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1、Unit 2 Clning,课前10分钟 短文填空 A growing number of Chinese are beginning to spend their holidays in _ countries.In addition to visiting _ tourist spots in Europe and America,these _ are also exploring new destinations _ to home.Vietnam is one of the countries that are becoming _ with many Chinese tourist

2、s. just south of Yunnan and Guangxi,Vietnam is _ easy reach and offers exciting adventures at a _ price.,foreign,traditional,travellers,closer,popular,within,reasonable,Located,漫画欣赏,画面描述,A girl is wearing a pair of glasses and carrying a big heavy schoolbag,and a woman is doing some exercise.The gir

3、l says to the woman,“If you carry the schoolbag for me,Im sure you will lose some weight.”,课堂双基回归,.词义辨析 1Leaves are found on all kinds of trees,but they _ greatly in size and shape. Adiffer Bobject Cbother Dcast 2Applying for a passport in Shanghai is a straightforward _. Aprogress Bprocedure Cprovi

4、nce Dproposal 3Jack has _ to pay the money back in six months.I think he is reliable. Arecommended Bresisted Cundertaken Ddisturbed,A,B,C,4The situation is so dangerous that the relief agencies have _ their workers to go there. Aindicated Bconducted Cintended Dforbidden 5Dust and dirt soon _ if a ho

5、use is not cleaned regularly. Aconclude Baccumulate Cobtain Ddistribute 6Sorry to _ you,but would you mind moving your bag? Abother Bdemand Cattempt Dsuspect 7Some experts think that there are now too many rules and _ governing small businesses. Aassumptions Bdecorations Cobjections Dregulations,D,B

6、,A,D,8I was completely in their power,and knew it was senseless to _. Aoccur Boperate Cresist Dpause 9They are ready to accept these ideas _ because they have never been challenged. Ashortly Bmerely Cvividly Dfirmly 10I havent been able to _ that record anywhere;can you get it for me? Adonate Bdesir

7、e Curge Dobtain,C,B,D,.短语填空 cast down;in favour of;be bound to;pay off;object to; from time to time;break through;quantities of;benefit from;pass on 1At dawn 300 tanks prepared to _ the enemy lines. 2I stayed off work,as I didnt want to _ my cold to anyone. 3Many thousands of people have _ the new t

8、reatment. 4I still see her _ though we live far from each other. 5The factory turns out large _ of paper products every year.,break through,pass on,benefited from,from time to time,quantities of,6Two years of business school really _.He got success in his career. 7He seemed quite _ when he knew the

9、result. 8I really _ being charged for parking. 9Im all _ equal pay for equal work. 10Youve done so much workyou _ pass the exam. .完成句子 1The fact _ (她似乎发育正 常) was very encouraging.(develop),paid off,cast down,object to,in favour of,are bound to,that she seemed to develop normally,2_ (虽然她有困难),Dolly su

10、ccessfully produced a lamb in a natural birth.(despite) 3Scientists _ (持有这样的信念) that cloning may lead to many important scientific breakthroughs and medical treatment.(belief) .单项填空 1It suddenly opened everybodys eyes to the possibility of using cloning to cure serious illnesses,and even _ human bei

11、ngs. Aproduced Bproducing Cto produce Dproduce 2Newspapers told stories of evil leaders _ to clone themselves and religious leaders raised moral questions. Ahoping Bhoped Cto hope Dhaving hoped,Despite her problems,hold the belief,B,A,3Besides that,there is also a fierce debate over the question _ h

12、uman cloning experiments should be allowed. Athat Bwhich Cwhether Dif 4Even if the DNA of dinosaurs could survive _ long,it would not help. Athis Bsuch Ceven Dever 5_ on what we know now,you cannot clone animals that have been extinct longer than 10,000 years. ATo base BTo be based CBasing DBased,C,

13、A,D,知 识 要 点 整 合,核心词汇梳理,1differ vi. 不同;相异;不同意 Thats where we differ.那就是我们意见不合的地方。 搭配 differ in.在方面不同 differ from.与不同 Our opinions differ greatly in that respect. 我们的意见在那个方面有很大的出入。 Humans differ from other mammals in their ability to speak. 人与其他哺乳动物的不同之处在于人能说话。,2undertake vt. 着手做;从事;承担;保证 She undertoo

14、k full responsibility for the new changes.她为 新变化承担全部责任。 The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident. 公司已经宣布将对这次事故进行全面调查。 句型undertake to do sth.保证做某事 He undertook to finish the job by Friday.他答应星期五之前 完成这一工作。 He undertook to pay the money back in six months.

15、他保证6 个月内还钱。,3object vi. 不赞成;反对 Some people objected that the new tax law was unfair. 一些人反对说,新税法不公平。 搭配 object to反对 I object to being treated like this. 对这种待遇受到这样的待遇我表示抗议。 I object to the plan on the grounds that it is too expensive. 我反对该项计划,理由是花费太大。,4forbid vt. 禁止;不许 句型forbid doing sth.禁止(做)某事 forbi

16、d sb.to do sth.禁止某人做某事 Smoking is forbidden in the concert hall.这个音乐大厅禁止吸 烟。 He was forbidden to leave the base as a punishment.作为惩 罚,他被禁止离开基地。 “May I use your car?” “No,I forbid you to.”“我可以用你 的车吗?”“不可以,我不让你用。”,5bother vt. 烦扰;打扰 搭配 bother sb.with拿来烦某人 He didnt want to bother her with his financial

17、problems on their honeymoon. 他不想在他们的蜜月期间因他的经济问题使她扫兴。,句型forbid sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事Women are forbidden from going out without a veil.妇女不戴面纱禁止外出。 He forbade them from mentioning the subject again.他不准他们再提到这个问题。,I dont want to bother her with my problems at the moment. 我此刻不想让她为我的事操心。 vi. 烦恼;操心 Nobo

18、dy listens to me.I dont know why I bother. 没人听我的。我不知道自己为什么还要费那份劲。 It really bothered me that hed forgotten my birthday. 他把我的生日都忘记了,真让我觉得没劲儿。 搭配 bother about/with sth.为某事烦恼;为某事操心 Im too busy to bother about fixing it now.我太忙,现在没空修理。 句型 bother to do sth.意为“麻烦去做某事;特地做某事;特意做某 事”,通常用于否定句中。,Unfortunately

19、he didnt bother to check the exact wording of the contract before he signed it. 遗憾的是,他在签字前没有费心检查一下合同上的确切措辞。 He didnt even bother to let me know he was coming. 他甚至连通知都没通知我他要来。 链接 disturb打扰,扰乱 trouble麻烦,烦扰 annoy使恼怒,打搅 concern关心 worry担心 interrupt打断,打扰,6resist v. 抵抗;对抗;忍住 I found the temptation to miss

20、the class too hard to resist. 我抵挡不住逃课的诱惑。 句型resist doing sth.抗拒做某事;忍住做某事 The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates.银行强烈反对 降低利率。 I couldnt resist sneaking a look at her diary.我忍不住偷看了一 眼她的日记。 链接cant help doing禁不住做 cant help but do禁不住做,不得不做 cant but do禁不住做,不得不做,重点短语例释,1cast down 使沮丧 Sylvias bee

21、n cast down ever since her mother became so ill. 自从西尔维亚的母亲病重以来,她一直很沮丧。 He has been very much cast down by his failure in the examination. 他因考试不及格,情绪一直很低落。 2in favour of 赞成;支持 Alice is in favour of longer holidays! 爱丽斯愿意假期长些! He spoke out in favour of reforms. 他大胆发言,表示赞成改革。,3bring back to life 使复生 Th

22、ey used artificial respiration to bring the swimmer back to life. 他们用人工呼吸使游泳者苏醒过来。 Anyway he was dead,we could not bring him back to life. 横竖他死了,我们不能使他复生。 4pay off 得到好结果;取得成功;偿清 All those weeks of studying will pay off when you take the exam. 所有那几周的学习都会在考试的时候见成效。 Ive just paid off my loan from this

23、bank. 我刚刚还清银行的贷款。 链接 pay back偿还,报复 pay for付的款,受到的报应,疑难语句细解,1.Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. 接着传来了多莉病重的坏消息。 【要点指南】 当then放在句首,且谓语动词是come,follow等 动词,主语是名词时,句子要用全部倒装。 Then came the day of his examination.最后他考试的日子到了。 Tom was the first one to come,then came John. 汤姆是最先来

24、的,接着来的是约翰。 Then followed the discovery of a new compound. 接着又发现了一种新的化合物。 Then followed the fouryear War of Liberation. 接下来是四年的解放战争。,2Altogether Dolly lived for six years,half the length of the life of the original sheep. 多莉只存活了六年,这是它的原型羊寿命的一半。 【要点指南】 double,twice,times,half或分数在表示 “是两倍、几倍、一半,几分之几”等意义

25、时,后可直接 跟名词,但名词前一定要有定冠词the或物主代词。 His investment was almost double/twice the amount we have invested. 他的投资额几乎是我们投资金额的两倍。 I paid onethird the price.我付了三分之一的价钱。,Nigeria is three times the size of Great Britain. 尼日利亚的面积是英国的三倍。 提示 这类词后有时也可接what从句。 The price is double/twice what it was last month. 价格是上个月的两

26、倍。 The population of the town is double/twice what it was then. 那城镇的人口是当时的两倍。,突破阅读理解,【方法技巧】 根据上下文表现出来的逻辑关系,如并列、转折、对比、比较、递进、因果等猜测词义。例如:My sister Marie is an optimist, while her boyfriend is one who is always gloomy and expects the,while her boyfriend is one who is always gloomy and expects the worst

27、to happen.句中的while意为“然而”,表示上下文是对比关系。由optimist“乐观派”可猜知gloomy意为“沮丧的”。又如:He is successful as a businessman because of his dynamic personality.He seems to have unlimited energy.正是因为他的dynamic personality,他才显得have unlimited energy“有用不完的劲”,那么dynamic的意义应为“精力充沛的,精力旺盛的”。 【实例验证】 In 1963 a schoolboy called Andr

28、ew Wiles reading in his school library came across the worlds greatest mathematical problem: Fermats Last Theorem (定理)First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat in the seventeenth century,the,theorem had baffled_and_beaten the finest mathematical minds,including a French woman sc

29、ientist who made a major advance in working out the problem,and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecole Polytechnique.Through unbelievable determination Andrew Wiles finally worked out the problem in 1995.An unusual story of human effort over three centuries,Fermats Las

30、t Theorem will delight specialists and general readers alike.,Which of the following best explains the meaning of the word “baffle” in the text? ATo encourage people to raise questions. BTo cause difficulty in understanding. CTo provide a person with an explanation. DTo limit peoples imagination. 解析

31、:由句中不难看出Fermat的定理使得最具数学头脑的科学家绞尽脑汁(beat the finest mathematical minds),并且在句中beaten和baffled处于同等并列关系,据此猜知baffle意为“使困惑、难倒、难以理解”。 答案:B,【实践应用】 Collections were inspiration for a project at Thomas Tallis School,which formed part of the Imagine Childrens literature Festival last autumn.Each child (aged 1213

32、) beautified a box and wrote a story on the subject of collections to throw inside it.The boxes were spread within the Royal Festival Halls Ballroom.Some were left empty to encourage visitors to write their own stories. The subject chosen by Lauren was in imaginative one.“Its sort of Cinderella (灰姑娘

33、) story,” she told me,inspired by a collection of letters from her cousin.In the story these become love letters,burned by a cruel stepmother.Laurens best friend Charlotte is the stepmother.“Im in Charlottes story too,” says Lauren,,“and I get run over.” Charlottes tale was inspired by the girls coi

34、n collection.“Weve collected foreign coins for yearssince our families went on holiday to Tenerife,” she explains.“That was before the Euro,so we put pesetas in.” Lauren continues: “I find a coin in the road,go to get it and get run over.Im in hospital and then I die.” Charlotte adds: “Or she might not die.I havent decided yet.” The underlined word “pesetas” in Para.2 is a kind of _. Astory Bcollection Cinspiration Dforeign coin 答案:D,点击此处进入 课后能力训练 点击此处进入 学习方法指导,


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