual,encourage sb to do sth,make camp,put up te

33、nts,hardly wait to do,For one thingfor another,be familiar to,be familiar with,have an attitude to,21.破纪录 22.把某人经历记录下来 23.期末考试 24.公交车费 25.详细地 26.河的源头 27.醒着 28.为作准备 29.列出详单,break the record,record ones experiences,the final-term examination,bus fare,in detail,the source of a river,stay awake,prepare

34、for,make a list of details,III. Sentences: 1.他们坚持不完工就不休息.(insist) _ 2.一旦你下了决心就不该轻易改变主意.( make up ones mind) _ 3.说服我去参加运动会的是我的好朋友.(强句)( persuade sb. to do) _ 4.我认为我们不该让步,毕竟这不是我们的错.( give in) _ 5.父母所关心的是孩子的未来.( care about) _,They insist that they should not rest until they finish the work.,Once you ha

35、ve made up your mind, you should not change your mind easily.,It was my good friend who persuaded me to take part in the sports meeting,I dont think we should give in. After all, its not our fault.,What parents care about is the future of their children.,Unit 4 Earthquakes,1.imagine想象;认为 2.rise, rai

36、se rise vi.指自然“上升”,常用于日、月、云、霞、烟、水蒸气、物价、温度、河水、潮水及人的职位等 raise vt.外部的力量,“举起、提高”,饲养、种植”、养育 3.burst into / burst out突然 burst into + n. burst out + doing 4.destroy, ruin, damage destroy毁灭;摧毁表示在肉体上、精神上或道义上彻底摧毁,使之无法复原,也可以表示对某物体进行完全的毁坏,ruin败坏,毁坏,崩溃的状态. 指对物体或生命彻底的破坏,但往往是非暴力的,也往往不是一次的打击结果,常指对美好的或希望中的事物的破坏 dama

37、ge损害;损毁(使失去价值)指对物体或生命的局部损坏 All his hopes were destroyed.他所有的希望都毁灭了 Smoking ruined his health.吸烟毁了他的健康。 Their houses were damaged by the enemys shellfire.他们的房屋被敌人的炮火击毁了。,5.hurt, wound, injure hurt使受伤;使疼痛;伤害; 使伤心。一般用语,即可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上的伤害,还可用作不及物动词,意为“疼痛、惹起痛苦” wound指外伤,如枪伤、刀伤、剑伤,尤指在战争中,战斗中受伤 injure一般指由

38、于意外或事故而受伤 What he said hurt me deeply.他说的话使我非常伤心。 He got wounded in the fighting.他在战斗中受了伤。 He was badly injured in the accident.他在这次事故中受了重伤。,6.seem连系动词,似乎,好象 1)seem + (to be ) + adj./n. 2)seem + to do 3)seem + like + n. 4)It seems/seemed (to sb.) + that-clause 7.those who相当于意为“凡的人” 8.be + v.-ing与表示将

39、来的时间连用,表示不久的将来,含义是“预定要做”。(这种结构中常用动作动词或去向动词:go, come, leave, start, arrive, travel, fly等,不适用于状态动词),Unit 4 1. The firemen r_ three women from the burning house. 2. The forest was d_ by fire. 3. I really think I ought to get out and get some f_ air. 4. The loss of 100 lives in the aircraft crash was a

40、great d_. 5. Our headmaster was s_ hands with the parents when I saw him. 6. After the battle they b_ the dead.,rescued,destroyed,fresh,disaster,shaking,buried,7. We tried all sorts of medicine but they were all _(无效). 8. All these difficulties were caused by natural _(灾难). 9. He has many oil _(井)in

41、 his hand. 10. It is a great _(荣幸)that you come to visit me. 11. When he was riding, the tire _(爆裂) 12. Have they _(组织)a new political party? 13. He was one of the_(裁判员)at the boxing match.,useless,disasters,wells,honor,burst,organized,judges,UNIT4 1.握手 2.水管 3.自然灾害 4.立刻,马上 5.新鲜的空气 6.百分之二十 7.三分之二 8.数

42、以万计的 9.成千的 10.作为-而闻名,shake hands with,water pipe,natural disaster,right away / right now / at once,fresh air,20 per cent of ,two thirds,tens of thousands of,thousands of,be famous /well-known as,11.破败不堪,一片废墟 12.太而不能 13.发出臭的气体 14.为作准备 15.代替,而不是 16.为纪念,为庆祝 17.为而自豪 18.从来判断 19.超过,不仅仅 20.举手,in riuns,tooto,give out a smelly gas,prepare for,instead of,in honor of,be proud of / take pride in,judging from / by,more than,raise / put up o


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