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1、,四级作文,作文评分标准,2分:条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多为严重错误。 5分:基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。 8分:基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。 11分:切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。 14分:切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺、连贯,基本上无语言错 误,仅有个别小错。,字数不足,,,提纲式(68%+6%) 图表作文 (21%) 书信作文(5%),不同的议论文(观点对立型、说明利弊型、问题解决型、现象讨论型) 不熟悉题材 用词、句子连贯性和变化 建议,The Ob

2、jective of Study (观点对立) 1. 大学生中有许多人把拿到文凭视为学习的目的 2. 也有一些人认为大学的学习应该以发展个人兴趣和 培养特长为目标 3. 我的看法 My View on Reference Books (说明利弊) 1. 各种各样的参考书给学生们的学习提供了一定 的帮助。 2. 但是过分依赖参考书会产生许多负面效应。 3. 我认为,College English Teaching in China(问题解决) 有人认为中国的大学英语教学很不成功(如:大学毕业生英语说不好,听不懂,写不出) 认为失败的原因是 你的建议,Continuing to Help Thos

3、e in Need?,There has been an increasing number of reports about those who offer to help others end up putting themselves into trouble. For instance, a bus driver in Nantong was wrongfully charged by the elder woman he tried to rescue from a roadside accident. Had it not been the footage of the bus c

4、amera, the bus driver would have been found guilty. Reports of this kind tend to prevent people from offering their helping hands to those in need, because they want to stay away from the unnecessary conflicts. Bit by bit, it is worried that people in the society will become distant and indifferent

5、to one another. As far as I am concerned, we should continue to help those in need, but in the meantime, we should know how to protect ourselves. Protective measures, such as filming what is happening, are effective to ensure that our well-meant intentions would not get punished.,The Objective of St

6、udy 1. 大学生中有许多人把拿到文凭视为学习的目的 2. 也有一些人认为大学的学习应该以发展个人兴趣和培养特长为目标 3. 我的看法,对立观点型论说文,The Objective of Study After entering colleges, students hold quite different opinions about the destination of study. Some of them hold that (1)_ _. In their opinion, (2)_ _ _. This idea may be the reason why (3) _ _.,第一种

7、观点 理由 相应的做法,But a good many college students are inclined to challenge this belief. They argue that (4) _ _ _. For this purpose, (5) _ _ _. For my part, I think (6) _ _ _. Only in this way can we (7) _ _ _.,(4)第二种观点 (5)相应的做法 (6)我的看法 (7)理想的做法,对立观点型论说文常用句型 点明文章主题的常用句式 1. has become a hot topic among p

8、eople recently. Opinions vary from person to person. 2. There is an argument (much disagreement) among people concerning (over / as to / on) 3. Nowadays, people are divided on the question as to whether 4. Different people have different views on 5. When being asked about different people will offer

9、 different answers. 6. There is a public debate (discussion) today about the problem of 7. The issue of whether or not has been widely argued (debated) currently.,具体介绍两种对立观点的常用句式 1. Some people suggest (maintain / hold) the opinion that . However (But / While) other people hold a different point of

10、view 2. Some people are inclined to think that On the contrary (In contrast), there are still many people who wont agree, and they claim 3. When it comes to some people think (believe) that Others argue (claim) that the opposite is true. 4. Those who criticize (oppose to /object to) argue that But p

11、eople who advocate (favor) , on the other hand, maintain that 5. Nowadays, an overwhelming majority of people think that Nevertheless, there are still some people for the opinion that ,陈述自己观点的常用句式 For my part (As to me / As far as I am concerned), Id like to agree to the former (my favor goes to the

12、 first) view. I agree to the latter opinion to some extent. Im in favor of ( Im on the side of ) In my opinion, both sides are partly right. When we we should take into consideration all aspects of the problems and then make the right decision. There is probably some truth in both arguments (stateme

13、nts), but ,范文 The Objective of Study After entering colleges, students hold quite different opinions about the destination of study. Some of them hold that having a diploma is certainly the objective of study in college. In their opinion, the diploma will guarantee favorable opportunities in the job

14、-hunting campaign. This idea may be the reason why their college lives are almost focused on reading books, which helps them pursue decent scores in exams.,But a good many college students are inclined to challenge this belief. They argue that it is the most important to develop the personal interes

15、ts and specialties in the college study. For this purpose, they often have every reason to pride themselves on excellent academic achievements in the subjects they take great interest in, while they may flunk in other courses in which they seem rather uninterested.,For my part, I think it is quite n

16、ecessary that we develop wide interest in computer, foreign languages or any other practical disciplines rather than just confine ourselves to textbooks. Only in this way can we keep on learning throughout our lifetime and always keep pace with the times.,说明利弊型论说文,My View on Reference Books 1. 各种各样的

17、参考书给学生们的学习提供了一 定的帮助。 2. 但是过分依赖参考书会产生许多负面效应。 3. 我认为,说明利弊型论说文的常用句型,说明事物优点的常用句型 1.There are several advantages in (of ) The first (biggest) advantage is that 2. Nothing (Few things) can equal (match with / be compared with) in terms of 3. For all (In spite of / Despite) the disadvantages (side effects)

18、, it has its compensating advantages (beneficial effects). 4. has a positive impact (influence / effect) on peoples lives. 5. is playing an increasingly important role in peoples lives.,说明事物缺点的常用句型 However, , just like anything else, has its negative side as well. Of course, the disadvantages can no

19、t be ignored. However, it still has some drawbacks. However, just as everything has two sides, also has many disadvantages.,5. However, may also cause (bring about / lead to / result in /contribute to) some problems. 6. Everything has two sides. is no exception. 7. As the proverb goes, every coin ha

20、s its two sides (no garden without its weeds / every medal has its reverse), is no exception. 8. However, the negative aspects are also apparent (obvious / evident). To begin with,To make matters worse, Worst of all, ,表明事物利大于弊的常用句式 As to me, I think the advantages outweigh (carry more weight than) t

21、he disadvantages. Anyway, I still believe has more advantages than disadvantages. But for me, I think what is more important is its positive side. The advantages of (derived from) far outweigh (are much greater than) the disadvantages (problems).,模板,My View on Reference Books Nowadays students const

22、antly find themselves flooded with all kinds of reference books. Reference books themselves are of no harm. Generally speaking, most of them (1) _ _. For example, (2) _ _ _.,参考书的好处 (2) 举例说明,However, depending too much on reference books has many negative effects. To begin with, (3) _ _. Besides, (4)

23、 _ _. Worst of all, (5) _ _. In my opinion, we should (6) _ _ _.,(3) 弊端一 (4) 弊端二 (5) 弊端三 (6) 我的态度,范文,My View on Reference Books Nowadays students constantly find themselves flooded with all kinds of reference books. Reference books themselves are of no harm. Generally speaking, most of them (1) are

24、helpful and beneficial to our studies. For example, (2) when we are teaching ourselves a foreign language, good reference books are really a good teacher.,However, depending too much on reference books has many negative effects. To begin with, (3) armed with keys to all the questions, some students

25、seem to know all, and then they will be less attentive in class. Besides, (4) some reference books published in such haste that they occasionally provide students with wrong answers, thus making students confused about some knowledge. Worst of all, (5) merely copying from the reference books, studen

26、ts gradually become lazy and get into passive learning habits which will definitely do great harm to their creativity. In my opinion, we should (6) make proper use of the books and never overuse them by merely copying without thinking.,问题解决型论说文,College English Teaching in China 有人认为中国的大学英语教学很不成功(如:大

27、学毕业生英语说不好,听不懂,写不出) 认为失败的原因是 你的建议,写作模板,Nowadays, there are more and more people complaining that (1)_ _ _. After four-year English learning, most graduates (2)_ _ _.,提出一些人对大学英语教学的看法 进一步说明问题的现状,To some extent, I think, it is reasonable for those people to say so. To begin with, (3)_ _. Secondly, (4) _

28、 _ Finally, (5) _ _. For instance, (6) _ _.,(3) 失败原因一 (4) 失败原因二 (5)失败原因三 (6)举例进一步说明,In conclusion, Chinese college English teaching is to be reformed. (7) _ _ _ _ _ _.,(7) 提出解决方案,范文,College English Teaching in China Nowadays, there are more and more people complaining that English teaching at colleg

29、e is a complete failure. After four-year English learning, most graduates cant properly communicate with foreigners, nor can they translate between languages, let alone write in English. To some extent, I think, it is reasonable for those people to say so. To begin with, English teaching at college

30、is, to a large degree, teacher-centered. (It is not uncommon in the classroom that the teacher explains every language point in detail, while students,take notes at times.) Secondly, culture is neglected in English teaching because of poor text design. (With a great deal of grammar and structure exe

31、rcises in the textbook, students are misled into memorizing a large vocabulary and a lot of English rules. Few students know how, when and where to use them properly.) Finally, test-oriented education, in a sense, misleads and impedes college English teaching in China. For instance, college English

32、Test Band Four/Six is so overemphasized in some colleges that teachers strive to meet the needs of the test, sacrificing learning for the sake of test results, and students only learn how to pass the examination.,In conclusion, Chinese college English teaching is to be reformed. English teaching sho

33、uld be student-centered, culture should be introduced in language teaching, and textbooks should be well designed to arouse students interest in learning to communicate in English.,问题解决型论说文常用句型,引出话题的常用句式 Nowadays, has become a problem we have to face. Nowadays, more and more people are concerned abo

34、ut the problem Although has brought convenience to us, many people have begun to realize that it is the source of trouble as well. Recently, the rise in the phenomenon of has drawn (aroused/ captured) worldwide attention. Nowadays, more and more people come to realize (be aware of) the importance of

35、 One of the urgent (pressing) problems (issues) we are confronted with is that ,7. With the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention. 8. Thanks to Chinas reform and opening-up policy, the past two decades have witnessed great economic dev

36、elopment and social transformation. 9. With the rapid (amazing/ fantastic) development (growth/ improvement) of economy, great changes have taken place in 10. Recently, the issue (problem/ question) of has been brought into focus (brought to public attention/ posed) among public attention. 11. Once

37、in a newspaper, I hit upon (came across) a report that ,分析原因的常用句式 Here are many (several/ a number of/ a variety of) reasons for it. First SecondFinally The reasons can be listed as follows. For one thing, For another What has possibly contributed to this problem? In the first place In the second pl

38、ace Perhaps the main (primary/ most important) reason is is also (partly/ chiefly) responsible for the problem. One may attribute (owe) this problem to A number of factors could account for (lead to/ contribute to/ result in),8. This problem may result from (be largely due to) a combination of facto

39、rs. 9. The explanation for this phenomenon involves many complex reasons. For one thing, For another, 10. It will exert a far-reaching (profound) impact (influence/ effect) on 11. Admittedly, it may create (give rise to/ bring about) a host of problems.,提出解决方案的常用句式 The first key factor to solve this

40、 problem is Another key factor is People have found many solutions (approaches) to dealing with this problem. We can figure out many ways to relieve the present crisis. Then, how should we solve this problem? Here are some suggestions, which may be of some help. Faced with , we should take a series

41、of effective measures to cope with the situation. It is high time that Here are a few examples of some of the measures that might be taken immediately.,7. Obviously, if we ignore (are blind to) this problem, the chances are that (it is most likely that/ there is every chance that) will be put in jeo

42、pardy. 8. It is essential that proper actions (effective measures) should be taken to reverse this situation (trend). 9. There is no easy (immediate) solution (approach) to the issue of, butmight be beneficial (helpful).,不熟悉题材,不熟悉题材,Marriage and Partner Relationship Marriage is certainly one of the

43、most beautiful dreams of life. In this highly competitive society, it is a harbor of grown-ups. Whenever one is in trouble, he may go back home to be comforted by his beloved one. Marriage is beneficial for both parties. Though the marriage license is only a piece of paper, it ensures the legitimacy

44、 of the relationship between a man and a woman. However, some people think that one must take on the never-ending responsibilities and obligations and mind chores of the family. They believe partner relationship is much relaxing. They wont have any heart burden. Whats more, it is also quite romantic

45、 to meet only on weekends. But although it is romantic, it often produces an awful sense of imperfection. When it breaks up, one party will be deeply hurt by love. As far as I am concerned, Id like to have a family when I am sufficiently prepared for a successful marriage. Before that, I would choos

46、e to live with a partner, and then make the lifestyle of Dinks. But as long as we love each other, life could be equally beautiful.,1 经济 2 安全 3 环境 4 效率 5 健康 6 性格 7 情感,8交流 9兴趣 10方便 11成就 12他人 13经验 14 耐久,Test for National Civil Servant 1. 近年来兴起了一股国家公务员热, 你对这一 现象的理解; 2. 公务员考试热的原因何在; 3. 你的观点,6. 句子连贯性和变化、用词 总结关系过渡词语 in general, to some extent


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