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1、高中英语必修一教案,The second period Reading:The Road to modern English,【学习目标】 1.熟读并掌握本课的生词。 2.理解文章内容,回答课后问题。 3.掌握课文几个重要的语言点。 。,【第一次自学指导】 请同学们先认真拼读本课生词,注意发音和词义。2分钟后,检查全班同学朗读单词的情况。,【第一次自学检测】 全班同学先朗读,然后抽查个别学生。 【第二次自学指导】 请同学们阅读课文The Road to modern English, 找出每段的中心句,并完成课后练习一的判断题。10分钟后;指名学生回答。,一、连线找出每段的段落大意 Parag

2、raph 1: A. Native speaker can understand each other but they may not be able to understand everything. Paragraph 2: B. English is spoken as a foreign language or second language in Africa and Asia. Paragraph 3: C. The spread of the English language in the world Paragraph 4: D. All languages change w

3、hen cultures communicate with one another.,二、判断题(True or False) Comprehending ( Page 10 ) 1. English had the most speakers in the 17th century. ( ) 2. English developed when new settlers and rulers came to Britain. ( ) 3. Languages frequently change. ( ) 4. The language of the government is always t

4、he language of the country. ( ) 5. English is one of the official languages used in India. ( ) 6. This reading describes the development of the English language.( ),F,T,F,F,T,T,【第三次自学指导】 请同学们认真朗读这篇文章,理解文章的 内容,注意在重要的语言点处作记号,并注意理解和运用,10分钟后教师要提问。,要求掌握的语言点: 1. voyage指乘船作水上旅行,也可指空中旅行。 journey范围较广,指有预定地点的

5、水陆空单程长、短途旅行,其中着重指长距离陆上旅行。 travel 常用复数形式。泛指旅行各地,表示旅行路途远,时间长。可作动词。 trip 一般用语,指任何方式,业务或游览旅行,着重于短途,口语中可与journey互换。 tour 指以游览、视察、购物等目的的旅行,含有回到原出发点的意思。,2. because of 与because 的区别,前者后接名词或代词,后者接句子。 如:He didnt go to school because he was ill. He didnt go to school because of his illness. 3、come up 靠近,接近,上来,发

6、生,升起,长出地面,发芽 如:Id like to come up to your apartment. 我想 到你得公寓坐坐。 4、be based on/upon 以 为根据。 如:This book is based on a true story that happened in the 1930s.,5、at present 目前,现在 如:At present,he is on holiday. 目前,他正在度假。 6、make use of 利用;使用 如:You can make any use of it as you like. 这个你随便用。 7.such as 与for

7、 example 的区别,前者用来罗列事物或人后者用来举例说明; for example 主要用于举例说明,其位置灵活,可位于句首,句中,句末,前后多用逗号隔开。 如: English is also spoken in many places, such as Africa and Asia. For example, Tom has the same opinion.,【第三次自学检测】 用所给短语的正确形式填空 be based on ; at present; because; such as; make use of; more than; fluently 1.She can sp

8、eak Italian . 2. This film a novel by D.H.Lawrence 3. I decided to go with them, mainly I had nothing better to do. 4. Im sorry hes out . 5 You can your talents to become rich as well. 6. I know many of them, John, Peter, and Tom. 7. a quarter of the students never finished their courses.,fluently,i

9、s based on,because,at present,make use of,such as,More than,二、单词拼写 (选做题,A班必做) 1. The ship sank on its long (航行). 2. He had lost his (身份) card and was being questioned by the police. 3. The President was leaving for a four-day (正式的) visit to Mexico 4. (事实上), on second thoughts, I dont think I will go out with him. 5. Do you want to take the (电梯) or use the stairs? 6. In America a flat is called an (公寓),voyage,identity,formal,Actually,lift/elevator,apartment,【四清内容】掌握课文重要词组和句型。,


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