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1、第七章:常见文体的翻译,教学目的:要求理解并熟悉常见文体(含科技、法律以及文学等)的翻译,力求在英汉翻译时做到通顺、准确。 教学内容: 科技文体的翻译 法律文书的翻译 文学作品的翻译 习语的翻译 翻译练习,一、复杂长句多 科技文章要求叙述准确,推理谨严,因此一句话里包含三四个甚至五六个分句的,并非少见。译成汉语时,必须按照汉语习惯破成适当数目的分句,才能条理清楚,避免洋腔洋调。这种复杂长句居科技英语难点之首,要学会运用语法分析方法来加以解剖,以便以短代长,化难为易。例如: Factories will not buy machines unless they believe that the

2、machine will produce goods that they are able to sell to consumers at a price that will cover all cost. 这是由一个主句和四个从句组成的复杂长句,只有进行必要的语法分析,才能正确理解和翻译。现试译如下: 除非相信那些机器造出的产品卖给消费者的价格足够支付所有成本,否则厂家是不会买那些机器的。 节译:要不相信那些机器造出的产品售价够本,厂家是不会买的。 后一句只用了24个字,比前句40个字节约用字40%,而对原句的基本内容无损。可见,只要吃透原文的结构和内涵,翻译时再在汉语上反复推敲提炼,复杂的

3、英语长句,也是容易驾驭的。,科技英语的特点,二、被动语态多 英语使用被动语态大大多于汉语,如莎士比亚传世名剧罗密欧与朱丽叶中的一句就两次用了被动语态: Juliet was torn between desire to keep Romeo near her and fear for his life, should his presence be detected. 朱丽叶精神上受到折磨,既渴望和罗密欧形影不离,又担心罗密欧万一让人发现,难免有性命之忧。 科技英语更是如此,有三分之一以上用被动语态。例如: (a) No work can be done without energy. 译文:

4、没有能量决不能做功。 (b) All business decisions must now be made in the light of the market. 译文:所有企业现在必须根据市场来作出决策。,三、非谓语动词多 英语每个简单句中,只能用一个谓语动词,如果读到几个动作,就必须选出主要动作当谓语,而将其余动作用非谓语动词形式,才能符合英语语法要求。 非谓语动词有三种:动名词、分词(包括现在分词和过去分词)和不定式。例如: 要成为一个名符其实的内行,需要学到老。 这句中,有“成为”、“需要”和“学”三个表示动作的词,译成英语后为: To be a true professional

5、requires lifelong learning. 可以看出,选好“需要”(require)作为谓语,其余两个动作:“成为”用不定式形式 to be,而“学”用动名词形式learning,这样才能符合英语语法要求。,四、词性转换多 英语单词有不少是多性词,即既是名词,又可用作动词、形容词、介词或副词,字形无殊,功能各异,含义也各不相同,如不仔细观察,必致谬误。例如, light 名词: (启发)in (the)light of由于,根据; (光)high light(s) 强光,精华;(灯)safety light 安全指示灯 形容词:(轻)light industry 轻工业; (明亮)

6、light room 明亮的房间; (淡)light blue 淡蓝色; (薄)light coating 薄涂层 动词: (点燃)light up the lamp 点灯 副词: (轻快)travel light 轻装旅行 (容易)light come, light go 来得容易去得快 诸如此类的词性转换,在科技英语中屡见不鲜,几乎每个技术名词都可转换为同义的形容词。词性转换增加了英语的灵活性和表现力,读者必须从上下文判明用词在句中是何种词性,而且含义如何,才能对全句得到正确无误的理解。,REPLACEMENT OF BATTERIES 1. Slide open the batterie

7、s box cover on the back of the unit by lightly pressing the portion marked “BATTERY”. 2. Remove used batteries. 3. Put new batteries in order of and in Figure A, taking care not to reverse battery polarity.,电池的更换 1.轻轻按下本机背面标有“BATTERY”(“电池”)字样的部分,便可滑行推开本机背面的电池盒盖。 2.取出废电池。 3.按照图A中的和的顺序装入新电池,注意切勿将电极倒置。

8、,Discussion: “Weve gotten the criminal at last. ”(酒吧) “The criminal was arrested at last. ” (警察局) “The criminal was apprehended at last. ” (法庭) 同样是“抓获”的意思, 在酒吧里, 口语性强; 在警察局里, 就比较正式; 在法庭上, 措辞非常正式。,法律文书的特征,矫饰夸张, 庄重威严; 类语重叠, 要言重复,B.句子冗长, 晦涩难懂,Article I of the GATT is the celebrated most favored nation

9、(MFN) clause under which each member nation must give treatment to other member nations imports and exports that is at least as favorable as that applied to the most favored nation.,关贸总协定的第一条是著名的最惠国(MFN)条款,按照该条款,每一个成员国给予其它成员国进出口货物的待遇至少应和给予最惠国的待遇一样优惠。,Where an application has passed the test, (情形) if

10、 he pays the fee, the Minister (条件) (法律主体) shall grant him a license. (法律行为),法律文书的翻译,英国律师George Coode 曾提出法律中典型的条件句所具有的四种成分, 即情形、条件、法律主体和法律行为( case, condition, legal subject, legal act ion) , 前两个成分为事实情况(fact situation) , 后两种成分为法律陈述( statement)。,理解,1. NOW THEREEOR, in consideration of the premises and

11、 covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows 兹以上述各点和契约所载条款为约因, 定约双方协议如下:,析:翻译中使用了“兹”、“上述”和“所”等词, 使汉语译文显得庄重。由于法律语体是非常正式的语体, 所以在翻译法律英语时应坚持“直译”的原则, 尽量采取“一对一”式的翻译。,表达,2. An offer shall be null and void under any of the following circum stances. 有下列情况之一的, 要约失效。,析:Null and void 源于法语的叠词

12、, 翻译时应简单明了, 尽量避免使用多余词。类似的还有fix and proper, full and equal 等。针对法律文书类语重叠的现象, 翻译时译者完全有自由而且有必要对原文进行删减,2. The parties may conclude a contract through an agent in accordance with the law. 当事人可以委托代理人订立合同。,析:该句的介主词“through”用动词“委托”来代替, 使整个句子能够符合目标语言的表达习惯, 同时也具备了原文的风格。,Computer programs software is an area wh

13、ere copyright laws are up in the air. Right now, software is not adequately protected under the copyright laws, but this situation may soon change. However, depending on the circumstances, protection is sometimes available under the “ common law” of unfair competition and trade secrets.,计算机程序(软件)是否受

14、版权保护目前还是一个悬而未决的问题。就目前而论,软件没有受到版权法的充分保护,但这种情况很快就会改变。现在,软件有时候可以依据有关不正当竞争和商业秘密的“习惯法”得到保护,但这要视情况而定。,一、文学翻译的原则,1、严复 “信”、“达”、 “ 雅”; 2、 鲁迅“信与顺”; 3、傅雷“神似”与“形似”; 4、钱钟书“化境” 之说; 5、大众接受的 “忠实”与“通顺”;,1、关于“归化( Domestication )”之说 2、关于“异化( Foreignization)”之说 3、科技译意 文学译味,二、文学翻译的策略,讨论:红楼梦的两个英译本,哪一个是归化,哪一个是异化?,朱光潜:由于在对

15、象上, 文学注重的是具体的情境, 而科技注重的是抽象的理, 表现在语文的效果与语句的功用上, 科技直述, 一字只有一字的意义, 不能旁生枝节; 文学暗示, 一字可以有无穷的含蓄。也就是说,在科技作品中, 文字的功用在“直述”(state) , 读者注重它的本义; 在文学作品中, 文字的功用在“暗示”(suggest) , 读者注重它的联想。朱光潜全集(3), 1996:109),例1:Unless youve an ace up your sleeve, we are dished. 译文1:除非你有锦囊妙计,否则我们是输定了。 译文2:除非你袖中藏有王牌,否则我们是输定了。,例2:“Oh,t

16、hats all!” Said Tess. “You couldnt expect her to throw her arms roundee, anto kiss and collee at once.” (T. Hardy: Tess of the dUrberivilles, Chp. 6) 译文1:“哦,就是这几句吗?” “怎么,她哪能一下把你抱上锅,撮上炕的哪?”(张谷若 译 德佰家的台丝) 译文2:你总不能指望她一下子就抱着你有亲又吻吧?,例3:东边日出西边雨, 道是无晴却有情。 赵甄陶译文: Sunshine in the east and rain-drop s in the

17、west, It isnt warm , but warm yet, I dare say. (萧立明, 2001: 47-48) 例4:A gush of tears at her mothers farewell kiss. (T. Dreiser: Sister Carrie) 译文1:母亲和她吻别,使她眼泪一阵热泪 译文2:与母亲吻别时,一股热泪脱眶而出。,讨论:Wave farewell ,kiss you goodbye 挥手告别;握别,1、用汉语四字格翻译, 四字词是汉语的一大特色,念起来琅琅上口, 其内容丰富,有的本身带有历史典故。 例1:Muck and money go t

18、ogether. 富者不洁,洁者不富。 (Alliteration) 例2:When he will he shall have way. 机不可失,时不再来。(Alliteration) 例3:Penny wise, pound foolish. 小事聪明,大事糊涂。(Alliteration/Antitheses),三、文学翻译的技巧,2、用汉语的谐音巧译英语的一词多义或同音词。 例1: Julia:best sing it to the tune of “light of love”. Lucetta: It is too heavy for so light a tune. 朱丽亚:可

19、是你要唱歌就按爱的清光那个调子去唱吧。 露西娅:这个歌儿太沉重了,和轻狂的调子不配。(朱生豪 译),例2: Speed:How now,Singnore! What news with your mastership? Signore: With my masters ship, Why, it is at sea. 译文1:斯比德:你好!西加诺!有你家主人的消息吗? 西加诺:我家主轮,它不是在海上吗? 译文2 :斯比德:你好,西加诺!有没有你主人的传闻? 西加诺:我主人船轮?他不是在海上吗?,3、诗歌翻译中的韵脚处理例析 Sonnet 18 Shall compare thee to a s

20、ummers day? (a) Thou art more lovely and more temperate. (b) Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May. (a) And summers lease hath all too short a date. (b),译文1: 能否把你比作夏日璀璨?(an) 你却比炎夏更可爱温存; (un) 狂风摧残五月花蕊姣妍,(an) 夏天匆匆离去毫不停顿。(un),译文2: 我能否把你比作夏季的一天?(an) 你可是更加可爱,更加温婉;(an) 狂风会吹落五月的姣花嫩瓣,(an) 夏季出租的日期又未免太

21、短。(an),When love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you, yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you, believe in him, though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the

22、garden. For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning. Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, so shall he descend to our roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth. ,四、文学翻译

23、练习:,But if, in your fear, you would seek only loves peace and loves pleasure, then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of loves threshing-floor, into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears. Love gives

24、naught but it self and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not, nor would it be possessed, for love is sufficient unto love. Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. But if you love and must have desires, let these be your desires:,To melt and be like a running brook that sings its m

25、elody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own understanding of love; And to bleed willingly and joyfully. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving; To rest at the noon hour and meditate loves ecstasy; To return home at eve

26、ntide with gratitude; And then to sleep with a payer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips. END,I. 习语的特征,A speech form or an expression of a given language that is peculiar to itself grammatically or cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its elements. 成语,习语

27、:因语法结构特殊或无法拆开而只能依据其组成成份来解释的语言形式或某种固定的语言表达方法。 表达方式:含蓄、幽默、严肃、典雅 言简意赅,II . 习语与文化的关系,1、文化的内涵:Culture can be divided into three categories: 1), material culture, referring to all the products of manufacturing; 2), institutional culture, referring to various systems and the theories that support them, suc

28、h as social systems, religious systems, ritual systems, educational systems, kinship systems and language; and 3), mental culture, referring to peoples mentality and behaviors, their thought patterns, beliefs, concepts of value, aesthetic tastes. The inner layer of culture belongs to the mental cult

29、ure.,II . 习语与文化的关系,2、习语与自然地理环境 英语国家:海洋型地理环境, 工商业、航海业发达 like a fish out of water 很不自在 to know the ropes 熟悉内幕 as mute as a fish 噤若寒蝉 Smooth waters run deep 沉默深谋 to tide over 顺利渡过 They tried in vain to throw a sprat to catch a whale. 他们想施小惠而得大利,但枉费心机。,2、习语与自然地理环境 中国:平原农耕地 、半封闭的大陆性地理环境 “芝麻开花节节高”、“顺藤摸瓜”、

30、 “种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆” “瓜田不纳腹,李下不整冠”、 “要知朝中事,瓜间问田农” 汗牛充栋”、“九牛二虎之力”、 “牛头不对马嘴”、 “宁为鸡口,不为牛后”、“水牛黄牛各管各”,II . 习语与文化的关系,II . 习语与文化的关系,2、习语与自然地理环境 有关“东风”与“西风”、“夏日”的差异 “古道西风瘦马”、“万事俱备只欠东风” “红日当天”、 “骄阳似火” Ode to the West Wind (Shelley) “Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art lovelier and more temperate.” (Shak

31、espeare, Sonnet 18),II . 习语与文化的关系,3、习语与习俗 (1)与饮食有关的习语 earn ones bread 挣自己的面包-挣自己的钱 take the bread out of someones mouth 把面包从某人嘴里拿走-抢某人饭碗 ones daily bread 日常的面包-日常的粮食,生计或赖以生存的食物、钱财 Give us this day our daily bread. 请赐给我们今日的粮食。圣经马太福音,3、习语与习俗 (2)与动物有关的习语 狗嘴里吐不出象牙 狗仗人势 狐朋狗党 狼心狗肺 狗急跳墙 走狗 Every dog has hi

32、s day凡人皆有得意日); Dog does not eat dog. (同类不相残); Give a dog an ill name and hang him. 欲加之罪何患无辞 猫与cat, 龙与dragon, to sow dragons teeth,II . 习语与文化的关系,4、习语与宗教信仰 Go to hell 下地狱去 God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助 Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在人,成事在天 as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗 借花献佛 放下屠刀,立地成佛 泥菩萨过

33、江,自身难保 救人一命,胜造七级浮屠,II . 习语与文化的关系,5、习语与历史典故 庄子齐物论 朝三暮四 The Fables of Aesop: blow hot and cold 东施效颦、杞人忧天、守株待兔 Achilles heel 唯一的弱点 a Pandoras box 不详之物 Trojan horse 隐患,骗局,II . 习语与文化的关系,III. 习语的翻译,1、 已有的翻译技巧 “直译”、“意译”或“同义套用法” 2、实 译 实译就是保存原文的形象。当句子的上下文已经显示了喻义的时候,我们一般只需译出习语的形象。 例1:A-He made a lot of money

34、by buying houses that were bombed in the war. B-Yeah, he is always been good at fishing in muddy waters.,例2:他一家子在这儿,他的房子、地在这儿,他跑?跑了和尚跑不了庙。 Version: Escape? But his house and property cant escape. “The monk may run away, but the temple cant run with him.” (张培基, 1986: 95) 例3. The enemy scurried way, w

35、ith the tail between their legs. 译文:敌人急急忙忙夹着尾巴逃走了。,3、 虚 译 虚译:在习语翻译过程中,保存习语“喻义”,改译或省译“形象”的一种翻译技巧。 例1: When my ships come in, Ill take a trip to Norway. 译文a :等我的船进来了,我将去挪威旅行。 译文b :发了财以后, 我将去挪威旅行。 例2: He gets up very early and sits up to late and is burning the candle at both ends. 译文a: 他起早睡晚,一支蜡烛两头点 。

36、 译文b:他起早睡晚,精力迅速消耗。,4、 虚实结合 先实译形象,再恰当地虚译喻义,这样既保持了原文的形象生动,又不失原文的内涵。 例:Youre flogging a dead horse by asking him to lend you money, for that he hasnt even got enough for himself. 译文:你找他借钱简直是鞭打死马白打(搭),因为他自己还不够用呢。,课内作业:请翻译下列句子,体会句中的习语。 In appealing the case again, you will just be kicking against the pri

37、cks. To keep the ball rolling, I asked Mary a question again. Twenty to one, it will rain tonight. There are one thousand and one people watching the game in the stadium yesterday. His chances of getting into Harvard are one out of hundred. He gets up very early and sits up to late and is burning th

38、e candle at both ends. 千山万水 万紫千红 七上八下 五光十色,你再去上诉,那简直是自讨苦吃。 为了使谈话不中断(为了话题的继续),我问了玛丽一个问题。 十有八九,今晚要下雨。 昨天体育场里观看比赛者人山人海。 他进入哈佛大学的机会微乎其微。 他起早睡晚,精力迅速消耗。 千山万水:thousands of mountains and rivers, numerous hills and streams; a long and arduous journey; 万紫千红:innumerable flowers of purple and red, rich and colourful, all flowers are blooming, to be rich in variety; 七上八下: His heart seems to him like a well in which seven buckets are drawn up and eight dropped down. an unsettled state of mind. 五光十色:colours of all kinds, all sorts of colours;,Reference to the Translation:,


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