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1、A presentation by Jack Hart,Storycraft The Art of Nonfiction Storytelling 故事技巧 讲述非虚构故事的艺术,- Fuggerzeitungen, 1587,Walpurga Hausmannin, evil and wretched woman, now imprisoned and in chains, has, under solicitous questioning as well as torture, confessed her witchcraft and made the following admissio

2、ns: Walpurga Hausmannin, 一个邪恶和不幸的女人,现被囚禁关押,遭到刑讯逼供,供认从事巫术活动并作出如下陈述:,Reports 报道,Reports 报道,Austin police said today they will enhance charges against a suspect already arrested for aggravated assault after a man he fought with died. 奥斯汀警方称,从今天起将提高对嫌疑犯的指控级别,该嫌疑犯曾因与人斗殴致死的故意伤害罪被捕。 American-Statesman, 4/1

3、2/05,Reports 报道,1. Information is key. 信息是关键 2. Summary Narrative. 概括叙事 3. Topical organization. 话题组织 4. Inverted pyramid. 倒金字塔 5. Direct quotations. 直接引用 6. Traditional news values. 传统新闻价值,- Ned Ward, “Hell in an Uproar.“ The London Spy, Jan. 1699.,Thus we prattled away our time, til we came in sig

4、ht of a noble pile of a building I conceived it to be my Lord Mayors palace, for He smiled at my innocent conjecture, and informed me that this was Bedlam, a hospital for madfolk. 我们闲逛了一会儿,直到几幢雄伟的房子映入眼帘我猜这是市长大人的官邸他对我天真的猜测抱以微笑,告诉我这是一家疯人院。,Stories 故事,News Narratives 新闻叙事,At 6 p.m. Sunday, the phone ra

5、ng with the news every symphony director dreads. 周日下午6点,电话铃声响了起来,它带来的消息让每一位交响乐团指挥听到都怕。 David Stabler,Stories 故事,Pattern and experience are key. 形式和经历是关键 2. Dramatic narrative. 戏剧性叙事 3. Scenic organization. 场景组织 4. Narrative arc structure 叙事弧线结构 5. Dialogue. 对话 6. Dramatic values. 戏剧的价值, Charles Dick

6、ens, “Traveling Letters.” London Daily News, 1846.,On Friday, as he was dining with the other prisoners, they came and told him he was to be beheaded the next morning, and took him away. 星期五,他还在和别的囚徒吃饭的时候,他们过来告诉他,第二天早上就要执行处决,接着就把他带走了。,History 历史,- Richard Harding Davis The News Chronicle,The entranc

7、e of the German army into Brussels has lost the human quality. It was lost as soon as the three soldiers who led the army bicycled into the Boulevard du Regent and asked the way to the Gare du Nord. When they passed, the human note passed with them. What came after them, and 24 hours later is still

8、coming, is not men marching, but a force of nature, like a tidal wave. At the sight of the first few regiments of the enemy, we were filled with interest. After for three hours they had passed in an unbroken steel-grey column, we were bored. But when hour after hour passed and there was no halt, no

9、breathing time, no open spaces in the ranks, the thing became uncanny, inhuman. 德国军队进入布鲁塞尔的情形惨无人道。三个士兵骑着自行车把大军领进杜瑞金大道,一路探寻去往杜诺德码头的路。他们所过之地,人性也被一并抛下。 24小时后,还有像潮水一般的军队继续涌来。 看到第一队敌军到来时,我们还充满了兴趣。一连看了三个小时青灰色的纵队经过,我们感到乏味至极。但是几个小时下来,他们接连不断,人马中一丝空隙都没有,这就变得非常可怕,没有人性。,History 历史, Ben Hecht Chicago Daily News

10、June 22, 1920.,Carl Wanderer, dressed in a brown suit, stood looking over the porch of his home at 4770 North Campbell avenue. His wife, who was murdered last night by a holdup man in the doorway downstairs, lay in their bedroom. 卡尔温德尔穿着棕色的外套,站在自家的门廊仔细查看。昨晚,位于坎贝尔大街北4770号的家中,妻子被劫匪在家门口杀害,现在正躺在他们的卧室里。,

11、History 历史,Nonfiction Narrative Forms 非虚构叙事的形式,Short News Narratives 短消息叙事,The pickup blew by, pushing 80. Jason McGowan, A Portland police reserve officer whose patrol car was stopped at Southeast Division and Southeast 142nd Avenue, saw it swerving in and out of traffic. Then it nearly hit him. 一辆

12、小货车呼啸而过,时速将近八十英里。 波特兰市后备警官杰森麦克高文将巡逻车停在东南区的142号大街,他看见小货车急转弯驶进并驶出车道,还差点撞到他。 Stu Tomlinson,Short News Narratives 短消息叙事,An 8-year-old boy stood alone on a Northwest Portland sidewalk Monday night as people filed out of the Mission Theater & Pub. Dried tears streaked his face. 周一的晚上,人们陆续从使命剧院&酒吧走出来。波特兰西北

13、大街的人行道上,一个8岁的小男孩独自站在那里,脸上的泪痕依稀可见。 Dave Hogan, The Oregonian,Becky Saari listened to her husband on the phone and grew more intrigued with every word. “What is stuck in the tree? “Who?” “Doing what? 贝基萨里听着丈夫接电话,对电话的内容越来越感兴趣: “什么卡在树上了?” “谁?” “干什么?” Larry Bingham,Short News Narratives 短消息叙事,短消息叙事,Fryer

14、 Jay heard the crash in the Voodoo Doughnut kitchen and turned away from a Monday-night rush of college kids. 弗莱尔杰伊听见伏都甜甜圈店的厨房动静很大,便离开这群周日晚上必会潮水般涌来的大学生们,走向厨房。 Joe Rose,Vignette 小品文,A ribbon of plywood snakes over slippery rocks, more than 100 feet of winding, rickety highway that could pass as a lef

15、tover from an Indiana Jones thriller. 一条胶合板搭成的小路像蛇一样蜿蜒在滑溜溜的岩石上,这100英尺弯弯曲曲、松松垮垮的路简直就是印第安纳琼斯惊悚片玩剩下的。 Bill Monroe,Columns 专栏,This is the tale of two Katherines, two blue ribbons and six perfect chocolate-chip cookies. 这是一个关于两个凯瑟琳,两条蓝色丝带和六块精致的巧克力脆片曲奇饼的故事。 Marge Boule,Explanatory Narratives 释义性叙事,A house

16、 fire in southeast Portland. Heavy flames shooting from a second-floor window. Someone trapped inside. Joe McCarthy, sitting in front of this television, turned off the forensics show . and grabbed the scanner squawking on his dining-room table. 波特兰市东南区有一处房子着火了。浓烟从二楼的窗户窜出。有人被困在里面。 正坐在电视机前的乔麦卡锡,立马关掉了

17、法医节目一把抓起餐桌上的正嚷嚷个不停的步话机。 Steve Beaven,Digression: McPhee 离题:麦基,. then, with a profound structural shudder, the Mississippi is captured by the Atchafalaya. The mid-American flagship of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has run aground. After going on line, in 1963, the control structures at Old River h

18、ad to wait ten years to prove what they could do. The 1950s and 1960s were secure in the Mississippi Valley. In human terms, a generation passed with no disastrous floods 然后,随着一阵从船体深处传来的震动,密西西比号被阿查法拉亚湾困住了。这艘载着由美国工程师部队队驾驶的美国中部旗舰在此搁浅了。 1963年,也就是在联网以前,老年河(Old River)那里的管理大楼防洪设施要等上10年,才能证明他们都能做些什么的价值。20世

19、纪五六十年代的密西西比流域是安全的,整整一代人都没有经历过灾难性的洪水。 “The Control of Nature” 控制自然,Long-Form Story Narratives 长篇故事叙事,The boy sits on the living-room sofa, lost in his thoughts and stroking the family cat with his fragile hands. 男孩窝在客厅的沙发里,用他无力的手抚摸着猫咪,陷入沉思。 Tom Hallman,Long-Form Explanatory Narratives 长篇释义性叙事,At the

20、start of the french fry trail, strong Hutterite women in long dresses sliced seed potatoes and tipped their bonnets to tradition, dusting modern farm machinery with goose wings. 在法式薯条之旅开始之前,强壮的身穿长裙的哈特派妇女,给种用马铃薯切好片,按照传统翻转一下她们的软帽,并给有鹅翅膀一样的现代农业机器除尘。 Rich Read,Tick-Tocks 动因,They didnt try to chat above

21、the Sno-Cats grumbling roar. Besides, at 3 a.m., Jeremiah Moffitt and the six other climbers inside the tractors cab still felt sleeps cobwebs thick behind their eyes. 雪猫雪地汽车的噪音极大,没人打算高声谈话盖过它。况且已是凌晨三点,耶利米墨菲特和其他六名登山者坐在车里困得眼睛都快睁不开了。 Katy Muldoon,Topical Outline 话题提纲,I. Courtroom Anecdote. 1. Grangers

22、History. 2. Sentencing. II. Evolution of the Scam. 1. Honest Rancher. 2. Limited Partnerships. III. Phantom Cows. 1. Rotating corrals. 2. Cooking the books.,I. 法庭轶事 1. 格兰杰的历史 2. 判决 II. 骗局的发展 1. 诚实的农场主 2. 有限责任公司 III. 虚幻的奶牛 1. 轮换畜栏 2. 伪造账目 To be continued,IV. The Victims. 1. The Andersons. 2. The McCo

23、ys. V. Aftermath. 1. The Settlement. 2. McCoy Kicker.,IV. 受害人 1. 安德森一家 2. 麦考伊一家 V. 结果 1. 解决 2. 麦考伊的抱怨,话题提纲,I. 法庭轶事 1. 格兰杰的历史 2. 判决 II. 骗局的发展 1. 诚实的农场主 2. 有限责任公司 III. 虚幻的奶牛 1. 轮换畜栏 2. 伪造账目,IV. 受害人 1. 安德森一家 2. 麦考伊一家 V. 结果 1. 解决 2. 麦考伊的抱怨,Scenic Outline 场景提纲,I. The Maggot Farm 1. Dead sheep in front ya

24、rd. (coarse fishing) 2. Drinking tea inside. (family history, Ashursts competitive success) II. The Pub. (drawing for canal spaces) III. The Canal. (fishing strategy) IV. The Pub. (the outcome) V. The Farm (the importance - staying awake to worry),I. 养蛆农场 1. 院子里的死绵羊 (粗犷捕鱼) 2. 屋内喝茶 (家族历史, 阿舍斯特在竞争中获胜)

25、 II. 酒吧 (抽签决定水渠区域) III. 水渠 (捕鱼方案) IV. 酒吧 (结果) V. 农场 (重要性居安思危) Barry Newman, “Fisherman.” (Wall Street Journal),33,Scenic Outline,Dialogue versus Direct Quotations 对话VS直接引用,Direct Quotation 直接引用,“Chalk it up to inexperience on my part with the law,“ Roxborough said when asked about his conviction.” 当

26、被问到判决的感想, 罗克斯伯勒是这样回答的:“就算是我跟法律还不太熟。” The Oregonian,Direct Quotation 直接引用,“The Greater Portland area represents a strong and diversified economic environment,“ Cooper said. “Because the region is projected to have substantial and consistent population and job growth over the next few years, the outlo

27、ok for real estate investment in the area is quite positive.” “大波特兰地区的经济形势呈现出一种有力且多样化的特点,”库伯说道。“因为这一地区的人口和就业在未来几年中将持续增长,房地产投资前景可观。” The Oregonian,Dialogue,“You said you were afraid. Who more, your mom or your dad?“ “My dad. He tied me up and kicked me and hit me. They sex-abused me. Mom tied me in a

28、 blanket, and Dad put a sock in my mouth.“ “What did Mom do?“ “She humping me.“ “Do you know what that means? “I was on top“ “Did you run away from her?“ “No.“ “Do you dream about your mom?“ “Yes.“ “Good dreams or bad? “Good.“ Tom Hallman, The Oregonian,Dialogue,“你说你害怕。更怕谁,妈妈还是爸爸?” “爸爸。他把我绑起来,踢我揍我。他

29、们强暴我。妈妈用毯子绑我,爸爸把袜子塞到我嘴里。” “妈妈做了些什么?” “她背着我。” “你知道这是什么意思吗?” “我在上面” “你逃开她了吗 ?” “没有。” “你梦见过妈妈吗?” “有。” “梦是好的还是坏的?” “好的。” Tom Hallman, The Oregonian,Dialogue 对话,She stuck her fingers through the bars and pinched the monkeys toe while she watched for any eye movement. The eyes remained fixed and staring.

30、“GO AHEAD AND UNLOCK THE CAGE,” Lieutenant Colonel Johnson said. He had to shout to be heard above the roar of air in their space suits. She unlocked the door “ALL RIGHT, GO AHEAD AND MOVE HIM OUT,” Johnson said. 她把手伸进栏杆里,一边捏猴子的指头一边观察它眼部的反应。然而那眼睛还是呆滞的一动不动。 “去把舱门关上,” 陆军中校约翰逊发出命令。他不得不大喊才能让声音穿透航天服。 她关上

31、门 “现在,把他放出来,”约翰逊说道。 Richard Preston, “The Hot Zone”,Dialogue/Gestures & Expressions 对话/姿态 & 表达,“Im just looking at everything,” she tells Lou. “I have to talk to my boyfriend.” Lou looks hurt. This is part of his old-man shtick, a crucial element of his sales strategy. “You have a boyfriend, Amy? Th

32、at leaves me out.” “我只是随便看看,”她对卢说。“我得跟我男朋友谈谈。” 路摆出一副很受伤的样子。这是他惯用的伎俩,一条重要的营销策略。 “你有男朋友了,艾米?那我就没戏了。” Steve Beaven, The Oregonian,Summary versus Dramatic Narrative 概括VS戏剧性叙事,Summary Narrative,Even people who stayed high and dry will pay the price of lost sales, work time and opportunities. “In some way

33、s we all lose,” said Bill Conerly, an economist with First Interstate Bank in Portland. Already it is clear that damage to property is as broad and deep as the cresting river system. Throughout the region, hundreds of roads and thousands of homes, farms and businesses were destroyed or are in need o

34、f significant repairs. Government will pick up the tab for streets, highways and bridges. But thousands of residents may be forced to dip into savings. Only 11,600 Oregonians and 17,400 Washingtonians insure their homes and businesses against floods. The Oregonian,概括叙事,甚至那些居住在高地,未被水淹的人们也要付出代价:承受销量售下

35、降的损失、工时的减少和机遇的丧失。 建立波特兰第一家州际银行的经济学家比尔科纳利说道:“从某种程度来说,我们都蒙受了损失。” 显而易见,财产损失如同泛滥的河流一样范围广,程度深。整个地区,成百上千的道路、住宅、农场和商业设施或者被摧毁,或者需要大修。 政府将为街道、公路和桥梁的修建买单。但是,至于其他修复工作,许多居民不得不自掏腰包。仅有11,600名俄勒冈人和17,400名华盛顿人购买了住宅和商业洪水保险。 The Oregonian,Dramatic Narrative 戏剧性叙事,Capt. Chris Satalich flips switches, and twin engines

36、on the Lassen, a 70-foot-long Shaver Transportation Co. tugboat, roar to life. As Satalich checks his gauges, the wheelhouse vibrates. Satisfied, he nudges the throttles, and the tug moves out of the harbor with the grace of a dancer. “Ive never seen the river like this,” he says. He peers out the w

37、heelhouse windows, 35 feet above the water. “Never,” he says. 船长克里斯萨塔里其命令水手发动拉森号,船桨划动了起来。这艘拖船长约七十英尺,属于谢沃运输公司。当萨塔里其检查量表的时候,驾驶舱突然颤动了起来。 感觉正常之后,他推动油门杆,拖船如同舞者一样优雅地驶出了港湾。 “我从来没见过这样的河水。”他说道。 他凝视着驾驶舱的窗户,下面的河水深达三十五英尺。 “从来没有,”他说道。 Tom Hallman, The Oregonian,Summary Narrative 概括叙事,Relatively abstract. Collaps

38、es time. Direct quotes. Organized topically. Omniscient point of view. Deals with outcomes, rather than process,相对抽象 分解时间 直接引用 按话题组织 全知全能视角 处理结果, 而不是过程,Dramatic Narrative 戏剧性叙事,Concrete. Real time. Dialogue. Organized scenically. Specific point of view. Focuses on process as much as outcomes. Specif

39、ic description.,具体 实时 对话 按场景组织 具体的视角 既关注过程也关注结果 具体描述,Dramatic Narrative戏剧性叙事,McDougal and Byars pushed off. They negotiated the 15-foot behemoth but were swinging sideways when they hit the next set of waves. The raft capsized, catapulting Byars into the water. McDougal stayed in his seat, virtually

40、 upside down. As the raft rose with the next wave, McDougal yanked hard on an oar and righted his boat, a miraculous maneuver. 麦克杜格尔和拜厄斯离岸了。他俩成功地通过了这个长达15英尺的巨兽,但是当他们遇到下个波浪时,船歪向了一侧。船翻了,将拜厄斯甩入水中。麦克杜格尔仍坐在位子上,实际上他已经头朝下了。当筏子随着下个波浪升上来的时候,麦克杜格尔猛地拉住一个船桨,将船体摆正,这真是一个奇迹。 The Oregonian,Summary Narrative 概括叙事,Or

41、egons distant water fleet taps into North Americas greatest ocean harvest, a bonanza that each year tempts more vessels north. The fleet employs at least 300 skippers and crew. They often gross more than triple what they would from fishing year-round off Oregons coast. 俄勒冈州的“远洋舰队”开采了北美最大的海洋宝库,这个巨大的宝

42、库每年都能吸引大量船只北航。 这支 “远洋舰队”雇佣了船长和至少三百名船员。他们获得的利润比在俄勒冈州近海岸常年捕鱼的同行要多出三倍以上。 Hal Bernton, The Oregonian,Dramatic Narrative 戏剧性叙事,Wayne Baker braced himself in the pitching wheelhouse, peering out beyond waves as tall as houses Winds spiked to 60 mph, licking white plumes of spray from the wave tops. He pho

43、ned the galley to summon the crew: One more push for crab. 韦恩贝克站在倾斜的驾驶舱,凝视着楼房般高的海浪巨浪 风速达到每小时六十英里,海浪拍打着船舷,浪花四溅。 他打电话给船尾瞭望台,号令船员:再捕捞一次螃蟹。 Hal Bernton, The Oregonian,Summary Narrative 概括叙事,They married in 1992, blending three daughters - Summer, Holly and Michelle - into one family. Within six months,

44、Marilyn was pregnant. If it was a boy, they would have named him Troy. It was a girl, so they named her Tory and called her Victoria, reminding them of their victorious lives. 他们1992年结的婚,有三个女儿萨姆尔、霍莉和米歇尔。 6个月后,玛丽琳怀孕了。如果是个男孩,他们打算取名托里,如果是女孩,也取这个名字,平日里叫她胜利,以此纪念他们获得胜利的日子。 Mark OKeefe, The Oregonian,Drama

45、tic Narrative 戏剧性叙事,Troy and Marilyn Thompson walked out of the doctors office, stunned and speechless. They walked into the elevator and stood there in quiet panic as the lights flashed four, three, two, one. They squinted in the bright spring sunlight outside the Neurological Sciences Center Build

46、ing. Troy Thompson moved easily - his legs were still fine. It was just his upper body - his arms, shoulders and back - that ached slightly, muscles twitching uncontrollably. 托里和玛丽琳汤普森走出医生的办公室,惊讶得说不出话来。 他们走进电梯,沉默在惊恐中,只有电梯楼层的灯在闪,四、三,二,一。 走出神经学研究中心大楼,春日的阳光让眼睛眯成一条缝。托里汤普森依然行动自如,他的腿没问题。只是上半身手臂、肩膀和背有些轻微的疼

47、痛,肌肉不受控制地抽搐。 Mark OKeefe, The Oregonian,CHARACTER 人物,Character: Physical Description 人物:外貌描写,The young woman wearing medical scrubs walks into the showroom, and the greatest salesman who ever lived waddles up to launch his pitch. He is 78, with a hearing aid, a balding head and a body like a bowling

48、 ball. He leans almost imperceptibly toward his customer as he greets her, each move calculated to break the ice, establish the bond. 一位穿着护士服的年轻女子走进展厅,史上最伟大的推销员一摇一摆地靠近她,准备展开攻势。他已经78岁了,耳朵里带着助听器,头顶光秃秃,体型看上去就像个保龄球 。他向女子问好,身体以不易察觉地方式向她靠近,他的每一个举动都是为了打开僵局,建立联系。 Steve Beaven, The Oregonian,Character: Gestu

49、res and Expressions 人物:姿态与表达,“Im just looking at everything,” she tells Lou. “I have to talk to my boyfriend.” Lou looks hurt. This is part of his old-man shtick, a crucial element of his sales strategy. “You have a boyfriend, Amy? That leaves me out.” “我只是随便看看,”她对卢说。“我得跟我男朋友谈谈。” 路摆出一副很受伤的样子。这是他惯用的伎俩,一条重要的营销策略。 “你有男朋友了,艾米?那我就没戏了。” Steve Beaven, The Orego


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