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1、英语:Unit 2 Heroes复习课件(北师大版必修1),Unit 2 Heroes 英雄,考纲知识预览,重点单词,1 vt.探险 n n探险家 2 adv.和平地,平静地 adj.和平的;平静的 n和平 3 adv.就自己而言 adj.个人的;私人的 n人 n个性;人格,品格,explore,exploration,explorer,peacefully,peaceful,personally,personal,person,personality,peace,考纲知识预览,4 adj.平等的 adv.相等地,相同地 n同等,平等;均等 5 n斗争;搏斗 v 搏斗,挣扎 6 adj.灵巧的

2、,熟练的 adv.灵巧地 n技能,熟练 7 adj.无用的,无效的 n使用;用法 adj.有用的;有益的;实用的,equal,equally,equality,struggle,struggle,skilful,skillfully,skill,useless,use,useful,考纲知识预览,8 vi.比赛,竞争 n比赛 n竞争者,比赛者 adj.竞争的;比赛的 9 adj.令人惊异的 vt.使惊奇;使惊愕 adj.惊愕的 n惊奇;诧异 10 adj.不平常的 adj.平常的 adv.通常,compete,competition,competitor,competitive,amazing

3、,amaze,amazed,amazement,unusual,usual,usually,考纲知识预览,11 n暴力,暴行 adj.猛烈的;狂暴的 12 adv.幸运地 adj.幸运的;侥幸的 n命运,运气,好运 13 vt.促进,提升 n促进者,创办者 n提升,晋级;促销活动,violence,violent,fortunately,fortunate,fortune,promote,promoter,promotion,考纲知识预览,14 vt.犯错误,干坏事 n承诺,保证;奉献 15 adj.热心的,渴望的 adv.激烈地 16 n伤害,损害 vt.损害;伤害;毁坏 adj.受伤的 1

4、7 vi.反应 n反应,commit,commitment,keen,keenly,injury,injure,injured,react,reaction,考纲知识预览,18 n质量,品质 n数量 19 adj.自信的 n信心,自信 20 vt.钦佩,羡慕 # n钦佩,羡慕 adj.令人钦佩的,令人羡慕的,quality,quantity,confident,confidence,admire,admiration,admirable,考纲知识预览,高频短语,1 数百万 2 在我看来 3 单独地,独自地 4 放弃 5 达到某种状态 6 使从(受伤)中活下来;渡过难关 7 自杀,million

5、s of,in my opinion,on ones own,give up,come to,pull through,commit suicide,考纲知识预览,8 融洽相处;进展 9 参加,参与 10 太,极为 11 别胡扯 12 (火箭、航天器等)发射,起飞,升空 13 同比赛 14 结束 15 解脱;发出;泄露,get on,get involved with,far too,come off it,lift off,compete against,come to an end,let out,考纲知识预览,常考句型,1Jennifer was in the kitchen, . 珍妮

6、弗在厨房里,双手在面粉碗里 2Brandi,the sisters mother,taught her daughters at home they completed their high school while developing their tennis careers. 布兰迪,这对姐妹的母亲,在家教她的女儿们,结果她们在培养网球能力的同时也完成了高中学业。,with her,hands in a bowl of flour,so that,考纲知识预览,3 Venus played in a big event was in 1996. 维纳斯第一次参加大型锦标赛是在1996年。

7、 4The doctor said I was not going to . 医生说我无法康复了。,The first time,pull through,考纲知识预览,5This is my charity work to improve the quality of life for all disabled people. 这就是我怎样参与到慈善活动中,为残疾人改善生活质量的。,how I got involved with,名师一线讲坛,1. equal adj.平等的;胜任的vt.等于;抵得上 n.同等/相等的人或物 equality n.平等 A equals B in.A在方面比

8、得上B be equal to+n./doing sth.等于;与相等;有的能力(勇气、力量等);胜任,能干 be without equal/have no equal无与伦比,名师一线讲坛,The two squares are equal in size;this one is equal to that. 这两个正方形的大小是一样的,这个和那个同样大。(朗文P496) Bill is quite equal to (the task of) running the office. 比尔有足够的能力管理这个部门。(朗文P496),名师一线讲坛,He is a player without

9、 equal. 他是个无与伦比的运动员。(牛津P573) Dont you believe in equality between men and women? 难道你不相信男女平等吗?(牛津P573),名师一线讲坛,即时训练,1完成句子 (1)这两个女孩一样高。 The two girls are_ _ _. 答案:of equal height,名师一线讲坛,(2)他们数量相等。 They are_ _ _. 答案:equal in number (3)供求相等。 The supply is_ _the demand. 答案:equal to,名师一线讲坛,2. struggle n.斗争

10、;拼搏vt.搏斗;斗争;努力;挣扎 struggle with/against与搏斗/斗争 struggle for sth./to do sth.努力/争取 struggle through奋力通过 struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来 struggle on/along(虽艰难仍)继续做某事 with a struggle费劲地,名师一线讲坛,Despite his terrible injuries,he wouldnt give up the struggle for life. 他尽管身负重伤,但仍然没有放弃求生的努力。(朗文P1533) They had to s

11、truggle for their lives against weather and wild animals. 为了生存他们必须与天气和野兽抗争。,名师一线讲坛,They had to struggle with/against all kinds of difficulties. 他们得和各样的困难作斗争。 She struggled to get away from her attacker. 她挣扎着想摆脱那个袭击她的人。,名师一线讲坛,即时训练,2It was snowing hard and they had to_strong winds all the way. Astrug

12、gle Bfight Cstruggle against Dmeet with,名师一线讲坛,解析:选C。fight含义较具体,可指为某一目标而斗争,但多用于指真刀真枪的搏斗;struggle的含义较抽象,意为“挣扎”,也可指“斗争”。fight与struggle都是不及物动词,与介词连用。struggle against意为“向作斗争”,符合句意。句意:雪下得很大,他们一路上得与大风作斗争。meet with遭遇。,名师一线讲坛,3. protest n.抗议v.反对;抗议;申辩,坚决地表示 protest about/against/at sth.对提出抗议 without protest

13、没有任何反对地,一声不吭地 under protest无奈地,不服气地;不甘心地,名师一线讲坛,It is no use protesting,and I wont change my mind. 抗议没有用,我决不改变主意。 We made a protest against the plan. 我们对那个计划提出了异议。 She accepted the charge without protest. 她一声不吭地接受了指控。,名师一线讲坛,即时训练,3The children_when they were punished unfairly. Aaccepted Bagreed Cpro

14、tested Dwere satisfied 解析:选C。当孩子们被不公平地惩罚时,他们应表示“抗议”,故选C。,名师一线讲坛,4. compete vi.比赛;竞争 competition n.竞争 compete in参加比赛 compete to do sth.竞争做某事 compete with/against与竞争 compete for为而竞争 attend a competition参加竞赛 be in competition with与竞赛,名师一线讲坛,Will you compete in the game? 你会参加比赛吗? Several companies are c

15、ompeting for the contract. 为得到那项合同,几家公司正在竞争。 We cant compete with them on price. 我们在价格上无法与他们竞争。 We are in competition with four other companies for the contract. 我们在与其他四家公司竞争这份合同。,名师一线讲坛,即时训练,4Four teams of three people would compete_the game and the winners would receive a free vacation. Ain Bagain

16、st Cfor Dwith,名师一线讲坛,解析:选A。compete against/with与竞争;compete for为竞争。compete in the game意为“参加比赛”,符合句意。句意:四个三人小组将参加比赛,获胜者可以免费度假一次。,名师一线讲坛,5. amazing adj.令人惊异的 amaze vt.使大为惊奇,使惊愕 amazed adj.吃惊的,惊讶的 be amazed at/by对大为惊奇 be amazed to see/hear/find. 看到/听到/发现感到吃惊 be amazed that.对感到吃惊,名师一线讲坛,amazement n.惊奇,诧异

17、 in amazement惊愕地 to ones amazement令人感到惊讶的是,名师一线讲坛,【注意】v.ing形式的形容词,都表示“令人的”,强调某人或某事物给他人的感觉;v.-ed形式的形容词,都表示人本身的感觉或情况,并不强调对他人的影响。 His surprising success made us all surprised. 他意想不到的成功使我们惊讶不已。 It was amazing that he knew nothing about the event. 他对这个事件毫不知情,这真让人感到诧异。,名师一线讲坛,即时训练,5After the_journey from

18、Jiuzhaigou,Tom returned home,_. Aamazing;excited Bamazing;excitedly Camazed;excited Damazing;exciting,名师一线讲坛,解析:选A。amazing意为“令人惊异的”,一般用来修饰物;excited为形容词,意为“兴奋的”,常修饰人。excited在第二空中作状语,表示主语的状态。句意:九寨沟神奇之旅结束后,汤姆回到家感到很兴奋。,名师一线讲坛,6It_me to discover how long the dinosaur age lasted. Aoccurred Bhappened Camaz

19、ed Dtook,名师一线讲坛,解析:选C。occur“使某人想到”后接to,即occur to sb.;happen是不及物动词,后不可接宾语;take sb.to do意为“带某人去做某事”;amaze是及物动词,意为“使吃惊”。句意:发现恐龙时代持续那么久使我惊讶。,名师一线讲坛,6. keen adj.热心的,渴望的,激烈的 be keen about热心于 be keen to do sth.想要做某事 be keen on (doing) sth.热衷于,非常喜欢 a keen mind敏捷的头脑 keen eyesight敏锐的眼光 keenness n.渴望,名师一线讲坛,Sh

20、es keen on (=likes) football/growing roses. 她喜欢足球/种植玫瑰。(朗文P828) Hes very keen on the girl next door. 他对隔壁的姑娘非常着迷。(朗文P828) Her father is keen for her to go to university. 她父亲渴望她能上大学。(朗文P828) Theres been keen competition for the job. 对这项工作一直存在着激烈的竞争。(朗文P828),名师一线讲坛,即时训练,7I put the suggestion to him,bu

21、t he didnt seem very_about it. Ainterested Bimpressed Ckeen Danxious,名师一线讲坛,解析:选C。interested与in搭配;impress与on/with搭配;be anxious about意为“为感到担忧”。be keen about“热心于”,符合句意。句意:我向他提出这个建议,但他似乎不太热心。,名师一线讲坛,7. promote vt.促进;提升;鼓励;宣传(某物)以促进销售 promoter n.促进者,创办者 promotion n.C,U 提升,晋级;(产品的)推销;宣传 promote sb.(to st

22、h.)提升/晋升某人 promote sb.from sth.to sth.把某人从提升到 promote world peace促进世界和平,名师一线讲坛,The young army officer was promoted to (the rank of) captain. 这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。(朗文P1201) The area is being promoted as a tourist destination. 这个地区正被推广为旅游点。,名师一线讲坛,She worked hard and was soon promoted from a saleswoman to a m

23、anager. 她工作勤奋,不久就从销售员提升为经理了。,名师一线讲坛,即时训练,8The government is trying to_ better understanding between the two countries. Aprovide Bpromote Cclarify Dcancel 解析:选B。provide供应;clarify澄清;cancel取消。promote“提升,促进”,符合句意。句意:政府正试图促进两国间更好的理解。,名师一线讲坛,8. injury n.伤害,损害;伤口 injury/injuries to sb./sth.对的伤害,损伤 do sb./o

24、neself an injury伤害某人/自己 injure vt.使受伤;损害 injured adj.受伤的,名师一线讲坛,There are no injuries in the crash. 撞车事故中无人受伤。 Ambulances took the injured to a nearby hospital. 救护车把伤员送到了附近的医院。 I didnt mean to do her an injury/do an injury to her. 我并未打算伤害她。,名师一线讲坛,比较网站,wound,harm,hurt,injure (1)wound常指在战争、暴力或灾害中受伤,也

25、可指精神上的创伤。其名词也是wound,指战斗中因刀或枪而受的创伤、伤口。 (2)harm常用于口语,一般只作及物动词,表示“对有害/损害”,特指伤及一个人或其心情、健康、权利、事业等,并使之产生痛苦、损害或某种不幸遭遇。其名词为harm,只能作不可数名词,意为“损害,伤害”。,名师一线讲坛,(3)hurt为一般用语,既可以指肉体上的伤害,也可以指精神上的伤害,也可表示在事故中受伤。其名词为hurt,尤其指精神上或感情上的伤害、肉体上的伤痛。 (4)injure主要指在事故中受伤。其名词是injury,可指平时的大小创伤或伤害,还可指事故中的伤害。,名师一线讲坛,高效记忆,名师一线讲坛,即时训

26、练,9Yang Mei was badly_by your words.You_that to her. Awounded;should say Binjured;mustnt say Churt;shouldnt have said Dhurt;wouldnt say,名师一线讲坛,解析:选C。hurt普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害(可被badly/slightly/seriously等修饰),也可指精神上、感情上的伤害(被very much/rather/deeply修饰);injure比hurt正式,主要指意外事故中损害健康、容貌等,强调功能的损失;wound指枪伤、刀伤、刺伤等皮肉之伤,

27、尤其指用武器有意造成的伤口、伤疤或战场上受的伤。第二空shouldnt have done表示“本不该做而做了”。,名师一线讲坛,9. commit vt.犯(错误),干(坏事);提交;托付 commit suicide/a crime自杀/犯(罪或错等) commit sb./oneself to sth./doing sth.承诺/保证(做)某事 commit sb.to sth. 将某人置于某种状态或转交某处保留、处理等 commitment n.承诺;保证;忠诚;奉献;承担 make a commitment to sb.向某人承诺,名师一线讲坛,The President is co

28、mmitted to reforming health care. 总统承诺要改革卫生保健制度。 You dont have to commit yourself now,just think about it. 你不必现在表态,只需考虑一下这件事。 She doesnt want to make a commitment to us at the moment. 她不想在此刻对我们作出承诺。,名师一线讲坛,10. react vi.反应;作出反应 react to.对作出反应 react on/upon.对有影响 react against.反对 react with.与发生化学反应,名师一

29、线讲坛,The eye reacts to light. 眼睛对光起反应。 Unkindness often reacts on the unkind person. 恶人有恶报。 Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes. 孩子往往故意不听父母的话以表示抗拒。 An acid can react with a base to form a salt. 酸可与碱起化学反应,形成盐。,名师一线讲坛,即时训练,10How did your mother_the news that you d

30、idnt pass the examination? Areact on Breact Creact to Dreact upon,名师一线讲坛,解析:选C。“react on”与“react upon”意思是“起作用于”、“有影响”,“react”作及物动词时,意思为“使起作用”,“react to”意思是“对作出反应”。句意:你妈妈对你考试不及格这个消息的反应怎样?,名师一线讲坛,11. admire vt.钦佩,羡慕;赞美 admiration n.赞美,钦佩 admiring adj.赞赏的,羡慕的 admire sb.for sth.因某事而钦佩某人 have admiration

31、for sb./sth.羡慕/钦佩某人/物 watch/gaze in admiration赞赏地观看/凝视着,名师一线讲坛,His hairstyle attracted many admiring glances. 他的发型引来了许多羡慕的目光。 I admired her for her bravery. 我佩服她的勇敢。 Maria looked at the skirt with admiration. 玛丽亚羡慕地看着这件裙子。,名师一线讲坛,即时训练,11I admire him_his success _business. Afor;on Bwith;for Cfor;in D

32、on;for 解析:选C。句意:我佩服他事业有成。admire sb.for sth.in sth.意为“在某方面因某事而钦佩某人”,为固定用法。,名师一线讲坛,12. confident adj.自信的,确信的 be/feel confident of sth.对某事有信心 confidence n.信任;自信;信心;把握 with (great) confidence很有把握地;满怀信心地 gain sbs confidence取得某人的信任 give ones confidence to sb.信任、信赖某人 have/place confidence in sb.信任、依赖某人,名师一

33、线讲坛,Peter is confident of winning the post as the managing director. 彼得自信他能获得总经理的职位。 The players all have confidence in the manager. 队员们都对经理很有信心。,名师一线讲坛,即时训练,12So far as I am concerned,I am quite_of this prospect and pleased with it. Adisappointed Bdetermined Csatisfied Dconfident,名师一线讲坛,解析:选D。disap

34、pointed失望的;determined坚定的,与on搭配使用;satisfied满意的,与with搭配使用。be/feel confident of sth.意为“对某事有信心”,符合句意。句意:就我个人来说,我对前景很有信心,也感到愉快。,名师一线讲坛,单项填空 (1)He was very_,so he left full of_. Aanger Bangry Cangrily 解析:选B;A。第一空是形容词作表语;full of anger在句中作主语补足语。句意:他很生气,因此怒气冲冲地走了。,单词巧记,名师一线讲坛,(2)“Go out!”she said_to him. Aan

35、ger Bangry Cangrily 解析:选C。该句中需要一个副词修饰动词said。,归纳与比较:n.yadj.,名师一线讲坛,名师一线讲坛,【经典案例】 The engine is very_at high speed. Anoise Bclumsy Cnoisy Dsound 【解析】 此句需要一个形容词作表语,故排除A、D项。根据句意“这个发动机转速高时噪音非常大。”B项不符合句意。故选C。 【答案】 C,名师一线讲坛,13. let out解脱;发出;泄露;把放大,放长 let sb.down使某人失望 let in让进来,放进 let off放(枪等),使爆炸 let alone

36、更不用说,更谈不上 let.alone不打扰,不惊动,名师一线讲坛,Im afraid she let us down badly. 很遗憾,她使我们大失所望。(牛津P1002) The boys were letting off fireworks. 那些男孩在放花炮。(牛津P1002),名师一线讲坛,即时训练,13He hasnt enough money for food, _amusements. Alet alone Blet along Cgrant alone Dgrant along 解析:选A。句意:他连吃饭的钱都不够,就更不用说玩的钱了。固定短语let alone意为“更不

37、用说”。,名师一线讲坛,14. give up放弃;停(中)止;(交)给 give up doing sth.停止,放弃(做某事) give sth.up停止;中止;放弃;抛弃 give away泄露(机密),暴露;捐赠 give back归还,送回 give birth to生产,生育 give in屈服,让步 give off发出(蒸气);发散(光线) give out用完,耗尽;分发;公布 give ones life to献身于 give way to给让路;变成(更好、更新的事物),名师一线讲坛,It was supposed to be a surprise but the chi

38、ldren gave the game away. 本想给人一个惊喜,可孩子们把计划泄露了。(牛津P739) After a month their food supplies gave out. 一个月之后,他们的食物贮备消耗殆尽。(牛津P739) He gave up his seat to a pregnant woman. 他把座位让给了一个孕妇。(牛津P740),名师一线讲坛,即时训练,14If a person has not had enough sleep,his actions will give him_ during the day. Aaway Bup Cin Dbac

39、k 解析:选A。give up放弃;give in屈服;give back归还;give away 泄露,符合句意。句意:如果一个人没有充足的睡眠,他白天的行为就会(将此)显露出来。,名师一线讲坛,15. come to达到某种状态;总计;涉及 come to a decision作出决定 come to the conclusion得出结论 come to an end结束 come to oneself/ones senses苏醒过来;醒悟过来 come about发生;产生 come up出现;被提及;被讨论 come up with提出 come at攻击,扑向 come on快点,加

40、油,得了吗,名师一线讲坛,We came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth. 我们得出结论,她讲的是真话。(朗文P286) When it comes to politics/repairing cars,I know nothing. 说到政治/修车,我是一无所知。(朗文P286),名师一线讲坛,即时训练,15When she came_,she cried for help. Ainto Bto Cat Doff 解析:选B。into,at为介词,后须接宾语;come off意为“脱落,离开”,不符合句意。句意:她苏醒时,喊救

41、命。come to“苏醒”,符合句意。,名师一线讲坛,16. pull through使从(受伤)中活下来;渡过难关,摆脱危险 pull sb.through使某人渡过难关,痊愈 pull down拉下(帘子等);推翻,摧毁;使扫兴 pull in(列车等)进站 pull out(列车等)出站,驶出;脱离,退出 pull up拉起,使停止;训斥 pull away(汽车等)开动;脱身,逃出 pull on穿上,戴上 pull off脱下;取下 pull over(车等)停靠路边,名师一线讲坛,Margaret had difficulty with her work for the exami

42、nations,but her teacher pulled her through. 玛格丽特在准备考试中碰上了困难,但她的老师帮她渡过了难关。(朗文P1215) The car pulled up at the traffic lights. 汽车在交通灯前停下了。(朗文P1215),名师一线讲坛,I got pulled over for speeding. 我因为超速行驶而被要求把车停在路边。(朗文P1215) Houses were pulled down to make way for a new highway. 为了腾出地方来修新公路,房子都被拆掉了。(朗文P1215),名师一

43、线讲坛,即时训练,16His injuries are severe but he is expected to_. Apull away Bpull down Cpull through Dpull in 解析:选C。pull away脱身;离开;逃出;pull down拆毁;摧毁;推翻;pull in(火车)进站,到站,停站。pull through康复,符合句意。句意:他伤势很重,但期望他能康复。,名师一线讲坛,get along/on.with get.across使为人理解,向表达 get in touch with与取得联系 get away离开 get down to (doin

44、g) sth.(to为介词)着手(开始)做某事 get rid of摆脱,除去,sb.和某人相处如何 sth.某事进展怎样,17. get on融洽相处,进展,名师一线讲坛,How are you getting along/on with your classmates? 你和同学们相处得怎么样? They got in touch with each other after 40 years at last. 经过四十年之后他们终于又取得了联系。 It took me an hour to get my intention across to her. 我花了一个小时才使她明白了我的意思。

45、,名师一线讲坛,即时训练,17Shall we have a rest first or shall we_business now? Its up to you. Aget down to Bget over Cget out of Dget into 解析:选A。get down to着手做;get over克服(困难),熬过/渡过(苦难/难关);get out of避免;从之中获得;get into进入,陷入。,名师一线讲坛,18No one likes to talk to him because he is difficult to_. Aget along Bget along w

46、ith Cbe got along Dbe got on with,名师一线讲坛,解析:选B。get along with sb.“与某人相处融洽”。分析句子结构可知to get along with是动词不定式作状语,与he构成逻辑上的动宾关系,不可用被动结构,也不可省略介词with。,名师一线讲坛,18. far too太,极为 far too的意思相当于too,far起强调作用,too后面接形容词或副词的原级。同义短语为much too。 as/so far as远到,直到(表程度,范围);就,尽,至于by far大量;得多(与形容词或副词的比较级或最高级连用) so far迄今为止,到这(那)点为止,仅到一定程度,名师一线讲坛,as far


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