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1、人教新版六年级英语下册课件 Unit 2 Lets talk about the past 第二课时 Life Ed I enjoyed the lessons I learned. I enjoyed the games I played. I enjoyed the flowers I wanted. I enjoyed the places where I stayed. chant Guess: What is it? car train plane ship We live in a flat now. We wear _beautiful clothes now. We eat d

2、elicious_food now. We can travel by car now. man Peking Man cave use clothes fur stone kill fire cook sentences Peking Man lived in a cave. He drew pictures on the wall. Useused makemade drawdrew use used We use a knife to kill the animals now. Peking Man used stone to kill the animals. make made I

3、make a big cake today. He made a big cake yesterday. draw drew I draw a picture today. He drew a picture last week. ( ) Peking Man lived many years ago. ( ) Peking Man made clothes from animals furs. ( ) Peking Man made fire to cook. ( ) Peking Man got water from the river nearby. ( ) Peking Man dre

4、w pictures on the wall. Talk in groups about Peking Man and people today. Talking about Peking Man _ we went to see Peking Man ate Zhoukoudian near Beijing. We saw the bones of Peking man there. Peking Man _ about 300,000 to 500,ooo years ago. He _ in a _ cave. He drew _. He _ stones to kill _ for food. He ate plants and _. He _ fire to cook. He made clothes from _ furs. Last week lived lived bigpictures on the wall usedanimals meatmade animals


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