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1、CENTURY BUSINESS ENGLISH,,大连理工大学出版社,阅读教程(基础篇2)(第四版),世纪商务英语,主编:王洗薇,Unit Four Leadership,,大连理工大学出版社,Leadership,Do you want to be a leader? What elements does a good leader possess?Therere different styles of leadership. Achieving a rare marriage of personal style and corporate culture at Disney, Micha

2、el D. Eisnir is a perfect leader for the Walt Disney Company. Apart from the topic of leadership, youll learn a reading techniqueskimming, which allows you to understand the main idea of an article quickly.,Career Development,Reading Skill Focus,Words and Expressions,Practical Reading,Comprehensive

3、Reading,Reading Skill Focus,Skimming (1),What is skimming? Skimming is used to quickly identify the main idea of a text. It is a reading technique that can help you to: Read more quickly; Decide if the text is interesting and whether you should read it in more detail. Skimming is done at a speed thr

4、ee to four times faster than normal reading. People often skim when they have lots of material to read in a limited amount of time.,Reading Skill Focus,How is“skimming”different from“scanning”? The term skimming is often confused with scanning. Remember: Skimming is used to obtain the gist (the over

5、all sense) of a piece of text. For example use skimming to get the gist of a page of a textbook to decide whether it is useful and should therefore be read more slowly and in more detail.,Reading Skill Focus,Scanning is used to obtain specific information from a piece of text. For example, use scann

6、ing to find a particular number in a telephone directory. Sometimes you can use both reading methods. After you have skimmed a piece of text to decide whether the text is of interest, you may wish to use scanning techniques to locate specific information.,Reading Skill Focus,Skimming requires very s

7、peedy reading, without paying any attention to details, or the unknown words. As the objective of skimming is to identify quickly the main points in the material, it is often not necessary to understand everything in the material. Sometimes several words or phrases can imply the topic of a piece of

8、text.,Reading Skill Focus,How do you skim read? As mentioned above, skimming is a reading method used to get the general ideas of reading material without reading all of it. When skimming, you go through the passage quickly in order to get the gist of it, to know how it is organized, or to get an id

9、ea of the tone or the intention of the writer without paying any attention to details or the unknown words.,Reading Skill Focus,Dont read the whole text word-for-word. Use as many clues as possible to give you some background information. There might be pictures or images related to the topic, or an

10、 eye-catching title. Let your eyes skim over the surface of the text whilst thinking about any clues you have found about the subject, look out for key words.,Reading Skill Focus,The following tips are useful while skimming. Read the title, subtitles and subheading to find out what the text is about

11、. 2. Look at the illustrations to give you further information about the topic. 3. Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph. 4. Dont read every word or every sentence. Let your eyes skim over the text, taking in key words.,This is the first part of Skimming. Youll learn more about this tec

12、hnique in Unit 5.,Reading Skill Focus,AGuided Practice,Sample 1,Questions 1-2 are based on the following paragraph. Read the paragraph quickly, and then select the answer which you think is correct.,Every second, 1 hectare of the worlds rainforest is destroyed. Thats equivalent to two football field

13、s. An area the size of New York City is lost every day. In a year that adds up to 31 million hectaresmore than the land area of Poland.,Reading Skill Focus,This alarming rate of destruction has serious consequences for the environment; scientists estimate, for example, that 137 species of plant, ins

14、ect or animal become extinct every day due to logging. In British Columbia, where, since 1990, thirteen rainforest valleys have been clear cut,Reading Skill Focus,142 species of salmon have already become extinct, and the habitats of grizzly bears, wolves and many other creatures are threatened. Log

15、ging, however, provides jobs, profits, taxes for the government and cheap products of all kinds for consumers, so the government is reluctant to restrict or control it.,Reading Skill Focus,What is the main idea of the passage? A. Scientists are worried about New York City. B. Logging is destroying t

16、he rainforests. C. Governments make money from logging. D. Salmon are an endangered species. 2. How many species of salmon have become extinct in BC? A. 27 B. 31 C. 137 D. 142,( ),B,( ),D,Reading Skill Focus,第1 题是主旨大意题,通常可以通过skimming 的方法解答。第2 题是查找具体的信息,通过scanning便可找到答案。 第1 行和第8 行的划线文字对于回答第1 题十分重要。这两

17、个部分让我们知道了世界雨林受到毁坏;尽管logging 有这样和那样的好处,但logging 却是毁林的原因。整个段落的main idea是选项B,即Logging is destroying the rainforests。 第5行和第6、7行的划线部分为第2题提供了答案。很显然选项D是正确的,Reading Skill Focus,Sample 2,Much of Canadas forestry production goes towards making pulp and paper. According to the Canadian Pulp and Paper Associati

18、on, Canada supplies 34% of the worlds wood pulp and 49% of its newsprint paper. If these paper products could be produced in some other way,Reading Skill Focus,Canadian forests could be preserved. Recently, a possible alternative way of producing paper has been suggested by agriculturalists and envi

19、ronmentalists: a plant called hemp.,Reading Skill Focus,Whats the main idea of the passage? A. Canadian forests are especially under threat. B. Hemp is a kind of plant. C. Canada is a major supplier of paper and pulp. D. Canada produces a lot of hemp.,通过快速阅读,我们知道段落的第1 句和第3 句是本段说明的两方面的问题。从四个选项来看,B 和C

20、 都只是本段的部分内容,而D 项在本段并未提及,只有A 能够概括出本段的大意,Reading Skill Focus,B. Challenge Yourself,Read the following passages quickly,and choose the best answer to the questions that follow.,Challenge 1,British and American scientists,drilling into the floor of the South Atlantic, have found the last piece of a grea

21、t continental jigsaw puzzle, it was announced Thursday. It is the final piece of evidence that South America and Africa were once part of the vast super-continent, Gondwanaland, along with Australia, New Zealand, and Antarctica.,Reading Skill Focus,The main idea of this paragraph is_. The drilling w

22、as done by British and American scientists. B. The jigsaw puzzle was announced on Thursday. C. Gondwanaland had been a vast super-continent. D. Missing piece of the continental puzzle has been found.,( ),C,Reading Skill Focus,Challenge 2,Most people feel lonely sometimes but it usually lasts only be

23、tween a few minutes and a few hours. This kind of loneliness is not serious. In fact, it is quite normal. For some people,though, loneliness can last years.,Reading Skill Focus,Psychologists are studying this complex phenomenon in an attempt to better understand long-term loneliness. These researche

24、rs have already identified three different types of loneliness.,Reading Skill Focus,The first kind of loneliness is temporary. This is the most common type. It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention. The second kind, situational loneliness, is a natural result of a par

25、ticular situation, for example, a divorce, the death of a loved one, or moving to a new place.,Reading Skill Focus,Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, such as headaches and sleeplessness, it usually does not last for more than a year. Situational loneliness is easy to under

26、stand and to predict.,Reading Skill Focus,The third kind is the most severe. Unlike the second type, chronic (慢性的) loneliness usually lasts more than two years and has no specific cause. People who experience habitual loneliness have problems socializing and becoming close to others. Unfortunately,

27、many chronically lonely people think there is little or nothing they can do to improve their condition.,Reading Skill Focus,Psychologists agree that one important factor in loneliness is a persons social contacts, i.e. friends, family members, coworkers, etc. We depend on various people for differen

28、t reasons. However, psychologists have found that the number of social contacts we have is not the only reason for loneliness.,Reading Skill Focus,It is more important how many social contacts we think or expect we should have. In other words, though lonely people may have many social contacts, they

29、 sometimes feel they should have more.,Reading Skill Focus,Most researchers agree that the loneliest people are between the ages of 18 and 25. They found that more than 50 percent of the college freshmen were situationally lonely at the beginning of the semester, but had adjusted after a few months.

30、 Thirteen percent were still lonely after seven months due to shyness and fear.,Reading Skill Focus,They felt very uncomfortable meeting new people,even though they understood that their fear was not rational. The situationally lonely freshmen overcame their loneliness by making new friends, but the

31、 chronically lonely people remained unhappy because they were afraid to do so.,Reading Skill Focus,Psychologists are trying to find ways to help habitually lonely people for two reasons. First of all, they are unhappy and unable to socialize. Secondly, researchers have found a connection between chr

32、onic loneliness and serious illnesses such as heart disease. While temporary and situational loneliness can be a normal, healthy part of man, chronic loneliness can be a very sad, and sometimes dangerous condition.,Reading Skill Focus,What is the main idea of this passage? A. There are three differe

33、nt kinds of loneliness. B. Chronic loneliness is the most severe kind. C. Researchers want to cure loneliness. D. There is some difference between being alone and being lonely.,C,( ),Reading Skill Focus,Challenge 3,Important Differences Between MEMOS and ESSAYS Before you begin to write your first m

34、emo, it is important to understand the differences between writing memos and writing essays. A few of the most important distinctions appear in the table below.,Comprehensive Reading,Reading Skill Focus,As the table makes clear, a memo is very unlike the essays you write for other classes, and it is

35、 important that you appreciate the difference in style. A memo exists for a very specific purpose: to convey information to a colleague. Keep this in mind as you work and you wont go wrong.,Reading Skill Focus,The passage is mainly about_. A. the importance of memo writing B. specific purpose of a m

36、emo C. a few important distinctions between memos and essays D. the importance of understanding the differences between writing memos and writing essays,( ),C,Comprehensive Reading,Text A,LeadershipWhat Makes a Good Leader,Suggested Reading Time: 7 min,1. It goes without saying that good leadership

37、is crucial to any successful business. But, what makes a good leader and how can someone develop himself or herself into being a good leader if they are not one to begin with?,译文,毋庸置疑,良好的领导力是企业发展成败的关键。然而,对于那些最初并不具有良好素质的领导者来说,要想成为一名优秀的领导者应具备哪些特质,以及如何将自己塑造成为一名优秀的领导者?,Comprehensive Reading,The answer i

38、s that there are many factors that contribute to good leadership. And, whether someone is naturally a good leader or not,anyone can become a good leader.,译文,出色的领导者需要具备一些基本的特质。但是,无论你是否天生拥有这些特质,你都有机会将自己塑造成为一名优秀的领导者,Comprehensive Reading,Get Talking 2. One of those factors of good leadership is communi

39、cation. Communication is one of the most key elements of leadership. Good communication skills need to be learned to effectively become a good leader or manager.,译文,善于沟通是领导者所需具备的特质之一。沟通力是体现领导力的重要因素之一。要想成为一名出色的领导者或经理人,你需要通过学习有效地培养良好的沟通能力,Comprehensive Reading,When communication occurs, as a leader, y

40、ou will be able to accurately convey your ideas and thoughts to those who work for you. In fact, simply being able to convey these things in the first place, much less accurately, puts you in the right direction for leadership.,译文,如果你是一名领导者,在你与你的员工进行通时,你要够准确地表达自己的观点和想法。事实上,正因为最初的你不能如此准确地表达自己的观点和想法,才

41、促使你为了今后能够成为一名优秀的领导者而朝着这个目标不断地努力,Comprehensive Reading,If employees have no idea what is on your mind, your leadership is going to falter. Employees are not typically minded readers.,译文,如果你的员工未能充分领悟你的意图,这说明你还并不具备良好的领导力,因为员工是不可能完全猜透你的心思的,falter 蹒跚,踉跄,Comprehensive Reading,3. If there is a problem a ce

42、rtain employee is experiencing, good communication can filter the problem out. You, as a leader, can dissect the problem and offer solutions in various ways.,译文,当某一名员工遇到困难时,作为领导者的你能够通过沟通找出问题,对问题进行细致的分析,并通过各种途径提出解决方案,Comprehensive Reading,4 . Ideas that are given to employees work both ways, as well.

43、 Employees can give helpful feedback and generate new ideas to you that help the company as well, when good communication is present.,译文,当领导者给予其员工意见或者建议时,双方都可以从中受益。如果沟通顺畅,员工会针对你的意见和建议给出有益的反馈;而反馈意见有助与你对公司将来的发展提出新的设想,Comprehensive Reading,Get Things Moving 5 . Motivation is another variable that plays

44、 into good leadership. Employees tend to stagnate when motivation decreasesand it will decrease, without proper motivation.,译文,懂得如何有效地激励员工是体现领导力的另一个重要因素。当领导者减少对其员工的激励,并没有采取有效的激励措施时,你的员工会逐渐丧失工作热情并且变得停滞不前,stagnate (使)停滞不前;(使)不流动,Comprehensive Reading,Many leaders try to motivate the old-fashioned wayt

45、hrough fear. (Do what I say or something bad will happen.) This is not advisable, since it tends to only deliver short-term results and cause even less competent work in the long run, due to resentment resulting from the fear tactics.,译文,多数领导者试图通过威胁以激活早已过时的管理方式。(例如,像“按照我说的去做,不然后果自负”之类的话)。这是绝对不可取的,因为

46、这种做法只能在短期内奏效。由于受到威胁,员工在内心会慢慢地滋生出怨恨。长远来看,这种做法甚至会降低员工的工作质量,resentment 怨恨, 愤恨,Comprehensive Reading,6. Instead, try adding challenges for employees. A fresh challenge always adds excitement and spawns creativity. Challenge your employees with tasks that may be slightly out of their range and let them w

47、ork at it! This increases motivation.,译文,相反,领导者应试图使其员工面对更多的挑战。新的挑战能够让员工变得兴奋,从而激发他们的创造力。通过分配给员工一些在程度上稍微超出其能力范围的工作任务,领导者可以激发员工的工作热情,而使其员工乐此不疲。这样,员工的工作积极性就会逐渐地被调动起来,spawn 产生, 使出生,Comprehensive Reading,7. If they run into a snag, guide them towards a solution but dont offer the actual solution outright.

48、 Coach them into discovering the solution themselves. Once they have, their self-esteem will rise, thereby raising their motivation level.,self-esteem 自尊,自尊心,自负,自大,译文,如果员工遇到了棘手的问题,领导者不应完全代替员工解决问题,而应引导员工自己解决遇到的困难。领导者应教会员工如何找出解决办法。一旦员工通过自己的努力排除了障碍,员工的自尊心会在很大程度上得到提升。从而大大地提高员工对工作的热情,Comprehensive Readin

49、g,Two Heads are Better than One 8. Teamwork is always something to consider when striving to become a good leader. This means not only teaching your employees to work together but becoming part of the team yourself.,译文,在努力将自己塑造成一名出色的领导者的过程中,领导者要始终注重团队合作。领导者不仅要教导员工如何更好地进行团队合作,而且也要让自己成为整个团队中的一员,Comprehensive Reading,9 . Use others potential


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