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1、-数据类型、数组和字符串,C#程序设计,数据类型,C#中数据类型代表了要在变量中存储的数据的种类,每一个变量或对象都必须申明为一种数据类型。 C#数据类型可分为 基本类型(比如int,char,double等) 用户自定义的类型(struct,class,interface等),C#基本类型,byte、char、short、 int、 long float、double、decimal bool string,Integral types,Integral types,char char1 = A; / Character literal char char2 = x0041; / Hexad

2、ecimal char char3 = (char)65; / Cast from integral type char char4 = u0041; / Unicode,Floating-point types,float x=3.5; /error float x=3.5F; /ok float x=(float)3.5; /ok double y=3; /ok,decimal,decimal myMoney=300.5m; /ok decimal myMoney=300.5; /error decimal myMoney=(decimal)300.5; /ok decimal myMon

3、ey=300; /ok,bool,bool类型只有两个取值(true和false),using System; public class MyClass static void Main() bool flag = true; Console.WriteLine(flag); char c = 0; bool Alphabetic = (c 64 ,bool,int x = 123; if (x) / Invalid in C# printf(“The value of x is nonzero.“); ,int x = 123; if (x!=0) / The C# way Console.

4、Write(“The value of x is nonzero.“); ,string,定义并初始化 string s1 = “Welcome”; string s2=“ To ”; string s3 = s1+s2+”C#”;,用户自定义类型,struct,class,struct Book public decimal price; public string title; public string author; Book b; b.price = 30.5M b.title = “Gone with the wind”; b.author = “Margaret”;,class

5、Book public decimal price; public string title; public string author; Book b; b = new Book(); b.price = 30.5M b.title = “Gone with the wind”; b.author = “Margaret”;,值类型和引用类型,从保存的数据形式来看,C#数据类型又可分为 Value Types(值类型) Reference Types(引用类型),Value Types(值类型),变量直接存储“值”,并置于栈内存中。,int num1; int num2; num1=7; n

6、um2=num1;,栈内存,堆内存,num1,num2,7,Value Types(值类型),C#中的值类型 byte、char、short、 int、 long float、double、decimal bool struct(结构体) enum(枚举),struct(结构体),struct Book public decimal price; public string title; public string author; Book b, c; b.price = 30.5M b.title = “Gone with the wind”; b.author = “Margaret”;

7、c =b;,堆内存,b.author,b.title,栈内存,b.price,Margaret,Gone with the wind,30.5,c.author,c.title,c.price,Value Types(值类型),Reference Types(引用类型),引用类型的变量存储的是对象地址,而不是对象本身。,string str1 = “Hello”; sting str2;,栈内存,堆内存,str1,0x123FE,0x123FE,null,str2,Reference Types(引用类型),引用类型的变量存储的是对象地址,而不是对象本身。,string str1 = “Hel

8、lo”; string str2 = null;,栈内存,堆内存,Str1,0x123FE,0x123FE,null,Str2,str2 = str1; ?,Reference Types(引用类型),引用类型的变量存储的是对象地址,而不是对象本身。,string str1 = “Hello”; string str2 = null;,栈内存,堆内存,Str1,0x123FE,0x123FE,0x123FE,Str2,str2 = str1;,Reference Types(引用类型),C#中的引用类型 string class interface delegate,BankCustomer

9、c; c = new BankCustomer(); . . . c = new BankCustomer(); . . .,Reference Types(引用类型),class,栈内存,堆内存,基本数据类型的别名,C#基本数据类型在名字空间System中的别名,将用户输入的数据转换成int类型,int num; num=Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine(); 或: num = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine();,Console.ReadLine() 用于从用户那里接受输入作为一个字符串。,类型间转换,字符串类型(string),C#中

10、内置的数据类型string不是一个值类型,而是一个引用类型,它被用来表示字符序列。 string将字符串当作一个整体来处理,不能修改串中的字符元素,可看作一个字符串常量。如“This is a string.n”。,定义并初始化 string s ; s = “hello,world”; 或: string s = “hello,world”;,字符串类型(string),str2 = str1; /赋值后存储器的映象又如何?,字符串类型(string),栈内存,堆内存,str1,str2,1,2,3,a,b,c,0088:4400,0088:4400,0088:4660,0088:4660,

11、str1标识的对象,y,x,7,7,str2标识的对象,字符串的存储形式: int x=7; int y=7; string str1 = “abc”; string str2 = “123;,栈内存,堆内存,str1,str2,1,2,3,a,b,c,0088:4400,0088:4400,0088:4400,0088:4660,st2、str1标识的对象,y,x,7,7,str1赋给str2后存储器的映象图,字符串类型(string),字符串的连接运算符+:,栈内存,堆内存,3,123,abc,abc123,字符串类型(string),string str1 = “abc”; string

12、 str2 = “123”; string str3 = str1+str2;,str1+=str2; ?,字符串的连接运算符+:,栈内存,堆内存,3,123,abc,abc123,str1,str2,0088:4400,0088:4400,str3,0088:6600,字符串类型(string),string str1 = “abc”; string str2 = “123”; string str3 = str1+str2; str1 += str2;,abc123,=运算符 它是用来比较两个字符串的串值或串址是否相等。,字符串类型(string),string str1 = “abc”;

13、 string str2 = “a”; str2+=“bc”; if(str1= =str2) if(object)str1= =(object)str2);,取子串,字符串类型(string),string s1 = “orange“; string s2 = “red“; s1 += s2; System.Console.WriteLine(s1); / outputs “orangered“ s1 = s1.Substring(2, 5); System.Console.WriteLine(s1); / outputs “anger“,通过 运算符获取串中单个字符,字符串类型(strin

14、g),string str = “Printing backwards“; char x= str4; /x= t; for (int i = 0; i str.Length; i+) System.Console.Write(strstr.Length - i - 1); / outputs “sdrawkcab gnitnirP“,用IndexOf()方法,查找子串,字符串类型(string),string s9 = “Battle of Hastings, 1066“; / outputs 10 System.Console.WriteLine(s9.IndexOf(“Hastings“

15、); / outputs -1 System.Console.WriteLine(s9.IndexOf(“1967“);,用Split()方法分解串中单词,字符串类型(string),char delimit = new char ; string s10 = “The cat sat on the mat.“; string words = s10.Split(delimit); foreach (string substr in words) System.Console.WriteLine(substr); ,输出结果 The cat sat on the mat.,字符串类型(stri

16、ng),在 .NET Framework中string是类String的别名 方法:下表介绍一些最常用的String 类的方法,1、将任意一字符串反序输出,并且每个字符都大写。 2、求将某一字符串str中的所有子序列smod都删除后所得的新串newStr? 例如: str = “H234llo,Wo234rld234!”; smod = “234”; 求新串 newStr ?,字符串类型(string),思考题?,数组(Array),数组类型属于复合数据类型,它是由一组顺序存储的同一类型的元素组成的数据集合。 特点: 元素类型相同; 元素有顺序; 所有元素共用一个名称。,数组的声明,格式: t

17、ype arrayName; 举例: int num; double array_double; string str; Point P;,数组的创建,在C#中,声明数组时不能指定它的长度,而是利用new 运算符来为数组型变量分配内存空间,我们将其称之为创建数组。 num = new int3; array_double = new double1000; string str = new string5; 数组创建后,系统自动为数组元素赋初值。,数组元素默认值,数组创建后的元素默认初值。,数组(Array),基本数据类型一维数组内存分配,栈内存,堆内存,num,0,0,0,0088:4400

18、,0088:4400,new int3产生的对象,int num; num=new int3;,数组(Array),基本数据类型一维数组内存分配,栈内存,堆内存,num,0,0,0,null,0088:4400,new int3产生的对象,int num; num=new int3; num=null;,数组(Array),基本数据类型一维数组初始化,class TestArrays public static void Main() int array1; array1=new int3; /默认值为0 int array2=new int3; int array3=5,9,10; int

19、array4=new int35,9,10; int array5=array4; /两数组指向同一内存区 ,数组(Array),对象数组的内存分配,class Student private string name; private int age; public Student(string name, int age) this.name = name; this.age = age; ,栈内存,堆内存,students,null,Student students;,数组(Array),对象数组的内存分配,堆内存,students,0088:4400,0088:4400,new stud

20、ents3产生的对象,null,null,Student students; students=new Student3;,null,栈内存,数组(Array),数组(Array),堆内存,students,0088:4400,0088:4400,new students3产生的对象,null,null,Student students; students=new Student3; students0=new Student(“lisi”,18);,0088:4660,栈内存,student0 标识的 Student对象,lisi,18,0088:4660,对数组元素访问,class Tes

21、tArrays public static void Main() string friendsNames=“Tom”,”Mary”,”Yorck”; Console.WriteLine(“Here are 0 of my friends”, friendsNames.Length); for(int i=0;ifriendsNames.Length;i+) Console.WriteLine(friendsNamesi); Console.ReadKey(); ,对数组元素访问,语法规则: foreach( in ) /can use for each elements ,用foreach循

22、环访问数组,对数组元素访问,用foreach循环访问数组,class TestArrays public static void Main() string friendsNames=“Tom”,”Mary”,”Yorck”; Console.WriteLine(“Here are 0 of my friends”, friendsNames.Length); foreach(string name in friendsNames) Console.WriteLine(name); ,多维数组(矩形数组),C#可以创建多维数组,最常见的多维数组是二维数组(矩形数组) , 每行元素相同。,格式:

23、 type, arrayName; 举例: int, num; double, array_double;,多维数组(矩形数组),Class TestArrays public static void Main() / Declare a two dimensional array int, array1 = new int2, 3; / Declare and set array element values int, array2 = new int2,3 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5, 6 ; int, array3 = 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5, 6 ; ,二维数组的定义和初始化,

24、多维数组(矩形数组),Class TestArrays public static void Main() / Declare and set array element values int, array2 = new int2,3 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5, 6 ; for (int i = 0; i array2.GetLength(0); i+) for(int j = 0; j array2.GetLength(1); j+) Console.WriteLine(arrayi , j); ,二维数组的访问(for循环),多维数组(矩形数组),Class TestArrays pu

25、blic static void Main() / Declare and set array element values int, array2 = new int2,3 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5, 6 ; foreach(int elem in array2) Console.WriteLine(elem); ,二维数组的访问(foreach循环),变长数组(数组的数组),Class TestArrays public static void Main() / Declare a jagged array int jaggedArray = new int3; / Set the v

26、alues of the first array in the jagged array structure jaggedArray0 = new int5 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ; jaggedArray1 = new int4 0, 2, 4, 6 ; jaggedArray2 = new int2 -1, 99 ; ,变长数组的定义和初始化,变长数组(数组的数组),Class TestArrays public static void Main() / Declare and Initalize a jagged array int jaggedArray = new int ne

27、w int 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ; new int 0, 2, 4, 6 ; new int -1, 99 ; ; ,变长数组的定义和初始化,变长数组(数组的数组),/ Declare and Initalize a jagged array int jaggedArray = new int new int 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ; new int 0, 2, 4, 6 ; new int -1, 99 ; ; for(int i = 0; i jaggedArray.Length; i+) for(int j = 0 j jaggedArrayi.Length; j+) Co

28、nsole.Write(jaggedArrayij); ,变长数组访问(for循环),变长数组(数组的数组),/ Declare and Initalize a jagged array int jaggedArray = new int new int 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ; new int 0, 2, 4, 6 ; new int -1, 99 ; ; foreach(int singleArray in jaggedArray ) foreach(int elem in singleArray) Console.Write( elem ); ,变长数组访问(foreach循环),Array类,C#中,Array类是所有数组的基类 Array 类提供能够使用数组的属性和方法。 属性:下表介绍一些最常用的Array 类的属性,Array类,Array 类提供能够使用数组的属性和方法。 方法:下表介绍一些最常用的Array 类的方法,Thank You!,


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