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1、維高斯基的認知發展論,兒童認知的發展 幣 須從他所經驗的歷史與文化的脈絡來瞭解 也就是說人類的行為是在社會文化中產生 在我們的認知活動中文化工具(cultural tools) 當任重要的媒介,Inter-psychological intra-psychological (social interaction) - (inside of child) internalization,人認知發展,社會文化,Vygotskys sociocultural perspective,社會互動,個人認知發展,刺激 鼓勵,Piagets stage cognitive development,how p

2、eople- with help of instrument and signs -direct their attention, organize, conscious memorization, and regulate their conduct. (receive) object -tool (language, text, picture) (perceive)-sing (self-regulate) external stage interact with others (interpschological) Low-high Internalized inside of chi

3、ld (intrapschologicla),Cultural tools-Physical & psychological tools Lower-order thinking to higher-order thinking is a mediated process Low-High Memorial-mediated by cultural tools -reasoning, problem solving,Vygotskys ZPD,the zone of proximal development - “it is the distance between the actual de

4、velopment level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers”-(Vygotsky, 1978, p. 86),Egocentric speech (they talk about what matter to them, without taking a

5、ccount the listeners needs and interests.-Piaget Private speechusing muttering to move children toward self-regulation, the ability to plan, to guide their thinking and problem solving. -Vygotsky,Scaffolding,Is to support for learning and problem solving. The support could be clues, reminders, encou

6、ragement, breaking the problem down into steps, providing an example, or anything else that allows the students to grow in independence as a learner.,艾瑞克森對人格和社會發展的看法 A framework for understanding the needs of young people in relation to the society,第一期:信任對不信任(trust vs. mistrust;出生到18個月) 第二期:獨立自主對羞愧懷

7、疑(autonomy vs. doubt;18個月到3歲) 第三期:主動探索對罪惡感(initiative vs. guilt;3到6歲) 第四期:勤奮努力對自貶自卑(industry vs. inferiority;6到12歲) 第五期:自我認同對角色混淆(identity vs. role confusion;12到18歲) 第六期:友愛親密對孤獨疏離(intimacy vs. isolation;成年前期) 第七期:積極生產對自我頹廢(generativity vs. self-absorption;成年中期) 第八期:完美無憾對悲觀絕望(integrity vs. despair;成年後期 ),皮亞傑與柯柏格的道德發展理論,皮亞傑: 他律 與自律 柯柏格:前習俗道德期 (根據自己需要與別人定的規則) 習俗道德期 (根據他人的許可家庭期望 傳統的價值 社會的法律 對國家的忠誠) 後習俗道德期 (個人依照所選擇的倫理原則做選擇,柯柏格的道德推理階段,柯柏格利用道德困境(moral dilemmas) 研究認為人的道德判斷或道德推理有三個層次六個階段。 前習俗道德期: 懲罰與服從取向 個人報酬取向 習俗道德期: 好男孩好女孩取向 法律秩序取 向 後習俗道德期: 社會契約取向 普遍倫理原則取向,


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