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1、Good morning ,dear friends, Im very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. I have struggled with the format(形式) and content of this speech for the past a few days. What do we enjoy? What do make difference ? I have been thinking Finally , I want to talk something about my university They ma

2、y be Inconspicuous(不起眼的),but they are precious in my mind,My university,As university life begins, we come to a new phase of life with so many unknown experiences waiting for us. There, I want to share something about my university life with you.,Breakdown of dream,梦想破碎篇 (高三生活),Part one,This is a cl

3、assroom in high school. Look at the slogan (口号)on the wall, what words can you use to describe it? How about “leiren”?,Have you recalled the boring day before entrance examination? We have no choice but to make great efforts to prepare for the exam.we have nothing to do but study ,study,study,“考上清华,

4、没有蛀牙”,Just as the teacher said, we all wanted to enter a first-rate(一流) university, just as,Shandong university,Fudan university,But ,finally I was admitted into shandong economic university,There are saying that if we can not change it ,we must take it. So I go here and met you,军训篇,We had our milit

5、ary training(军训) soon after enrollment (开学) There, we have so many precious memories which we will never forget,Part 2,The training is cruel ,and almost all of us have been turned to be the person who are coming from the Arica. We are all worn out at the same time. But what we all insist on is that

6、we cant retreat(撤退)with little wound,And ,We made friends during the training,And ,We learn so much thing which will benefit us in the future Never give up ,never abandon (不抛弃,不放弃),In the blazing sun, we always tried to measure up to the high standards which were demanded . Sweat streamed down and w

7、e wouldnt wipe it off. Only three days later our faces were tanned. We fell happy and proud of it .,You must remember him, our instructors (教官) He was very strict with us during the training and very kind to us afterwards. Do you know the letter he gave us?,致五营七连的同学: 能与大家共度这半个月,感到十分高兴,在这半个月里,在大家的积极配

8、合下,较为圆满的完成了这次军训任务。 大学的第一课的学分你们已经修到了,希望你们在以后学习和工作中保持好大学第一课所学的,用所学的东西严格要求自己,让人生的轨迹在大学中点亮、 即将分别大家可能有点难舍,其实我也舍不得,毕竟一同生活了十五天。 曾经听过这么一句话,佛曰:前世五百次的回眸,才能换回今生的一次擦肩而过。而我们共同训练近半个月,不知道有多少次正面相对,是不是我们前世的任务就是天天回头呢。 当然对于我只是你们人生中的一个过客是你大学生活的一个小小的点缀,以后你们的学业、工作或者爱情,再加上时间的推移会慢慢的把我在你们的心中冲淡,逐渐的印象开始模糊直至有一天把我的名字也记不起,这些都属于正

9、常,说这些只是希望大家珍惜现在的拥有。,He said we would forget him gradually, I don not think so. at least, we are missing him now. I think he will be happy if he knows that just as he did before,爱情篇,Love,Part 3,Love is everywhere in the world ,but what is love? Just we don not the flavor(味道) of orange ,you must taste

10、 it .for the same reason ,you have to experience love yourself to know what it is .are you ready?,they are ready,I want to tell you a Secret in our dormitory(宿舍),a boy hunted for a girlfriend in our class nearly. who is the boy? To our surprise , we dont know their relationship until they were encountered(偶遇) by somebody when they were “walking” in schoolyard .walking ?only god knows what they were doing Now ,there are only 11 bachelors(单身汉) in our class .girls, attention please ,I can give you the list of bachelors if you need. come on, girls,Continued (未完成),Thank you for listening,


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