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1、肯定句与否定句,肯定句译成否定句,1.表达习惯不同 一直到写完作业,他才出现。 He didnt turn up until he finished his homework. 一分耕耘,一分收获。 No pains, no gains.,2. 语气的需要 同行是冤家。 Two of a trade did never agree. 走远点。 Youd better not bother me. 他们的成功简直是个奇迹。 Their success are nothing short of (adv.除之外) miraculous.,3.为了使原来隐含意义更加明确,更便于直接理解。 他们很快完

2、成了任务。 They finished the task in no time. 与其他人相比,他是位非凡的教授。 As compared with others, he is no ordinary professor.,4. 为使译文更精确。 恐怕这些调查工作是白做了。 Im afraid that these investigations are done for nothing. 过马路时,越小心越好。 You cant be too careful when you cross the street.,否定句的翻译,无事不登三宝殿 No one comes to the Hall o

3、f the Trinity without a reason. 不到黄河心不死 Until all is over ambition never dies. 他根本不是当画家的料。 He is anything but a painter. 要不是你帮忙,我们无法按时完成任务。 But for your help, we would not have finished the task on time.,否定句译成肯定句,1. 汉语的否定词无否定意义。 这块地里的麦子长得不大离儿。 The wheat on this field is pretty good. 2. 语气委婉而含蓄。 小姐,我

4、劝您别管闲事。 Young lady, youd better mind your own business. 天无绝人之路。 Every cloud has a silver lining.,3.英语有更简练而恰当的表达法。 油漆未干。 Wet paint. 人不可貌相。 Beauty is but skin deep. 贾母又叫:“请姑娘们。今日远客来了,可以不去上学去。” “Fetch the girls,” her grandmother said. “They can be excused their lessons today in honor of our guest from

5、far away.”,Exercises,工作得越细心越好。 无风不起浪。 这件事他确实是一无所知。 这是件正经事。 少管闲事。,One can never be too careful in ones work. No smoke without fire. He was really in the dark about the matter. Its no joke. Dont poke your nose into others business.,分译与合译,主语变换处分译,四周没有灯火,那座祠堂也睡着了。 No lamps shone around. The clan temple was also asleep.,从主语变换处合译,常出现主从句,对我来说,我的水族箱就像我自己的一个小王国。我就是里面的国王。 To me my aquarium is like my own little kingdom where I am king.,


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