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1、Unit1 Whats he like?,B Lets talk,polite,clever,hard-working,helpful,shy,1、重点单词,看英文说中文意思:,1.shy,2.clever,3.helpful,4.polite,5.hardworking,Whats Amy like? She is_.,polite,Whats Wu Yifan like? He is_.,hardworking,Whats Zhangpeng like? He is_.,clever,Whats Sarah like?,She is _.,helpful,Whats Mike like?

2、He is_.,shy,Do you know her(宾格)?,你认识她吗?,Whats she like?,她是怎样的人?,Shes helpful.,她很有用。,Whats she like?,她是怎样的人?,Shes funny.,她很有用。,Is she clever?,So easy!,Yes, she is.,What s she like?,She is clever.,Is she shy?,Yes, sometimes.,是的,有时会。,Whats she like?,Do you know him(宾格)?,你认识他吗?,Whats he like?,Hes cool.,

3、Is he shy?,Yes, sometimes.,Do you know him(宾格)?,Hes Yao Ming. (他是姚明),Whats he like?,Hes tall and strong. 他又高又强壮。,Is he quiet?,Yes, sometimes.,Do you know her(宾格)?,Yes, shes Yang Mi.,Whats she like?,Shes beautiful.,Is she shy?,Yes, sometimes.,Do you know her(宾格)?,Whos she?,Whats she like?,Shes_.,Shes

4、_.,Is she funny?,Is she kind?,Is she strict?,Yes, sometimes.,Chen Jies mom,Amys mother,strict,kind,music teacher,Chinese Teacher,Listen and tick.,Task 1,sometimes=有时候, will be = 将会,听录音,阅读课文,回答以下问题:,1.Whos Ms Wang,Shes a new Chinese teacher.,2.Whats Ms Wang like?,Shes kind.,3.Is she strict?,Yes,somet

5、imes.,4.Whos Amys mother?,Ms Wang.,Task 2,Listen and imitate.,Task 3,Fill in the blanks.,Task 4,Task 5,Talk about Ms Wang.,Ms Wang will be_s _ teacher. She is _, but sometimes she is_. She is _ mother.,练笔,写一篇小作文:介绍家人或朋友(my mum / dad / friend ), 最少五句通顺的话。 Simple(例) : My teacher I have a good teacher . He is handsome. He is tall and thin .He has big eyes He is Mr Wu .He is my Chinese teacher . He can read Chinese well . I like Mr Wu very much . And I like Chinese , too .,Homework 1,整理并将小作文作成电脑上的PPT文件,附照片一张。 相关形容词和句型参照:书上P4-8。,Thank you!,


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