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1、,Independent Task题型分类,1.立论文 Argumentation (Agree or Disagree) 2.对比对照说明文 Compare and Contrast (Which one) 3. 简单说明文 Explanation (Why / How),简单说明文结构(Why / How),第一部分(1段):BI (Back Information) TS (Thesis Statement) 第二部分(3段):Supporting,21. In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of th

2、is phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.,Back Information,In the past hundred years, the life expectancy 生活期望in a developed country发达国家 has almost doubled. One indisputable不可置疑的 fact is that the average life expectancy of humans has continued to lengthen throughout各处,各方

3、面 modern history, and this trend is expected 被预计to continue into the future.,A. 食物条件的改善 The improvement of food condition B. 医疗技术的进步 The development of modern medical technology C. 经济和社会环境的稳定 The stability of social and economic environment,Among various factors that make people live longer are A, B

4、 and C. 写主题句的建议:尽量暗示文章将来结构,Among various factors that make people live longer are A, B and C. A is a very important factor. 粗粮(coarse food grain:maize, sorghum, millet ) 细粮(wheat flour and rice),Among various factors that make people live longer are A, B and C. A is a very important factor. Equally

5、important is B. 肺结核 tuberculosis 肺炎 pneumonia 关节炎 arthritis,Among various factors that make people live longer are A, B and C. A is a very important factor. Equally important is B. Matching A and B is another essential factor, C. 前苏联(the previous Soviet Union) 解体(disintegration/breakup),Well Organiz

6、ed(画图说明),Well Organized(画图说明),Well Organized(画图说明),传统考生作文思维,Agree or Disagree: A B Which one: A or B 1. BI (Back Information) + TS (选择A,认为AB ) 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. AB,或 B,或 B,对比对照说明文Which one,第一部分:BI(Back Information) 第二部分:C and C (Compare and Contrast) 第三部分:TS (Thesis Statement)结论,对比&对照,B ,B B B ,A ,A

7、 A A ,B ,A A A ,A ,B B B ,9. Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 注意:立场鲜明不等于立场绝对,对比对照说明文,32. Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better

8、 to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 160. When people need to complain about a product or poor service, some prefer to complain in writing and others prefer to complain in person. Which way do you prefer? Use specific reasons and

9、 examples to support your answer.,对比对照说明文结构Which one,第1部分:BI (Back Information) 第2部分:A (一个) ,B (一个);或 A (两个) ,B (两个);或 A (一个、一个) ,B (一个、一个) 第3部分:It depends: 第4部分:TS (Thesis Statement),发展,爱好,年龄,经济,习惯,背景,立论文,53. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important aspect of a job

10、is the money a person earns. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.,只有有了钱,才; 只有有了钱,才; 所以钱是最重要的。,如果没有钱,就会有恶劣后果一; 如果没有钱,就会有恶劣后果二; 这两个恶劣后果是别的任何因素都不能解决的,只有钱才能解决这个问题; 由此钱是工作中最重要的。,人们公认在工作中的重要因素:A, B和钱; 钱比A重要; 钱比B重要; 所以钱是工作中最重要的因素。,先承认钱是工作中的重要因素; 但是如果认为钱是最重要的因素,会产生恶劣后果一; 但是如果认为钱是最重要的因素,

11、会产生恶劣后果二; 所以钱不是工作中最重要的因素。,先承认钱是工作中的重要因素; 再证明别的因素如兴趣前途比钱重要; 所以钱不是工作中最重要的因素。,两个常识性的共识,1. 有争议的话题不能用对错来评判,而是who is more reasonable; 2. 有争议的话题一定不是大是大非的话题。,立论文结构agree or disagree,同意时:往往写成简单说明文。 不同意时: 第一部分:BI(Back Information) 第二部分:Supporting 第三部分:Rebuttal 第四部分:TS(Conclution) 往往是一些绝对的立场,观点要从绝对词出发。,2. Do yo

12、u agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. First of all, not all parents are good teachers. Moreover, some parents are qualified as good teachers, but not all of them are the best ones.,10. “When people s

13、ucceed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.“ Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position. Most of success comes from hard work. However, luck does exist when people succeed. In fact, hard work is the best

14、luck that we can ever have.,37. Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. It is true that progress is usually good. However it is hardly true that progress is always good. In truth, progress in itself is neither good nor bad, the

15、 key of the problem is people.,54. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. We often get wrong when we judge a person by his appearance. However it is hardly true that we s

16、hould never judge a person by his appearance. Sometimes we have to judge a person by his appearance.,立论文结构1(绝对词),第1段:BI (Back Information) 第2段:去掉绝对词(或把绝对词变限定词)肯定 第3段:加上绝对词否定 第4段:递进:取决于&不得不 第5段:TS (Thesis Statement),立论文结构1(绝对词),第1段:BI(Back Information) 第2段:去掉绝对词(或把绝对词变限定词)肯定 第3段:加上绝对词否定 第4段:TS (Thesi

17、s Statement) + 递进 (取决于 发展,爱好,年龄,经济,习惯,背景 &不得不),“含绝对词立论文”出题形式,A is the most important. A is the best. A is only way. A is more important than B. A is better than B. 绝对词:最高级,唯一性,比较级,53. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earn

18、s. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.,27. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.,立论文结构2(限定词),第一部分(1段):BI (Back Information) TS (Thesis Stat

19、ement) 第二部分(3段):Supporting 3个例子,完全肯定的文章,结构一定要清晰,可以在开头暗示文章走向,8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.,立论文结构3(AB),第1段:BI (Back Information) 第2段:同意A原因现象 第3段:同意B结果

20、现象 第4段:不同意AB因果关系 第5段:TS (Thesis Statement),不同意AB的原因,A不是导致于B的原因 A不是导致于B的唯一原因 A不是导致于B的最重要的原因 3选1即可,8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. It is true that peopl

21、e attend to spend lots of time in watching television. Its also true that people spend less time in communication. However, its hardly true that television destroyed peoples communication.,对比对照说明文结构,第1部分:BI (Back Information) 第2部分:A (一个) ,B (一个);或 A (两个) ,B (两个);或 A (一个、一个) ,B (一个、一个) 第3部分:It depend

22、s: 第4部分:TS (Thesis Statement),发展,爱好,年龄,经济,习惯,背景,立论文结构1(绝对词),第1段:BI (Back Information) 第2段:去掉绝对词(或把绝对词变限定词)肯定 第3段:加上绝对词否定 第4段:递进:取决于&不得不 第5段:TS (Thesis Statement),立论文结构1(绝对词),第1段:BI(Back Information) 第2段:去掉绝对词(或把绝对词变限定词)肯定 第3段:加上绝对词否定 第4段:TS (Thesis Statement) + 递进 (取决于&不得不),立论文结构2(限定词),第一部分(1段):BI (Back Information) TS (Thesis Statement)开头点主旨 第二部分(3段):Supporting 3个理由跟3个例子,立论文结构3(AB),第1段:BI (Back Information) 第2段:A 第3段:B 第4段:AB 第5段:TS (Thesis Statement),


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