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1、Chapter 4 Arts,P50 4.1 Calligraphy and Painting 4.1.1 Calligraphy 书法 calligraphy 硬笔书法 pen calligraphy 表音成分 phonetic component 表形成分 symbolic component 汉字偏旁 components of Chinese characters 线条艺术 the art of lines 汉字书写(体) Chinese script,汉字从图画和符号演变而来,中国书法艺术自然而然衍生于这一特殊的书写体系(绝大多数汉字由表音和表形成分构成),因此中国书法也被称作线条艺

2、术。 Chinese characters evolved from pictures and signs, and the Chinese art of calligraphy developed naturally from this special writing system (most Chinese characters consist of several phonetic and symbolic components), so Chinese calligraphy is also called the art of lines. 尽管中国书法以汉字为表达工具,但要欣赏中国书

3、法之美,不一定非要懂得汉语。 Although Chinese calligraphy uses Chinese words as its vehicle of expression, one does not have to know the language to appreciate its beauty. 书法的目的在于保持自然之美,突显人类精神之美。 Calligraphys purpose is to retain the beauty of nature and illuminate mans spiritual beauty.,P51 受到青睐 to find favor in

4、 汉学圈 the circle of Chinese language learning 汉学 Sinology 笔画 stroke 点、横、竖、撇、折、勾 dot stroke, horizontal stroke, vertical stroke, curved stroke, angular stroke, hooked stroke 部首,独立成字 radical, standalone character 篆书,隶书,草书,楷书,行书 the seal form, the official form, the cursive form, the regular form, the r

5、unning form,像“字如其人”这样的中国古语与书法是直接相关的。 The Chinese saying like “The handwriting reveals the writer” is directly related to calligraphy. 人们认为,书写中运用的力度表露人的性情,而书写的文字则能彰显书法家对生活和艺术的理解。 It is believed that the force used in writing betrays ones disposition and the written characters reveals the calligrapher

6、s understanding of life and arts. 另外,书法作为一门中国传统艺术,很早便为邻国所青睐。 On the other hand, being a Chinese traditional art, Chinese calligraphy also found favor in the neighboring countries from the early times.,汉字笔画有24多种,分为六大类:点、横、竖、撇、折、勾。 Strokes within Chinese characters can have more than 24 varieties of s

7、hapes that fall into six basic categories: dian (dot stroke), heng (horizontal stroke), shu (vertical stroke), pie (curved stroke), zhe (angular stroke) and gou (hooked stroke). 汉字字体通常分为五种形式:篆书、隶书、草书、楷书和行书。 Chinese scripts are generally divided into five forms: the seal form, the official form, the

8、cursive form, the regular form, and the running form.,这些形式密切相关,但各有其独自的形体和特点。因此,书写时使用的方法各不相同。 These forms are closely related, but each form has its own shapes and features, so different methods are employed when writing them. 现在,最常用的书体是楷书和行书。 Recently, the most frequently used forms have been the re

9、gular form and the running form. 草书常用于中国书法的创新性作品中。 The cursive form is often applied in the creative works of Chinese calligraphy. 篆书是一种古老的书体,主要出现在战国和先秦时期的青铜器上。 The seal form is an ancient script that mainly appeared on the bronze vessels during the Warring States and Pre-Qin Periods.,P52 小篆 small s

10、eal script 象形文字 pictography 大楷、小楷、中楷、行楷、行草 larger regular form, smaller regular form, medium regular form, running regular form, running cursive form 楷书四大家 four masters of the regular form,篆书笔画柔美,形体方正,更近似象形文字。(柔美的笔画和方正的形体,使得篆书更接近象形文字。) Soft lines of strokes and upright rectangular shapes keep the se

11、al form characters more close to pictography. 此种样式的书法笔画流畅,字字相连,所以平滑、生动。 This style of calligraphy is smooth and lively with strokes flowing and characters linking together. 前字最后一笔常顺入后字第一笔中,因此字与字常常连接一起。 The characters are often joined, with the last stroke of one merging into the initial stroke of th

12、e next.,草书行笔自如而迅疾,所以字的某些部分看起来十分夸张。 It is executed freely and rapidly so that parts of the character appear exaggerated. 即使在同一幅作品中,字体也会大小各异,好像一切皆由书写者的一时兴致所支配。 They may vary in size in the same piece of writing, all seemingly dictated by the whims of the writer. 线条的流畅和毛笔的节奏创造出一种整体的抽象美。 The flow of the

13、 lines and the rhythm of the brush create an abstract beauty of the whole.,如要学习书法,以楷书开始大有裨益,因为这种结构很有规律,易于掌握和临摹, When learning calligraphy, it is helpful to begin with the regular form because the structure is regular and easy to handle and copy. 行书介于楷书和草书之间,可使书写更加简练、快速。 The running form is somewhere

14、 between the regular and the cursive forms, allowing simpler and faster writing. 如果书写严谨、笔画分明,行书会很接近楷书,称作“行楷”。 When carefully written with distinguishable strokes, the running form characters will be very close to the regular style, called “the running regular form”. 如果书写急速,行书会接近草书,称作“行草”。 When swift

15、ly executed, they will approach the cursive form, called “the running cursive form”.,P53 书圣 the Sage of Chinese Calligraphy (Wang Xizhi, Linyi) 碑刻(刻字石碑) carved stone tablet 拓片 stone rubbing 兰亭(集)序 The Preface to the Lanting Collection of Calligraphy (Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection) 唐太宗 Em

16、peror Taizong of the Tang Dynasty 水墨画 ink-wash painting,东晋时期王羲之,人称“书圣” ,是中国历史上最著名的书法家之一。 Wang Xizhi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the “Sage of Chinese Calligraphy”, is one of the most famous calligraphers in Chinese history. 从这些刻石上印制的拓片被广泛复制和印刷,并被用作学习和练习书法艺术的范本,为世世代代的学习者所研习。 Stone rubbings taken from

17、them have been reproduced and reprinted widely and studied by generations of students, used as models to learn and practice the art of calligraphy. 唐太宗得到了兰亭集序的真迹。 The original The Preface to the Lanting Collection of Calligraphy was acquired by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.,他爱不释手,于是命令宫廷书法家对其进

18、行描摹。 He liked it so much that he ordered his courts calligraphers to make copies of it. 他驾崩的时候,王羲之的书法成为他的殉葬品。 When he died, Wang Xizhis calligraphy was buried with him. 遍及中国各地,人们在寺庙里、山洞的墙壁上、高山的绝壁和纪念碑的侧面都可以看到装饰性书法作品。 All over China, decorative calligraphy can be found in temples, on the walls of cave

19、s, and on the sides of mountains and monuments.,4.1.2 Painting 由于最早期的绘画和书法皆使用相同的工具和线条,故有“书画同源”一说。 Since similar tools and lines were used for the earliest painting and writing, painting is said to have the same origin as calligraphy. 水墨画注重风格上的艺术效果,在传统风景画历史上占有重要地位。 Ink-wash painting focuses on the ar

20、tistic effect of the style, and holds an important place in the history of traditional landscape painting. 墨色的浓淡变化使画家创作出人物、风景、花鸟和亭台楼阁。 Variation in shade enables the artists to create human figures, landscapes, flowers, birds, and pavilions.,P54 题字(题词、题诗)、美术(绘画)、篆刻、装裱、卷轴 calligraphic writing, fine a

21、rt, seal engraving, mount, scroll 奔马图、愚公移山 Running Horses, The Foolish Man Moving the Mountain 水生动物 aquatic animal 庸俗的趣味 vulgar taste 国际和平奖 the International Peace Award 壁画、山水画、木刻版画、插图、年画 mural painting, landscape painting, wood-cut block print, illustration, Spring Festival picture,一副完整的国画通常包括题词、印章

22、和绘画本身。 A painting normally consists of calligraphic writing, seal stamps, and the painting itself. 他们将绘画、诗歌、书法和篆刻融合在一起,以实现艺术的统一。 They combine fine art, poetry, calligraphy, and seal engraving to achieve an artistic unison. 徐悲鸿是中国当代著名画家,也是一位在传统绘画和西方绘画上都获得显赫成就的美术大师。 Xu Beihong is a celebrated modern p

23、ainter of China and a master of the fine arts who achieved eminence both in traditional painting and in Western painting.,他创作了万余幅作品,其中以花草鱼虫的画作最负盛名。 He completed over 10,000 works, among which paintings of flowers and grasses, aquatic animals, and insects enjoy great popularity. 他曾经说过:“画妙在似与不似之间,太似则媚

24、俗,不似则欺世。” He once said, “The excellence of a painting lies in its being alike, yet unlike. Too much likeness flatters the vulgar taste; too much unlikeness deceives the world.” 其目的不是要精确地再现大自然的原貌,而是要捕捉一种情感或意境,以此来获得大自然的“韵律”。 Its purpose was not to reproduce exactly the appearance of the nature, but to

25、 grasp an emotion or atmosphere in such a way as to catch the “rhythm” of the nature.,按中国悠久的民间传统,年画用来庆贺中国农历新年。 Spring Festival Pictures are used for celebrating the Chinese lunar New Year in accordance with long Chinese folk tradition. 它们通常突出采用鲜艳的色彩和生动的人物,表达喜悦、幸福和对新年的美好祝愿。 They usually convey joy, h

26、appiness, and best wishes for the New Year by featuring bright colors and expressive figures.,4.1.3 Four Treasures of the Study 文房四宝 four treasures of the study 笔墨纸砚 brush, ink stick, paper, ink stone 要欣赏和理解中国书法,文房四宝,即笔墨纸砚,是不可忽视的,它们对艺术品的特征和表现形式起了决定性作用。 Four treasures of the studybrush, ink, paper an

27、d ink stonecannot be neglected when appreciating and understanding Chinese calligraphy because they determine the features and the expressive forms of the work of art.,P55 湖笔、徽墨、宣纸、端砚 Hu brush, Hui ink stick, Xuan paper, Duan ink stone 墨(块)、模子、字帖、拓片、 ink stick, mould, copybook, stone inscription rub

28、bing 映描 trace,人们普遍认为,文房四宝中的精品以湖笔、徽墨、宣纸和端砚为代表,在国内外皆享有盛名。 It is widely accepted that the best of each of these items is represented by the Hu brush, Hui ink stick, Xuan paper, and Duan ink stone, all being highly valued in both China and abroad. 这种纸以青檀树皮和稻草为原料,经过18道工序制成,颜色雪白、质地柔软、结实耐用、吸水性强,而且能防虫蛀。 Mad

29、e in an 18-step process from the bark of the wingceltis tree and rice straw, the paper is snow-white, soft, durable, absorbent and moth-proof. 因此,它是中国传统绘画和书法的最重要纸型。 Hence, it is a principal type of paper for traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy.,这种砚台可以雕刻成各种形状和图案,因此也是很好的书桌装饰品。 Carved into var

30、ious shapes and designs, the ink stones also serve as fine desk ornaments. 欣赏中国书法是一种享受,但练习却是更大的享受。 Appreciating Chinese calligraphy is an enjoyment but practicing it is an even higher enjoyment. 掌握了这种映描的技巧之后,就可以开始临摹练习了。 After mastering the tracing skill, you can begin practicing writing by imitating

31、 the models.,P56 书体、墨池 inscription, black pond 有一个代代相传的古老的练习方法,即反复练习写“永”字,因为这个字包含了八个基本笔画。 There is an old method passed down from generation to generation, and that is to practice writing the character “永” repeatedly because it contains the eight basic dots and strokes .,沈尹默评“永字八法” 书法上有讲究,所谓“永”字八法,这

32、个包含了8个笔法(笔画:点横竖撇捺提钩,撇有两种:竖撇、斜撇)的永字,代表了练习书法的起点和功底究竟有多深。我们引申它: 第一,做人要像“永”字的“点”,昂首,充满自信和朝气; 第二,做人要像“永”字的“竖”,挺胸,充满力量与美; 第三,做人要像“永”字的“撇”,飘逸潇洒,看轻一切成绩和荣誉; 第四,做人要像“永”字的“捺”,脚踏实地,做好每一天的功课; 摘自书法漫谈沈尹默著,据说王羲之习字二十年才成为一位书法家,他洗毛笔的池子被称为 “墨池” 。 It is said that Wang Xizhi practiced 20 years before he became a calligra

33、pher and the pond where he washed his brushes became known as the “black pond”. 4.2 Traditional Operas 京剧、昆曲、秦腔 Beijing (Peking) Opera, Kunqu Opera, Shaanxi Opera,中国戏曲与希腊悲剧和喜剧、印度佛教剧并称为世界三大最古老的戏剧形式。 Chinese opera, together with Greek tragedy and comedy, and the Indian Sanskrit drama are the three mos

34、t ancient forms of drama in the world. 三个戏剧形式中,中国戏曲是唯一的现存剧种。 Of these three, Chinese opera is the only remaining living form. 在中国,讲故事的同时,可以伴有大量不同的曲调、动作和乐器,这取决于表演的场所。这一点与西方戏剧不同。 Different from the Western dramas, in China, a story can be told accompanied by a wide range of different tunes, actions, a

35、nd musical instruments, depending on where it is being presented.,中国戏曲是包含了文学、音乐、舞蹈、武术和杂技的传统戏剧形式。 Chinese operas are traditional dramas embracing literature, music, dance, martial arts, and acrobatics. 18世纪末,在北京演出的安徽和湖北的民间歌手,借鉴了某些戏剧、曲调和表演技巧,吸收了昆曲和秦腔中的民间乐曲和曲调,创造了京剧。 Towards the end of the 18th century

36、, folk singers of Anhui and Hubei provinces, who were performing in Beijing at the time, created Beijing Opera by borrowing some of the plays, tunes, and acting skills and by absorbing some of their folk music and tunes from Kunqu Opera and Shaanxi Opera. 经过一段时间,京剧形成了自己的艺术风格和完整的表演体系。 Over the time,

37、it developed its own artistic style and a complete repertoire. 现在,京剧被誉为中国戏曲的瑰宝。 Peking Opera is now regarded as the crown of Chinese opera.,P57 唱、念、做、打 singing, reciting, acting, acrobatic fighting 腿脚功夫(步法) footwork 绿林好汉 heroic forest outlaws 滑稽戏 farce,唱、念、做、打是京剧的四种艺术手段和四项基本功。 Singing, recitation, a

38、cting, and acrobatic fighting are the four artistic means and the four basic skills of Beijing Opera. 手势、步法和其它的动作皆可以表达诸如骑马、划船、开门、上楼、爬山或旅行等行动。 Gestures, footwork and other movements express actions such as riding a horse, rowing a boat, opening a door, going up stairs, climbing a hill, or traveling.

39、表演者的每个动作都有很高的象征性。 Each action by the performer is highly symbolic.,情感和思想常常通过这些象征性的动作表达出来,经过漫长岁月的表演之后,这种独特的表演模式得到了发展。 Feelings and ideas are often expressed through these symbolic motions and the unique format has developed over years of performance. 小生表演的最显著特点,是将真假声结合起来进行说唱。 The most distinctive fea

40、ture of xiaosheng performance is the combination of real and falsetto voices in singsing and speaking. 青衣角色一般是个性坚强、气质文雅的青年女子或中年妇女。 Qingyi characters are generally young or middle-aged women of strong character and refined disposition.,P58 四大名旦 Four Great Dan Actors 摆姿势 strike posture 翻跟斗 tumble 脸谱 f

41、acial make-up (of Beijing Opera),著名的“四大名旦”梅兰芳、尚小云、程砚秋和荀慧生,对旦角表演和京剧的发展做出了卓越的贡献。 The famous “Four Great Dan Actors”Mei Lanfang, Shang Xiaoyun, Cheng Yanqiu, and Xun Huishengmade significant contributions to the performance of Dan roles and the development of Beijing Opera. 这些人物大多是乐观、耿直、豪侠、刚毅的人,或是奸诈、残忍

42、的人。 The characters are mostly cheerful, honest, gallant, and intrepid men or treacherous and cruel men.,净角的脸上涂着油彩,所以又称“花脸”。 Jing characters wear colorful paint on their faces, so they are also known as hualian. (metaphor) 正净大多是主持公道、庄重忠诚的官员和将军。 Most zhengjing characters are serious, loyal officials a

43、nd generals who firmly uphold justice. 生、旦、净、丑代表了各行各业的人们。 Sheng, dan, jing, chou represent people from all walks of life. (metaphor) 中国戏曲中,男女演员使用不同的化妆品,与他们的角色要求的脸谱相符合。 In Chinese drama, actors and actress wear different make-up that are consistent with the types of facial make-up required of the cha

44、racters.,他们的脸上常用各种颜色绘制不同的样式和图案。 Colors are used to paint different patterns and designs on the face. 红色用来代表忠义之士;紫色代表忠诚、勇敢、正义和高尚的角色;黑色脸谱代表忠诚、英勇和率直的角色;绿色代表固执急躁、独来独往的角色;黄色代表凶狠、野蛮、工于心计的角色;白色代表专横奸诈的角色;而金银色相间的脸谱则代表鬼魂和神灵。 Red is used for loyal and upright persons; purple for loyal, brave, just, and noble c

45、haracters; black make-up for faithful, brave, and straightforward characters; green for stubborn, irritable, and not easily controlled characters; yellow for fierce, brutal, and calculating characters; white for imperious and treacherous people; gold-silvered faces for ghosts and gods.,P59 反派角色 vill

46、ain 帮凶 accomplice 盔甲 armor 龙袍 dragon-patterned robe 腰带 girdle,传统京剧的表演常常基于历史事件,反映各个朝代的生活。 Traditional Beijing Opera performances are often based on historical events, reflecting life in each dynasty. 不同的长袍颜色表明了不同社会地位和人物性格:黄色代表皇家,红色代表贵族,而红蓝相间则代表暴徒。 Different robe colors indicate social status or chara

47、cter: yellow for the imperial family; red for nobility; red and blue for violent people. 除了漂亮的衣服和头巾,男女角色也佩戴镶有宝石的腰带和头饰。 Besides stunning clothes and headdresses, jeweled girdles and hair ornaments are also used for both male and female roles.,昆曲于2001年被联合国列为人类口头非物质文化遗产。 In 2001, Kunqu Opera was listed

48、 in the Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).,P. 60 秦腔、川剧、越剧、黄梅戏、粤剧 Shaanxi Opera, Sichuan Opera (*Chuan Opera), Zhejiang Opera (*Yue Opera), Huangmei/Anhui Opera, Guandong Opera (*Yue Opera) 剧团 theatrical troupe 秦腔是中国

49、现存的最古老的戏曲,因此被称之为“中国地方戏之源”是当之无愧的。 Shaanxi Opera, which is the oldest of all the Chinese operas still in existence today, is worthy of the name “ancestor of all Chinese local operas”.,P. 61 变脸是川戏常用的技法。 The technique of “face changes” is most often used in Sichuan Opera. 越剧的代表作包括梁山伯与祝英台、红楼梦、西厢记和追鱼。 Representative pieces of Zhejiang Opera include Butterflys Love, Dream of the Red Mansions, The West Chamber, and Chasing the Fish. 多才多艺的黄梅戏演员严凤英在天仙配和女驸马等戏剧中扮演了多种角色。 The versatile Huangmei actress Yan Fengying played a variety of roles in different plays including


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