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1、流行病学数据的搜集 Collection of Epidemiologic Data,朱保平,医学博士,生物统计学硕士 Bao-Ping Zhu, MD, MS 中国现场流行病学培训项目常驻指导专家 U.S. Resident Expert Advisor to China FETP,现场流行病学数据的类别 Types of epidemiologic data,结果数据 Outcome data 暴露数据 Exposure data 其他相关危险因素的数据 Data on related risk factors,流行病学数据的来源 Sources of epidemiologic data

2、,现成数据 Existing data 需搜集的数据 Data to be collected,常见现成数据 Examples of existing data,人口统计学数据 Population data 人口普查数据 Census data 普查年间的估计数 Inter-census estimates 生命统计数据 Vital statistics data 出生登记 Birth registry 死亡登记 Death data 结婚、离婚数据 Marriage and divorce 监测数据 Surveillance data 疾病监测 Disease surveillance 健

3、康危险因素监测 Behavioral risk factors surveillance,常见现成数据 Examples of existing data,健康状况和行为数据 Health status and behavioral data 健康和营养调查 Health and nutrition surveillance 行为危险因素调查 Behavioral risk factor surveillance 社会经济学数据 Socioeconomic data 消费者价格指数, 国民生产总值, 失业率 CPI, GNP, unemployment rate 行政管理数据 Administ

4、rative data 门诊记录 Outpatient records 住院记录 Hospitalization data 实验室检查记录 Laboratory testing data,流行病学数据的搜集方法 Methods for collecting epidemiologic data,自填式调查表 Self-administered questionnaire 面对面调查 Personal interviews 对生物标本进行生化检测 Biochemical analysis of biological specimens 对环境进行物理、化学分析 Physical or chemi

5、cal analysis of the environment,流行病学数据的等级 Scales of Epidemiologic Data,定性数据 Nominal 性别,职业 Gender; occupation; race/ethnicity 定序数据 Ordinal 社会经济状况 Socioeconomic status: low, medium, high 区间数据 Interval 温度 Temperature 出生年份 Year of birth 比率数据 Ratio data 体重 Weight 身高 Height,优先考虑收集高等级数据 Higher scale data a

6、re always preferred,提供更丰富的信息 Richer information 统计学效力更高 Higher statistical power 统计分析方法有更多的选择 More options for statistical analysis 可转换成低等级数据 Higher scale data may be transformed into lower scale data 而低等级数据无法变成高等级数据 Lower scale data may not be transformed into higher scale data,数据的质量取决于所使用的测量工具 Dat

7、a is only as good as the measurement instrument used,每次对某特征进行测量,我们都希望得到“真实”情况 We would like to measure the “truth” every time we measure a characteristic 如果达不到这个目标,就意味着有测量误差 Any deviation from this constitutes a measurement error 描述测量误差的两个指标 可靠性 Reliability 可信性 Validity,可靠性 Reliability,对研究对象进行多次测量,所

8、得到信息的是否相似 Refers to the degree of similarity of information obtained when the measurement is repeated in the same subject 每次测量的结果是否都相同? Is the same value arrived at every time the measurement is taken/made?,可信性 Validity,测量结果是否反映真实情况? Is it a true reflection of what you want to measure? 在进行重复测量时,若测量值

9、与真实值相比系统地偏高或偏低,则我们就说可信性较低 A measure lacks validity if an observer or an instrument measures the characteristic in the same individual repeatedly higher or repeatedly lower than the real value 这种系统性误差即“偏差”或“偏倚” This systematic error introduces a bias 一个可靠性好的测量值,其可信性可能仍然较低 A measure can be reliable bu

10、t not valid,可信性与可靠性之间的关系 Validity and Reliability,可靠 但不可信,可信 但不可靠,既不可靠 亦不可信,既可靠 亦可信,箭靶的比喻 The Target metaphor,测量误差的来源 The sources of error in measurement,测量工具 The instrument 在对同一个研究对象进行测量时,测量工具本身可能有前后差异 The instrument itself gives different results for the same individual 例如,血压袖带放置位置不同 e.g. blood pr

11、essure cuff 测量人员 The observer 不同测量人员之间的差别 Inter-observer variation - differences among observers 同一测量人员不同次之间的差别 Intra-observer variation - differences in the same observer,测量误差的来源 The sources of error in measurement,被测量者 The subject 生物学上的不一致性 Biological inconsistencies 记忆偏差 Memory 测量时的环境 The environ

12、ment 温度 Temperature 湿度 Humidity,问卷 Questionnaires,设计一个好的问卷需要花时间和精力 A good questionnaire takes time and effort to design 不要低估这一点的重要性!Dont underestimate this ! 问卷中所包含的问题的你确实需要的问题! The questionnaire should only collect that information that you need for the study 例:人口学,暴露,结局的信息 e.g. Demographics / Expo

13、sure / Outcome 设计问卷前先考虑你所研究的问题和分析计划 Think about the research questions and analysis plan 例:是只想知道有无暴露,还是也想知道暴露剂量? e.g. Are you only interested in exposure (Y/N) or are you also interested in dose ?,调查表设计的十个步骤 Steps in questionnaire design,确立调查内容或待验假设 State the research question(s)/hypotheses 拟定分析计划 O

14、utline an analysis plan (“empty” tables) 列出需要要测量的变量 List the variables to be measured 确定调查如何进行 Decide how the questionnaire will be administered 拟定要问的问题 Formulate the questions 问哪些问题?Decide on the questions 如何表述? Phrase the questions 确定问题的顺序 Determine the sequence of questions 设计调查表的布局 Plan the layo

15、ut and design of the questionnaire 必要时把调查表翻译成当地语言 Translate if necessary 培训调查员 Train interviewers 预调查 Pilot test,确立调查内容或待验假设 State the Research Questions or Hypotheses,提出假设以指导资料的搜集 Generate hypotheses to guide data collection 描述流行病学 Review descriptive studies 分析“异常值”为何异常 Look and learn from outliers

16、 与他人讨论 Talk to people 与当地业务人员座谈讨论 Talk to local officials 去现场考察环境 Go to field and study the environment,调查开始前思考要验证的假设。比如:Think about questions and related outcomes in advance. For examples: 接触病例与发病相关 Contact with a case is associated with illness 疫苗对疾病有保护作用 Vaccine is associated with protection from

17、 illness 喝牛奶与疾病有关联 Milk is associated with illness 疾病与喝牛奶的量有关联 Illness was associated with the amount of milk consumed 在这些情况下,需要对哪些暴露因素和结果进行测量? What exposures and outcomes do we specifically want to measure?,确立调查内容或待验假设 State the Research Questions or Hypotheses,调查表设计的十个步骤 Steps in questionnaire des

18、ign,确立调查内容或待验假设 State the research question(s)/hypotheses 拟定分析计划 Outline an analysis plan (“empty” tables) 列出需要要测量的变量 List the variables to be measured 确定调查如何进行 Decide how the questionnaire will be administered 拟定要问的问题 Formulate the questions 问哪些问题?Decide on the questions 如何表述? Phrase the questions

19、确定问题的顺序 Determine the sequence of questions 设计调查表的布局 Plan the layout and design of the questionnaire 必要时把调查表翻译成当地语言 Translate if necessary 培训调查员 Train interviewers 预调查 Pilot test,制订分析大纲(空白表) Outline an analysis plan (empty tables),用哪一种关联的指标?What measure of association will be used? 哪些关联是我所感兴趣的?Which

20、 associations am I interested in?,接触过病例 Contact with case,未接触病例 No Contact with case,发病Ill,未发病Not Ill,需要对接触进行测量 We need a measure of contact!,需要对疾病进行定义或测量 We need to measure/define illness!,调查表设计的十个步骤 Steps in questionnaire design,确立调查内容或待验假设 State the research question(s)/hypotheses 拟定分析计划 Outline

21、an analysis plan (“empty” tables) 列出需要要测量的变量 List the variables to be measured 确定调查如何进行 Decide how the questionnaire will be administered 拟定要问的问题 Formulate the questions 问哪些问题?Decide on the questions 如何表述? Phrase the questions 确定问题的顺序 Determine the sequence of questions 设计调查表的布局 Plan the layout and

22、design of the questionnaire 必要时把调查表翻译成当地语言 Translate if necessary 培训调查员 Train interviewers 预调查 Pilot test,列出需要收集的变量 Variables to be collected (observed or measured),被调查者 The participant 基本资料,如姓名,号码Participant (Name, ID #) 地址,年龄,性别,职业Address, age, sex, occupation, etc 暴露 The exposure 有无,地点,时间,剂量,持续时间

23、If/where/when/how much/how long 结局 The outcome 症状,体征,检验结果 Symptoms/signs/tests,可以用调查表来采集的信息 Information that may be collected with a questionnaire,个人特征 Individual characteristics 身高,年龄,收入 Height, age, income 环境 Environment 住房情况,家庭成员数 Housing, family size 行为,习惯 Behaviors, practices 饮酒,吸烟 Alcohol or t

24、obacco consumption 判断 Judgements 意见 Opinions 态度 Attitudes 衡量知识的指标 Indicators of knowledge 有关危险因素的知识 Risk factors 对健康生活习惯的认识 Healthy lifestyle,调查表设计的十个步骤 Steps in questionnaire design,确立调查内容或待验假设 State the research question(s)/hypotheses 拟定分析计划 Outline an analysis plan (“empty” tables) 列出需要要测量的变量 Lis

25、t the variables to be measured 确定调查如何进行 Decide how the questionnaire will be administered 拟定要问的问题 Formulate the questions 问哪些问题?Decide on the questions 如何表述? Phrase the questions 确定问题的顺序 Determine the sequence of questions 设计调查表的布局 Plan the layout and design of the questionnaire 必要时把调查表翻译成当地语言 Trans

26、late if necessary 培训调查员 Train interviewers 预调查 Pilot test,获得信息的常用方法 Methods of obtaining information,自填式调查表 Self-administered questionnaire 邮寄调查表 Mail (postal) 网上调查 Web-based 调查员监督下自填 Monitored 调查员填写的调查表 Interviewer-administered questionnaire 电话调查 By telephone 面对面问卷 In person,选择什么样的方法? What method t

27、o choose?,问题的性质 Nature of questions 问的是什么样的问题?What is the research question to be addressed? 方便 Convenience 哪一方法最方便?Which method is most readily available? 花费 Cost 需要How costly is it to collect the information and how affordable is the method?,如何开展问卷调查 Questionnaire administration,面对面调查 In-person in

28、terviewing 最常用的一种方法 Most frequently used 优点:应答率较高;有弹性 High response rates; flexibility 缺点:费时;能造成观察者偏倚 Time consuming; potential observer bias 电话调查 Telephone interviews 优点:花费少;快;可在大范围内实施 Inexpensive; rapid; large numbers or area 缺点:无应答较高;没有面对面交流;调查时间仓促;可能造成观察者偏倚 Non-response; no visual cues; rushed;

29、potential observer bias 邮寄调查表 Postal Questionnaires 优点:花费少;快速;可以在大范围内进行 Inexpensive; rapid; large numbers or area 缺点:无应答较高;组织起来复杂 Non-response; complexity,调查表设计的十个步骤 Steps in questionnaire design,确立调查内容或待验假设 State the research question(s)/hypotheses 拟定分析计划 Outline an analysis plan (“empty” tables) 列

30、出需要要测量的变量 List the variables to be measured 确定调查如何进行 Decide how the questionnaire will be administered 拟定要问的问题 Formulate the questions 问哪些问题?Decide on the questions 如何表述? Phrase the questions 确定问题的顺序 Determine the sequence of questions 设计调查表的布局 Plan the layout and design of the questionnaire 必要时把调查表

31、翻译成当地语言 Translate if necessary 培训调查员 Train interviewers 预调查 Pilot test,问题的类别 Types of Questions,事实性的问题 Factual 人口学,实验室,临床信息 Demographic, laboratory, clinical information 观点与态度 Opinions and Attitudes 与研究有关的信念,想法,前设,价值观,等等 Beliefs, ideas, predispositions, and values related to the topic under study 信息

32、,知识 Information/knowledge 检验的是被调查者知道什么(有没有某种知识) Measures what people know (presence or absence of knowledge) 正确与错误的知识 Correct or incorrect knowledge,行为 Behavior 对行为进行描述 Description of behavior 人们报告的行为与实际行为是否符合很难判断 Difficult to evaluate how people think they behave vs. what they actually do 量表 对被调查者问

33、一系列问题,合起来对某一变量进行描述 Constructs responses to multiple questions are combined to estimate a particular variable 社会经济状况量表 Socio-economic status (SES) 生活质量量表 Quality of life 改变某一行为效力的量表 Self efficacy to change a behavior,问题的类别 Types of Questions,剂量-效应关系 Measuring Dose-Response Relationship,洗手频度与诺如病毒感染发病的

34、关系 饭前洗手习惯: 每次 经常 偶尔 从不 上厕所后洗手习惯: 每次 经常 偶尔 从不 玩耍后洗手习惯: 每次 经常 偶尔 从不 洗手时用肥皂情况: 每次 经常 偶尔 从不 平均每天洗手几次? _次 喝豆汁与霍乱发病的关系 (调查员用统一的杯子)像这样大小的杯子,你喝了几杯豆汁? _杯 麻疹传播在网吧中的传播 从开学到发烧前的一段时间里,你平均每天在网吧上网时间: “乾坤”网吧:每天_小时 “天天”网吧:每天_小时 “网虫”网吧:每天_小时,病例对照研究中的调查表 Measuring Dose-Response Relationship,用尽量相同的调查表 问的方法要一致,如:病例用电话调查

35、,对照也用电话调查 问的次数要一致,协助工具 Aids to recall,统一的容器 这样大小的水杯,喝几杯水? 照片 不常吃的食物 饮用水的品牌 帮助回忆日期 日历 必要时使用农历 使用重要事件或日期(如春节,结婚)帮助记忆,某村庄甲肝爆发 A hepatitis A outbreak,待验假设:11月后的高峰是由于饮用某个品牌桶的装水导致点源爆发,如何询问病例和对照的暴露史? 需要考虑的问题: 甲肝的潜伏期很长 很难回忆3天以上的饮食史 病例对饮食的回忆比对照要好,询问习惯性的问题 Ask Preference Questions,你平常的饮水类型是: 桶装(饮水机)水: 经常 有时 偶

36、尔 很少 从不 自来水: 经常 有时 偶尔 很少 从不 自家井水: 经常 有时 偶尔 很少 从不 饮水习惯: 如喝桶装水,习惯于喝: 热水 温水 凉水 兑着喝 如喝自来水或井水,习惯于喝:开水(热或凉)生水 生水、开水兑着喝,调查表设计中的常见问题 Common Problems,模棱两可 Ambiguous questions 问题不清楚 Not self-explanatory 一道题中问两个问题 Two questions in one (compound questions) 语言复杂 Complex words 所问的问题无法回忆 Asking things that people

37、wont remember 假定的问题 Hypothetical questions 可供选择的类别不够 Not enough categories 太长,或有太多的概念 Too long or too many ideas 类别之间有重复 Overlapping categories 开场白有问题 Leading questions 问题的准确度无法界定 Degree of accuracy not specified,解决办法 Questionnaire Solutions,使用简单的语言 Simple language 将问题分成几步来问 Staged questions 将答案分成等级

38、 Scaling 提供图像帮助 Visual clues 预调查 Pilot tests,注意界定资料格式 Be clear about the data format you want!,日期Date: 12/10/06 10/12/06 06/10/12,年龄 Age: 9 (是9岁还是9个月?)(What? Years or months),?,?,格式不确定 Unspecified Format,问题的格式 Format of questions,封闭式:答案已预先确定 Closed format give a fixed response 简单、易填 Simple and quick

39、; easy to use in the field 减少了文化程度低的人回答的障碍 Reduces discrimination against those who are less literate 容易进行编码、录入、定量分析 Easy to code, record, and analyze results quantitatively 容易报告结果 Easy to report results 限制了收集数据的种类和量 Limits the variety and amount of data collected,开放式: 允许自由发挥 Open-ended format allow

40、s exploration of issues 当需要让被调查者先提供信息,然后再问特定问题时 When there is interest in what information a subject will volunteer before asking a specific response 当进行定量研究,或需要文字描述性数据时When conducting qualitative research; when verbatim responses are needed in a report 当可能答案太多而无法界定时仍可使用 Can be used even if a compre

41、hensive range of alternative choices cannot be compiled 不容易实施和记录 Not easy to administer and record 资料编码、分析和定量分析时比较困难 Difficult to code responses, analyze data, and quantify results,问题的格式 Format of questions,开放式问题 Open Question,你吃/喝过那些奶制品? What milk products have you eaten? _,封闭式问题:是/否 Closed questio

42、n: Yes / No,你有以下症状吗?Did you have any of the following symptoms ? 是Yes 否No 不清楚 Unsure 腹泻 Diarrhea 发热 Fever 腹痛 Abdominal pain 呕吐 Vomiting 其他 Other,分阶段的问题 Staged Questions,在那个聚会中你是否喝苹果汁,喝了多少?Did you drink the apple juice at the party and how much did you drink? _ 或 OR 你有没有喝苹果汁? Did you drink any apple

43、juice? 有Y 没有N 如有,喝了多少?If “yes” then how much did you drink? 1杯1 cup 2杯2 cups 3杯3 cups 4杯或以上4 cups+,命名性答案 Nominal response: 病人的性别 What is the patients gender? 1= 男male 2=女 female 定序性答案 Ordinal response (useful in ranking): 请把你对下列食品的爱吃程度进行排序,1=最爱,5=最不爱 Please rank the following food items in degrees o

44、f how much you would like to eat with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest? _ 鸡肉 Chicken _ 牛肉 Beef _ 马肉 Horse _ 鱼肉 Fish _ 羊肉 Sheep,其他形式的结构性问题 Other Types of Structured Questions,用等级来衡量 Using Scales,请描述你疼痛的程度 How would you characterize the pain that you had? 轻微Mild 中度 Moderate 重度Severe 或 OR 请将你

45、的疼痛程度按0-10分级 How would you characterize the pain that you had on a scale of 0 to 10?,10,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,常见问题与陷阱 Problems and Pitfalls,避免“一题二问”;否则你无法知道回答者回答的是那件事 Avoid questions that ask two things at once - you wont know which bit people are answering: 例如:你有脖子痛和腹泻的症状吗?有/没有 e.g. Have you ever had

46、 neck pain and diarrhea? Yes/No? 模棱两可 Ambiguity. 例如:你上厕所次数很多吗? e.g. Do you go to the toilet a lot?,避免使用“行话”Avoid jargon 你参加过艾防知行活动吗? “艾防知行”=艾滋病防治知识与行为干预 你打过流感裂解疫苗吗? 许多人不知道什么是流感减毒苗,即使知道,可能也无法知道所打的是哪种疫苗 避免各组间的重叠 Avoid options that are not mutually exclusive when they need to be 你的年龄段 What age are you?

47、 16-20 20-25 25-30 35-40 ,常见问题与陷阱 Problems and Pitfalls,避免暗示性问题 Avoid leading questions 你认为是旅馆里的食物让你得病的吗?Do you think that the food in the hotel made you sick? 你是不是觉得旅馆里的服务员看起来很不卫生?Did the hotel staff seem unhygienic to you? 你觉得医院里的工作人员看起来是不是很累? Do you agree that the hospital staff were close to exh

48、austion? 避免问卷过长 Avoid making the questionnaire too long 避免错别字 Typographical / spelling errors 学校的卫身环境如何 有没有提供洗手夜 发病前用了那些抗升素 有没有打过易苗,常见问题与陷阱 Problems and Pitfalls,调查表设计的十个步骤 Steps in questionnaire design,确立调查内容或待验假设 State the research question(s)/hypotheses 拟定分析计划 Outline an analysis plan (“empty” ta

49、bles) 列出需要要测量的变量 List the variables to be measured 确定调查如何进行 Decide how the questionnaire will be administered 拟定要问的问题 Formulate the questions 问哪些问题?Decide on the questions 如何表述? Phrase the questions 确定问题的顺序 Determine the sequence of questions 设计调查表的布局 Plan the layout and design of the questionnaire 必要时把调查表翻译成当地语言 Translate if necessary 培训调查员 Train interviewers 预调查 Pilot test,问题的顺序 Seque


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