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1、文章增辉 十六字诀,小词变大 句式多样 衔接自然 经典地道,“小” 词 变 “大”,了解词汇的多样性,学会换词。,句 式 多 样,为追求抑扬顿挫的节奏感,就要用到不同句式的变化和组合。,练 笔,1. 这样, 学生在学习期间就没有了经济负担。,Accordingly (In this way/ Thus), the students will be free from(relieved of) the financial burden during their years of study.,2. 纵然有很多困难,我还是会执行学习计划的。,Though (Despite that) there

2、are so many difficulties, I will follow (carry out / carry on with) my study plan.,3. 要是这样危险的建议被采纳,后果会如何?,What if we follow (take /adopt) such a dangerous (risky/perilous) advice (suggestion/proposal)?,4. 我们若不引进更为高效的技术则不会增产。,If we dont introduce more efficient techniques, we cant increase production

3、.,Our production will not increase unless we introduce more efficient techniques.,Production can only be increased with the introduction of more efficient techniques.,我们若不掌握适合的学习方法, 则不能提高成绩。,High scores can only be achieved with the application of appropriate learning skills.,衔 接 自 然,恰当利用衔接词,可以使文章流畅

4、,读起来朗朗上口。,衔 接 词,为便于记忆,特将过渡性词语分为“起” “ 承” “转” “合”四大类。,Note: 英语写作推崇的是直截了当、简单明快、引人入胜,以便引起读者的共鸣,给评卷老师以很好的第一感觉。,提出主题,为下文的展开作铺垫。,起,Nowadays, At present, Recently, In recent years, It is generally believed that A recent survey shows that There is much discussion about/attention to,承上启下,连接上文引出下文。,承,顺序:first(

5、ly), first of all, in the first place, second(ly), third(ly), then 添加:besides, moreover, furthermore, in addition, what is more, what is worse, at the same time 举例: for example, for instance 其它: certainly, obviously, truly, especially, particularly, in fact, in other words,引出相反或相对的观点、看法、情况等。,转,howev

6、er, nevertheless, otherwise, yet, or, whereas, in spite of, instead, even though, on the other hand, in contrast, on the contrary, conversely,“总结” “综上所述”之意,主要用于终结段, 起到概括全文,画龙点睛的作用。,合,accordingly, therefore, thus, as a consequence, hence, consequently, as a result, above all, eventually, after all, t

7、o sum up, to summarize, to conclude , in conclusion, in short, in brief, in a word, on the whole, in summary, in general, generally speaking , as for me, as has been noted, as I have said,Note: 终结段是文章前面叙述发展的必然结果, 写的时候要注意使之与主题段遥相呼应,以便使文章在结构上形成一个统一的整体。,经 典 地 道,中国人学英语往往受母语根深蒂固的影响,很容易创造出不地道的、明显带中国味的英语(C

8、hinglish),令人啼笑皆非。 习以为常的用法中属于Chinglish的,多是成分多余的情况。,不必要的名词,修饰语多余,擦亮眼睛!,advance forecasts an unfortunate tragedy new innovations a family relative mutual cooperation financial revenue and expenditure,X,练 兵,Good Health,Word limit: 120-150 words Your composition should be based on the OUT-LINE below and

9、should start with the given opening sentence. 1. Importance of good health; 2. Ways to keep fit; 3. My own practices. Opening Sentence: The desire for good health is universal.,With the improvement of _, there are_. For example, _. So it is high time _. The reasons are: First/ to begin with, _. Secondly/in addition, _. Lastly/what is more, _. But how to _? In my opinion/ for my part, on the one hand, _. On the other hand _. Therefore , I believe_.,


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