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1、CHAPTER6 ANALYZING CONSUMER MARKETS,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,LEARNING OBJECTIVES,Know how consumer characteristics influence buying decisions Know what major psychological processes influence consumer responses to the marketing program Know how consumers make purchasing decis

2、ions Know how marketers analyze consumer decision-making,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,6.1WHAT INFLUENCES CONSUMER BEHAVIOR?,A consumers buying behavior is influenced by cultural, social, and personal factors. Cultural factors exert the broadest and deepest influence. Cultural Fac

3、tors Family Personal Factors,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,6.1.1Cultural Factors,Culture is the fundamental determinant of a persons wants and behaviors. Each culture consists of smaller subcultures that provide more specific identification and socialization for their members.,硕经管

4、112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Subcultures include nationalities, religions, racial groups, and geographic regions. Multicultural marketing grew out of careful marketing research that revealed that different ethic and demographic niches did not always respond favorable to mass-market

5、advertising. Virtually all human societies exhibit social stratification(社会分层). Social stratification sometimes takes the form of a caste system where members of different castes are reared for certain roles and cannot change their caste membership. More frequently, it takes the form of social class

6、es, relatively homogeneous and enduring divisions in a society that are hierarchically ordered and whose members share similar values, interests, and behavior.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,6.1.2 Social Factors,REFERENCE GROUPS FAMILY Roles and Statuses,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Elec

7、tric Power University,REFERENCE GROUPS,A) A persons reference groups consists of all the groups that have a direct (face-to-face) or indirect influence on his/her attitudes or behavior. B) People are significantly influenced by their reference groups in at least three ways: Reference groups expose a

8、n individual to new behaviors and lifestyles, influencing attitudes and self-concept.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,They create pressures for conformity that may affect actual product and brand choices. People are also influenced by groups to which they do no belong. C) Manufactur

9、ers of products and brands where group influence is strong must determine how to reach and influence opinion leaders in these reference groups.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,D) An opinion leader(意见领袖) is the person in informal, product-related communications who offers advice or i

10、nformation about a specific product or product category. E) Marketers try to reach opinion leaders by identifying demographic and psychographic characteristics associated with opinion leadership, identifying the media read by opinion leaders, and directing messages at opinion leaders.,硕经管112班 赵欣 Nor

11、th China Electric Power University,Family,The family is the most important consumer-buying organization in society, and family members constitute the most influential primary reference group. We can distinguish between two families in the buyers life. The family of orientation consists of parents an

12、d siblings. A more direct influence on everyday buying behavior is the family of procreation namely, ones spouse and children.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Roles and Statuses,A person participates in many groups and a persons position in each group can be defined in terms of role

13、 and status. Each role carries a status. Marketers must be aware of the status symbol potential of products and brands.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,6.1.3Personal Factors,A buyers decisions are also influenced by personal characteristics. These include the buyers age and stage in

14、 the life cycle; occupation and economic circumstances; personality and self-concept; and lifestyle and values.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Age and Stage in the Life Cycle,People buy different goods and services over a lifetime. Consumption is also shaped by the family life cycl

15、e. In addition, psychological life cycle stage may matter. Critical life events or transitions give rise to new needs.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Occupation and Economic Circumstances,Occupation influences consumption patterns and economic circumstances influence product. Spend

16、able income (level, stability, and time pattern). Savings and assets. Debts. Borrowing power. Attitudes toward spending and saving.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Personality and Self-Concept,Each person has personality characteristics that influence his or her buying behavior. Per

17、sonality: A set of distinguishing human psychological traits that lead to relatively consistent and enduring responses to environmental stimuli.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,The idea is that brands have personalities and consumers are likely to choose brands whose personalities m

18、atch their own. We define brand personality as the specific mix of human traits that may be attributed to a particular brand. Consumers also choose and use brand that have a brand personality consistent with their own actual self-concept (how one views themselves). Although in some cases, the match

19、may be based on the consumers ideal self-concept (how we would like to view ourselves). Others self-concept (how we think others see us),硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Lifestyles and Value,A) People from the same subculture, social class, and occupation may lead quite different lif

20、estyles. A lifestyle is a persons pattern of living in the world as expressed in activities, interests, and opinions. Lifestyle portrays the “whole person” interacting with his or her environment.Marketers search for relationships between their products and lifestyle groups. B) Lifestyles are shaped

21、 partly by whether consumers are money-constrained or time-constrained.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,C) Consumers who experience time famine are prone to multitasking. D) Consumer decisions are also influenced by core values, the belief systems that underlie consumer attitudes an

22、d behaviors. E)Core values go much deeper than behavior or attitude, and determine, at a basic level, peoples choices and desires over the long term.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,6.2 KEY PSYCHOLOGICAL PROCESSES,The starting point for understanding consumer behavior is the stimulu

23、s-response model.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,图6.1:消费者行为模式,文化的 社会的 个人的,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Motivation: Freud, Maslow, Herzberg,A person has many needs at any given time. Some needs are: Biogenic (arise from physiological states of tension such as hun

24、ger). Others are psychogenic and arise from a need for recognition, esteem, or belonging. A motive is a need that is sufficiently pressing to drive the person to act.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Freuds Theory,Sigmund Freud assumed that the psychological forces shaping peoples be

25、havior are largely unconscious, and that a person cannot fully understand his or her own motivations. A technique called laddering can be used to trace a persons motivations from the stated instrumental ones to the more terminal ones. Motivation researchers often collect “in-depth interviews” to unc

26、over deeper motives triggered by a product. Projective techniques such as word association, sentence completion, and role-playing are used. Customer 2 is mixed profitability.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Maslows Theory,Abraham Maslow sought to explain why people are driven by par

27、ticular needs at particular times. A) Maslows answer is that human needs are arranged in a hierarchy, from the most pressing to the least pressing. B) In order of importance, they are: Physiological needs. Safety needs. Social needs. Esteem needs. Self-actualization needs.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Ele

28、ctric Power University,Herzbergs Theory,Frederick Herzberg developed a two-factor theory that distinguishes dissatisfies (factors that cause dissatisfaction) from satisfiers (factors that cause satisfaction). The absence of dissatisfies is not enough; satisfiers must be present to motivate a purchas

29、e. Herzbergs theory has two implications: Sellers should do their best to avoid dissatisfiers. Sellers should identify the major satisfiers or motivators of purchase in the market and supply them. These satisfiers will make the major difference as to which brand the customer buys.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North C

30、hina Electric Power University,6.2.2Perception,How the motivated person actually acts is influenced by his or her view or perception of the situation. Perception is the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets information inputs to create a meaningful picture of the world. A

31、) Perception depends not only on the physical stimuli, but also on the stimulis relation to the surrounding field and on conditions within the individual.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,B) The key point is that perceptions vary widely among individuals exposed to the same reality.

32、C) In marketing, perceptions are more important than the reality, as it is perceptions will affect consumers actual behavior.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Selective Attention(选择性注意),It has been estimated that a person is exposed to over 1,500 ads or brand communications a day. Be

33、cause a person cannot possibly attend to all of these, most stimuli will be screened outa process called selective attention. Selective attention means that marketers have to work hard to attract consumers notice. People are more likely to notice stimuli that relates to a current need. People are mo

34、re likely to notice stimuli that they anticipate. People are more likely to notice stimuli whose deviations are large in relation to the normal size of the stimuli.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Selective Distortion(扭曲性估计),Selective distortion is the tendency to interpret informat

35、ion in a way that will fit our preconceptions. Consumers will often distort information to be consistent with prior brands and product beliefs. Examples of branded differences can be found with virtually every type of product. Selective distortion can work to the advantage of marketers with strong b

36、rands when consumers distort neutral or ambiguous brand information to make it more positive.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Selective Retention(选择性保留),People will fail to register much information to which they are exposed in memory, but will tend to retain information that suppor

37、ts their attitudes and beliefs. Because of selective retention, we are likely to remember good points about a product we like and forget good points about competing products.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Subliminal Perception(潜意识认知),The selective perception mechanisms require act

38、ive engagement and thought by consumers. The topic of subliminal perception, the argument that marketers embed covert, subliminal messages in ads or packages and consumers are not consciously aware of these messages, but yet they affect their behavior No evidence supports this notion that marketers

39、can systematically control consumers at the unconscious level.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,6.2.3Learning,Learning involves changes in an individuals behavior arising from experience. A drive is a strong internal stimulus impelling action Cues are minor stimuli that determine whe

40、n, where, and how a person responds Discrimination means that the person has learned to recognize differences in sets of similar stimuli and can adjust responses accordingly,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,6.2.4Memory,All information and experiences individuals encounter as they go

41、through life can end up in their long-term memory. Cognitive psychologists distinguish between short-term memory (STM)a temporary repository of information. Long-term memory (LTM)a more permanent repository.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Memory Processes: Encoding,Memory encoding

42、refers to how and where information gets into memory. Memory encoding can be characterized according to the amount or quantity of processing that information receives at encoding and the nature or quality of processing that information receives at encoding. The quantity and quality of processing wil

43、l be an important determinant of the strength of an association.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Memory Processes: Retrieval,Memory retrieval refers to how information gets out of memory. Successful recall of brand information by consumers does not depend only on the initial strengt

44、h of that information in memory. Three factors are particularly important: The presence of other pertinent information in memory can produce interference effects. The time exposure to information at encoding affects the strength of a new associationthe longer the time delay, the weaker the associati

45、on. Information may be “available” in memory (potentially recallable) but may not be “accessible” (unable to be recalled) without the proper retrieval cues or reminders.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,6.3THE BUYING DECISION PROCESS: THE FIVE-STAGE MODEL,These basic psychological pr

46、ocesses play an important role in understanding how consumers actually make their buying decisions. Marketers must understand every facet of consumer behavior.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,问题认知,信息搜索,方案评估,购买决策,购后行为,图6.2:消费者购买过程的五阶段模型,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,6.3.1Problem Recognition,The buying process starts when the buyer recognizes a problem or need. The need can be triggered by internal or external stimuli. Marketers need to identify the c


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