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1、温州市第五届“英语之星” 半决赛培训 (高中组、成人组),培训内容:,比赛时间、地点 比赛注意事项 比赛形式 4. 其他,1. 比赛时间:,2. 比赛地点: 温州市图书馆一楼多功能厅,培训内容:,比赛时间、地点,比赛注意事项,请所有选手提前10分钟到场抽签,决定上场次序。无故迟到者,视为自动弃权。 才艺表演一定要在赛前做好准备,所需道具、服装、配乐等请自备。若有特殊需要请提前告知。才艺表演需跟英语有关。 选手亲友可以观赛,半决赛成绩以及名次当场公布。 决赛时间另行通知,决赛形式与半决赛一致。,培训内容:,比赛时间、地点 比赛注意事项,比赛流程 比赛形式 赛题范例,3. 比赛形式,比赛流程,第一

2、轮:即兴演讲 (前15名进入第二轮) 第二轮:视听问答 (前10名进入第三轮) 第三轮:才艺表演 (只打分,不淘汰) 第三轮结束后,根据总成绩,每组前5名选手进入最后电视决赛, 其他15位选手获优秀奖,并参加电视决赛现场颁奖。,比赛形式: (1)即兴演讲:每位选手根据屏幕上的指示,选择一个图片,准备30秒后开始讲演,就所抽到的内容陈述自己的观点,要求反应敏捷,口齿清楚,发音地道,内容得体,每人1.5分钟,满分3分 (2)视听问答:观看50秒左右的video,根据内容回答问题,平均每人2分钟,满分3分; (3)才艺表演:选手可按照自己的特长,选择演唱、配音、演讲、辩论、相声、小品、绕口令、词语接

3、龙等表演形式,用英语给评委和观众来一个即兴表演,可自带助演者,每人3分钟,满分2分。,一. 即兴演讲,考点: a. 观察理解能力 b. 联想能力 c. 逻辑思维 d. 语言能力,2. 步骤: 1. 读懂图片,抓4W1H 2. 发挥联想 3. 确定主题,找出关键字 4. 组织语言,3. 要点: a. What do you see in the picture? b. What do you learn from the picture?,Rabbit Cooperation VS Competition win-win,Internet; Blog Communication 3. Peopl

4、e of all age,4. Everywhere & Anywhere 5. Faster & More convenient,Doctor & Patient Money & Medicine forged note/ fake money/counterfeit currency Bogus Drug/counterfeit drug 3. Credit Crisis,Gender (Ratio) imbalance; excess of males The birth control policy of China;one-child policy Cause Comment,二.

5、视听问答,考点: a. 英语听力 b. 理解能力 c. 短时记忆能力 d. 语言组织能力,3. 要点: a.集中注意力 b.抓住关键词汇和有用信息 c.大胆推测,运用常识 d.组织语言,2. 难点 a. 生词 b. 语速 c. 大信息量,Was dinosaur a choice on the menu of our ancestors? (Dinosaur may not have been on the menu.) Do most people favor sweet things or salty things? (The two things that we have in comm

6、on are that most people favor sweet things and dislike anything better.),How many times of rice do the average Chinese eat every year comparing to the average American? (In China, every year the average person eat almost eight times as much rice as the average American.) 4. Which one do you prefer,

7、western diet or Chinese diet? Why?,How did globalization benefit western diet? (Thanks to globalization, our western diet has changed. We can now choose to eat food from nearly any part of the world.) Where does Peter come from? (But theres a man in England who doesnt care what he eats just as long

8、as he eat it fast.),How long does Peter take to devour a three-course meal? (He is a speed eater who can devour a three-course meal in just 45 seconds.) Do you think its better to be a speed eater or a slow eater?,What did Ma name his first online directory? (Ma first made a name for himself with hi

9、s idea to start an online directory called China Pages.) 2. When did Ma found A? (In 1999, Ma founded A.),3. What kind of enterprises does A serve? (In 1999, Ma founded A, which currently operates the worlds largest online marketplace, serving smalle-and medium-sized enterprises by connecting global

10、 buyer with sellers in China.) 4. What do you think of Ma and his A?,Where is the English Town? (This village near the north Korean and south Korean border. ) 2. What is the rule of the English town? (This village near the north Korean and south Korea border has one interesting rule: Everyone has to

11、 speak English.),3. How many students can visit the village at a time? (500 students can visit it at a time for periods of up to 4 weeks.) 4. Is it a good idea to build a village like this?,Tips: 请选手注意比赛各环节的时间限制,合理分配时间。 请选手在台上演讲时留意自己的语速,不要过快。 请选手注意自己的身体语言,培养良好的台风。 建议选手在赛前熟悉培训大纲,并做相关训练。,参考材料 第五届“英语之星”电视大奖赛培训大纲 (http:/ 2. 第五届“英语之星”电视大奖赛半决赛安排 (http:/ 温州图书馆网站(http:/) 2. 温州市图书馆四楼外文区 (0577-56897550),谢 谢!,


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