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1、目标导向下的英语课堂,我要把学生带到哪里去 我怎样把学生带到那里 我怎么知道把学生带到了那里,关于单元文本的教学作用的解读的一些思考,Unit 5 First aid单元教学目标,Put a bandage to the wound and apply pressure to reduce the bleeding,Cool the injury with ice pack. Fasten with bandage.,Get him to sit down,tilt his head forward slightly,warming up (注重语言的输入),Put some ice on h

2、is ankle to reduce the swelling,Sit down and bend forward slightly,listening, speaking and writing on p.39 give each other first aid instructions for one of the situations.,(ex.4),You should always . You must . Make sure that . You ought to / shouldnt .,try to write the measures down in notes(if pos

3、sible),You must never . Never . Please dont .,如何引导学生运用正确的阅读技巧获取有用知识 和信息,提高阅读能力和水平是英语阅读课堂教学 中的一个重要内容。,一个善于阅读的人应该是一个“会”读的人, 也就是说,阅读者能运用不同的策略和方法 阅读不同类型的文章,从而达到最佳的阅读效果。,读前“有趣热身”读中”提问和应答” 读后“热烈讨论” 。,课堂有没有明确的目标和走向,我要把学生带到哪里去 我怎样把学生带到那里 我怎么知道把学生带到了那里,略读显然对于把握文章的structure 和main idea有着 很重要的作用,然而如果我们研究一下高考英语阅

4、 读题的选项我们还不难发现,除了主旨大意题外, 其实很多所谓的细节理解题、推理判断题也都大都 围绕主题展开而不是孤立于主题之外的,所以这一 技巧能够帮助我们在解答这类细节理解和推理判断 等题时,能快速scan到与题干内容相应的段落并作 出正确的选择。,Fry 先生在Skimming & Scanning 一书中指出: Skimming means the very rapid reading of an entire selection to get the main ideas and some of the supporting details。,title subtile or head

5、ings pictures the first sentence of each paragraph the first paragraph questions after the first paragraph key words in different print look for a summary,Ex.I,_ the three types of burns _ what to do if someone gets burned _ the functions of the skin _ the symptoms of burns _ how we get burns,3,1,4,

6、2,5,在学生做课后阅读理解题时,一定要提醒学生思考根据文章结构从文章的哪个部分去scan, Why should you put cold water on a burn?,平时阅读理解练习中文本的解读,依据课程目标,以及对于阅读课堂的实践与观察, 平时阅读训练中的文本可以从体裁分析、阅读技能、 文化意识和情感态度等不同的视角进行解读, 以实现不同的教学目的。,Nowadays, the increase in the prices of agricultural products is one of the greatest concerns of the people and the g

7、overnment. The government has announced a series of policies(政策) to prevent the prices from rising further. Rising housing prices is still a big concern for the people, but since farm Products are needed every day, the increase in their prices has madelife very difficult for them. Many people may th

8、ink the increase will help farmers. But have higher prices of farm products really benefited the farmers?,What does the author mainly want to tell us by writing the passage? C. Price increase has not helped farmers. 2. Many people think the increase in the prices of farm products benefits_. A. farme

9、rs B. the country C. middlemen D. nobody 3. The following statements are true EXCEPT_. B. rising housing prices has made life very difficult for people 4. What is probably the authors attitude to raising the farm products prices? A. Positive. B. Indifferent. C. Enthusiastic. D. Negative.,Take the in

10、crease in vegetable prices 。 for example.,As the fact shows, just increasing prices of farm products will have negative influence,In such a case, it would be better to leave the market to decide the prices,充分利用一些适合略读的文章,有目的、有针对性 地对学生进行系统训练,使学生掌握并熟练运用这 种技巧,使学生不仅“善”读,而且“会”读,从而提高 他们的阅读能力和水平,进而达到迅速获取知识和 信息的阅读目的,取得事半功倍的阅读效果。,在对高考英语阅读文章进行略读时,除某些记叙文外,我们要花足够的时间阅读首段,尤其当阅读文章为议论文、新闻报道或调查研究类的文章的时候。阅读时,不仅要关注该段的开头,也要关注该段的 接尾,以及中间的某些关联词,如however, but, therefore等,这些词的后面往往是作者要强调的内容。,


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