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1、主讲人:屎大(Stars)。 PPT制作者:林静茹+ 屎大 超级酱油师:老实大叔宋健杰 山村野人黄宇昕,新生词: paradise 乐园 英音:prdais 美音:pr,das,“the last paradise on earth”,English Speech,Heaven island Maldives(天堂岛马尔代夫),Maldives,The reasons for why we like Maldives: 1.beautiful scenery fortable climate 3.delicious food 4.local customs and practices,Mald

2、ives general situation 马尔代夫概况,Country name :The Republic of Maldives (国名:马尔代夫共和国) Capital :Male (首都:马累) Subordinate continent: Asia (所属洲:亚洲) Official language :Dhivehi (官方语官:迪维希语 ) Population 26. 70,000 (人口 26. 7万),History reveals(揭示) that the islands have been populated(稠密的)for over 3,000 years ago

3、. Early settlers(殖民者) were travellers on the Silk Route and from the Indus Valley Civilisation. Inherently(内在的) warm, friendly and hospitable by nature, it is easy to feel comfortable and relaxed with a Maldivian.A proud history and rich culture evolved(演变) from the first settlers who were from vari

4、ous parts of the world travelling the seas in ancient times. The Maldives has been a melting pot of different cultures as people from different parts of the world came here and settled down. Some of the local music and dance for instance resemble African influences. Many of the traditions are strong

5、ly related to the seas and the fact that life is dependent on the seas around us. 历史表明,这些岛屿的人口在3000年前。早期的殖民者旅行者在丝绸之路,从印度河流域文明。内在的热情,友好和好客,很容易感到舒 适和放松与马尔代夫。骄傲的历史和丰富的文化演变的第一批定居者谁是来自世界各地的海洋旅游在古代。 马尔代夫是一个大熔炉,不同文化的人们从世界各地来到这里定居下来。一些当地的音乐和舞蹈,例如像非洲的影响。许多传统密切相关的海洋和生活的事实,是依赖于周围海域。,Beautiful scenery,The seawa

6、ter is hyaline(透明的) as air, and air is clear as seawater.Coral reef is attractively(引人注目地) bright-colored,The undersea world is full of odd unreal colour.The island appears simple, nature, All of the secular troubles vanished(消失的) without a trace in this fresh wind,Peace and tranquility will washing

7、 the soul as new. 海水是透明的空气,空气是清楚的海水。珊瑚礁鲜艳夺目,海底世界充满奇幻色彩的岛屿。看起来简单,自然,所有的世俗烦恼消失无踪在这清新的风,和平与安宁的心灵洗涤新。,blue ocean,Maldives is the hometown of tropical fish,Comfortable climate,Generally, the year is divided(分离的) into two monsoon periods: the north-east monsoon lasts from December to March, which are the

8、drier months; the south-west monsoon lasts from April to November, and is wetter, with more storms and occasional strong winds. Daytime temperatures are about 28C (82F) all year. The humidity is slightly lower in the dry season but most days theres a cooling sea breeze. 一般来说,一年分为2季风期:东北季风从十二月持续到3月,这

9、是干燥的月份;西南季风从四月持续到十一月,并且是潮湿的,有更多的风暴和偶尔的强风。白天的温度约28摄氏(82)一年。湿度略低在旱季,但大多数日子有一个冷却海风。,Luxury hotel,Resorts and hotels woo tourists with promises of, the last paradise on earth, and they will not disappoint. It is a major destination for scuba divers, who come for the wealth of marine life and the reefs.

10、度假村和酒店用“地球上最后的乐园”吸引游客,并承诺不会让他们失望。游客的主要目标是做潜水员,观看丰富的海洋生物和珊瑚礁,它同样受欢于度蜜月和老年夫妇。,water house,The Maldives tourism landscape(景观) is all in a leisure atmosphere which is operating(经营的) by the restaurant, because each island is developed by an independent hotel franchisor. So one island only have one hotel

11、which becaming the maldives special tourism culture. An Island Paradise is called “Paradise“, not only because of the clearest water, sand and special, the biggest reason, is known as the magnificent luxury hotel - the worlds largest Island -Paradise Island hotel Atlantis. 马尔代夫旅游景观是一种休闲氛围,是经营的餐厅,因为每

12、个岛是由一个独立的饭店特许经营。所以一个岛上只有一个酒店,成为马尔代夫旅游文化。 天堂岛被称为“天堂”,不仅因为最清澈的水,沙子和特殊,最大的原因,是被称为华丽富悦大饭店世界上最大的岛屿天堂岛阿特兰迪斯酒店。,Characteristics of sea restaurant,coral reef,Maldives delicious food,Maldives is a muslim country,Islam do not eat pork, not drinking, non-idol worship. But this place is island country, abounds

13、in many kinds of fish, crabs(螃蟹) and lobsters(龙虾).Therere also lots of tropical fruits. 马尔代夫是一个穆斯林国家,伊斯兰教徒不吃猪肉,不喝酒,无偶像崇拜。但这个地方是岛国,盛产各种各样的鱼,螃蟹和龙虾。也有大量的热带水果。,Underwater restaurant,local customs and practices,Tourism in the Maldives is carefully managed. The countrys tourism master plan identifies(规划)

14、both the underwater environment and the intrepid explorer factor as major attractions. The lack of local resources makes it necessary to import virtually everything a visitor needs, from furniture to fresh vegetables. The strategy has been to develop a limited number of quality resorts, each on its

15、own uninhabited(无人居住的) island, free from traffic, crime and commercialism. 旅游业在马尔代夫是认真的管理。国家旅游业的总体规划分为水下环境和探险为主要景点。 由于当地的资源缺乏,使得有必要进口几乎所有客人的需求,从家具到新鲜的蔬菜。战略已经制定了数量有限的质量,每个自己居住的岛屿,免交通,犯罪和商业化。,language,Dhivehi is the language spoken in all parts of the Maldives. English is widely spoken by Maldivians a

16、nd visitors can easily make themselves understood getting around the capital island. In the resorts, a variety of languages are spoken by the staff including English, German, French, Italian and Japanese. 迪维希语是马尔代夫所在地区的口语的语言。在首都岛说英语的人和游客可以很方便地使自己的被理解。在度假胜地,多种语言的工作人员包括英语,德语,法语,意大利语和日语。,Maldives is th

17、e second small Asian countries, and the worlds largest coral island. North and south extensions 650 km long and narrow the match, the terrain, average elevation 1.2 meters. Because of global warming, sea levels are rising in two centimeters every year. Maldives is expected to disappear about 50 years back. 马尔代夫是第二小的亚洲国家,以及世界上最大的珊瑚岛。南北延伸650公里的狭长的地形,平均海拔1.2米。 由于全球变暖,海平面每年上升2厘米。预计马尔代夫将在50年后消失不见。,Thats all Thanks for your listenning,Maldives is the place which I always want to go. I hope you can go maldives before it disappear.,


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