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1、专四听力理解-新闻 测试目的:学生能否听懂VOA或BBC节目 里的各类新闻报道 题目构成:共10道题(通常有5篇新闻报 道) 新闻语速:120w/m 关于新闻听力的分析包括: 题材内容 文体特征 常考题型 提高新闻听力的技巧方法 一、新闻的题材内容 国际政治 外交 军事 经济贸易 科学技术 能源 交通 工业、农业 文化教育 体育卫生 法律 宗教 社会问题 灾难报道等 专四中经常出现的新闻题材进行分类: 政治新闻 国际领导人之间的会谈(Summit Meeting and Talks ) 特点: 内容结构较简单(某人某时到某国访问,与何人 会晤,商谈何事,随同人员有何人等) 要求: 熟悉常见官衔

2、、当政者姓名(首脑及正要)、国 家名和首都名 熟悉各国政治体制名称,政党名称 熟悉世界重要组织名称(缩写词和全名) 熟悉当前各领域重要政治术语,经济术语等。 Six-nation talks六方会谈 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 例题: NATO and Russia are reporting some progress in efforts to finalize a charter governing their post-cold-war relationship. But they stressed more work must b

3、e done to settle their differences in military and political issues. A fifth round of talks between the Russian foreign minister and NATO Secretary General ended on Tuesday in Luxembourg. 两国或多国关系(International Relations) 国家领导人的政策性讲话,关系到国家关系处理 上 原则、立场、态度、愿望、条件等 语言较文采,理解有难度 处理国家关系中的具体活动报道 进展如何、有何波折等 语

4、言平易,较好理解 军事纠纷(Fighting) 时间、地点、武器名称、参战实力、战斗经过、 人员伤亡、装备损失等 注意新闻来源(各新闻社在报道新闻时会有观点 倾向性。) 例题:尼日利亚重新加入英联邦 Nigeria was suspended form the 54-nation group of mainly former British colonies in 1995 after it executed 9 minority rights activists including writer Ken Thewrawiwa. But now that the country has emb

5、arked on the return to democracy, commonwealth heads of government have agreed to end this estrangement Secretary General Chief Ormiga Anyaco said in a statement: “I am delighted an unfortunate episode in Nigeria commonwealth relations will now come to an end and Nigeria is resuming its rightful pla

6、ce(恢复席位) in the Commonwealth.” 军事新闻例题 利比亚内战:Updated Tue Mar 8, 2011 12:46am AEDT /ABC News As battles continue to rage to the west and east of the capital Tripoli, the United Nations has expressed concern about the plight of those caught up in the conflict and the United States has been urged to arm

7、 the opposition rebels. Pro-Gaddafi troops (亲卡扎菲军)have launched major assaults in three towns held by the opposition, with fighter jets, attack helicopters and artillery used to strike in Misrata, Zawiyah and the eastern oil port of Ras Lanuf. The rebels began pulling back from the key oil-terminal

8、centre of Ras Lanuf on Monday as a fighter jet blasted defenses on the edge of town, throwing up palls of smoke amid rumors that government forces were gearing for an attack. 示威抗议(Demonstrations) 政治性示威 和平进军、反核武器示威、反种族隔离、反独裁等 经济性示威 反对物价上涨、提高工资、改善工作条件、缩短工时等 含暴力冲突 警察、警棍(bludgeon )、催泪弹(tear bomb)、高 压水枪(

9、high pressure gun )等 内容特点: 示威地点、时间、人数、原因、经过、与警方冲突情况 、伤亡与逮捕人数等。 In Argentina, civil servants held a 24-hour strike yesterday to protest pay cuts of 12%-15% for anyone earning more that 1000 US dollars a month. Public service unions and local teamsters plan to hold the protest rally in front of the go

10、vernment house. The work stoppage comes at the last Fridays general strike when many of Argentinas 12 million workers stayed home after the nations powerful General Worker Confederation, the nations largest union group, called a one-day strike to protest spending cuts and free market reforms. (阿根廷公务

11、员抗议对月收入超出1000美元的市民增加税 率 的报道) 选举 (Elections) 各国选举制度不同 过程较长 较复杂 熟悉党派名称(包括什么叫执政党ruling party, 多数党majority government, 反对党opposition parties,政党联盟coalition等) 内容特点: 政党执政策略 政见分歧 党内矛盾等 例题:法国联合反对党击败以总统为首的保守党联盟的新 闻。 The combined left-wing opposition in France had defeated President Jaque Chirac ruling conserv

12、ation coalition in the first round of the countrys parliamentary elections by French TV give the Socialist -led opposition 40% of the vote and Mr. Chiracs center -right coalition 37%. If the left secures the majority of seats in parliament, Socialist leader Leono Jospin would likely become prime min

13、ister in the power- sharing arrangement (共同执政)with President Chirac(总统希拉克). 恐怖行动(Terrorism) 为了特定的政治或宗教目的,有计划地使 用暴力或威胁对抗政府或平民的行为。 美国“911”事件 伦敦地铁爆炸 俄罗斯车臣武装运动 西班牙马德里火车爆炸案等 http:/ By DANIEL WOOLLS Daniel Woolls Fri Mar 11, 9:06 am ET Spain marks 7th anniversary of terror attacks MADRID Spaniards clutche

14、d flowers and fell silent Friday as they marked the seventh anniversary of the bombings that killed 191 people on Madrids commuter rail system in Europes worst Islamic terror attack. In central Puerta del Sol square, politicians dressed in black placed a laurel wreath at a stone plaque etched in mem

15、ory of the dead and the nearly 2,000 people injured on March 11, 2004. They then observed a few minutes of silence. Outside the city, a granite monument was inaugurated at the El Pozo train station, one of four sites where a total of 10 backpacks stuffed with explosives and shrapnel detonated inside

16、 morning rush hour trains. 经济新闻 复杂性(发达国家之间,发展中国家之间, 发达国家和发展中国家之间的经济关系) 美中贸易 美日贸易 欧盟经济合作和矛盾等 联系性 经济与政治、外交、军事等 关注各类经济谈判,经济政策等 天灾人祸新闻 具有超强的市场价值 包含西方新闻价值的要素 西方对灾难事件的报道反应迅速、事实准确 ,不隐瞒负面因素,展示灾难细节等。 CNN,ABC,BBC等 (CNN) - Approximately 2,000 bodies were found Monday in Miyagi (宫城县)Prefecture on Japans northea

17、st coast, the Kyodo news agency reported.(京都新闻社)-3.14 If confirmed, the discovery would be the largest yet of victims from last weeks devastating earthquake and tsunami. Roughly 1,000 bodies were found coming ashore on Miyagis Ojika Peninsula, while another 1,000 were seen in the town of Minamisanri

18、ku, where some 10,000 people are unaccounted for, Kyodo reported. Officials said earlier Monday that the official death toll from the disaster stands at 1,627, with more missing. As of 10:00 a.m. Monday (9:00 p.m. Sunday ET), at least 1,720 people were missing and 1,962 injured, according to the Nat

19、ional Police Agency Emergency Disaster Headquarters. The number of dead is expected to go up as rescuers reach more hard-hit areas. 二、新闻报道文体特征 1.结构特点 2.句法特点 3.词汇特点 结构特点 倒金字塔结构(the inverted pyramid form) 指在新闻报道中把最重要的新闻事实放在整个 新闻报道的开头,作为导语(lead),次要的 新闻事实放在导语后,把最不重要的新闻放在 末尾。 导语:报道的精华,对整个新闻的概括和中心 思想。 掌握新

20、闻六要素: when where who what why how 结构特点 时间顺序结构(the chronological style) 根据新闻事实发生的时间先后顺序做报道 。 多用于体育比赛,文艺演出,交通事故, 灾难报道等 包括三部分: 导语(lead) 按时间顺序叙述的新闻事实(facts) 结尾(ending) 要求: 注意应对时间顺序颠倒的选项(考察记 忆力) 例题: In southern Italy today, a nine-story apartment building collapsed before dawn. As many as ninety people w

21、ere inside. Some people were rescued but many people were trapped in the rubbles and fourteen people are confirmed to be dead. 例题: (CNN) - Approximately 2,000 bodies were found Monday in Miyagi (宫城 县)Prefecture on Japans northeast coast, the Kyodo news agency reported.(京都新闻社)-3.14 例题: 【Latest News】8

22、.8 magnitude earthquake rocks Japan A 8.8 magnitude earthquake hit Japans northeastern Honshu Island Friday, and a six-meter tsunami warning was issued. Japan Meteorological Agency said earlier that the quake was measured at 7.9 magnitude but the US Geological Survey upgraded later the quake to magn

23、itude 8.8. The quake struck at 2:46 p.m. (05:46 GMT) is felt in almost all areas in Japans pacific coast, including Tokyo and Osaka. The powerful quake struck 382 kilometer northeast of Tokyo with depth of 10 kilometers under the seabed. 2. 句法特点:新闻报道一般采用结构简短的 句子,但为了在一个句子中包含较多新闻 信息,长采用合并句子(sentence c

24、ombining)的方法,即把两句或两句以 上的句子可包含的新闻事实放在一句话里 ,因此组成语法结构复杂、松散、冗长的 句子。 带分词结构的简单句: The US has designated thirty international groups as terrorist organizations, barring them from receiving money, weapons or other support from US citizens. 复合句 带宾语从句的复合句 大都接在say,tell, ask,report, quote, deny,confirm等一类动词后,表达内

25、容比较重 要,细节题目的出题点。 带定语从句的复合句 结构复杂,信息量大,是难点 注意平时阅读新闻时抓住主题部分(core part ) 例题: Reports have said the Soviet Union is building bases in Siberia that would increase the number of medium-range missiles it could use against Asia or the middle East. 同位语 人:职务、年龄、地址、专业等 组织:地点、性质、等 例题: The Western European Union(

26、西欧联盟), the defense organization linking most countries of the European Community, is meeting in Luxembourg to discuss ways to reinforce economic sanctions 3.词汇特点 地名、建筑物名称的借用 The White House-美国政府 the Pentagon-美国国防部 Pyongyang-指朝鲜国家 Foggy bottom-华盛顿,国务院所在地 Capital Hill-美国国会 Oval office-总统办公室 Downing st

27、reet-英国首相官邸,可指英国政府, 内阁等 各国的首都都可用来指国家或政府,以及官方的 报纸、电台、电视台等都有这种功能。 新词语 合成新词 派生词 anti astro auto compu geo hyper multi non super cracy zation 新造词 stick and carrot policy (大棒加胡萝卜政策) competitive products (拳头产品) 长期使用的缩略词成为 新单词 OPEC ASEAN OPEC:石油输出国组织 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ASEAN: 东南亚

28、国家联盟 association of Southeast Asian Nations 三、新闻报道的常考题型 客观题 占新闻听力的大多数 主要测试记忆力 主观题 考查判断、推理、综合、归纳的能力 问题如下: Whats the main idea of. What can you infer from . What statement is true. Which of the four descriptions accurately discribes. 四、提高新闻听力的技巧 J精听和泛听相结合(进行大量训练) J积累必要词汇 J实时关注国家,国际大事(贮备新闻背景 ) J常听、常看、常记


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