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1、LOGO 新南方外语CET-4考试 (听力) Compound Dictation 复合式听写 吴志贞 (Una) Tel:18059281956 Compound Dictation CET- 4 VS CET- 6 Speed Length From 130-150 to 150-170 words 200-220words to 240-260words Scenes Sentences 场景特色词汇增多,场景更丰富, 核心词汇增多,难度提升 句子的一部分 to 完整句子 Compound Dictation 10% 200-220个单词左右 语速130 1、3遍常速,2遍在三个句子处

2、有停顿 话题:日常生活、科技发展、 历史起源、人物回顾、文化娱乐 Form、Topic 计划表 available有效的,可利用的 difficult 困难的 scholarship 奖学金 acquire 获得,学到 phenomenon现象 考查词性:动、名、形、副,基本不考介数代 DictationSentences It tells the reader how to do something. For example, explaining the technique used to shoot a film. He has found out how language works

3、and learnt to use it appropriately. I have lost everything, and I have no money or insurance to get professional help. 抓住句子主干,舍弃修饰成分,巧妙复述 。 Three Steps Before listening During listening After listening 细读首句主题句,尽量阅读文 章已经给出部分:了解主题,文章的 基本时态,预测文章发展线索及大意 。 浏览全文,浏览空缺位置,根据上 下文猜测单词空的词性,句子的起止 位置,关注每个选项之间的间距。

4、 Section C 2008-06- 06 27 Were now witnessing the emergence of an advanced economy based on information and knowledge. Physical(36)_, raw materials, and capital are no longer the key(37) _ in the creation of wealth. Now, the(38) _ raw material in our economy is knowledge. Tomorrows wealth depends on

5、 the development and exchange of knowledge. And(39) _ entering the workforce offer their knowledge, not their muscles. Knowledge workers get paid for their education and their ability to learn. Knowledge workers(40)_ in mind work. They deal with symbols: words,(41) _ and data. What does all this mea

6、n for you? As a future knowledge worker, you can expect to be(42) _ , processing, as well as exchanging information. (43)_ , three out of four jobs involve some form of mind work, and that number will increase sharply in the future. Management and employees alike(44)_ . In the new world of work, you

7、 can look forward to being in constant training (45)_. You can also expect to be taking greater control of your career. Gone are the nine-five jobs. lifetime security, predictable promotions, and even the conventional workplace, as you are familiar with. (46)_ , and dont wait for someone to “empower

8、” you. You have to empower yourself. Section C 2008-06- 06 Three Steps Before listening During listening After listening First time主要听,次要记。 整体把握,单词可以开始记,句子记 录听到的单词,尝试理解三个长句基 本含义,模糊造句,抓住主干和实词 。 Second time主要记。补充单 词,句子简化改写完整,可省略修饰 。 Third time查漏补缺。 Three Steps Before listening During listening After l

9、istening 结束后一分钟,检查拼写、单复数 、动词时态和人称变化,检查句子通 顺和语法。 Section C 2008-06-06 27 Were now witnessing the emergence of an advanced economy based on information and knowledge. Physical(36)_, raw materials, and capital are no longer the key(37) _ in the creation of wealth. Now, the(38) _ raw material in our eco

10、nomy is knowledge. Tomorrows wealth depends on the development and exchange of knowledge. And(39) _ entering the workforce offer their knowledge, not their muscles. Knowledge workers get paid for their education and their ability to learn. Knowledge workers(40)_ in mind work. They deal with symbols:

11、 words,(41) _ and data. What does all this mean for you? As a future knowledge worker, you can expect to be(42) _ , processing, as well as exchanging information. (43)_ , three out of four jobs involve some form of mind work, and that number will increase sharply in the future. Management and employ

12、ees alike(44)_ . In the new world of work, you can look forward to being in constant training (45)_. You can also expect to be taking greater control of your career. Gone are the nine-five jobs. lifetime security, predictable promotions, and even the conventional workplace, as you are familiar with.

13、 (46)_ . And dont wait for someone to “empower” you. You have to empower yourself. Section C 2008-06-06 36) labor 37) ingredients 38) vital 39) individuals 40) engage 41) figures 42) generating 43) Currently 44) will be making decisions in such areas as product development, quality control, and cust

14、omer satisfaction. 45) to acquire new skills that will help you keep up with improved technologies and procedures. 46) Dont expect the companies will provide you with a clearly defined career path. Section C 2008-06-06 Answers Psychological Test Example 02 Example 01 Example 03 Example 04 Seat Selec

15、tion Psychological TestSeat Selection 曾有一家知名外企来大学里招聘,当时共有800多人参加了 他们的宣讲会,但是需要在大会结束的同时留下1/3的学生准 备下一轮的选拔。大家都很好奇外企如何快速发现人才,因为 就算花一整天时间也不可能完成对800多人进行一对一的面试 ,更何况两个小时的宣讲会? 原来关键就在于看大家对于座位的选择。首先,考官会看进 场的状态,谁坐在前面先留下,最后三排没希望,不管他如何 优秀坐角落两边的也不要。坐中间的要看听课状态,如果认真 并且眼神有互动,积极回答问题也可以考虑,这样会留下三分 之一的同学。然后通过分成几个小组,组织团体无领

16、导的小组 讨论,问一个问题,看谁的回答最积极最有逻辑性,谁最具有 沟通能力和协调问题的能力,谁更能够包容别人这样,只 用了一个下午他们就选出了适合自己企业的员工。 Psychological TestSeat Selection 通过座位的挑选够读出 人们内心的想法吗? 如果你可以選擇的話,你最 喜歡坐在教室中那一個位子 ? A. 第一排正中央 B. 教室的正中央 C. 最後一排 D. 離老師最遠的角落 座位间的物理距离代表 着与对方的心理距离 Psychological TestSeat Selection B. 教室的正中央 A. 第一排正中央 你是一個求知欲和學習意願高的人,而且這種學習

17、動機是你自 動自發,沒有人會強迫你,你也不是為了別人而學,是個很有 求知心的好學生。因為,你選擇的位置很靠近黑板,老師的聲 音也可以聽得很清楚,所以你是好學的人是絕對沒錯的。 你是一個很希望老師注意你的人,在班上你一直有想出風頭 的期望,至於上課的內容如何,對你來講也就不重要了。你 是一個很容易讓人影響你的學習情緒的人,你的成績好有可 能多半都是為了給老師看或向同學炫耀,所以你的讀書動機 是很不自主的,因此很容易受影響。 Psychological TestSeat Selection D. 離老師最遠的角落 C. 最後一排 你之所以會坐在最後一排,這就表示你是個不喜歡被老師注 意,也不喜歡出

18、風頭,只喜歡安安靜靜想自己事情的人。你 的學習意願其實也不算低,只是你很需要有自己的空間,來 做自己的事。如果有你喜歡聽的課程,你就會投入去聽。如 果老師的口音太重,聽不懂也沒興趣,你就會做自己的事。 你是一個恨不得躲起來,看不到老師,老師也看不到你的人。 你不是很討厭老師,而是你實在是非常討厭上課,你的學習意 願可以說是等於零。為什麼會這樣?只有問你自己了。你覺得 上課簡直就像坐牢,當然可以摸魚就摸了,所以會坐在離老師 最遠的角落了,搞不好老師的眼鏡度數不夠,你就賺到了。 单词注意点拼写正确 adjust neighbor foreign laugh exhaust castle liste

19、n government island bomb 1)注意不发音字母 ores s/sh/ch/x 结结尾: glass-glasses dish-dishes watch-watches box-boxes y 单词注意点拼写正确 2)复数形式+s/es or 辅辅音字母+y结结尾 baby-babies discovery-discoveries 元音字母+y结结尾 boy-boys toy-toys +es: hero negro potato tomato 单词注意点拼写正确 3)现在分词形式 是否双写末尾字母/是否去掉末尾的e begin-beginning; stop-stoppi

20、ng; swim-swimming; shop-shopping; run-running; chat-chatting; fall-falling; help-helping; sing-singing; reject-rejecting; bleed-bleeding; fix-fixing 不发发音e结结尾,去e+ing make-making; compare-comparing have-having; change-changing 以-ee; -ye; -oe结结尾的动词动词 ,不去e see-seeing; agree-agreeing 以-ie结结尾的动词动词 ,变变-ie为

21、为y再加ing die-dying; tie-tying 单句注意点 missing information 速记:创建记录符号 ing/laugh/mountain/ Important/首字母 复述:巧妙、化繁为简 简单句式、省略修饰成分 查漏: 检查拼写/单复数/动词 时态/人称变化/句子通顺和语法 听前:句子的起止位置 听中:理解三个长句基本含义, 模糊造句,抓住主干和实词 Listening Material Full dictation: Part I Four times 1、4normal speed 2、3sentence by sentence Mini lecture:

22、Part I Once 9miniutes 1000words TEM-4TEM-8 TEM-4 2004 Dictation : Money Money is accepted across the world as payment for goods or services. People use money to buy food, clothes and hundreds of other things. In the past, many different things were used as money. People on Pacific islands(太平洋岛屿) onc

23、e exchanged shells for goods. The Chinese used cloth and knives. In Africa, elephant tusks(象牙) or salt were used. Even today, some people in Africa are still paid in salt. Coins were first invented by the Chinese. Originally, they were round pieces of metal with a hole in the center, so that a piece

24、 of string could keep them together. This made doing business much easier, but people still found coins inconvenient to carry when they wanted to buy something expensive. To solve this problem, the Chinese again came up with the solution. They began to use paper money for coins. Now paper notes are

25、used throughout the world. TEM-4 2004 Dictation : Money Short/long conversation Scenarios 食堂 选课 图书 馆 作业 体育 锻炼 Campus Life 对话场景1 对话场景1 Campus life 教职工/ 校友 学生 老师 1 2 3 4 5 本科年级 本科生/ 研究生/博士生 教授 导师/系主任/校长 Campus life 选课选课 schedule card / credit compulsory / requirement selective / elective / optional co

26、urse Take/register for/sign up for/Drop Campus life 作业业 assignment / project Rule:作业又多有难做不完 paper/essay/thesis/term paper/reading list Campus life 考试场景:考试永远难 学费和奖学金场景:tuition / fee 学杂费 打工场景:teaching / researching assistant take the exam/ quiz/ mid-term exam/ final scholarship/fellowship/loan/financi

27、al aid Campus life 食堂 ldish washer / waiter / waitress lrestaurant / cafeteria / snack bar / pizza hut / steak / dessert / fried egg ltip / go dutch / separate the check/ split the bill / treat you / on me / foot the bill 图书馆图书馆 lcheck out / reference book / magazine / journal / periodical / quarter

28、ly / back number / issue过期 / current issue / latest issue loverdue / misplaced Short/long conversation Scenarios 工作 医院 用餐 交通 娱乐 Daily Life 对话场景2 Daily life Hospital make an appointment 预约 check/x-ray operation treat cure/get over病愈 diagnose physician 内科医生 surgeon 外科医生 dentist 牙科医生 waiting room 候诊室 e

29、mergency room 急诊室 clinic 小诊所 infirmary 校医院 symptom 症状 catch a cold感冒 fever 发烧 running nose 流鼻涕 bleeding流血 take the pill吃药 injection 打针 medicine药品 prescription药方 Aspirin阿司匹林 Daily life Airport airport see sb. off luggage/baggage/ suitcase/briefcase check-in/boarding pass departure, destination one-wa

30、y ticket return ticket first class business class economy class on time delayed postponed put off behind schedule cancelled Captain Pilot airhostess passenger BUY ME!PLEASE? What position do you want? 找工作: application letter/resume/CV/ personal statement job-hunting job vacancy 雇佣: employment/employ

31、ee /employer boss/secretary 面试: interviewer/interviewee job hopping Daily lifeWork Short/long conversation Scenarios 建筑 环保 版权 政治 人物 New hot topics 对话场景3 New hot topicsEnvironment circumstance / surroundings pollutants /wastes eco-agriculture/anti-nuclear campaigns develop renewable resources endange

32、red wildlife / forest coverage radioactive/industrial waste/white pollution environment-friendly products / agriculture New hot topicsCopyright Copyright right of reproduction Literary Property the Copyright Law Copyright Act authorship privacy permission legal/copyright protection register licensing purchasing LOGO


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