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1、开放英语4,This is English 4,制作人:,Liu Cuiping,英语作为全球经济一体化,科技国际化的通过语言,越来越受到广大成年人成为国际化 专业人才的重视.学英语,就要学最实用的、最贴近时代和生活的、最简洁明快的。如果您 还是被“中国式英语”、“哑吧英语”所困扰,那么就请跟随我们快乐地去学英语。我们开设了 开放英语的课程。欢迎大家光临!,教师寄语,Unit 1 Urban and Rural Worlds Unit 2 The Consumer Society or the Wasteful Society. Unit 3 Looking After the World U

2、nit 4 Changing Patterns: Globalisation and Languages Unit 5 The World of Communication Unit 6 Review and Assessment Unit 7 Working Life and Technology Unit 8 Technology and Personal Life Unit 9 The Internet and Daily Life Unit 10 Science in Nature Unit 11 Technology and the Future,Unit 12 Review and

3、 Assessment Unit 13 Holidays and the Environment Unit 14 Air Travel Unit 15 The World From Your Armchair Unit 16 Living Life Dangerously Unit 17 Space : The Final Frontier Unit 18 Review and Assessment 开放英语(2)模拟试题,Unit 1 Urban and Rural Worlds,1、与城乡发展与变化有关的词 Inhabitant居民 house给提供住处 Rural 农村 migratio

4、n移民 Agricultural农业的 deforestation森林砍伐 Desertification沙漠化 eco-system生态系统 Erode侵蚀 flood洪水 Fuel燃料 livelihood生活,Regional地区的 sandstorm沙尘暴 Soil土壤 vegetation植被 2、语法 (1)现在分词作定语或结果状语 There are now 11 cities housing over 11 million people each. The worlds urban population, increasing at four times the rate of

5、 rural populations, will double in the period 1990-2025, to over five billion. Improved health brings population growth, causing people to move out of rural areas (2)连接词语(表递进关系,增加信息或表示 结果),In addition, soil erosion has led to a huge loss of farmland and the drying up of rivers.Consequently, the live

6、lihoods of 35 million people are being threatened. (3)比较结构the the The more trees that die, the less water is held in the earth. (4)the +最高级+现在完成时+ever结构 Its the biggest desert Ive ever seen.,Unit 2 The Consumer Society or the Wasteful Society,1、与餐饮及废物利用相关的词语 Consume消费 dispose处理 Dump垃圾堆 fries薯条 Get r

7、id of丢掉 goods货物 Landfill垃圾填埋 ozone layer臭氧层Pizza比萨饼 recycle回收利用 Take-away外买食品 throw away扔掉 Toxic有毒的 unhealthy不健康的 Red Bean Sunday红豆圣代 rot烂掉,CFC coolant氟氯化碳冷却液 Hi-tech高技术的 item物品 Shut down关闭 toxic chemicals有毒化学物质 Convenience foods方便食品 Fast-food快餐食品 Junk food垃圾食品 Ready-made meals熟食 Franchise授予特许权 2、语法

8、 (1)过去分词作定语 30 per cent of meals consumed by families in the USA are eaten at one of the big chains.,(2)情态动词can 和must用于被动句 The distinctive “golden arch” can now be seen in most major cities in the world. All CFC coolants must be removed from fridges. (3)真实条件句 If all their friends have the latest tra

9、iners or mobile phones, they want them too. (4)现在完成时或现在完成进行时 The government has banned the import of items. Guangdong Province, in the southeast of China, has been suffering from problems caused by imported waste electrical goods like computers.,Unit 3 Looking After the World,1、与能源和海洋生物相关的词汇 Cetacea

10、n鲸类的 dive潜水 Dolphin海豚 electricity电学 Gas煤气 nuclear核能的 Nuclear power核能 power station发电站 Source来源 tonne吨 Whale鲸 coal-fired烧煤的 Porp0ise海猪 krill海虾 Sperm whale抹香鲸 baiji dolphin白鳍豚,Bowhead whale北极露脊鲸 Wind park风场 energy能源 2、语法 (1)将来进行时 Next month, the Arctic Sunrise will be visiting the Philippines and Thai

11、land. (2)情态动词表示建议、劝告和指令 You should/ought to turn down your thermostat to save energy. I really must do something about it. Why dont you turn down your heating by one degree? (3)unless引导的真实条件句,Unless I buy a bike, Ill have to use the car. (4)不定式的完成式与引导动词的被动形式连用 The government is said to have save the

12、 baiji dolphin.,Unit 4 Changing Pattern : Globalisation and Language,1、与语言相关的词汇 Billion十亿 Spanish西班牙语 Native speaker将本国语者 lingua franca国际共同语言 Cyberspace网络空间 Arabic阿拉伯语 Monolingual单语的 bilingual双语的 Multilingual使用多种语言的,Worldwide世界范围的 common共同的 2、语法 (1)不定式的进行时 At the moment over one billion are said to

13、be learning English. (2)so的用法 so it has now become the lingual franca in the world. The course was so many students in the class that the teacher couldnt talk to them all. I had so much homework to do that I couldnt go out in the evening. People learn English so that they can use the Internet.,(3)be

14、 going to 表预测 Chinese is going to become more widely spoken. (4)将来完成时 Will Chinese have become the predominant Internet language by 2025? (5)likely, probably和possibly的用法 Many language are likely to die out. The train will probably not arrive before midday. English will possibly decline in use as the

15、 major Internet language. 返回,Unit 5 The World of Communication,1、与媒体相关的语言 Communication通讯 media大众传媒 Network网络 newscast新闻广播 Press报刊、新闻界 transmit传输 CBS哥伦比亚广播公司 Image图象 BBC英国广播公司 Audience听众 the press出版界 News broadcast新闻广播 Top programme最受欢迎的节目,Sensationalist爱采用耸人听闻手法的人 Viewer电视观众 Lead story主要新闻,第一段新闻 Ai

16、rtime广播时间 Time时代周刊 CNN美国有线新闻网 Broadcaster广播员 View观看 2、语法 (1)whom的用法 So the question is _should they be controlled And if so , by whom? and if so, who should they be controlled by?,(2)on the other handon the one handnot onlybut alsonot onlytoo的用法 On the one hand there are the political changes which

17、have taken place in the world . On the other hand there are the technological changes weve had. Hes not only clever but also nice. He is not only clever. Hes nice too. (3)直接引语、间接引语与引述动词 “He never buys me flowers”, she said. She complained that he never bought her flowers. 返回,Unit 6 Review and Assess

18、ment,复习在Units 1923中学过的语言知识和技能,并进行自测。模拟试题见课本9198页。 返回,Unit 7 Working Life and Technology,1、与技术有关的词汇 Boot启动程序 data数据 Duplication复制 email发电子邮件 Install安装 plug插上 Restart重新启动 delete删除 Programme程序 boot up启动 Reboot重新启动 undo撤消 Procedure步骤 miskey输错信息 2、语法,(1)need+名词、need+不定式、need+动名词 You will need a special c

19、ard from reception. You need to know about them before you can start work. It will need replacing every two month. (2)be/get used to 的用法 Im used to writing emails. Im getting used to writing emails. Did you get used to writing emails? I cant get used to writing emails to people in the same room. (3)

20、used to 的用法,I used to talk to everyone a lot, but now we communicate by email most of the time. I didnt use to smoke, but I do now. (4)表示因果关系 the duplication of records causing inacuracy in patients data. Misspelling of patients names has resulted in the duplication of records many doctorsarrived la

21、te, and therefore were not fully trained in the new system. (5)描述技术问题和建议解决办法 Whats the problem? “Theres something wrong with my computer. It keeps flicking.,Are you sure that its plugged in? Have you tried holding the wire? The best thing to do is to call the engineer. 返回,Unit 8 Technology and Perso

22、nal Life,1、与移动电话、计算机和电子邮件相关的词汇 Convey输送 document文件 Download下载 embed使插入 Receiver收件人 handset手机 Airtime通话时间 voicemail语音邮件 Picture messaging phone彩信电话 PC个人电脑 Hard drive硬盘启动器,Processor处理器 lens镜片 Email address电子邮件地址 Forward an email转发邮件 On a mailing group list在邮群发清单上 Spam垃圾邮件 Subject line邮件主题行 Attach a do

23、cument/a picture/ file附上文件/文挡/图片等 Copy an email复制邮件 Delete an email删除邮件 Download an attachment下载附件 Receive an email接受邮件 Save an email保存邮件,Etiquette礼仪;成规 Greeting问候 regards问候;致意 Update更新 attachment附件 Reference查询 filter过滤器 2、语法 (1)虚拟条件句:表示与过去事实相反的假设 If they had given up, I would have died. If I hadnt

24、had my mobile phone, the shot would have killed me. (2)表示建议 Id recommend my network. The best thing to do is go to one or two shops,and see what theyve got. Choose a plan with a low monthly payment. (3)动名词的用法 I avoid talking to her. He finished doing the work quickly. (4)表示生气与烦恼 It really irritates

25、me when+从句 It really gets on my nerves when +从句 X is always+动名词 What annoys me is The thing that makes me most angry is 返回,Unit 9 The Internet and Daily Life,1、与计算机和互联网相关的词汇 Click点击 log登录 Net网络 webcast网上广播 Webpage网页 surf网上冲浪 Visit a website访问网站 Go online上网 Download下载 reboot重新启动 Hack into非法侵入 pirate盗

26、版 Double click双击 connect连接,Open a programme打开程序 Icon图标 fan mail歌迷邮件 Log in登录 chat online网上聊天 Go into chatroom进入聊天室 Register with a website在网上注册 Log into a website登录网站 Post a message发贴 Message board留言板 A subscription service订阅服务 An online profile网上人物简介 Cyberdating网上约会 2、语法 (1)报告调查结果,The Internet has

27、become a part of everyday life for most Britons, says a report The survey reveals that emailing friends is the nations favourite Internet activity. The survey also discovered that many workers surf the net for personal reasons. (2)现在分词与过去分词作定语 There are often advertisements leading to other websites

28、 in the Internet. Just over 70% of people questioned for the survey said the net had become essential. (3)过去时态的用法 I was driving to the airport to pick up a friend when a lorry crashed into me.,We were originally from the same town, and we had both moved back there after university. (4)委婉提问/礼貌提问 Woul

29、d you mind telling us what attracted you to Janet? Do you mind if I ask you when you fell in love with her?,Unit 10 Science in Nature,1、描述科技发展的词汇 Advance前进 genetic基因的 Genetic material基因工程 Genetic material遗传物质 Antibiotics各类抗生素 Alter改变 critics批评者们 Develop发展 improve改进 Breed人工育种 organic有机的 Artificial ch

30、emicals人造化学物质,Nonorganic非有机的 Stimulus促进因素 pesticide杀虫剂 Antifreeze抗冻剂 2、语法 (1)被动语态 Bread, ham and cheese have been altered. Genetically engineered foods are produced. (2)含有情态动词的被动语态 The fat content can be reduced to make it healthier. The project had to be abandoned. (3)舆论文的结构 Introduction, Two sides

31、 of the argument,Conclusion (4)连接词语 Although, as a result of , as well as this, because, consequently,Unit 11 Technology and the Future,1、与科技发展相关的词汇 Reader阅读器 download下载 Electronic电子的 display显示器 Digitally数字地 carry around随身携带 Hand-held便携式 device设备 Mobile phone移动电话 Interact互动 microphone麦克风 Earpiece耳机

32、button按键 Chat room聊天室 solar energy太阳能,Heating供暖 E-book technology电子书技术 Unit装置 2、语法 (1)to allow, to let, to make E-book technology allows you to carry around a whole library in a small unit. it lets you buy books in segments and a human gene has been introduced into pigs to make them grow more quickl

33、y. It can be made to taste different or to look different. (2)舆论文的结构,Introduction, Advantages. Disadvantages, Conclusion (3)all, every, each All the lessons are terrible. We will just do all the learning via the computers and Internet and home programmes. The teachers make us register electronically

34、 for every lesson. I have read every book that he has written. Put a word in each gap. There are four computers in there. One on each desk. (4)连接词语,Although; as a result of this; as well as this; however; in addition to this; on the one hand; on the other hand,Unit 12 Review and Assessment(Units25-2

35、9),复习在Units25-29中学过的语言知识和技能,并进行自测,Unit 13 Holidays and the Environment,1、与旅游度假及环境相关的词汇 Conserve保护 heritage遗产 Litter废弃物 preserve保护 Resource资源 scenery风景 Take off休假 tourism旅游 Beach海滩 package holiday包价假期 Rubbish disposal垃圾处理 Ecology生态学 beauty美丽 Holiday maker度假者,National heritage国家遗产 Wildlife野生动物 polluti

36、on污染 2、语法 (1)表达看法和提出建议 People should take holidays. It would be better to keep the old staff. It is advisable for people to take holidays. John suggested that I (should)go to France for the weekend. The boss suggested going to France for the weekend. The boss recommended the secretary to have Long w

37、eekend.,The boss advised the secretary that she should have a long weekend. The boss advised the secretary to have a long weekend. (2)副词用来表明态度 Amazingly, it is also very clean. Surprisingly, the factory doesnt smell terrible. Sadly, we could only stay there for three weeks. Astonishingly, in the UK

38、one in ten workers spends more than 61 hours a week at work. Interestingly, the UK has one of the lowest GDP per worker in Europe.,Unit 14 Air Travel,1、与空中旅行相关的词汇 Aircraft飞机 airfield飞机场 Airmail航空邮件 baggage行李 Board登上(飞机,轮船) Customs海关 freight货物 Haul运送 passenger乘客 Passport护照 stopover中途停留 Long-haul flig

39、ht远程航班 Short-haul flight短途航班,Charter flight包机航班 First class头等舱 economy class经济舱 Scheduled flight定期航班 Airmail航空邮件 in-flight飞行过程中 Case箱子 immigration移民局的检查 Aeroplane飞机 take-off起飞 Single单程的 direct直航的 Booking policy订票政策 Surcharge额外费用 boarding card登机牌 Check-in desk登机手续办理处 2、语法 (1)分词作定语,Passengers wearing

40、evening-dress and ball gowns made the short flight you can eat a meal cooked in the style of that day. (2)与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句 If I had put my passport in my pocket, I wouldnt have lost it. If you had told me that before, I wouldve put the visa forms in the hand luggage. (3)用should对过去的事情表示遗憾、责备 You should

41、have given her one ticket. You shouldnt have put it down in the taxi. (4)unless, when 和if 的用法 Unless you want luxury, Gofly will take you,from A to B satisfactorily.=If you dont want luxury, Gofly will take you from A to B satisfactorily. When you book on the day on which you travel, the fare is as

42、expensive as English Airlines. (5)写投诉信 Im writing to complain, I was most dissatisfied withand I expect full compensation for,Unit 15 The World From Your Armchair,1、与旅游和探险相关的语言 Accessible可到达的 cruise乘船游览 High way高速公路 hostel青年旅社 Pier船头 pilot飞行员 Sight名胜 cable car缆车 Shared-taxi service出租车和租服务 Cruise游船 a

43、dventurer冒险家 Crash坠毁,2、语法 (1)特殊疑问句 Who started the Gold Rush? Which airport is nearer the city? When did many different nationalities come here and why? How often do boats leave for Alcatraz? (2)过去完成时疑问句 Had her husband held the previous record? When had she joined the RAF? (3)介词 She crashed into th

44、e Themes while She had flown for only 75 hours,At only $1 its the cheapest thrill in the world. Hotels range from the luxurious to the basic,.,Unit 16 Living Life Dangerously,1、与冒险和度假活动相关的词汇 Yacht帆船 safari探险旅行 Hike远足旅行 rock climbing攀岩运动 Hang-gliding悬挂式滑翔运动 White-water rafting急流漂筏运动 Parachute降落伞 para

45、chuting跳伞运动 Solo单人的 canoeing划独木舟运动 Scuba diving戴水肺的潜水 Survival course野外生存课程,Trek艰苦的徒步旅行 Water-based基于水上的(活动) Sailing帆船 bird-watching观察研究野生鸟类活动 2、语法 (1)to get When they are getting there, People are getting more and more adventurous. Have you got over your cold yet? (2)级别形容词和极限形容词 I was very shocked.

46、 I was fairly surprised.,I was absolutely appalled. It is quite impossible. (3)过去分词和现在分词作形容词 If I saw a vulnerable and unbalanced person. dangerous sports waste the limited resources of . The survival course was interesting. It was absolutely fascinating.,Unit 17 Space : The Final Frontier,1、与太空和太空旅游相关的词 Astronaut宇航员 landing着陆 Manned栽人的 rocket火箭 Spaceship宇宙飞船 launch将发射升空 Orbit沿轨道运行 mission任务 Send sb. into space将人送入太空 Space programme太空计划 Exploration探索,Planet行星 Jupiter木星 Mars火星 Saturn土星 Neptune海王星 Pluto冥王星 Uranus天王星 Mercury水星 Venus金星 Solar System太阳系 Light-year光年 r


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