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1、科技论文的英语表达及英文摘要的写作,南方医科大学学报编辑部 王征爱,概 述,意义:纵向传播;横向交流 现实:付出与目的并非一致;锻炼,供人学习误人子弟 难度:非易事,但非不能;3000词汇;基本语感;英语思维 要点:(1)内容的完整性;(2)数据跟文中/中文是否一致;(3)内容可以不跟中文全对应,应比中文更详细;(4)主谓一致:常识,但错误不少见;(5)时态:简单,但有时也很难掌握;(6)语态:有讲究,但基本不限;(7)人称:可一可三;(8)词法:重点;(9)语法:基本;(10)句法:转换,七绝终审 之一 洋洋洒洒二十万,字字句句过我筛。 正体斜体需审定,大写小写亦仲裁。 之二 常遇新语需释义

2、,遍翻辞书哪有迹? 光盘检索千百次,头脑析分定无歧! 出差 今日去北京,明天返广州, 虽只住一晚,电脑也同路。 成都会议 蓉城十月是金秋,百万客房一无留, 车水马龙奔九寨,孤家寡人回广州。,蝶恋花三亚行 伫立危楼阳光媚。鹤落鹤飞,银羽熠熠辉。人说海南山水美,天涯海角游人醉。 今到三亚赴一会。扬我学报,风景又何味?会后旧朋结新友,足不出屋也无悔。 垂钓 忙里偷闲应郊游,临置渔具钓花都。 人在池旁心系刊,一叠文稿不离手。 七律周日加班有感 鞠躬尽瘁创品牌,不在本土在海外。 寒暑有假不曾度,昼夜各吃一中餐。 周日伏案逾八时,累极背项疼难耐。 摇头晃脑再一程,有怨无悔图心安。,国庆长假赋 长假又七天,

3、人皆议景点;友人频来电,问可来游园? “学报十期在编,写作课次层迭,保先自评三千,交稿近在眼前。” 科技日新月异,新语屡见不鲜,英文修改何其难,长词短句须慎选。 终日埋头电脑前,常为一词觅三天。鼠标手,职业颈,荧屏眼。蚁影游动,字里行间,困睡沙发,饥餐素面。一旦模棱定一可,喝口凉水嘴也甜。诸君疑问何所求?我为名刊当总编! (虽苦尤荣,乐在其中) 20051006,网址: 邮箱: PubMed: www.ncbi.nil.nih.gov,提纲,1.摘要的类型 2.英文摘要与中文摘要的区别 3.摘要常用词和句型 4.摘要的语态和人称 5.摘要的时态 6.摘要常用表达和几个/组高频词辨析 7.虚词的

4、用法 8.副词的用法 9.关于Chinglish 10.修辞 11.分词、合成词有关问题 12.名词的特殊用法及名词的数,1、摘要的类型,1.1 评论性摘要(Critical abstract) 1.2 说明性摘要(Descriptive abstract) 1.3 资料性摘要(Informative abstract) 1.4 资料-指示性摘要(Informative-indicative abstract) 1.5 结构式摘要(Structured abstract),1.1 评论性摘要不常用,可见于综述,内容上侧重于评价/论理. ABSTRACT: Acute tubulointerst

5、itial nephritis (ATIN) is a common disorder characterized by a spectrum of clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic urinary abnormalities to acute oliguric renal failure. Tubular dysfunction out of proportion to the degree of renal failure is an important clue to the diagnosis. This review

6、describes its pathogenesis, pathophysiology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapy, emphasizing the drug-induced form of ATIN.,1.2 说明性摘要 又称指示性或通报性摘要(Indicative abstract):说明文章的内容范围,只是简单地报道研究主题,泛泛而谈,不涉及具体内容。一般只一到三句话,多见于临床医学论文。 Example The survival rates of a series of patients with unstable an

7、gina treated surgically and medically are compared.,1.3 资料性摘要: 详细、具体,重要观点和数据 Postoperative bleeding is usually attributed to stress ulcer; however, occult preoperative lesions could also be responsible (背景). To determine their frequency and nature, we prospectively examined 72 patients (目的) endoscop

8、ically prior to major elective operations. Entry criteria included a planned stay in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, 2 days, and a negative history, physical examination, and stool guaiac (愈伤木脂,一种检便潜血试剂). Gastric and duodenal mucosae were scored separately, using a 0- to 7-point scale. Scores were

9、 graded negative (0), hyperemia (1), gastroduodenitis (2-5), mucosal erosions (6), and ulcers (7) (方法). Erosions or ulcers were found in 14% of patients and gastroduodenitis is an additional 10%. We found that none of the 27 risk factors or any combination of factors tested correlated with ulcers, e

10、rosoins, or gastroduodenitis (结果). Thus, patients with asymptomatic gastroduodenal erosions or ulcerations could not be identified preoperatively, except by endoscopy (结论). Until the significance of these lesions as cause of postoperative bleeding is determined, we recommended routine postoperative

11、gastric pH titration with antacids for patients undergoing major elective operations (建议).,1.4 资料-指示性摘要: 内容更完整,多了一条提示 The relationship between depression(抑郁症)and stressors (应激)and the relationship between depression in children and depression in their parents were investigated. (概括或提示性语言)Depressed c

12、hildren aged 7-11 years (n = 20) were compared with clinical non-depressed children (n = 88) and normal children (n = 55). Children, mothers and fathers in the three groups were tested. Measures included the Childrens Depression Inventory, Recent Life Events Scale, Stressor Scale and Beck Depression

13、 Inventory. The findings showed that children and mothers in the depressed group reported more stressors than other children and other mothers while fathers of children in the depressed group did not report more stressors. The findings also showed that mothers of depressed children were more depress

14、ed than mothers of normal children while there were no differences between the scores of fathers in the three groups.,1.5 结构式摘要(structured abstract) BACKGROUND: Hypothyroidism is a common condition that is frequently irreversible and requires lifelong thyroid replacement therapy. OBJECTIVE: To asses

15、s the incidence and factors that can predict reversibility of hypothyroidism caused by Hashimotos thyroiditis. METHODS: We studied 79 patients in whom Hashimotos thyroiditis was diagnosed according to suggestive cytologic features and/or the presence of thyroid antibodies (antimicrosomal antibody ti

16、ter, or = 1:1600; antiglobulin antibody titer, or = 1:400) . RESULTS: After withdrawal of levothyroxine treatment, thyroid blood tests showed that the degree of hypothyroidism worsened in 20 patients, remained unchanged in 40, and improved in 19. Nine patients (11.4%) did show normalization of the t

17、hyroid blood test CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that hypothyroidism caused by Hashimotos thyroiditis is not always permanent. The presence of a larger goiter and high thyrotropin levels at the time of diagnosis, associated with a familial incidence of thyroid disease, may be related to an increas

18、ed incidence of hypothyroidism remission.,2、英文摘要与中文摘要的区别,21 独立摘要和随文摘要 22 内容的详简度内外有别,21独立摘要和随文摘要 独立摘要 指用于检索性刊物如Excepta Medica、Index Medicus、Chemical Abstracts、Biological Abstracts、Engineering Index等及大型国际会议的论文摘要汇编,此外还有一些文摘杂志。 随文摘要 指一般期刊内与正文同存的摘要。,22 内容的详简度内外有别 中文摘要详细介绍国外经验; 英文摘要重点描述国内特色; 总的来说英文摘要应比中文摘

19、要更全面反映全文主旨。,3、摘要常用词和句型,31 表达目的的常用词和句型或结构 32 表达方法的句型 33 表达结果的句型 34 表达结论的句型,31 表达目的的常用词和句型或结构 3.1.1 摘要中表示“目的”常用词的用法, 用于表示“目的”的常用名词(字顺) Aim A.名词用法 B.动词用法 Attempt A. 名词用法 B. 动词用法,A 名词用法 The aim of this investigation /study / the present study was to Our aim is to determine whether a clinically re

20、levant positive inotropic effect(增强收缩力作用) can be demonstrated in humans. establish an objective, easy-to-use technique to evaluate . The aims of this study were: 1) to .;and 2) to ,B 动词用法 a. 主动态后接动词不定式 This study aimed to ./ We aimed to ./ This study aims to . b. 主动态后接介词at动名词 This research aimed at

21、identifying c. 被动态后接介词at动名词 This study was aimed at document- ing , Attempt A 名词用法 An attempt was made to / An attempt has been made to/ An attempt was undertaken to . The present study is an attempt to replicate earlier evidence that For this reason, an attempt was undertaken for 尝试干 .,In an attemp

22、t to extend this finding, three experiments were conducted In a first attempt to elucidate its function, we examined B 动词用法 In this study we attempt to The authors attempt to evaluate the degree , Goal,A major goal is prevention of acceleration-induced loss of con-sciousness. The goal of this invest

23、igation was to Goal一词的含义、用法及其句式跟名词aim完全一样,例句从略。, Intend 想要,旨在(人作主语用主动态, 事物作主语用被动态) This report/paper is intended to . In brief the article is intended to . This three-group design / This study was intended to In this study, we intended to test the hypothesis that, It is intended to remind the reader

24、 ., Intent 意图,目的(不太常用) The intent of the study was to Objective(常用作标题或项目词) The objective of this study was to evaluate Objective Methods Results Conclusion(s), Purpose Purpose 的用法同aim,不复举例。 但在for the purpose (of) 这一固定结构中,一般不用aim替换其中的purpose。如:. is described for the purpose of .,目的句中的常用动词(多用被动

25、态), Carry out 执行 The retrospective study / An experimental study / An investigation was carried out to evaluate We carried out this study to determine Conduct 引导,实施,进行 A (.) study/ survey / An experiment was conducted to evaluate/ establish/ investigate , Perform 执行vt; 进行vi This study was performed

26、to determine Undertake 从事,着手做 Human studies have been undertaken to test this thesis. Design 设计 This study / The present study / Our study was designed to We also designed an in vitro study to , Develop 研制,创立 method(s) .was/were developed to (动词不定式)/for (名词或动名词) An on-line thermospray liquid chromat

27、ography/mass spectrometry method was developed to Two methods were developed to displace . We have also developed methods for the analysis of Formulation/drug/strategy/protocol/recipe,3.1.2 结构式摘要中表示目的常见不定式结构,To analyze whether patients with RA have an intrinsic defect(先天性缺陷)in T cell proliferation a

28、nd survival, 为了分析. To ascertain/assess/characterize/clarify/compare/construct/describe/determine/distinguish/elaborate/elucidate/establish/estimate/evaluate/examine/explore/expose/help/identify/investigate/isolate/provide/report/study/test/understand To validate criteria predicting .为了验证预测.的标准,3.2 表

29、达方法的句型,3.2.1 using/by using分句+主动态主句 Using a rabbit model of pneumococcal meningitis, we compared . and 3.2.2 using/by using分句+被动态主句 By using a multivariate risk algorithm, 56.5% of Down syndrome cases could be detected with a 5.3% false-positive rate.,3.2.3 被动态using/by using/by/with引出的状语,The diagnos

30、es were established using American College of Rheumatology criteria. The mechanism of .was studied by using a set of PCR products were detected by gel electrophoresis and dot-blot hybridization. In this prospective study, 142 patients with early RA were treated actively with ,3.2.4 叙述方法最常涉及的几个动词(car

31、ry out、conduct、perform、do、make、develop; receive、undergo; had 等)及其句型,Hyperthermia was carried out using a novel water-filtered, infrared -A radiation technique. A prospective study was done in 76 subjects who underwent Clinical evaluations were made on the 14 patients including 4 with pharyngitis, 7

32、with tonsillitis, .,All patients received satisfactory anesthesia for operation. . patients underwent operations and there were no operative deaths. Among the 62 survivors, 18 had another operation.,3.2.5 表达分组的句型,be (randomly) divided/ allocated/ assigned categorized/classified/grouped/separated (in

33、)to . groups. . be randomized into groups . be (randomly) into . groups, based on . The groups were as follows . (例句见第一军医大学学报2002,11:66970),326 有关各种检查的句型,Blood sugar(项目)was examined in 50 patients(对象). Fifty patients(对象) were examined for blood sugar (项目) by (手段)at 2 and 24 h after admission. 写“检查”句

34、的时候,注意for的用法:检查病人的x可以说:The x (对象)was examined by .也可以说:The patient was examined for x (项目) by .,326 有关各种检查的句型,Each tooth was sectioned and examined for dye penetration under a stereomicro- scope (x 60 magnification). 注意在描述用显微镜观察或检查什么的时候,很多人常常用错microscope和microscopy这两个词。正确的用法是:under microscope或by mic

35、roscopy/ with microscope。,3.3 表达结果的句型,331 叙述观察或发现了什么 (1)主动态句:We found (observed, noted, saw, recorded .) that . (2)被动态句:It was found (observed, noted, seen, recorded .) that .,332 量的或,泛言或 The prevalence increased with age. / Cyclic AMP levels were increased by NECA. Estrogen replacement therapy redu

36、ced excretion of zinc, . levels rapidly declined in HL- 60 cells following induction of apoptosis by , but were transiently elevated by two other apoptosis- inducing agents. . levels of greatly declined with a subsequent increase in the concentration of ,(2) 或了多少 一般地说,应该用by引出实际增加或减少的数目: Cell number

37、increased by almost 50% during the first 24-h after the beginning of treatment. Zinc excretion decreased (by) 35% after 3 months and 26% after 1 year of treatment.,332 量的或,(3) 从多少或到多少 Urine maximum flow rate and average flow rate increased significantly from . to . and from . to ., respectively. Res

38、idual urine volume decreased significantly from . to less than By 60 min of reperfusion, levels of 6-keto were reduced to those in the IVC.,332 量的或,(4) 跟B相比,A 或了 Healing times of the donor sites were significantly decreased (as) compared with patients . showed a significant increase in comparison wi

39、th previous determinations.,332 量的或,There was a/an . association of A with B / between A and B. / . did not demonstrate an association of A with B. / . suggest that A appears to have no association with B. / A . association was observed* between A and B. / Associations between A and B were assessed

40、with A was associated with B. 同、与、跟: of A with B;之间:between A and B.,333 表示关系的句型,A .correlation was found* for A and B/ between A and B. / No (statistically significant) correlation was found* between A and B. / There was a (no) . correlation between A and B/ among the four / Correlation between con

41、centrations in A and B serum was poor / Correlations were highest between measures with similar response formats.,333 表示关系的句型,A correlated (well*) with B. / A be .* correlated with B. / A be not correlated to B. A did not correlate with B. / A .* correlates with B. In addition, there was a significa

42、nt relation between A and B. 跟relation搭配的介词用to、with、between and,如: Intralymphocytic sodium and free calcium concentrations in relation to salt sensitivity in patients with essential hypertension.,333 表示关系的句型,A more likely to be related to B. / A may be .* related to B / A were not related to B. The

43、relationship between A and B has been well established in histopathological studies. / No relationship was noted* between A and B. / Regression analysis showed no relationship between A and B. / In contrast, there were highly significant relationships between A and B . *found或noted 可与seen、observed、o

44、btained 互换; *此处副词可以据意使用closely、directly、highly、positively、negatively、inversely、roughly、significantly或strongly之类词。,333 表示关系的句型,3341 相同比较 用as . as .等表示 In fact, for all health resources categories studies, Canadians utilized at least as many services as their American counterparts.,A与B和C两者的关系怎么表达? The

45、 relationship between A and both B and C 334 表示比较的句型,3342 不同比较 to be + 比较级 + than,如:Generally, men are higher than women. 动词 比较级 than,如:A secreted and expressed higher amounts than did B. 比较级 compared with,如:A was lower in OA chondrocytes (as) compared with B. In comparison with ,含“比较级”的主句,如: In com

46、parison with B, A occurred earlier, but displayed a clearly lower magnitude of expression. The more the more 越是就越 ,334 表示比较的句型, The more the more 越是就越 1)省略 2)词序 3)语序 4)翻译,334 表示比较的句型,1)省略 (1)从句中某些成分(谓语),如: The warmer water (is), the faster it evaporates. 水越热,蒸发越快。 The smaller the particles (are), th

47、e more freely do they move. 粒子越小,运动越自由。 ( do为倒装助动词) (2)主、从句中主语、谓语全部省略,如: The more, the better. 多多益善。 The sooner, the better. 越快越好。,2)词序 (1) 倒装词序: The + 比较级(从句),the + 比较级(主句) 从句在前,主句在后,主从句的比较级都在谓语之前,并且不能把more和后面的形容词、副词及名词分开: The more he worked on the arithmetic problem, the more confused he became. 这

48、道算术题他越做越糊涂。,(2)正常词序 + 比较级(主句),the + 比较级被比较成分或从句 主句在前,从句在后,主句的比较级在谓语之后: Therefore a compound is considered the more stable, the smaller its potential energy. 因此势能越小,化合物就被认为越稳定。,3)语序 大多数情况是前者为从属分句(相当于程度状语分句),后者为主句: According to Keynes, the greater the total income of a nation is, the less (the) people

49、 want to invest, because it is not profitable to invest when production is highly developed. 结论是:主句若用正常语序,则前置;换言之,若主句前置,则主句为常序。,4) 翻译 英译汉,先从后主,即“顺句倒译,倒句顺译”; 汉译英,正序翻译主句在前,倒序翻译主句在后。 not so . as 不如(或没有) 那样,not as . as (和 . 不一样) 不多见。提法不一 手27/指南88 The incidence of acute DV is not as common among women visitin


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