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1、语法专项训练(十一) 连词与并列句,考点一 并列连词 1并列连词可以连接两个对等的(或平行的)词、短语或句子, 常用的并列连词有: (1) 表示联合: and (同, 和), when (and just at this time就在这时),not only.but (also) . (不仅而且), neither.nor. (既不也不) (2) 表示选择: or (或者, 否则), otherwise (否则), or else (否则), either.or (不是就是),(3) 表示转折: but (但是, 可是, 只是因为), yet (可是), not.but. (不是而是), wh

2、ile (而, 却) (4) 表示因果: for (因为) 和so (所以, 因此) 2说明: when表示“就在此时”时, 主要用于,was/were doing sth.when sth./ sb.did; was/were about to do sth.when sth./ sb.did; was/were on the point of doing sth.when sth./ sb.did等句型中, 表示“当某人或某物正在或正要做某事, 就在这时突然又发生了另一件事”.,3注意点: (1) so不与because连用. (2) but, while不与although连用, 但ye

3、t, still可与although连用. (3) not only .but also .连接两个句子时, 前一分句用部分倒装.,考点二 并列句的用法 并列句的构成: 简单句并列连接词简单句 并列连词的种类及用法: 1联合连词 (1)and,Mary and Lily are both interested in collecting stamps. 玛丽和莉莉都喜欢集邮. The teacher and writer is interested in collecting stamps. 那位老师兼作家喜欢集邮.,(2)both.and Both you and I have change

4、d a lot in the past twenty years. 我们俩在过去二十年中改变很大. (3)not only.but also Not only you but also I am to blame. 不但怪你, 也怪我. (谓语动词和最近主语一致),(4)as well as You as well as I are supposed to respect the old. 你和我一样都得尊敬长辈. (谓语动词和第一个主语一致) (5)never.but (除了不会) It never rains but it pours. 不下则已, 一下倾盆. (祸不单行),2转折连词 (

5、1)but The situation looked desperate, but they didnt give up hope. 形势看起来十分危急, 但他们并没有放弃希望.,(2)while He is fat while his sister is thin.他胖 而他的姐姐瘦. (3)however, nevertheless, yet, still She always tells lies, nevertheless, I still trust her. 她经常说谎, 然而我还是信任她.,I think he wanted to speak, but I did not hea

6、r. 我认为他想说话, 但我没有听到. Its a small car, yet its surprisingly spacious. 那是辆小汽车, 可是空间非常宽敞.,(4)not.but The teacher didnt scold him, but comforted him. 老师不但没有责备他, 反而安慰他. 3选择连词 (1)or,Do you want to leave now or would you rather set off later? 你想现在动身还是晚点出发? (2)or, otherwise You will have to go now, or/otherw

7、ise you will miss the bus. 你得走了, 否则会赶不上车.,(3)neither.nor The equipment is neither accurate nor safe. 这种设备既不精确也不安全. (4)either.or Either she leaves the house, or I will call the policeman. 要么她离开, 要么我叫警察.,4因果连词 (1)so I heard a noise, so I got out of bed and turned on the light. 我听到一声响, 所以起床把灯打开. (2)for

8、(for引导的句子不能放在句首, 之前必须有逗号),The day must break now, for the birds are singing now. 天一定亮了, 因为现在鸟在叫. 【注意】 并列句与广东高考在语法填空中很可能要求考生填入一个适当的并列连词. 另外, 基础写作要求只能用5句话, 熟练掌握并列句, 对我们合并句子, 非常有用.,一、用适当的并列连词填空 1Tom was about to close the window _ his attention was caught by a bird. 2Hurry up, _ well be late for the tr

9、ain.,when,or/otherwise,3I am reading a novel, _ she is reading a letter. 4_ does Jack do his work well, _ he helps others with their work. 5She must be out, _ the lights are out.,while,Not only,but also,for,6_ she did not speak clearly _ I did not hear well. 7I never saw him again, _ did I hear from

10、 him. 8Use your head, _ youll find a way.,Either,or,nor/neither,and,9Something went wrong with my bike this afternoon, _ I walked home. 10Li Ping doesnt talk much, _ he thinks a lot.,so,but,.语篇填空 One day I was playing the piano 1._I heard a knock at the door.It was my neighbour Jack.He wanted to buy

11、 a second-hand piano.Everyone said I played the piano well, 2._ he asked me to help to judge the tone of the piano.,when,so,We arrived at the owners house and I looked the piano over, 3._ sat down and played a mixture of honky-tonk numbers 4._classical pieces.When I finished, I said that the wood wa

12、s rotten, but 5._the sound was good and 6._ he should buy it.,then,and,still,therefore,When he told the woman he agreed to buy it, to his great 7._, she began to cry.8._ (concern), he asked, “Whats the matter?” “We didnt know the piano 9._ play like that, ”,surprise,Concerned,could/should,she replied.The piano wasnt for sale, 10._her daughter had to resume (重新开始) taking piano lessons.,and,本部分内容讲解结束,按ESC键退出全屏播放,


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