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1、一、动词分类:四种 二、情态动词特点 1. 情态动词不受主语(单复数人称)影响。 2. 情态动词+动词原形做谓语。 特例:ought to+动词原形 have to +动词原形 3. 否定式:情态动词+not+动词原形 疑问式:情态动词+主语+动词原形? 4. 情态动词的基本要求: 1)有哪些?2)基本意义和特殊用法。,三、情态动词巧妙记忆,(一)原形和一般过去式 1.cancould 2. maymight 3. shallshould 4. willwould 5. have (has) tohad to (二)无形式变换的 1.must 2. ought to,(三)既可以做情态动词又可

2、以做实义动词的 dare,need 做题时需要分类讨论 (四)had better used to would rather,四、高考情态动词考点,shall 1)一,三人称,疑问句,征求对方意见或请求。 2)二,三人称,陈述句, 命令,警告,允诺,威胁。 3)条约、法律、规章、预言等文件中,表示义务、规定。一二三人称。,2. must 1)第二人称,翻译成:“偏要,硬要” 2)表示推测时, 只能用于肯定句。 must be 现在的动作 “肯定是” must be doing 现在正在进行的动作 “现在肯定正在做” must have done 过去发生的事情 “过去肯定做了某事”,3. ca

3、n /could 1)表示推测时,主要用在否定句或疑问句中。 cant becouldnt be “肯定不是” Its so late. Can Tom be reading? It cant be Mary. She has fallen ill. can/could not be doing “肯定不是正在做” can/could not have done “过去不可能做某事” I saw him just now so he couldnt have gone abroad.,2)can/could have done 用于肯定句中 “本来能做” You could have had

4、a better mark. 3)-Could (Can) you? - Yes, I can (不用could) - May I use your computer? - Of course you can.,4) cannot (helpchoose)but +动词原形 “不得不,只能” I cannot help but tell her the truth. cannot help it “控制不住,没有办法 ” cannot too “无论怎样也不为过” I cannot thank you too much cannot help doing sth 禁不住做某事 5)couldn

5、t +动词原形+比较级 (再不过了) It couldnt be better. I couldnt agree with you more.,4. may/might 1) 表示推测时,用于陈述句,表示把握不大。 might/may (not)do sth “现在将来可能(没)做某事” mightmay (not )be doing sth “现在可能(没)正在做” might/may have done “过去可能做了某事”。 might/may not have done “过去可能没做某事”。,They may come here tomorrow. He might be doing

6、 his homework now. He might have read about the news in the newspaper. 2) May+主语+动词原形。表示祝愿。 祝你成功? 3) maymight as well do sth =had better do sth “最好” You may as well stay at home tonight.,5. mustnt do 表示“不可以,绝对不能做” dont have to do 表示 “没有必要做”=dont need to do=neednt do -Must I/ he/? -No, you/ he/neednt

7、/dont doesnt have to.(不用mustnt) 6. can do 只表示有能力 be able to do 有能力并经过努力做成了某事。=manage to do =succeed in doing,7. used to do 过去常常做,现在不这样了。 否定式是 usednt to do 或者didnt use to do. 疑问式是 used +主语 to do 或者 did +主语 use to do 8. needdare 1)做情态动词常用在否定句和疑问句中 2)need 引起的疑问句,肯定回答用have to do 或must;否定回答用neednt 或者dont

8、 have to Need I/he/? Yes, you/he/must.(不用need),9. will/would 1)用于第二人称表请求,意志,决心,请求。 would比will更委婉礼貌。 If you will help me with my English, I will be very happy. I promised that I would do my best. 2)用于第三人称表示习惯性动作或者某种倾向。 will表现在,would 表过去。 On Sundays, he would get up early and go fishing.,10. should表惊异、意外等情绪, 常译为“竟然”。 11. “祈使句附加问句”结构,附加问句常用will you形式。Stand still, will you? 12. ought to(客观看法)比should do(主观看法)语气强烈。都可表示推测(可能性很大)。 ought to 的否定式是ought not to =oughtnt to 疑问式是ought +主语+to do sth 13. If +主语+should, 祈使句。礼貌地提出建议。 If you should see him, please give him my regards.,


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