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1、0,青岛滨海学院精品课程 英语精品课程 孙敏副教授,1,I. Revision:会话英语的特点及翻译方法,会话英语的主要特点有以下几点: (1)话题转换快;(2)省略;(3)语言结构相对松散;(4)词汇覆盖面广 翻译方法:要求译者尽可能地了解背景知识,弄清说话人的身份以及他们之间的关系,注意说话人的语气,参阅上下文,进行合乎逻辑的分析,2,II. New Lesson i. A presentation of the main contents: 一新闻标题的翻译 1. 新闻标题的结构 2. 新闻英语标题的特点 3. 新闻英语标题的翻译技巧 二新闻报道的翻译 1. 新闻报道的结构特点 2. 新

2、闻报道的翻译方法,3,ii. A study of the theory in detail: 新闻报道的特点: 新闻文体涉及政治、经济、军事、外交、科技、宗教、法律、家庭等各个方面。它强调“纪实性(factualness),即文章包含了多少 “事实”或 “信息”。因此,新闻报刊可以分为三个层次。第一层次为硬新闻(Pure hard news),指得是新闻电讯报道,这类新闻纪实性最强,讲究客观事实的报道。第三层次为软新闻(pure soft news,纪实性最弱,娱乐性最强,如社会新闻,杂文小品等。中间层次的各式文章被广泛称为特写(feature articles),如专题报道,采访,人物介绍

3、,每周专文,各类评述或杂议等。,4,其文章特点是题材新颖,时效性强,通过派生、附加、合成、拼缀及缩略等产生的新词多。译者必须对当前的国内外时事有深刻的了解,关注事态的发展,才能胜任新闻翻译工作。 新闻报道主要是提供信息和进行评论,具有鲜明的阶级性。新闻报道取材广泛,形式活泼,风格不一,词语求新。新闻报道坚持客观、准确和及时的原则。,5,理论,第一节 新闻标题的翻译 一、新闻报道的结构 二、新闻报道的特点 三、新闻英语标题的翻译技巧 第二节 新闻报道的翻译 一、新闻报道的结构特点 二、新闻报道的翻译方法 第三节 新闻报道中某些常用词的翻译 一些常用词的翻译,6,第一节 新闻标题的翻译,一、新闻标

4、题的结构 新闻英语标题的结构:包括短语式标题;句子式标题;省略冠词、连词、动词式标题;标点符号替代式标题 1短语式标题 (1)中心词(head word)+后置修饰词(post-modifier) Answers for Developing Nations (The Christian Science Monitor) 发展中国家的对策(基督教科学箴言报),7,A Plan to Tame Population Devil(Washington Post) 驯服人口魔鬼的计划(华盛顿邮报) Chinese Books Exhibited in Paris(Newsweek) 中国书展在巴黎(

5、新闻周刊) Measures to curb SARS spread (China Daily) 采取措施,遏制“非典”蔓延(中国日报),8,(2)前置修饰语+中心词 The Color Lines (International Herald Tribune) 肤色界线(国际先驱论坛报) 2句子式标题 (1)完全句(complete sentence) MPs Want Tougher Watchdog (The Thames) 议员要求更为严厉的观察员(泰晤士报) US Budget Calls for Dollar Devaluation (WP) 美国预算要求美元贬值(华盛顿邮报),9,

6、Arafat Walks out of the Jordan Peace Talks(IHT) 阿拉法特退出约旦和谈(国际先驱论坛报) (2)非完全句(incomplete sentence) When police hide behind the shield of the law (IHT) 警察用法律当盾牌的时候 (国际先驱论坛报) Peking to fire test rocker to South Pacific (The Thames) 中国将向南太平洋发射试验导弹(泰晤士报),10,3常常省略冠词、连词、助动词等 Lives Just Begun Fell Victim To

7、AIDS (Life) 补进省去的词,则可为: The lives which had just begun fell victims to AIDS. 刚刚开始的生命沦为艾滋病的牺牲品 4标点符号的使用 (1)常用逗号代替连词and US Teenagers Work, Spend (New York Times 美国青少年借打工来充实自己的腰包(纽约时报),11,Chinese, US presidents talk over phone (CD) 中美两国元首电话交谈(中国日报) (2)常用冒号表示其后的文字是前面的补充、解释,或为了引起读者的注意。 如: Hot off the Pre

8、ss: Old News (Time) 新闻热卖:旧消息(时代周刊),12,二新闻英语标题的特点,(一)新闻英语标题的词汇主要有以下个特点: 1广泛使用名词和简短小词 为了节省空间,标题中的虚词(有时包括系动词be)都被省略。剩下的主要是实词,特别是名词。 如: The Population Surprise 公众大为吃惊 Wit and Skill win out 才智和技巧的胜利,13,2使用“时髦词” “新”是新闻语言的生命,一切新事物、新现象总是首先出现在新闻媒体上,而表达这些新动词的就是“时髦词”,即新词汇。如:e-commerce (电子商务), e-machine (电子机械),

9、 bio-chip(生物芯片), cyberphobia(恐惧Internet计算机世界的人), bio-pirate 公开盗版者 3使用缩略词和数字 缩略词和数字占的空间小,而信息含量大,在新闻标题中出现频繁。如: Charity Gives $1.8M to NYC Schools 慈善组织向纽约市区学校捐赠180晚美元。,14,Study Supports Link Between SIDS and Smoking 研究表明婴幼儿突然死亡综合症与吸烟有关 (二)新闻英语标题的时态、语态、及修辞特点 Oil giant expands further overseas(CD) 石油巨商进一

10、步向海外拓展 (中国日报) Court Fines Journalist, 20,000 for Silence (Daily Mirror) 新闻记者拒绝向法院提供报道根据,法院课以两万英镑的罚款,15,Chinese leaders to visit India (CD) 中国领导人将出访印度 US hostage to be freed in swap(交换) (SE) 美国人质将在人质交换中获释 2常用过去分词表示省略被动句,现在分词表示进行时 Military Aircraft Made Available for Evacuation(NYT) 军统飞机用语疏散工作(纽约时报),1

11、6,Danube marches halted (The Times) 多瑙河游行受阻(泰晤士报) Hundreds missing in storm hit India(CD) 暴风袭击印度,数百人失踪 3修辞 (1)头韵或尾韵 Sterling strong (IHT) 英镑坚挺 Hope of the Weak and the Meek (温顺的) (Newsweek) 软弱者和胆小者的希望 (2)对比,17,Best of Times, Worst of Times (Time) 美好时代与艰难岁月 US wins and loses in Iraqi war (CD) 美国在伊拉克战

12、争中的得与失 (3)讥讽 Democracy of the Big Stick (Newsweek) 大棒民主(新闻周刊) (4)俚语使用 Big bucks (美元) for IT employees (21st Century) 信息行里赚大钱(21世纪报),18,(6)比喻 Slow lane is safest on currency issue (SE) 在货币问题上,走慢车道最安全 (Sunday Express) 其中,slow lane 与fast lane 相对,原为公路交通术语,现用来比喻英国政府在欧洲货币联盟问题上硬采取的立场。星期日快报在刊登这条小溪时,还加了一个副标题

13、:Toss A Coin: monetary union remains a two-sided issue. 其中toss a coin, 原为掷钱币,试其落地时的正反面决定何去何从,这里借来进一步说明英国政府的态度。,19,三、新闻英语标题的翻译技巧,1直译或基本直译 当英语的表达方式与汉语的基本相同时,可采取直译,既保存原来的风格,又准确传达信息。如: Charity Gives $1.8M to NYC Schools 慈善组织向纽约市区学校捐赠180晚美元。 Study Supports Link Between SIDS and Smoking 研究表明婴幼儿突然死亡综合症与吸烟有

14、关,20,2意译 当英文标题比较隐晦难懂,或难以言传的英语文化促会时,译者可以不译原文的标题,而在读懂新闻后自己根据意思总结一个合适的标题。 3增词法 根据新闻内容,在标题中增加一些词,使译文意义更加完整。如: MauritusLifes Beach 毛里求斯生活是阳光沙滩 The Language Barrier 产品跨国销售中的语言障碍,21,4减词法 减词法指减去虚词、代词等以使语言精练,还指减去一些次要信息,以突出主要信息。如: The Battle of Human Versus Computers at Chess 人机象棋大赛 5转换语言形式 翻译不应拘泥与原文的语言形式。翻译标

15、题时,可以根据情况变被动语态为主动语态,变第三人称为第一人称,变陈述句为疑问句等。,22,6发挥汉语优势 利用汉语的优势,在标题中制造出对仗、押韵、成语等效果。如: It Takes Determination to Complete One of the Worlds Toughest Car Rallies (重整旗鼓). 只要意志坚,不怕远征难,23,新闻报道的翻译,一、新闻报道的结构特点 一篇新闻报道,一般包括标题(Title)、导语(Lead)和正文(Body)三部分。,实践,24,二、新闻报道的翻译方法,1导语的翻译 导语在即时性新闻中必不可少,它决定了读者是否从首句抓住核心内容,

16、从而判断是否继续阅读。一般说来,导语表达明确,叙述直接,语言简练。 常见的导语有两种:标签导语(Label Lead)和摘要导语(Summary Lead)。 标签导语没有实质性内容,知识正文的前导或过渡,但有一定的格式。如:,实践,25,Beijing, January 1 (Xinhua)The following is the full text of The Peoples Dailys New Year Message: 新华社北京1月1日电,今天人民日报发表了新年祝辞,全文如下: 摘要导语系内容提要,说明该新闻的要点,以引起读者的注意或兴趣。如 SANDAL OF THE BOGU

17、S REFUGEES 80% cheat their way into Britain and the good life. EXCLUSIVE by Alfed Lee and Joanna Bales Four out of five asylum seekers flooding into Britain are bogus, a Sunday Express investigation reveals.,实践,26,这是一段署名报道,除标题外,还有副标题以及“专文”(或“独家新闻”)字样,翻译时应该考虑到。 假难民的丑闻 80的难民靠欺骗手段进入英国,过上好日子 艾李,琼贝尔斯专稿 星

18、期日快报的一项调查披露,在大量涌入英国寻求避难的人中,4/5是冒充的。 2报道正文的翻译 根据要求可以全译或编译,实践,27,5P: I have got something wrong with me. God knows I never felt like this before. If I could only be in bed and lie out flat. Id be all right. I think. S: But what do you think it is? P: You tell me. S: Try and sleep, darling. Lean over,

19、way over, this way, put your head here. P: 我觉得不舒服,以前从没有这样的感觉,恐怕只能在床上好好躺一躺,才会好。 S: 你认为是什么毛病? P: 我哪里知道。 S:那就躺下睡一觉吧,亲爱的。靠过来,就这样,把头放在这里。,实践,28,(1)全译 全译属篇章翻译,要遵守篇章翻译的一般要求,内容移译要正确,句间连接要自然,全篇用词要统一。 试译下面一段新闻:,实践,29,Labors seven point lead jolt for Premier falls John Major let the election cat out of the bag

20、 yesterday when he hinted he was planning a June poll next year. The Premier signaled the way his mind is working after being told of Labors seven per cent lead in the Observer opinion poll. He brushed it aside, declaring: “Well it doesnt matter anywaythere are eight months to go.” (Sunday Express),

21、实践,30,工党领先七个百分点对首相的震动 约翰梅杰昨日透露大选秘密,暗示计划明年6月再测民意。梅杰首相是在获悉工党在观察家的民意测验领先7个百分点之后作此暗示的。他以漠然置之的态度宣称:“嗯,没关系,还有八个月呢。” 下面一段文字是联合王国一周的天气预报,按时间顺序逐层介绍,文字自然流畅,朴实无华,试译之:,实践,31,UK Outlook THERE Will be a change to cooler weather. Monday will be cloudy with some rain in the North and the West but sunshine and showe

22、rs elsewhere. As a deep depression moves into northern Scotland on Tuesday rain will spread across all areas with strengthening winds. During Wednesday and Thursday it will be brighter with blustery showers, which could give some snow over Scottish mountains. By then it will be noticeable cooler and

23、 fresher in all parts of the country. Further rain and strong winds will continue into the weekend. (Sunday Express, October 13, 1991),实践,32,今后一周内,气温将变得更加凉爽。星期一,北部和西部地区阴、有雨,其他地区晴、有阵雨。星期二,随着一股较强的低气压进入苏格兰北部,全国各地将普遍降雨,风力渐强。星期三和星期四,天气将更加晴朗,偶有急风阵雨,苏格兰山区可能有阵雪。全国各地将更加清凉。周末,还将有雨和大风。(1991年10月13日星期日快报) (2)编译

24、报刊上登载的新闻大都经过记者或编辑的选编,原文一字不动地照登者本不多。选编是一个浓缩的过程。新闻工作者有点类似于选编。选编有以下几种做法:,实践,33, 译成标题新闻。这是一种浓缩程度极高的处理方法,可选译报道中的主题句子(Topic Sentence),亦可选译报道所提供的主要信息。如: Sino-Japanese joint ventures, seven in all, in Nantong, reported profits this year. From January to September, their total output value surpassed 100 mill

25、ion yuan and foreign earnings through export reached more than 10 million yuan. These figures represent a 60 per cent increase over the same period last year. 今年南通市的七家中日合资企业家家赢利(或:南通市的七家中日合资企业产值破亿元大关)。,实践,34, 译成简明新闻。这是一种概括性较强的处理方法,可选择其中主要的、读者可能不叫关心的信息,原报道中的评论或枝节可略译。如: WASHINGTON: Two star stock anal

26、ysts during the 1990s market boomJack Grubman and Henry Blodgetwere fined and barred for good from the industry, regulators announced on Monday. Grubman, a former top telecommunications analyst at Citigroups arm, paid US $15 million to settle allegations that he produced fraudulent, misleading” rese

27、arch reports. He was permanently barred from the securities industry. Former Merrill Lynch Internet analyst Lodget paid US $4 million and also was banned for good from the industry. Blodget and Grubman, two of the Wall Street stars seen as having fuelled the market before the dot-com collapse, did n

28、ot admit or deny the allegations(主张).,实践,35,华盛顿讯 20世纪90年代升起的两颗股评明星杰克格鲁伯曼和亨利布洛杰特日前收到此后不得再从事股评的处罚,并分别课以1500万美元和400万美元的罚款。前者被控发布“欺骗性、误导性”研究报告;后者被控以美林公司的名义发表欺骗性报告,此外还发表; “其观点与私下表示的否定观点不一致的研究报告”。 根据规定字数编译。在遵守有关字数规定的前提下,尽可能多地译出原报道所提供的信息。 请将下文编译成160字左右的汉字,实践,36,Brand need boost abroad CHINA exports billion

29、s of dollars worth computers, DVD players, refrigerators, and other consumers goods every year. Still, few Western consumers have heard of Kejian, Legend, TCL, or any Chinese brand except for Tsingtao beer offered at Chinese restaurant. But, that is starting to change. A few of the countrys major ma

30、nufacturers, pushed by Chinas World Trade Organization membership, are developing global ambitions. And they are seeking to boost sales and profits by making their names and logos known around the world. The idea is to recreate the success of the Japanese and Koreans, who have built up big brand nam

31、es with Sony, Samsung and Sanyo. Legend Group, for instance, is Chinas biggest PC maker, but only 7 per cent of its sales are overseas. It now plans a big overseas push, starting in Hong Kong and later moving west. The goal is for international sales to account for 25 per cent of revenues by 2006.,实

32、践,37,中国每年出口数十亿美元的计算机、冰箱等产品,但是像“科健”、“联想”等品牌在西方仍缺乏知音,只有青岛啤酒备受关爱。不过这种情况正在改变。“入世”改变了中国制造商的营销理念。它们正借鉴日韩的成功之道,在世界各地树立自己的品牌。“联想”就是一例:到2006年,它的国际销售将带来的公司收入。,实践,38,第三节 新闻报道中某些常用词的翻译,一一些常用词的翻译 在新闻报道中,有些词是经常出现的,其用法比较固定,相对而言,也有比较统一的译法。如: 1REPORT 试翻译下述各句: (1) It is reported that a bomb was found yesterday on boa

33、rd an Air India airliner during a stopover at Delhis International Airport. 据报道,昨天在一架途经印度德里国际机场停留的飞机上发现了一枚炸弹。,实践,39,(2) The Time weekly report says American people have become less confident in George Bush because of sluggish(迟缓的) economy. 美国时代周刊报道说,由于美国经济发展迟缓,美国人对乔治布什政府越来越缺乏信心。 (3) Our staff report

34、ed from Washington the American dollar had been devalued for the fourth time in six months. 据我驻华盛顿记者发回的报道,近6个月以来,美元已连续4次贬值。,实践,40,(4) The Sunday Times reported one of the suspects in connection with the attempted murder gave himself up to the police and named the other two who still were at large. 星

35、期日时报报道,一名涉及杀人的犯罪嫌疑人已向公安部门投案自首,并供出其他两名在逃犯的名字。 2QUOTE 对照英汉句子,注意英语句式结构与汉语表达方式的异同。,实践,41,(1)The Times quoted a local resident, who spoke on condition of anonymity, as saying racial tension had been building in the area. 泰晤士报援引一位不透露姓名为讲话条件的当地具名说,该地的种族紧张状况日趋加剧。 (2)A 64-year-old grandmother was quoted as s

36、aying queuing for food, clothes, detergent (洗涤剂), and virtually every other household commodity is a way of life in Romania. 记者援引一位64岁的老太太的话说,在罗马尼亚排队购买食物、衣服、洗涤剂以及世纪上其他各种生活用品,已成为家常便饭。,实践,42,3 SOURCE (SOURCES) 无论单数形式的source 还是复数形式的sources,都通常译为“人士”。如: a reliable source 一位可靠人士 a well-informed source 一位

37、消息灵通人士 a source who asked to remain anonymous 一位要求不披露性命的人士 sources close to the US Secretary of State 接近美国国务卿的人士,实践,43,4ACCORDING TO 在英语中,有according to 引导的短语一般放在句末,即 post-modifier;担在汉译时,一般置于句首,即pre-modifier. British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Russian President V. Putin had a face-to-face discussi

38、on on a wide-range of Iraq-related issues, notably the role of the United Nation in post-war reconstruction, according to Reuters. 据路透社消息,英国首相布莱尔和俄罗斯总统普京就与伊拉克有关的问题,特别是联合国在伊战后重建中的作用,进行了面对面的广泛讨论。,实践,44,(2)British airports are no safer now than they were two years ago, according to a high source of the

39、 Department of Transport. 据交通部的一位高级人士说,英国的机场不如两年前那样安全了。 5. CONFIRM,SAY,SPEAK (1) Sources close to the former Prime Minister confirmed that she would head the anti-federalist Bruges Group, set up by Tory MPs after her speech in Bruges. 接近前首相的人士证实,她将领导不鲁日反联盟派。该派是她在布鲁日会议上发表讲话之后,由保守党议员建立的。,实践,45,6REVEAL

40、, DISCLOSE 这两个词通常译为“披露”。 如: (1) Mr. Simons, Rushdies solicitor, disclosed that Mr. Rushdie had made a 100,000 personal contribution towards the cost of the round-the-clock protection. 拉什迪的律师西蒙先生披露,拉什迪先生已拿出10万英镑的个人捐款,作为昼夜保护的费用。,实践,46,(2) A briefcase containing highly sensitive documents about British

41、 operations in Saudi Arabia was stolen. It was revealed last night to the press. But no details were provided. 一个装有关于英军在沙特阿拉伯行动的极敏感文件的手提箱被盗。此事是昨晚向报界披露的,但没有提供详细情况。 7WARN Iraq must disarm itself unconditionally and immediately, or be disarmed, warned George W. Bush. 乔治W布什警告说,伊拉克必须立即无条件地解除武装,否则就一定强行解除武

42、装。,实践,47,Part Two 翻译实践练习,实践一 实践二 实践三,48,实 践 一,一、将下列标题译成汉语 二、将下列英文报刊名称译成汉语 三、将20世纪20大新闻译成汉语,49,一、 将下列标题译成汉语: 1. Win or lose, they all scored big (CD) 不管输赢与否,她们都将大功告捷 2. MPs call time on late nights (EXCLUSIVE,SD) 下院议员要求停止深夜会议。(星期日快报独家新闻) 3. Sino-foreign co-op, exchange valuable (CD)中外合作与交流十分重要 4. Yel

43、tsin eyes to new Ukraine (SE) 叶利钦承认新乌克兰 5. Caught red-handed in know-how theft case.(SE) 盗窃技术,当场被捉,实践,50,6. Tough law to beat graft on the way (CD) 严厉的反贪污法正在起草中 7. Li, Calfa pledge to maintain close ties (CD)李和卡尔法保证继续保持密切联系 8. 28 accused of pyramid selling (CD) 28人被控告搞传销 9. Year of China to life vei

44、l in Paris (CD) 巴黎中国年揭幕在际 10. Nailing the big lie (SE) 戳穿弥天大谎,实践,51,二、将下列英文报刊名称译成汉语: 1. Businessweek. (商业周刊) 2. The Christian Science Monitor (基督科学箴言报) 3. Daily Mail (每日邮报) 4. Daily Mirror (每日镜报) 5. The Economist (经济学家) 6. Far Eastern Economic Review (远东经济评论) 7. Financial Times(金融时报),实践,52,8. Forbes

45、 (福布斯) 9. Fortune (财富) 10. The Guardian (卫报) 11. National Geographic (国家地理) 12. The Observer (观察家) 13. Punch (笨拙) 14. USA Today (今日美国报) 15. The Wall Street Journal (华尔街日报),实践,53,三、将20世纪20大新闻译成汉语: (Editors note: This evaluation of the centurys top news stories is taken from an American perspective. I

46、t is not meant to represent the most important events for Chinese readers, but rather provide another perspective on the 20th century as it draws to a close. 21st-Agencies, March 3,1999 1. United States drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima, Nagasaki: Japan surrenders to end World War II.(1945) (美国向日本广岛、长

47、崎投下两颗原子弹,日本投降,二战结束)。(1945),实践,54,2. American astronaut Neil Armstrong becomes the first human to walk on the moon. (1969) (美国宇航员尼尔阿姆斯特朗成为人类史上在月球上行走的第一人。)(1969) 3. Japan bombs Pearl Harbour; United States enters World War II.(1941) (日本轰炸珍珠港,美国正式介入第二次世界大战。) (1941) 4. Wilbur and Orville Wright fly the

48、first powered airplane.(1903)(威尔伯和奥维尔 莱特驾驶第一架机动飞机飞行。(1903),实践,55,5. Women win the vote in the US.(1920) (美国妇女赢得选举权)(1920) 6. US President John F. Kennedy assassinated in Dallas. (1963) (美国总统F肯尼迪在达拉斯遇刺。) (1963) 7. Horrors of Nazi Holocaust, concentration camps exposed. (1945) (纳粹大屠杀和集中营的恐怖大白于天下。) (19

49、45) 1. World War I begins in Europe. (1914) (第一次世界大战在欧洲爆发。) (1914),实践,56,2. US Supreme Court ruling in Brown vs. Board of Education case ends “separate but equal” school segregation. (1954) 美国最高法院在布朗状告教育委员会一案中裁决,结束“分离但平等”的学校种族隔离。(1954) 3. US stock market crashes: The Great Depression sets in. (1929).(美国股市大崩盘/暴跌,世界经济大萧条开始。) (1929) 4. Alexander Fleming discovers the antibiotic-penicillin. (1928) (,亚历山大 弗莱明首次发明抗生素-盘尼西林。)( 1928),实践,57,Structure of DNA dis


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