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1、数字图书馆新技术展望,林 夏 2006年8月,新技术还是新观念?,从1.0 到 2.0 技术更新了 观念的变化更大。 从DSPACE 到 。 我们刚开始使用DSPACE, 但DSPACE的下一代产品已经出来了。 它给我们的启示是什么?,Seeking a Paradigm Shift ,On digital collections From documents to documents with data From repositories to learning communities From digital libraries to cyber-infrastructure On dig

2、ital organizations From a standard-driven metadata to a community-based, user-driven social classification. From a structured, regulated information space to a dynamic, self-organizing space From tagging to semantic digital libraries,Trend 1: From document collections to document “data collections”,

3、Text HighWire Press BioMed Central eScholarship Repository Non-Text NASA Image Exchange Open Video Data Science CODATA(Committee on Data for Science and Technology ) Social Science ICPSR (The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research),Trend 2: From repositories to learning commun

4、ities,Learning Object Repositories Learning Object Standard SCORE Sharable Content Online Resources for Education SCORM Sharable Content Object Reference Model Learning Communities IMS Global Leaning Consortium Learning System - CORDRA,Trend 3: From Digital Libraries to Cyber-infrastructure,Creation

5、s of a technological foundation for significant discovery, synthesis, and dissemination brought about by the Information Revolution. Establishment a culture of modern research in all the areas: sciences, engineering, and social sciences, and humanities. Integration of technology, content, and practi

6、ce.,新一代的数字图书馆,必须建立在新的观念上 Understand the nature and characteristics of digital information Digital libraries are established on the networked information environment Study emergent behaviors of links or relationships among information entities Organize information not only by concepts but also by lin

7、ks or connections. Put people and community first Users are digital libraries contributors. Users collaborate through digital libraries,一门新的学科,Digital Information Organization (DIO) 建立在三个学科的基础上 The Science of Networks How everything is connected to everything else and we can still make sense of it.

8、What are the characteristics of the information space? Library and Information Science How information is defined and represented How information seeking activities can be defined in a cognitive framework Cognitive Science What is know about the mind and how it processes information What do people d

9、o with information?,Selected Readings,Network Science Barabasi, A. (2003). Linked: The New Science of Networks. Watts, D. (2003). Six degrees: The science of a connected age. LIS Ingwersen, P.; & Jevelin, K. (2005). The Turn: Integration of information seeking and retrieval in context Svenonius, E.

10、(2000). The intellectual foundation of information organization. Cognitive Science Lakoff, G., & , . (1990). Woman, fire, and dangerous things: what categories reveal about the mind. Lamberts, K., & Shanks, D. (Eds.). (1997). Knowledge, concepts, and categories,Networked information environment?,The

11、 New Science of Networks,The study of complexity of connectivity. The study of emergent behaviors of physical, biological, and social networks. Some essential findings Power law distribution Small Worlds Six Degree of Separation Hubs and Connectors Scale-free networks The 80/20 rule Rich Get richer

12、Hierarchies and communities,The Fundamental Question,The information problem today is moving from the lack of information to information overload. What are the characteristics of such a shift? What changes will the shift bring to the information environment? How do we adapt to such a shift? We need

13、new knowledge representation methods in todays networked information environment.,My exploration: Dynamic Knowledge Representation,Digital Information Organization needs to be: Dynamics Networked User-initiated Community-based Self-organized,Comparison of DIO with Thesaurus,Tagging,Tagging is very p

14、opular this year Its a kind of social bookmarking Its a kind of social classification Its a new information organizing method User-initiated Connection-based Community-based It has a lot of features of (future) DIO Its not there yet. Whats missing? What can be improved?,Problems of Tagging,Users are

15、 free to use any words or terms as tags. Users are free to assign different meanings to the tags they use. Tags are not semantically connected. No semantic structure? We need to bring semantics back to the tags!,Semantic Digital Libraries,Enhance current digital libraries through integrate informati

16、on based on different metadata interface ontology languages ontology-based search/facet search community-enabled browsing Enforce the transition from a static information space to a dynamic (collaborative) knowledge space.,Simile,Semantic Interoperability of metadata and information in unLike Enviro

17、nments “Leverage and extend DSpace, enhancing its support for arbitrary schemas and metadata, primarily though the application of RDF and Semantic Web technology. “ W3C, HP, MIT 正在合作开发一系列新系统 加强DSPACE的原数据的功能 将 Semantic Web Technologies 应用于数字图书馆,SIMILE,Tools for Metadata Managers Gadget - XML inspecto

18、r RDFizers - Batch tools to transform existing XML data into RDF Solvent - Firefox extension for Javascript screen scraping Welkin - Graphical tool to inspect/edit RDF graph Tools for End-Users Longwell - Web-based RDF faceted metadata browser Piggy Bank - Firefox extension for personal information

19、management of metadata in RDF Semantic Bank - Web-based server that allows data publishing and sharing by individuals, groups, or communities,BRICKS,Building Resources for Integrated Cultural Knowledge Services Advanced open source software solutions for the sharing and the exploitation of digital c

20、ultural resources. Access to distributed available information resources,BRICKS,Content Management store content internally or reference content stored anywhere else implementation based on Java Content Repository (JCR) / Jackrabbit Metadata Management support for various metadata schemas defined in

21、 OWL-DL bibliographic records in RDF; query on records in SPARQL implementation based on Jena Semantic Web Framework Collection Management organize content items in hierarchical structures (or folders) Annotation Management collaborative aspect of BRICKS annotate images or image parts with text or l

22、inks to other items,JeromeDL,Digital library build on semantic web technologies to answer requirements from: librarians, scientists and everyone. A social semantic digital library makes use of Semantic Web and Social Networking technologies to enhance both interoperability and usability,Conclusions,新的观念正在推动新技术的发展 数字图书馆的内涵还在扩展。 数字图书馆与数字图书馆的使用必须同步发展。 用户应当参与数字图书馆内容与组织的建设。 From Tagging to Semantic Digital Libraries 数字化信息的组织建设正在酝酿着一场新的革新。,


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