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1、Unit 1 Advertising,复合句(四) 定语从句(4) 经典背诵 1.We have found such rare animals as are living in the mountain. 2.These houses are sold at such a low price as we expected. 3.He is not the same man as he used to be. 4.Some of the books were gifts that he got from his Chinese friends and students. 5.China is

2、no longer the country that it was 60 years ago. 6.As is a fact,light travels faster than sound.,7.The moon travels round the earth once every month,as/which is known to everybody. 8.It is known to everyboby that the moon travels round the earth once every month. 9.What is known to everybody is that

3、the moon travels round the earth once every month., 趁热打铁 1.我从未听过像他讲的那样的故事。_ 2.众所周知,台湾属于中国领土。_ 3.他没考及格,这是他没有预料到的。_ 4.他是个懒汉,没有人想与他一起工作。_,【答案】 1.I have never heard such stories as he tells. 2.As everyone knows,Taiwan belongs to China. 3.He failed in the exam,which he hadnt expected. 4.He is so lazy a m

4、an/such a lazy man as nobody wants to work with. 【名师点注】 关系代词as既可引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句,as在从句中作主语、宾语或表语。引导限制性定语从句的常见句式:such名词as.像一样的,像之类的;the same名词as.和同样的。as引导非限制性定语从句时,既可在主句前,又可在主句后,有时还可插入主句中,而which引导的非限制性定语从句只能置于主句之后。,.重点词汇 1_vt.分享;分担 2_vt.宣传;推广;促销;推销 3_n问题;议题 4_vi.迎合;有吸引力 5_vt.购买 6_adj.可买到的;可获得的

5、 7_n方法;途径 8_adj.新颖的;别致的;最初的,9_adj.具有创造性的 10_vi.&vt.(为)做广告;登广告_n广告_n登广告者 11_adj.劝导性的;令人信服的_v劝说_adv.劝导性地;令人信服地 12_adj.难忘的;无法忘记的_adj.(反义词) 13_adv.很;非常;高地;高度地_adj.高的_n高度;身高,14_adj.各种各样的;多样的_n(同一事物的)不同种类;多种式样 15_n媒介;媒体_pl.(复数) 16_vt.确定;决定_adj.决意的;坚决的_n决心;确定 17_adj.便利的;方便的_n方便 18_adj.(为而)打算的(或设计的)_vt.计划_n

6、计划;意图 19_vt.联系;连接_n联系;连接 20_vt.推荐_n推荐,1share 2.promote 3.issue 4.appeal 5.purchase 6.available 7.approach 8.original9.creative 10.advertise;advertisement;advertiser 11.persuasive;persuade;persuasively 12.unforgettable;forgettable 13.highly;high;height 14.various;variety 15.medium;media 16.determine;

7、determined;determination 17.convenient;convenience 18.intended;intend;intention 19.connect;connection 20.recommend;recommendation,.短语回顾 1be used_习惯于;适应 2be aware_知道;明白;意识到 3fall_上的当 4play tricks_欺骗;捉弄 5_alife过生活 6_自杀 7trick sb._doing sth.诱使某人做某事,8_反复 9be satisfied_对感到满意 10up_到达 11appeal_迎合 12_组装 13b

8、e bored_对感到厌倦 14be concerned_对关心 15_传达,1to 2.of 3.for 4.on 5.lead mit suicide 7.into 8.over and over again 9.with 10.to 11.to 12.put sth. together 13.with 14.with 15.get sth. across,.佳句回顾 1_ an ad does not lie,it does not mean it _ you _. 即使广告不撒谎,也并不意味着广告完全讲真话。 2.All of these ads_,and you can often_

9、 a lot by _ the advice they give. 所有这些广告旨在有所帮助,你常常会从他们所给予的建议中学到很多。,3It is important to know exactly the message you want to people and _ you are trying to get them_. 你得确切地知道你想传递给人们的信息是什么,你又想让他们做什么,这很重要。 4The way you _ advertise should _ mainly_your target audience and which kinds of ads_ that partic

10、ular group best. 选择广告方式的主要依据是目标观众,以及何种广告最能被这一特定群体所接受。,5_we are considering repackaging our chocolate bar as well. 那就是为什么我们也在考虑重新包装我们的巧克力棒。,1Even if;tells;the complete truth 2.are meant to be helpful;learn;following 3.send to;what;to do 4.choose to;depend;on;reach 5.Thats why,1share vt.& vi.分享;分担;合用

11、nC一份;份额;股份,【经典例句】 I did some research on advertisements,and have some very important information to share_with you.(P2) 我对广告作过调查,因此有些重要信息与你分享。 I own the house,but we share_the_bills. 我拥有这所房子,但我们分担各项开支。 Ive not got my share_of the cake yet. 我尚未分得我的那一份蛋糕。,【即时应用】 根据汉语提示完成下面小片段 I think good friends (1)

12、_ (分享一切). So I often (2) _(和Jane 分享) the tasty food my mother brings me every week.We are friends who (3) _(同甘共苦) 【答案】 (1)share everything (2)share with Jane (3)share (in) happiness and sorrows,2promote vt.促进;增进,【经典例句】 A commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for to promote a product

13、 or service.(P2) 商业广告是人们为了促销产品或服务而花钱所做的。 He was_promoted_to professor last year. 去年他被提升为教援。,【即时应用】 根据汉语提示完成下面小片段 (4)_(推销,宣传)the new product,Mr.Green devoted all his time and energy to making plans and organizing various activities.As a result,it is widely accepted by the public and its sale has been

14、 rising.Owing to his good performance,he (5)_(得到提拔)He was (6)_(从主任升为副经理) 【答案】 (4)To promote (5)got promoted (6)promoted from a director to a vicemanager,3intended adj. (为而)打算的(或设计的) be intended for sb./sth. 为而设计的 be intended as sth. 作为而设计的 be intended to do 试图;打算做 intend vt. 打算;计划 intend宾语(n.,v.ing,

15、tov.,thatclause) intend sb.to do sth. 打算让某人做某事,【经典例句】 PSAs are often placed for free,and are_intended_to educate people about health,safety,or any other issue which affects public welfare.(P2) 公益广告常常免费刊登,是指教育人们健康、安全或影响民众福利等方面的问题。 Give them some water intended_for drinking. 给他们一些饮用水。 The dictionary i

16、s_intended_for children. 这本字典是给小孩用的。,【即时应用】 完成句子 (7)I dont _ to this rubbish any longer. 我再也不想听这种无稽之谈了。 (8)They intend that the plan _ practice within the year. 他们主张在本年内实行该计划。,(9)Phelps took part in the 29th Beijing Olympic Games _ winning eight gold medals. 菲尔普斯带着要赢得八枚金牌的目的参加了第29届北京奥运会。 【答案】 (7)int

17、end to listen (8)should be put into (9)with the intention of,4recommend vt.推荐;介绍;建议 recommend sb. sth.recommend sth. to sb. 向某人推荐/介绍 recommend doing sth. 建议做某事 recommend sb. to do sth./for sth.推荐/建议某人做某事 recommend sb. as.推荐某人为 recommend sth. for. 推荐某事物供某方面用,【经典例句】 I recommend_that we purchase 10 cop

18、ies for the library.(P9) 我建议为图书馆买10本书。 I recommended him for the position. 我推荐他这个职位。 Our teacher recommended_buying this dictionary. 老师推荐买这本字典。,【温馨提示】 (1)recommendthatclause建议(从句谓语用“should动词原形”,should可以省略) (2)It is/was recommended that.有人建议 另外suggest,request,demand,urge,propose,prefer,advise,insist,

19、require,order,command等词所带的宾语从句以及它们对应的名词所带的表语从句、同位语从句,再加上它们的过去分词所在的“It is/was过去分词主语从句”等结构中的谓语动词常用should do的形式,should可省略。,He recommended that measures (should) be taken to protect the pandas. 他建议采取措施保护大熊猫。 She should listen to the doctors recommendation that she (should) stay in bed. 她应该听医生的建议,呆在床上。,【

20、即时应用】 (10)Have you got anything you can _ as a cure for a toothache? Aexpect Bthink Cinsist Drecommend 【解析】 recommend sth. for固定搭配,意为“推荐某物作(某种用途)”。句意:你有没有什么东西可以推荐来治疗牙疼?若选B项,应改为think of。 【答案】 D,5determine v决定;决心;确定,【经典例句】 In order to_determine your audience,you will need to do a little research.(P18)

21、 为了确定广告观众,我们要做调查。 We must_determine what to do next. 我们必须决定下一步的行动。 We havent_determined the date for the meeting. 我们尚未确定会议的日期。,【温馨提示】 determine 和decide后接that 从句时,从句中的谓语动词常用(should)v.形式。 She determined that nothing prevent her from going to work in Xinjiang. 她决心不会让任何事情阻止她去新疆工作。,【即时应用】 一句多译 (11)我们决定早动

22、身。 _ _ _ _ _ _,【答案】 We were determined to start early. We were determined on starting early. We were determined that we (should) start early. We determined/decided to start early/that we should start early. We made up our minds to start early/that we should start early. It was decided that we should

23、 start early.,6approach n. 接近;逼近;走近;方法;步骤;途径;通路 vt.接近;动手处理;找商量vi.靠近 at the approach of 在快到的时候 make an approach to.对进行探讨 approach sb. on/about sth. 与某人接洽/商量某事 approach to.接近;近似,【经典例句】 You must decide what approach you want to use.(P18) 你得定下来使用什么方法。 I like her approach_to the problem. 我喜欢她解决这个问题的方法。 I

24、 approached him about filling the managers job. 我找他商量,问他想不想担任经理。,【即时应用】 (12)At the meeting they discussed three different_to the study of mathematics. Aapproaches Bmeans Cmethods Dways 【解析】 这四个选项都有“方法”的含义。approach与介词to连用,其他三个多与of连用。 【答案】 A,7convenient adj. 方便的;合适的 be convenient to do sth.做某事方便 Its c

25、onvenient (for sb.) to do sth. 对某人来说做某事方便 convenience n便利;方便 at ones (own) convenience在某人方便时 for convenience 为了方便起见 for the convenience of sb.为某人方便起见,【经典例句】 Its fashionable;its convenient!(P16) 这既时尚,又方便。 A bicycle is often far more convenient than a car in busy cities. 在热闹的都市里骑自行车往往比坐汽车方便得多。 Will it

26、 be_convenient_for you to start work tomorrow? 你明天开始工作方便吗?,【即时应用】 翻译句子 (13)你上午来方便吗?(convenient) _ (14)我们必须安排一个合适的时间和地点来开会。(convenient) _ 【答案】 (13)Will it be convenient for you to come in the morning? (14)We must arrange a convenient time and place for the meeting.,8appeal vi.迎合;有吸引力;呼吁;申诉;诉诸 n呼吁;感染力

27、;上诉,【经典例句】 It is important to always try to appeal_to the way the audience will react.(P18) 总是努力迎合观众的反应是很重要的。 The government is appealing_to everyone not to waste water. 政府呼吁每个人都不要浪费水。 Entertaining programmes have to appeal_to all ages and social groups. 娱乐节目必须雅俗共赏,老少皆宜。,【即时应用】 完成句子 (15)The police a

28、re _ the public _ information about the crime. 警方呼吁公众提供有关这宗犯罪活动的信息。 (16)She_ the high court against her sentence. 她不服判决向高等法院上诉。 【答案】 (15)appealing to;for (16)appealed to,1be aware of 知道;明白;意识到 【经典例句】 However,we still must be_aware_of the methods used in advertisements to try and sell us things. (P2)

29、 不过,我们必须弄清为了试图向我们销售东西的广告所使用的方法。,Are you aware_that you have hurt her feelings? 你有没有觉察到你已经伤害了她的感情呢? I_became_aware_how she might feel. 我察觉到她会有怎样的感受。,【温馨提示】 aware 前面不能用very修饰,习惯用well,fully等词。,【即时应用】 (17)No sooner had the old woman bought the young mans jewel than she became aware_. Ato be cheated Bche

30、ated Ccheating Dof being cheated 【答案】 D,2get across 传播;使理解;过马路 【经典例句】 There are lots of different ways to get your message across when you are putting together an ad campaign.(P18) 推出广告(战役)时,你有许多不同的方式传播消息。 The message got_across at last. 这信息终于被传开了。 Our teacher is talented,but not very good at gettin

31、g his ideas across_to us. 我们的老师很有才,但他不善于把他的观点向我们讲清楚。,get ahead of 比别人强;走在的前面 get along 进行;进展;(勉强)生活下去;过下去 get around (消息)传开 get down to (doing) sth. 开始认真做某事 get in touch with 和取得联系 get off 下车;离开;动身;起飞;脱下;下班,get over 克服;摆脱某种情绪;从恢复;痊愈 get rid of 摆脱;除掉;处理掉 get through 做完;办完;通过(考试);接通电话 get together 聚首;

32、欢聚,【即时应用】 (18)What point are you trying to_? In fact,I want to say that advertising is really the most effective method of promotion. Aget away Bget across Cget through Dget in 【答案】 B,3play tricks/a trick on开的玩笑;欺骗;捉弄 【经典例句】 Not all ads play_tricks_on us though.(P3) 然而,并非所有的广告都给我们设陷阱的。 You are not t

33、he first person to_be_tricked_out_of your savings. 你不是第一个被骗走存款的人。 He tricked_me_into_believing that he was somebody famous. 他诱使我相信他是个名人。,play a joke/jokes on sb. 戏弄某人;向某人开玩笑 make fun of sb. 取笑某人 make a fool of 欺骗 trick sb. into (doing) sth.诱使某人(做)某事 trick sb.out of sth. 骗走某人某物;诈骗,【即时应用】 (19)Playing

34、tricks _ others is something we should never do. Ainto Bwith Con Dof 【解析】 固定短语,play tricks on sb.捉弄某人。 【答案】 C,4be used to对习以为常;习惯于;适应(to为介词) 【经典例句】 He has been/got/become_used_to the climate there. 他已经习惯了那里的气候。 After the new arrival,you wont have time to go clubbing as you used_to_do. 这次到达之后,你将不能像以前

35、那样有时间去泡吧了。 Computers can be_used_to_do a lot of work nowadays. 现在计算机可用来做许多事。,used to do sth.过去常常做某事(暗含现在不做了),to为不定式符号 be used to do sth.被用来做某事 be used for.被用来做(表目的) be used as 当作被使用(表方式),used to/would used to 和would都用来谈过去的习惯。 used to可以指动作或状态,描述过去经常或持续的行为,现已不再发生 would多指动作的重复,而且would不强调与现在对比。 We used

36、to be friends;now,we are enemies. 我们曾经是朋友;现在,我们是敌人。 She would always exercise in the morning. 她总是在早上锻炼身体。,【即时应用】 用所给词的适当形式填空 (20)The blue files are used to _(store) old documents. (21)We are used to _ (get up) early and _(sleep) early. (22)We used to _ (go sailing) on the lake in summer,but now,we h

37、ave no time. 【答案】 (20)store (21)getting up;sleeping (22)go sailing,1If they want to become the market leader,the company must ensure that their product is_of_high_quality. 如果他们想成为市场份额的最大占有者,公司必须确保他们具备好的产品质量。,【句式分析】 be of high/good/top/poor quality 质量高/好/上乘/差。 Sleep is of great help to refreshment. 睡

38、眠对恢复精力很有帮助。 This is an important matter. This is a matter of importance. 这是一件重要的事。,(1)of抽象名词(相当于该抽象名词所对应的形容词形式)常在句中作表语、定语和宾补,用于说明某人或某事物具有的性质。常用的名词有:use,importance,help,value,interest,benefit等。这些名词前可用great,no,little,some,any,not much等修饰,以表示不同程度。 (2)of表示物质的名词(be made of)多用来表示某物是由某种物质做成的。 (3)ofthe same

39、名词,用于be 动词等之后时,可将of省略。,【即时应用】 完成句子 (23)Many things today _. 现在很多东西都是塑料做的。 (24)He and I _. 他和我同岁。 (25)Their suggestions are _. 他们的建议很重要。 【答案】 (23)are of plastics (24)are (of) the same age (25)of great value,2After you have decided who your target audience is,it_is_time_to_decide what you want the aud

40、ience to know or think about. 在你确定了谁是你的目标观众之后,就到了该去确定你想让他们知道或考虑的东西的时候了。,【句式分析】 It is time (for sb.) to do sth.到了(某人)做某事的时间了。 此句式还可以改为: (1)It is time for sth. (2)It is (high) time that sb. should do/did sth.,Its time for you to break away with himhe doesnt deserve your love. 你该和他分手了他不值得你爱。 Its high t

41、ime you got/should get rid of your old way of thinking. 你这老脑筋也该换换了。,【温馨提示】 (1)It is time that.后的从句中,谓语动词常用should 动词原形或用v.ed 形式,should 一般不能省略。 (2)the first time/every time从句 (某人)第一次/每次做某事的时候。 (3)It/This/That is/was the first/second.time (that)从句是一个重要句型,其用法是:当前面的be动词是is或will be时,后面句子用现在完成时;当前面的be动词是wa

42、s时,后面句子用过去完成时。,Its time that we should get down/got down to business.我们该干正事了。 He broke the reflector of his car the first time he drove.他第一次开车,就把汽车的反光镜给碰坏了。 This was the first time she had spoken before many people,so she was a bit shy. 这是她第一次当众讲话,有些害羞。,【即时应用】 一句多译 (26)我们该吃晚饭了。 _ _ _ 【答案】 Its time f

43、or us to have supper. Its time for supper. Its (about/high) time we had supper.,.单词拼写 1Most commercial advertisements are p_. 2Some singers like to organize publicity campaigns to p_ their new albums. 3E_in America,he is keeping on doing research instead of taking exams. 4I hate it when people criti

44、cize me in the p_. 5The Tibetan Railway is c_for Tibet to develop.,6An advertisement is of no use unless it reaches its_(观众) 7The scene of the accident is _(难忘的) 8It is _(推荐)that this type of MP6 have more functions and be worth the price. 9Sharks wont attack people if they have other_(选择) 10I find famou


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