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1、第八讲 八年级(上) Units 78,复习目标导航,考点完全攻略,同步训练,1.finallyadj. final (同义词短语) in the end/at last 2mixn.混合 mixture 3saltadj.咸的 salty 4gift(同义词)n.礼物 present 5winn.获胜者 winner (反义词)v.输掉;失去 lose 6luckily(同义词)adv. fortunately adj. lucky n. luck 7wet(反义词)adj. dry 8again(同义词短语) once more,1Turn on the blender. 打开果汁机。(U

2、nit 7) 【辨析】 turn on与open,Turn off the TV and open the window.关上电视,打开窗户。,动词 副词构成的短语,代词作宾语时须把代词放在动词和副词之间。 Youd better not watch TV now.Please turn it off. 2.Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender. 把香蕉和冰淇淋放入果汁机。(Unit 7),put. into. 意为“把放入”。 He put some salt into noodles. 他在面条里放了一些盐。,【拓展】 由 put 构

3、成的相关短语:,如:Who knows the answer? Please put up your hands! Tom, put away your socks. You must look after your things! 汤姆,把你的袜子收起来。你必须管好自己的东西。,3What else did you do? 你还做了些什么?(Unit 8) else adj. 意为“别的;其他的”。常用在疑问代词、不定代词之后。如: Who else did you see?你还看见谁了? I want someone else to answer my question. 我希望另一个人回

4、答我的问题。,【辨析】 else 与 other 别的;其他的” 区别: other 常用于名词之前;else 常用于不定代词或疑问代词之后。如: Some are playing football. Other students are watching. What else do you want to know? 你还想知道些什么? 二者有时可以互相转换。如:,What else can you see? What other things can you see? 你还能看见其他什么东西? He is taller than any other student in his class

5、. He is taller than anybody else in his class. 他比班里的其他学生都高。,4At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip. 在那天结束的时候,科学老师很高兴,因为班长在旅行后把车打扫干净了。(Unit 8) 【辨析】 at the end of,by the end of与in the end,By the end of last century,the popula

6、tion of our city had reached 1,000,000 and by the end of 2020,it will be over 1,500,000. 到上世纪末我市人口已达100万,到2020年底(我市人口)将突破150万。,5It rained all_day.那天下了一整天的雨。(Unit 8) (1)all day 意为“全天;一整天”。如: Tom was busy all day yesterday. 汤姆昨天一整天都很忙。 (2)it 在这里指代天气。如: It is a sunny day today.今天天气晴朗。 【拓展】 it 的主要用法: it

7、 用来指代事物或不知道性别的动物或人。如:,Whos it? 是谁呀? Its a cute panda.它是一只可爱的熊猫。 it 指时间、距离、天气、温度等。如: What time is it?几点了? Its warm here in winter. it 作形式主语或形式宾语。如: It is easy to finish the work.(形式主语 完成那项工作很容易。 I found it difficult to learn Chinese well.(形式宾语) 我发现学好汉语很难。,八年级上(78单元) (训练时间:60分钟 分值:100分),基础知识过关 一、根据句意及

8、汉语提示完成单词(8分) 1Cut the _(面包) into small rounds and give me two. 2Before being used, the machine must be _(检查) 3Clouds cover the _ (顶部) of the mountain. 4I am sure he will _(赢得) the game. 5They _(开车) the train from Hankou to Beijing yesterday. 6Take an _(雨伞) with you in case it rains.,bread,checked,to

9、p,win,drove,umbrella,7The _(班长) handed the papers out to the classmates. 8Edison began selling candy, _ _(三明治) and newspapers on a train. 二、根据汉语提示完成句子(17分) 1这事很难,但最后我还是做成了。 It was difficult, but I did it _. 2我们在原则问题上不应当是非不清。 We should never _ right and wrong on the principle. 3在假日,我们喜欢去森林小木屋完全放轻松。,m

10、onitor,sandwiches,in the end,mix up,On holidays, we like to go to the forest cabin and let it all _. 4约翰已习惯很晚睡觉了。 John has got used to _ _. 5我从星期二到星期六工作,星期日和星期一休息。 I work from Tuesday to Saturday, and Sunday and Monday are my _. 6我把肉剁碎后做肉丸子。 I _ the meat for cooking meat ball. 7这个男孩想在将来成为一名哲学家。,hang

11、 out,sleeping late,days off,cut up,The boy wants to become a philosopher _. 8李平在昨天歌唱比赛中获得了第一。 _ 三、句型转换(15分) 1I need two_teaspoons_of relish.(就画线部分提问) _ relish do you _? 2Pour the milk into the glass.(改为否定句) _ _ the milk into the glass.,in the future,Li Ping won the first prize in yesterdays singing

12、competion.,How much,need,Dont pour,3He did something else yesterday.(改为一般疑问句) _ he _ _ else yesterday? 4Tom went to the_aquarium two days ago.(就画线部分提问) _ Tom _ two days ago? 5There are some sharks in the zoo.(改为否定句) There _ sharks in the zoo. 综合能力提高 一、单项选择(10分),Did,do anything,Where did,go,arent any

13、,1Who _ the match? Our team did. Weve got the first place! Well done! Congratulations! Ahit Bbeat Cwon Dwatched 【解析】考查动词词义辨析。hit“打击”;beat“打败;战胜”;win“赢得”;watch“观看”。由答语“我们队。我们得了第一。”可知选C。 【答案】C,2(2011淄博)Would you mind turning _ the music?Your father is sleeping. Sorry,Ill do it right away. Aup Bdown Co

14、n Din 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。turn on“打开”;turn down“调小”;turn up“调大”。由句意可知选B。 【答案】B,3In the end, he decided to send the sick child to hospital.(词语释义) AAt once BAt last CAt first 【解析】考查短语辨析。in the end“在最后”,词义等同于at last;at once“马上”;at first“首先”,故选B。 【答案】B,4(2011淄博)_ do you play computer games every week? About tw

15、o hours. AHow often BHow much CHow soon DHow long 【解析】考查疑问副词的区别。根据答语About two hours“大约两小时”,可知选择D。 【答案】D,6(2011德州)When you have difficulty,do remember to _.Two heads are better than one. Amake a decision Bgive up Cask for help Dgive advice 【解析】考查词语辨析。make a decision“做决定”;give up“放弃”;ask for help“寻求帮助

16、”;give advice“给出建议”;又根据后句题意“两人智慧胜一人。”及前句句意“当你有困难时”可推测,要寻求帮助,故选C。 【答案】C,7(2011广元)Our hospital needs two _ doctors,Mrs Li.You can ask your son to have a try. Awomen Bman Cmen 【解析】考查名词复数。由“你让你的儿子试一试”可知“我们医院需要两名男医生”,排除A;man作doctors的定语,doctors用复数,故man也应用复数形式。 【答案】C,8(2011湘潭)Excuse me.Is there a bank near

17、 here? No,_.But you can find one in Zhongshan Road. Athere isnt Bit isnt Cthey arent 【解析】考查there be否定句的用法。根据句意“请问,这附近有银行吗?”“不,没有。但中山路上有一个。”there is的否定句直接在is后加not,或简写为there isnt,故本题选A。 【答案】A,9The famous writer William Shakespeare was born _ 1564. Ain Bon Cat Dof 【解析】考查介词的用法。指在某一年用in,句意为“著名作家威廉姆莎士比亚生于

18、1564年。”故选A。 【答案】A 10I _ a mistake. Please dont be angry with me. Amake Bmade Cwill make Dhad made 【解析】考查动词的时态。表示过去发生的动作,用一般过去时,句意为“我犯了个错误,请不要生我的气。”故选B。 【答案】B,二、完形填空(20分) It was seven oclock on the morning of August 29th.The Kelly family were going to Brighton,a town by the sea. “Can we have breakfas

19、t _1_ we leave?”asked Gina Kelly. “No,”said her mother. “We must leave now,or the traffic will be _2_.Well have breakfast when we _3_ the seaside.” Gina ran downstairs. “Im ready,”she said. The family climbed into the _4_,and Dad started driving. In the front of the car was Mike. He was eleven. He d

20、idnt talk but just _5_ music. In the back of the car were,“Oh dear,I am full,”said Gina.“_9_ can I swim when Ive got all that food inside me?” “Easy,”shouted Mike. “Just watch me!”He ran towards the sea,followed by Gina happily. What a(n)_10_ day it was going to be! 1A. before Bafter Cwhile Dwhen 【解

21、析】根据下文母亲说“不吃了,我们必须现在离开”,可以得知此处句意为“我们能在离开之前吃早饭吗?”因此选A。 【答案】A,2A. wonderful Bsafe Cterrible Deasy 【解析】句意为“我们必须现在离开,否则交通会很糟糕”。wonderful“精彩的”;safe“安全的”;terrible“糟糕的”;easy“容易的”。因此选C。 【答案】C 3A. move Bleave Cclean Dget to 【解析】句意为“当我们到达海边时,我们就可以吃早饭”。move“移动”;leave“离开”;clean“打扫”;get to“到达”。因此选D。 【答案】D,4A. bu

22、s Bcar Ctrain Dship 【解析】根据下文“Dad started driving. In the front of the car.”,可以看出一家人是坐小汽车去海边的,因此选B。 【答案】B 5A. heard Blistened to Clistened Dheard of 【解析】listen to“听”,强调动作;hear“听见”,强调结果;hear of“听说”。听音乐为“listen to music”。因此选B。 【答案】B,6A.late Bgreat Cbusy Dearly 【解析】根据“You dont have to drive so fast.”可知时

23、间还早。late“晚的”;great“好极了”;busy“忙碌的”;early“早的”。因此选D。 【答案】D 7A.too much Bmuch too Ctoo many Dmany too 【解析】too much“太多的”,修饰不可数名词;too many“太多的”,修饰可数名词;much too“太”,修饰形容词或副词。traffic为不可数名词,因此用too much来修饰。 【答案】A,8A. sounded Btasted Clooked Dfelt 【解析】sound“听起来”;taste“尝起来”;look“看起来”;feel“感到”,根据句意“大海看起来很蓝”,因此选C。

24、 【答案】C 9A. Where BHow CWhether DWhy 【解析】句意为“当我吃完所有食物时,我游泳还游得动吗?”how在此处引导一个反问句,因此选B。此题易错选A。必须结合前文“Im full”及后文Mike的答语来判断此处应填一个可以引导反问句的疑问词而不是由where引导的地点状语从句。 【答案】B,10A. exciting Bboring Cuseful Dnoisy 【解析】根据整篇文章的内容可以看出此处表示:“那是多么令人兴奋的一天呀!”exciting“令人兴奋的”;boring“令人厌烦的”;useful“有用的”;noisy“嘈杂的”。因此选A。 【答案】A

25、三、阅读理解(10分) While youre in Shanghai,please come and take a walk round some of our interesting places.,Yu gardens These famous Ming Gardens are often rather crowded. Dont forget to try their delicious snacks. Pay to enter. Open: 8:30 am-5:00pm,1What makes Yu Gardens different from the other places in

26、 the passage? AThey cost very little to enter. BThey make people love nature. CThey are good for art research. DThey have something nice to eat. 【解析】细节理解题。通过文中“Dont forget to try their delicious snacks.”可知。 【答案】D,2You can study _ when you visit Shanghai Natural History Museum. Arobots Bletters Cbamb

27、oos Dcoins 【解析】细节理解题。通过文中“You can study dinosaurs,hundreds of animals,plants.”可知。 【答案】C,3If someone is interested in silver pots of the Tang Dynasty,he or she can go to _. AShanghai Museum BShanghai Art Museum CLu Xuns Museum DShanghai Natural History Museum 【解析】细节理解题。由文中“There are ancient treasures

28、, fantastic Chinese sculptures,paintings from all ages.”可知。 【答案】A,4How many museums with painting are mentioned in the passage? AOne. BTwo. CThree. DFour. 【解析】细节理解题。由Shanghai Museum中的“There are ancient treasures,fantastic Chinese sculptures,paintings from all ages.”和Shanghai Art Museum中的“There are s

29、hows by painters from all over the country.”知选B。 【答案】B,5Which place is open the shortest every day? AShanghai Museum. BLu Xuns Museum. CShanghai Art Museum. DYu Gardens. 【解析】推理判断题。只有Lu Xuns Museum是9:00 am4:00 pm,其他都是9:00 am5:00 pm,而Yu Gardens的开放时间更长:8:30 am5:00 pm。故选B。 【答案】B 四、书面表达(20分) 请以“_ Is Fun”

30、为题写一篇英语短文。 要求:,1先把题目补充完整(空格处可以是单词、短语,也可以是从句); 2短文中不得出现真实的地名或人名等信息; 3词数80左右。 _ Is Fun _ _,Why is cooking fun? Here are two reasons. First, it is a good way to show my love to my parents. Both my parents are very busy. So when I come back home early,Ill cook for them. After they return,we visit together and enjoy the meal. I can see them smile happily. Second,it is a kind of creation. I always try to,Cooking,Cook different dishes. When my new dish is praised by others, I feel proud.,


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