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1、谈谈九年级英语听力命题,龙岩市普教室 谢露 2011年4月,一、命题依据 二、命题步骤 三、命题实例,一、命题依据,英语科考试以国家教育部制订的全日制义务教育英语课程标准(以下简称为课程标准和福建省教育厅颁发的2011年福建省初中英语学业考试大纲为依据,结合我市初中英语教学实际情况进行命题。 课程标准中指出“第五级为9年级结束时应达到的基本要求”。,课程标准 “五级目标” 关于“听”的要求:,语言技能五级目标听的技能 1、能根据语调和重音理解说话者的意图; 2、能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中提取信息和观点; 3、能借助语境克服生词障碍、理解大意; 4、能听懂接近正常语速的故事和记叙文,理解

2、故事的因果关系; 5、能在听的过程中用适当方式做出反应; 6、能针对所听语段的内容记录简单信息。,1. 明确考试要求 2. 拟定命题的细目表。 3. 听力材料的查找、编写或改编。 4. 试题的设计。 5. 题目的复检、校对。 6. 录音。,二、命题基本步骤,1. 明确考试要求 认真研读课程标准和考纲, 熟悉教材,明确考试定位。,2. 拟定命题的细目表 (中考命题规范细目表) 在命题前先填好细目表,目的明确, 也可避免话题的多次重复,考点的重叠 等问题。,3. 听力材料的查找、编写或改编。 原文最好是口语材料,要反映交际功 能,涉及词汇应是口语中涉及的高频词汇。 原文要适合考生的年龄特点和生活实

3、际。, 试题的设计要充分考虑卷面上的阅读负担问题, 要突出听力理解的考查,尽量减少阅读量。 要确保听力题必须通过听而作答,如果只通过读 题即可作答,就没有意义了。 例如:Which country is Sydney in? A. America. B. Australia. C. England.,4. 试题的设计, 题干尽量简短,选项以3个为宜,力争简洁,这 样有助于控制阅读量,也有助于降低命题的难度。 例如:What was Jane doing this time yesterday? A. She was reading a book B. She was practicing th

4、e violin. C. She was doing her homework. 可改为:A. Reading a book. B. Practicing the violin. C. Doing her homework., 不设置语法错误的选项,以免混淆考查重点。 例如:What is wrong with Tom? He fall off the bike. B. He falls off the bike. C. He fell off the bike. 如此设题则成了考语法,偏离听力测试目的。 答案分布要均匀,各选项的答案总数接近平均值。,检查考点设置是否合理?是否重复? 校对主要

5、是拼写、打印时是否出现疏漏。,5. 题目的复检、校对,三、我市中考听力题型及命题实例 (一) 2010年中考听力题型 听力部分满分30分,占试卷总分的20%。 “. 听句子, 选出与句子意思相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。 . 听对话,选答案。 听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个或两 个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段 对话读两遍。 III . 听短文,选择正确答案。听短文,从题中所给的A、B、C三 个选项中选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。 . 听短文,填表格。听短文,根据短文内容在空格中填入恰当 的单词(每空一词)。短文读三遍。”,(二)各题型的命题实例 1. 听句子选图片 2

6、010年中考题: . 听句子, 选出与句子意思相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。,听力原文: 1. My parents like cooking very much. 2. Lets go and play football. 3. My father and I went to plant trees yesterday. 4. Mike is going to buy a new car. 5. The little boy is playing computer games.,该题型听的是句子,题目以图片呈现情景直截了当,考生没有阅读负担。考查要求较低,学生容易得分。, 图片的选择 要注意图

7、片应简洁清晰,不宜选用视觉模糊的而影响学生理解。 电脑上可以辨认者,打印出来则未必,尤其是背景色彩浓重者。 例如:,选择由线条组成的图案为佳,简笔画,印刷比较 不受影响。 例如:,(2)句子的编写 句子应简单易懂,要点突出。 句子和图片应有较强的关联性,考查学生捕捉句子关键信息的能力。,2. 听对话选答案,(1)610题是听一段对话,回答一个小题 2010年中考题: 听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 6. How old is KangKangs sister? A. 14. B. 15. C. 16. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题。 7. What time is it now? A. 7:30.

8、 B. 8:30. C. 9:30. 听第三段对话,回答第8小题。 8. Whats Anns QQ number? A. 158141058. B. 158101428. C. 158141028. 听第四段对话,回答第9小题。 9. What does the man want to buy? A. A shirt. B. A coat. C. A dress. 听第五段对话,回答第10小题。 10. What does Michael want to drink? A. Coffee. B. Tea. C. Milk.,听力原文: 听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 W: Kangkang,

9、how old is your sister? M: She is fourteen. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题。 M: Excuse me. Could you tell me the time? W: Yes. Its half past eight. 听第三段对话,回答第8小题。 M: Whats your QQ number, Ann? W: Its 158141028. 听第四段对话,回答第9小题。 M: Thats a nice coat. How much is it? W: 200 yuan. M: OK, Ill take it. 听第五段对话,回答第10小题。 W: Wo

10、uld you like tea or coffee, Michael? M: Tea, please.,前5段对话较短,基本上都是一问一答式。 设问简单,考查细节信息,答案基本上是从 对话中可直接获取。问题印制在试卷上,降 低了难度。若问题是在录音中,则要求更高。,2010年中考题: 听第六段对话,回答第11、12小题。 11. What are the speakers going to watch tomorrow? A. An animal show. B. A fashion show. C. A car show. 12. Where will they meet? A. At t

11、he bus stop. B. In the classroom. C. At the school gate. 听第七段对话,回答第13、14小题。 13. Where is the woman going? A. To the hospital. B. To the bookstore. C. To the library. 14. Which bus does the woman need to take? A. The No. 3 bus. B. The No. 4 bus. C. The No. 5 bus. 听第八段对话,回答第15、16小题。 15. How many rooms

12、 does the man want to book in Lantian Hotel? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 16. How much will the man pay for the rooms? A.¥100. B.¥200. C.¥400. 听第九段对话,回答第17、18小题。 17. Where is the boy going to spend this weekend? A. On East Hill. B. On West Hill. C. On North Hill. 18. What is the girl going to do this

13、weekend? A. Do some housework. B. Look after her brother. C. Prepare for an exam. 听第十段对话,回答第19、20小题。 19. Whats the matter with Bruce? A. He has a toothache and a cold. B. He has a headache and a cough. C. He has a cough and a cold. 20. Where are the speakers talking? A. In the classroom. B. In the s

14、treet. C. In the hospital.,(2)1120小题是听一段对话,回答两个小题。,听力原文: 听第六段对话,回答第11、12小题。 M: Kate, are you free tomorrow? W: Sure, why? M: Theres going to be an animal show in the zoo. Lets go to watch it, shall we? W: Sounds great. When and where shall we meet? M: Lets make it 7:30, at the school gate. W: OK. Se

15、e you then. 听第七段对话,回答第13、14小题。 W: Excuse me, which is the way to XinHua Bookstore? M: XinHua Bookstore? Its about 6 kilometers away from here. You need to take a bus. W: Which bus can I take? M: You can take the No. 5 bus. Itll take you there. W: Thanks a lot. M: Youre welcome. 听第八段对话,回答第15、16小题。 W:

16、 Good morning. Lantian Hotel. Can I help you? M: Good morning. I want to make a room reservation. W: We have different kinds of rooms. M: How much does a standard room cost? W: A standard room with two beds costs ¥100 M: I want to book two standard rooms. W: When do you want them? And how long do yo

17、u plan to stay? M: March 22nd and 23rd, two days.。,听第九段对话,回答第17、18小题。 W: Good morning. You look so happy today. M: My friends and I are going to spend this weekend together. W: What are you going to do? M: Were going to have a picnic on East Hill. Would you like to go with us? W: Id love to, but I h

18、ave to prepare for my exam at home. M: What a pity! 听第十段对话,回答第19、20小题。 W: Hey, Bruce. Class is over. Why not go out to play games? M: Well, Im not feeling well. I have a headache and a cough. W: Im sorry to hear that. Youd better go to see a doctor. M: Thats a good idea. I think I will. W: Shall I t

19、ake you to the hospital? M: No, thank you. Ill take some medicine first and see how it goes.,后5段对话较长,问答3至4个轮次,主要考查细节信息,除第16小题要通过计算而得出答案,第20小题通过推理判断话语发生的地点。问题印制在试卷上。,(3)该题型命题时要注意, 话题的选择 课程标准中“语言知识”五级目标“话题”要求: “1. 熟悉与学生个人、家庭和学校生活密切相关的话题; 2. 熟悉有关日常生活、兴趣爱好、风俗习惯、科学文化等方面的话题。” 附录中“四、话题项目表”含个人情况(Personal in

20、formation)、日常活动(Daily rountines)、 学校生活(School life)等24项内容。, 话题的布局 可供选择的话题广泛,因此不要局限于某些话题,进行过多的重复,考查的覆盖面可以大些。, 试题的设计 考查细节信息,要求学生通过听对话获取事实性的具体信息,如时间、地点、人物、事件等。这类题所占比例最大。答题时只需根据所听的 ,不必进行逻辑推断。用“what, when, where, why, how.”等进行提问。 对所听内容做出简单推断 话语发生的场合、说话者之间的关系等,例如第16小题要通过计算而得出答案,第20小题通过推理判断话语发生的地点。 “Where

21、does the conversation take place?”/ “Where are the speakers?” “What is the probable relationship(关系) between the speakers?” “Who is the woman probably?”The boys mother, the boys teacher., 理解主旨和要义 “What are the speakers talking about?” 理解说话者的意图、观点或态度 “What does the boy think of the girls idea?”,2010年

22、中考题: 21. When did the story happen? A. Last Sunday. B. Last Monday. C. Last Tuesday. 22. What was the man doing while he was riding? A. Speaking on the telephone. B. Listening to an MP3. C. Looking around. 23. What happened to him? A. He ran into a car. B. He ran into a bike. C. He ran into the wall

23、. 24. Which part of his body got hurt? A. His arm. B. His leg. C. His head. 25. Who took him to the hospital? A. A policeman. B. One of his friends. C. The car driver.,3.听短文选答案,听力原文: Bicycles are popular. Most people think bicycles are much safer than cars. But sometimes accidents happen with bicycl

24、es. They can bring us sadness and death, as well. Last Sunday, a bicycle accident happened in Zhongshan Road. At about 4:15 in the afternoon, a young man was riding his bicycle very fast while listening to an MP3. Meters away, there was a turn. Suddenly a car came from the other side. In order not t

25、o hit the car, he ran into the wall and his arm was badly hurt. The car driver rushed to him and took him to the hospital.,该篇短文100词。内容根据教材八下Unit 6 Topic 3 Section A 2a“A Bike Accident”改编。话题为学生所熟悉。,该题型命题时要注意: 作为听力材料的小短文,最好不含生词,语 句简单,叙述直白,易于理解。听短文理解 其情节发展、人物关系、时间、原因及结果 等具体信息。讲话者或作者的态度、意图等 深层次理解也可以考虑设题

26、。要注意,形式 上本题与书面阅读理解想象,但题干和选项 设置要简要,一目了然,不设置文字障碍。,2010年中考题:,4. 听短文填表格,听力原文: Dear Betty, I hope youre well. Im on holiday in London with my friend Jenny. We arrived by plane on Monday and took a taxi to our hotel. Then on Tuesday we saw the clock, Big Ben. I bought some presents but Jenny didnt buy any

27、thing! The next day we visited the British Museum and had dinner in a Chinese restaurant. On Thursday we relaxed. Its Friday today. I did some shopping and Jenny listened to a concert in the park. I came back to the hotel and read the newspaper. Then I wrote some postcards and sent some emails. Tomorrow were going to fly home. It was a short holiday, but it was great! Say hello to your mum and dad. Love, Gran,该题型用表格设题,使得任务更明确,可以 节省很多文字信息,给予考生更多的思考时 间和空间。表格的设置尽量简洁明了。,Thank you!,


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