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1、模块 Unit 1 Getting along with others,复合句(七) 名词性从句(3) 经典背诵 1.My decision is that all of us are to gather at 6 oclock at the gate tomorrow morning. 2.The truth is that I have never seen him. 3.The problem is whether he is able to do it alone. 4.It looks as if/though he knew nothing about it. 5.It seems

2、 that he is wrong. 6.The reason why I was sad was that he didnt understand me.,7.The idea that the earth is round is not a new one. 8.The whole truth came out at last that he was a wolf in sheeps clothing. 9.Its my request that the work (should) be finished before dark. 10.There is some doubt whethe

3、r the control of house prices willwork., 趁热打铁 1.那就是我不同意之处。_ 2.原因是他没有认真对待医嘱。_ 3.传来了中国羽毛球队大获全胜的消息。_ 4.他给女儿一个大洋娃娃,那正是她渴望拥有的东西。_,【答案】 1.Thats where I disagree. 2.The reason is that he didnt take the doctors advice seriously. 3.Word came that Chinas Badminton Team had won all the championships. 4.He gave

4、 his daughter a big doll,exactly what she longed to have.,【名师点注】 1.表语从句一般位于主句中的系动词之后,通常对主语的内容起解释和进一步说明的作用,常用that,whether,as if/though,what,how,when,where,why等引导。其中as if/though引导的表语从句通常位于系动词look,seem,feel等之后,从句有陈述和虚拟两种语气。 2.同位语从句就是在复合句中作名词同位语的名词性从句。同位语从句用于某些抽象名词之后,说明名词的具体内容,对前面的名词起补充说明的作用。,.重点词汇 1_ad

5、j.一致的 2_vi.&vt.集中注意力;聚焦 n焦点;关注点 3_adj.刻薄的;卑鄙的;吝啬的 4_vt.&vi.承认_n承认;允许进入 5_adv.故意地_adj.故意的 6_vt.发誓_(过去式)_(过去分词) 7_vt.原谅_(过去式)_(过去分词) 8_adj.内疚的;有罪的_n罪行,9_adj.残忍的;残酷的_adv.残忍地;残酷地_n残酷 10_vi.道歉_n道歉 11_n行为_vi.行为表现 12_vt.使尴尬_adj.感到难为情的_adj.令人为难的 13_n力量;实力_vt.加强_adj.强壮的 14_vt.说服_n劝说 15_n算术_n数学,16_adj.焦急的;渴望的

6、_adv.焦急地;渴望地_n焦急;渴望 17_adj.实用的;实际的_n&vt.实践 18_vt.吸收;吸引_adj.投入的 19_vi.犹豫_n犹豫 20_vi.回应_n回应,1consistent 2.focus 3.mean 4.admit;admission 5.deliberately;deliberate 6.swear;swore;sworn7.forgive;forgave;forgiven 8.guilty;guilt 9.cruel;cruelly;cruelty 10.apologize;apology 11.behaviour;behave 12.embarrass;e

7、mbarrassed;embarrassing 13.strength;strengthen;strong 14.persuade;persuasion 15.arithmetic;mathematics 16.anxious;anxiously;anxiety 17.practical;practice 18.absorb;absorbed 19.hesitate;hesitation 20.respond;response,.短语回顾 1get_相处;进展 2_小学 3_ones word 信守诺言 4_trouble有麻烦;处于困难中 5focus_集中注意力于 6_a result结果

8、 7_public当众;在公共场合 8_游乐场,9take_保重;小心;当心 10discourage._doing sth.阻止做某事 11suffer_遭受痛苦 12_(电话等)接通 13_(表示强调)究竟;到底 14_互相;相互 15regardless_不管;不顾,1along 2.primary school 3.keep 4.in 5.on6.as 7.in 8.amusement park 9.care 10.from11.from 12.get through 13.in the world 14.one another 15.of,.佳句回顾 1It _many years_

9、the situation_. 这种状况或许要过很多年才能得到改善。 2I_that she cares,_? 我认为她并不关心,是不是? 3We _ friends ever since. 从那以后我们就成了朋友。 4When_about this question,they usually_before responding. 当问及这个问题时,在回答前他们往往要犹豫一下。 5He is said_,but I dont know which country he studied in. 据说他曾经在国外学习过,但我不知道是哪个国家。,1will be;before;improves 2.

10、dont think;does she 3.have been 4.asked;hesitate 5.to have studied abroad,1admit v承认;赞同;接纳,【经典例句】 We went to wash our hands in the girls toilets before lunch and I admitted how badly I had done.(P2) 我们午饭前上厕所时,我认为(数学试卷)做得太差了。 She admitted having_stolen the bicycle. 她承认偷了自行车。 A fuel leak is now admitt

11、ed_to have been the cause of the trouble. 燃料泄露被确认是这次灾难的原因。,【对接高考】 (1)(2009全国卷)If you leave the club,you will not be _back in. Areceived Badmitted Cturned Dmoved 【解析】 receive接收;admit接纳,录用;turn转身,旋转;move移动,搬动。 【答案】 B,【即时应用】 (2)Did Jack_having taken some books without telling anybody? Yes,he did.He sai

12、d he took three books. Aimagine Ballow Cattempt Dadmit 【解析】 句意:杰克承认了没有告诉任何人就拿走了一些书吗?admit“承认”;imagine“想象,设想”;allow“允许”;attempt“试图”。 【答案】 D,2persuade vt.说服;劝说,【经典例句】 Im so glad I persuaded you to_talk to Rachel.(P9) 我很高兴说服了你与Rachel谈一谈。 He persuaded her into/out_of_going to the party. 他说服她参加/不参加这次聚会。

13、He was not persuaded_of the truth of the statement. 他不相信那种说法是真的。,【即时应用】 用persuade的相关短语及介词完成下面小片段 The other day,my husband (3)_buy a coat as he thought it was too long.However,the assistant tried hard to persuade me (4)_the good quality and fashionable style of it.Therefore,I couldnt help (5)_ buying

14、 it.So you can see how easy it is (6)_ a woman (7)_buying things that arent suitable for her. 【答案】 (3)persuaded me not to (4)of (5)being persuaded into (6)to persuade (7)into,3blame vt.责备;谴责;把归咎于n.过失;责备,【经典例句】 If she is a good friend,you should apologize for blaming her. (P5) 如果她是你的好朋友,你应该因责备她而向她道歉。

15、 The driver was_not_to_blame_for the traffic accident. 那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。 He blamed you for the neglect of duty. 他责备你玩忽职守。 【温馨提示】 be to blame 是动词不定式“主动”结构,但表示“被动”意义,表示“将来”时间概念,不能使用to be blamed,这一点要特别注意。,【即时应用】 根据汉语提示完成下面小片段 He was (8)_(为而被责备) his failure in the exam,but he (9)_(把他的失败归咎于)his teacher,whic

16、h made all of us angry.In fact it is he himself,not the teacher,that is (10)_ (该为此承担责任)it. 【答案】 (8)blamed for (9)blamed his failure on (10)to blame for,4doubt v怀疑;不相信n.怀疑,【经典例句】 I doubt his word. 我怀疑他的话。 I dont doubt that he can finish the task on time. 我相信他能按时完成任务。 There is no_doubt about it. 此事无可怀

17、疑之处。,【对接高考】 (11)(2008江苏高考)I cant repair these until tomorrow. Thats OK,theres _. Ano problem Bno wonder Cno doubt Dno worry 【解析】 答语句意:没关系,不用急。no problem“没问题”;no wonder“难怪”;no doubt“毫无疑问”;no worry “不用担心”。 【答案】 D,【即时应用】 完成句子 (12)There is_(毫无疑问) he will win the prize. (13)What he had done_(使人们产生了怀疑)his

18、 honesty. (14)We _(毫不怀疑) his sincerity. (15)_(勿庸置疑) this is the best. 【答案】 (12)no doubt that (13)cast doubt on (14)make no doubt of (15)Without doubt,5ruin n毁坏;破坏vt.毁坏 lay/be in ruins 成为废墟 bring.to ruin使毁灭 fall/go/come into ruin毁灭 be ruined by被毁灭,【经典例句】 I was ruined by that law case,Im a ruined man!

19、 我被那场官司毁了,我破产了! The temple is now in_ruins. 那座寺庙已是一片废墟。,【对接高考】 (16)I got caught in the rain and my suit_. Ahas ruined Bhad ruined Chas been ruined Dhad been ruined 【解析】 本句考查了ruin的时态与语态,与my suit之间为被动关系,并与前面谓语动词相比校,应该是ruin动作发生在过去,对现在造成的影响。 【答案】 C,【即时应用】 用所给词的适当形式填空 (17)Smoking and drinking_(ruin) his

20、health and he died young. (18)The crops_(ruin) by the flood already. 【答案】 (17)ruined (18)have been ruined,6absorb vt.吸收(液体、气体等;食物、思想、文化等);吸引的注意;使全神贯注 absorb ones attention 吸引某人注意力 absorb sth.into.把合并/吞并 absorb sth.from从中吸取,【经典例句】 Theyre still sitting on the sofa,absorbed_in conversation!(P18) 他们坐在沙发

21、上,专心交谈。 The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge from his teacher. 那个聪明的男孩把他老师所有的知识都吸收了。 The walls of the house absord heat during the day. 房壁白天时吸热。,【即时应用】 单项选择 (19)She was so _ in her job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door. Aattracted Babsorbed Cdrawn Dconcentrated 【答案】 B,翻译句子 (20)棉手

22、套吸汗。 _ (21)我专心看书来着,没听见你喊。 _ 【答案】 (20)Cotton gloves absorb sweat. (21)I was absorbed in a book and didnt hear you call.,7hesitate vi.犹豫;迟疑;不情愿,【经典例句】 When asked they usually hesitate before responding. (P18) 当被问到时,他们常常不能迅速回答。 I hesitate_to_ask you ,but will you lend me some money? 我真不好意思向你开口,你能借我一些钱吗

23、? I always hesitate_to_advise my friends what to do or how to do it. 我总是不愿意指点我的朋友该做什么或该怎么做。,【对接高考】 (22)(2009福建高考)We are at your service.Dont _to turn to us if you have any further problems. Abeg Bhesitate Cdesire Dseek 【解析】 dont hesitate to do sth.“毫不犹豫做某事”。 【答案】 B,【即时应用】 (23)He _for a moment before

24、 kicking the ball,otherwise he _ a goal. Apaused;had scored Bhesitated;scored Cstopped;would have scored Dhesitated;would have scored 【答案】 D,1get along 相处;进展 【经典例句】 What do you think the proverbs tell us about friendship and getting_along_with others? 你认为这些谚语在关于交友和与人相处方面告诉了我们什么? He is getting_along/

25、on very fast with this work. 他这项工作进展得很快。 How are you getting_along/on_with your plan? 你的计划进展得怎样?,get in touch with 与联系;与接触 get into the habit of 染上习惯 get rid of 摆脱;除掉 get through to sb.接通某人的电话 get across 使某事传播;为人所理解 get down to 开始认真做某事 get round 消息传开;走动;到处旅行 get over 克服;摆脱(某种情绪),【对接高考】 (24)(2008四川高考

26、)I used to quarrel a lot with my parents,but now we_fine. Alook out Bstay up Ccarry on Dget along 【解析】 get along 相处,进展;look out 留神,朝外看;stay up熬夜;carry on 继续进行,从事。句意:我过去常常与我的父母吵架,但是现在我们相处得很好。 【答案】 D,【即时应用】 完成句子 (25)How are you _(进展)your studies? (26)Your meaning didnt really _.(传达) (27)She cant _(克服)

27、her shyness. 【答案】 (25)getting along/on with (26)get across (27)get over,2be in trouble处在不幸、苦恼、困境之中 【经典例句】 His friends helped him when he was_in_trouble. 当他处在困境时他的朋友帮助了他。 I hope you arent in_trouble. 我希望你没有闯祸。,be a great trouble to 对来讲是个大麻烦 get into trouble 陷入困境 get out of trouble 摆脱困境/麻烦 have troubl

28、e (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 have trouble with sth.某事有麻烦 make trouble制造麻烦 take the trouble to do sth. 费心做某事 put sb. to the trouble of doing sth. 麻烦某人干某事,【即时应用】 完成句子 (28)Nothing gives him more pleasure than helping someone _. 没有一件事要比帮助陷入困境的人带给他更大的快乐。 (29)You neednt _those complicated experiments. 你不必麻烦去做

29、那些复杂的实验。 (30)The children _in the deep snow. 孩子们在深雪中行走有点困难。 【答案】 (28)in trouble (29)take the trouble to do (30)had trouble walking,3keep ones word 守信用;履行诺言 【经典例句】 I.told her we werent going to be friends any more because she couldnt keep_her_words.(P2) 我告诉她因为她不守信用我们不再做朋友了。 You can depend on him to k

30、eep_his_word. 他一定会守信用,你就相信他好了。 Its very important that everyone keep_his_word all the time. 人人都始终信守诺言是十分重要的。,word for word 逐字地;一字不变地 have a word with sb. 和谈一谈 have words with sb. 和争吵 word came/has come that.传来;消息说,【即时应用】 (31)Yao Ming becomes the centre of the team,_,he is very important on the team.

31、 Ain a word Bin so many words Cin other words Dby word of mouth 【答案】 C,4leave.alone听任;不打扰 【经典例句】 The dog is very fierce,you had better leave_it_alone. 那狗很凶,你最好不要惹它。 The couple gave up on their son and left_him_alone. 那对夫妻对他们的儿子失望了,不再管他。,leave behind 遗留;忘带 leave someplace behind 永久离开某地 leave sth. und

32、one没做 leave for.动身去 leave off 停止;中断;不再穿;不再使用 leave out 省略;删除;遗漏;不考虑 leave sth. over to sb. 留下某事让某人处理 leave word with sb. 给某人留下口信,【即时应用】 完成句子 (32)Come on,come on,_ these unpleasant things. 得了,得了,不要考虑这些不愉快的事了。 (33)He had to _because of his fathers death. 因父亲的去世,他不得不辍学。 (34)He doesnt like _when he watc

33、hes TV. 他看电视时不喜欢让灯开着。 【答案】 (32)leave out (33)leave school (34)leaving the light on,1When_asked they usually hesitate before responding,“My best friend?.” 当问及这个问题的时候,他们往往在回答之前都要犹豫一下:“我最要好的朋友?” 【句式分析】 句中When asked 相当于“When they are asked”,在主从复合句中if,when,while,unless,though,once等引导的从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句中含有

34、be动词时,为了使句子结构简洁,可省略从句中的主语和be动词。,When/If heated,water will turn into vapour. When/If it is heated,water will turn into vapour. 加热时/如果加热,水能变成蒸气。 Though tired,I had to work on. Though I was tired,I had to work on. 虽然疲劳,我仍得继续工作。,【即时应用】 翻译句子 (35)当被要求回答问题时,他迅速而且正确地答了出来。 _ 【答案】 When asked to answer the que

35、stion,he answered quickly and correctly.,2How they must have laughed behind my back! 他们想必是在背后笑得合不拢嘴了! 【句式分析】 此为how 引导的感叹句。 (1)What 型感叹句 Whata/anadj.可数名词单数主语谓语 What a clever girl she is! 这女孩是多么聪明啊!,Whatadj.不可数名词/复数名词 What fine weather we are having today! 今天的天气多好啊! 注意:若感叹部分是介词的宾语时,介词一般置于句末。 What a di

36、fficult situation we are in! 我们处于一种多么困难的境地啊!,(2)How型感叹句 How形容词/副词主语谓语 How high the mountain is! 这山多高啊! How形容词a/an可数名词单数主语谓语 How strange a feeling it is! 这是一种多么奇怪的感觉! How主语谓语(how修饰动词) How I miss you! 我多么想念你啊!,【即时应用】 (36)I was surprised by her words,which made me recognize_silly mistakes I had made. A

37、who Bhow Cwhat Dwhich (37)Parents are taught to understand_important education is to their childrens future. Athat Bhow Csuch DSo 【答案】 (36)C (37)B,.单词拼写 1She o_his rudeness and tried to pretend as if nothing had happened. 2He is hard to get along with,but once won,his f_will last forever. 3If you ar

38、e a_in class,you will lose some important points and fall behind by and by. 4I feel really g_at forgetting her birthday again. 5I a_for losing my temper;please forgive me. 6The United States of America hoped to _(加强)its ties with Iraq so Obama decided to withdraw the army from it.,7Only you can _(说服

39、)him,for he respects you very much. 8The murderer will not escape _(惩罚) 9Both sides were_(急切)that the agreement should be signed as quickly as possible. 10What matters is your_(态度)towards your studies. 【答案】 1.overlooked 2.friendship 3.absentminded 4.guilty 5.apologize 6.strengthen 7.persuade 8.punis

40、hment9.anxious 10.attitude,.选词填空 get along;as a result;in public;take care;discourage.from;get through;regardless of;be based on;be responsible for;be absorbed in1.So _he _playing computer games that he forgot his meals for a whole. 2When you deal with electricity,youd better_. 3I rang you several t

41、imes but couldnt _. 4No one is allowed to throw litters_,otherwise he or she would be fined.,5I have some doubt about his conclusion,for it _what he took for granted. 6Having failed again in the exam _him _keeping on trying. 7The police are looking into who is to _ the accident. 8We treat everyone e

42、qually _color,race or creed. 9A sense of humour enabled him _ well with others. 10It has not rained since last winter,_,the wheat has died of drought.,【答案】 1.absorbed was;in 2.take care 3.get through 4.in public 5.was based on 6.discouraged;from 7.be responsible for 8.regardless of 9.to get along 10

43、.as a result,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1She admitted_(take) the book from him without permission. 2Edison is generally considered _ (invent) the first electric lamp. 3When Father came in,Tom pretended _(read) at the desk. 4I cannot stand him _ (make) so loud a noise in the quiet library.,5We couldnt help _ (pers

44、uade) into buying what we actually didnt need. 6I miss you so much that I cant wait _(see) you soon. 7I think it is no use _ (try) to persuade such a stubbornminded man to give up his idea. 8After _ (interview) for the job,you will be required to take a language test. 9The missing boys were last seen _ (play) near the river. 10China has promised to revise its existing regulations and (fo


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